Capital for Colleagues plc / EPIC: CFCP / Market: AQSE / Sector: Financials 
22 May 2023 
('Capital for Colleagues', 'C4C' or the 'Company') 
      Unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 28 February 2023 
Capital for Colleagues, the investment vehicle focused on opportunities in the 
Employee Owned Business ('EOB') sector, is pleased to announce its unaudited 
interim results for the six months ended 28 February 2023. 
Financial Highlights 
  * Revenues of £0.259m (2022: £0.216m), comprising interest receivable, 
    dividends received and fees 
  * Profit of £0.933m for the six-month period (2022: £0.227m) 
  * Net assets of £14.384m as at 28 February 2023 (28 February 2022: £12.645m) 
  * NAV per share of 77.78 pence as at 28 February 2023 (28 February 2022: 
    68.38 pence per share) 
Portfolio Highlights 
  * Invested a further £0.240m in an existing investee company as part of a 
    wider funding restructuring. 
  * Restructured an existing investee company, enabling an employee trust to 
    own 51% of the business. 
  * £0.330m of additional debt funding provided to 4 investee companies. 
  * Investments revalued upwards by a net total of £1.058m, to reflect 
    underlying performance and prospects. 
  * Investment portfolio at the period end comprised 13 unquoted EOBs (28 
    February 2022: 14) 
Chief Executive's Statement 
There was continued progress across the Company's portfolio during the six 
months ended 28 February 2023 and this has enabled the Directors to increase 
the value attributable to a number of the Company's investments. The increase 
in the Net Asset Value, along with the dividend of 1.75p per share paid during 
the period under review, represents a solid return for shareholders during a 
challenging period for quoted Private Equity vehicles. 
The addition of MI Accountancy Solutions Limited to our resources has broadened 
the support that we are able to provide to existing and potential investees. 
It was disappointing to note the sharp fall in the Company's share price at the 
end of the reporting period. This fall resulted from actions which were wholly 
unrelated to C4C or its business and means that the shares are now trading at a 
significant discount to the Net Asset Value. 
The Board is exploring a number of initiatives with the objective of 
significantly narrowing the discount over the coming months. 
Material developments in the six months 
  * As part of a funding round and capital reorganisation at Hire and Supplies 
    Limited ('H&S'), C4C sold its holding of 'A' ordinary shares in H&S for 
    cash consideration of £0.970m (original cost in 2016 of £0.300m). Alongside 
    its disposal of the 'A' ordinary shares, C4C subscribed £1.210m for new 
    ordinary shares in H&S as part of the funding round. Following these 
    transactions, Capital for Colleagues is interested in 20.76% of H&S's 
    enlarged share capital. 
  * As part of a reorganisation, Employee Owners Group Limited ('EOG') formed a 
    new holding company, Carpenter Oak Group Limited, which is now 51% owned by 
    an Employee Ownership Trust ('EOT'), with the balance owned by Capital for 
    Colleagues (30%) and management (19%). The EOT, which previously held a 
    7.5% interest in EOG, acquired its controlling interest from EOG's founding 
  * C4C acquired the entire issued share capital of MI Accountancy Solutions 
    Limited ('MIA'). MIA is a Staffordshire based accountancy firm that offers 
    a range of accounting services, principally the preparation of management 
    accounts. MIA has been providing accounting services to a number of C4C's 
    investee companies, and the Directors believe that, by bringing these 
    services in house, Capital for Colleagues will be able to cost-effectively 
    broaden the support and advice it offers all EOBs, whilst at the same time 
    strengthening relationships with existing investee companies. 
Financial Results 
In the six months ended 28 February 2023, the Company generated income of £ 
0.259m (2022: £0.216m), principally from interest and dividends receivable and 
fees associated with our investments. The Net Asset Value rose by 4.4% during 
the period, and the Company had net assets of £14.384m (2022: £12.645m) as at 
28 February 2023. 
The EOBs in which the Company is invested are generally performing well and we 
anticipate further good progress in the Net Asset Value over the remainder of 
the financial year. 
We continue to promote the commercial and financial benefits of EOBs at every 
opportunity and are pleased to see increasing recognition of EOBs as important 
generators of equitable and dynamic growth. The recent appointment of Deb Oxley 
to our board further underlines our leadership and commitment in the EOB space. 
Alistair Currie 
Chief Executive 
For further information, please visit www.capitalforcolleagues.com or contact: 
CAPITAL FOR COLLEAGUES PLC                                   01985 201 980 
Richard Bailey, Chairman 
Alistair Currie, Chief Executive 
John Lewis, Finance Director 
PETERHOUSE CAPITAL LIMITED                                   020 7469 0930 
Mark Anwyl 
                                     Unaudited 6 months   Unaudited 6    Audited 12 
                                                  to 28  months to 28  months to 31 
                                          February 2023 February 2022   August 2022 
                                                  £'000         £'000         £'000 
Revenue                                             259           216           492 
Fair value gain on investments                    1,058           297         1,537 
                                                  1,317           513         2,059 
Administrative expenses                           (389)         (286)         (675) 
PROFIT FROM ONGOING OPERATIONS                      928           227         1,354 
Finance Income                                        5             -             1 
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                              933           227         1,355 
Tax                                                   -             -             - 
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                             227         1,355 
                                                  As at         As at         As at 
                                       28 February 2023   28 February   31 August 
                                                                 2022          2022 
                                                  £'000         £'000         £'000 
Non-Current Assets 
Goodwill on consolidation                            98             -             - 
Property, plant & equipment                           2             4             3 
Investments held at fair value                    9,868         7,278         8,548 
through profit or loss 
Loans and receivables                             1,412         1,063           608 
                                                 11,380         8,345         9,159 
Current Assets 
Trade and other receivables                                       172           839 
Cash and cash equivalents                         2,831         4,180         3,939 
                                                  3,115         4,352         4,778 
TOTAL ASSETS                                     14,495        12,697        13,937 
Called up share capital                           7,397         7,397         7,397 
Share premium                                     1,810         1,810         1,810 
Retained profits                                  5,177         3,438         4,567 
Total Equity                                     14,384        12,645        13,774 
Current Liabilities 
Trade and other payables                            111            52           163 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                     14,495        12,697        13,937 
The interim results have not been reviewed by the Company's auditors. 
The Directors of the Company are responsible for the contents of this 
Capital for Colleagues 
Capital for Colleagues is an investment company focused on the UK EOB sector. 
The Company has a proven management team, with a wide network of contacts and 
affiliates, as well as established access to investment opportunities, enabling 
the Company to execute its strategy and capitalise on EOB-focused investment 
opportunities. In addition, the Company educates and assists companies that are 
looking to launch employee ownership schemes, advising them, amongst other 
things, on how to secure investment and achieve their objectives. 
Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure 
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of 
the Market Abuse Regulation EU 596/2014 as it forms part of retained EU law (as 
defined in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018). 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 22, 2023 09:23 ET (13:23 GMT)

Capital for Colleagues (AQSE:CFCP)
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Capital for Colleagues (AQSE:CFCP)
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