World Gold Supply and Demand 2009-2018 (in tonnes)
The following table sets forth a summary of the world gold supply and demand for the period from 2009 to 2018 and is based on information reported by GFMS, Refinitiv.
Mine production
Net Hedging Supply
Total Supply
Jewelry Fabrication
Industrial Fabrication
Dental & Medical
Other Industrial
Net Official Sector
Retail Investment
Physical Demand
Physical Surplus/Deficit
ETF Inventory Build
Exchange Inventory Build
Net Balance
Source: Refinitiv GFMS Gold Survey 2019
The following are some of the main characteristics of the gold market illustrated by the table:
One factor which separates gold from other precious metals is that there are large above-ground stocks which can be quickly mobilized. As a result of gold’s liquidity, gold often acts more like a currency than a commodity.
Over the past ten years, (new) mine production of gold has experienced a modest rise of an average of 2.6% per annum. Of the three sources of supply, mine production accounts for 74% in 2018. Recycled gold volumes have ranged from 1,159 tonnes to 1,765 tonnes over the past 10 years.
On the demand side, jewelry is clearly the greatest source of demand. However, jewelry’s contribution to demand has fallen from 60% in 2009 to 51% of demand in 2018. Industrial demand has fluctuated between 8% and 14% of total demand over the past 10 years. Exchange traded product inventory build had seen strong growth through 2012, followed by outflows in 2013, 2014 and 2015 as the price of gold fell by a cumulative 30% between 2013 and 2015. Exchange traded product inventory build has been positive each year from 2016 to 2018. During the 2013 price crash, retail coin and bar demand rose to a 10-year high as retail investors, especially from China, were enticed by the falling prices. Retail coin and bar demand has since tapered off. Investor inflows into ETFs returned in 2016 amid heightened market uncertainty and continued to see 59 tonnes of inflows in 2018.
Historical Chart of the Price of Gold
The price of gold is volatile and fluctuations are expected to have a direct impact on the value of the Shares. However, movements in the price of gold in the past are not a reliable indicator of future movements. Movements may be influenced by various factors, including announcements from central banks regarding a country’s reserve gold holdings, agreements among central banks, political uncertainties around the world, and economic concerns.
The following chart illustrates the movements in the price of an ounce of gold in U.S. Dollars from December 31, 2009 to December 31, 2019:
The gold price tends to rise during periods of low real interest rates and high monetary expansion, as they are often associated with currency debasement and systemic financial failures. The decline in the U.S. Dollar against other currencies, a surge in investment demand in commodities as an asset class generally, and the low level of forward selling by mining companies have all contributed to the increase in the gold price between 2004 and 2011. The gold price peaked at US$1,900 per ounce in September 2011 as successive Euro leader summits, bailouts and bond stability funds failed to staunch both sovereign debt and banking sector solvency concerns in Europe. 2016 proved to be a stellar year for gold rising 8.4%, ending 3 years of negative price returns. Additionally, the trends of 3 years of investor outflows in global ETFs and net negative investor sentiment in gold futures positioning reversed in 2016 and continued through 2017. Low real interest rates, tepid economic growth, and rising policy uncertainty were key tailwinds for gold that sparked a return of investor interest. After falling 1.6% in 2018, gold was up 18.31% in 2019.
Operation of the Gold Bullion Market
The global trade in gold consists of Over-the-Counter (OTC) transactions in spot, forwards, and options and other derivatives, together with exchange-traded futures and options.
Global Over-The-Counter Market
The OTC market trades on a 24-hour per day continuous basis and accounts for most global gold trading.
Market makers, as well as others in the OTC market, trade with each other and with their clients on a principal-to-principal basis. All risks and issues of credit are between the parties directly involved in the transaction. Market makers include the market-making members of the London Bullion Market Association (“LBMA”), the trade association that acts as the coordinator for activities conducted on behalf of its members and other participants in the London bullion market. The twelve market-making members of the LBMA are: BNP Paribas SA, Citibank N.A. (through its London Branch), HSBC Bank USA, N.A. (London Branch), Goldman Sachs International, ICBC Standard Bank, JPMorgan Chase Bank, The Bank of Nova Scotia–ScotiaMocatta, Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, Standard Chartered Bank, Toronto-Dominion Bank and UBS AG. The OTC market provides a relatively flexible market in terms of quotes, price, size, destinations for delivery and other factors. Bullion dealers customize transactions to meet clients’ requirements. The OTC market has no formal structure and no open-outcry meeting place.
The main centers of the OTC market are London, Zurich and New York. Mining companies, central banks, manufacturers of jewelry and industrial products, together with investors and speculators, tend to transact their business through one of these market centers. Centers such as Dubai and several cities in the Far East also transact substantial OTC market business, typically involving jewelry and small gold bars (1 kilogram or less) and will hedge their exposure by selling into one of these main OTC centers. Bullion dealers have offices around the world and most of the world’s major bullion dealers are either members or associate members of the LBMA. Of the twelve market-making members of the LBMA, six offer clearing services. There are a further 74 full members, plus a number of associate members around the world. The number of LBMA market-making, clearing and full members reported in this annual report are correct as of the date of this report. These numbers may change from time to time as new members are added and existing members drop out.
In the OTC market, the standard size of gold trades between market makers ranges between 5,000 and 10,000 ounces. Bid-offer spreads are typically 50 US cents per ounce. Certain dealers are willing to offer clients competitive prices for much larger volumes, including trades over 100,000 ounces, although this will vary according to the dealer, the client and market conditions, as transaction costs in the OTC market are negotiable between the parties and therefore vary widely. Cost indicators can be obtained from various information service providers as well as dealers.
Liquidity in the OTC market can vary from time to time during the course of the 24-hour trading day. Fluctuations in liquidity are reflected in adjustments to dealing spreads—the differential between a dealer’s “buy” and “sell” prices. The period of greatest liquidity in the gold market generally occurs at the time of day when trading in the European time zones overlaps with trading in the United States, which is when OTC market trading in London, New York and other centers coincides with futures and options trading on the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (“COMEX”), a designated contract market within the CME Group. This period lasts for approximately four hours each New York business day morning.
The London Bullion Market
Although the market for physical gold is distributed globally, most OTC market trades are cleared through London. In addition to coordinating market activities, the LBMA acts as the principal point of contact between the market and its regulators. A primary function of the LBMA is its involvement in the promotion of refining standards by maintenance of the “Good Delivery List,” which is a list of LBMA accredited refiners of gold. The LBMA also coordinates market clearing and vaulting, promotes good trading practices and develops standard documentation.
The terms “loco London” gold and “loco Zurich” gold refer to gold physically held in London and Zurich, respectively, that meets the specifications for weight, dimensions, fineness (or purity), identifying marks (including the assay stamp of a LBMA acceptable refiner) and appearance set forth in “The Good Delivery Rules for Gold and Silver Bars” published by the LBMA. Gold bars meeting these requirements are described in this annual report from time to time as “London Good Delivery Bars.” The unit of trade in London is the troy ounce, whose gram conversion is: 1,000 grams equals 32.1507465 troy ounces and 1 troy ounce equals 31.1034768 grams. A London Good Delivery Bar is acceptable for delivery in settlement of a transaction on the OTC market. Typically referred to as 400-ounce bars, a London Good Delivery Bar must contain between 350 and 430 fine troy ounces of gold, with a minimum fineness (or purity) of 995 parts per 1,000 (99.5%), be of good appearance and be easy to handle and stack. The fine gold content of a gold bar is calculated by multiplying the gross weight of the bar (expressed in units of 0.025 troy ounces) by the fineness of the bar. A London Good Delivery Bar must also bear the stamp of one of the refiners who are on the LBMA approved list. Unless otherwise specified, the gold spot price always refers to that of a London Good Delivery Bar. Business is generally conducted over the phone and through electronic dealing systems.
On March 20, 2015, ICE Benchmark Administration (“IBA”) began administering the operation of an “equilibrium auction,” which is an electronic, tradable and auditable, over-the-counter auction market with the ability to settle trades in US Dollars (“USD”), Euros or British Pounds for LBMA-authorized participating gold bullion banks or market makers (“gold participants”) that establishes a reference gold price for that day’s trading. IBA’s equilibrium auction is the gold valuation replacement selected by the LBMA for the London gold fix previously determined by the London Gold Market Fixing Ltd. that was discontinued on March 19, 2015. IBA’s equilibrium auction, like the previous gold fixing process, establishes and publishes fixed prices for troy ounces of gold twice each London trading day during fixing sessions beginning at 10:30 a.m. London time (the “LBMA AM Gold Price”) and 3:00 p.m. London time (the “LBMA PM Gold Price”).
Daily during London trading hours the LBMA AM Gold Price and the LBMA PM Gold Price each provide reference gold prices for that day’s trading. Many long-term contracts will be priced on either the basis of the LBMA AM Gold Price or the LBMA PM Gold Price, and market participants will usually refer to one or the other of these prices when looking for a basis for valuations. The LBMA AM Gold Price and the LBMA PM Gold Price, determined according to the methodologies of IBA and disseminated electronically by IBA to selected major market data vendors, such as Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg, are widely used benchmarks for daily gold prices and are quoted by various financial information sources as the London gold fix was previously. The Trust values its gold on the basis of the LBMA PM Gold Price.
The LBMA PM Gold Price is the result of an “equilibrium auction” because it establishes a price for a troy ounce of gold that clears the maximum amount of bids and offers for gold entered by order-submitting gold participants each day. The opening bid and subsequent bid prices are generated by an algorithm based method, and each auction is actively supervised by IBA staff. There are currently 15 direct gold participants (Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Coins ‘N Things Inc., Goldman Sachs, HSBC Bank USA NA, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), INTL FCStone, Jane Street Global Trading, LLC, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. London Branch, Koch Supply and Trading LP, Marex Financial Limited, Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered Bank, The Bank of Nova Scotia, and Toronto-Dominion Bank), and IBA uses ICE’s front-end system, WebICE, as the technology platform that allows direct participants as well as sponsored clients to manage their orders in the auction in real time via their own screens.
The IBA auction process begins with a notice of an auction round issued to gold participants before the commencement of the auction round stating a gold price in U.S. Dollars, at which the auction round will be conducted. An auction round lasts 30 seconds. Gold participants electronically place bid and offer orders at the round’s stated price and indicate whether the orders are for their own account or for the account of clients. Aggregate bid and offer volume will be shown live on WebICE, providing a level playing field for all participants.
At the end of the auction round, the IBA system evaluates the equilibrium of the bid and offer orders submitted. If bid and offer orders indicate an imbalance outside of acceptable tolerances established for the IBA system (normally 10,000 oz) (e.g., too many purchase orders submitted compared to sell orders or vice versa), the auction chairman calculates a new auction round price principally based on the volume weighting of bid and offer orders submitted in the immediately completed auction round. For instance, if the order imbalance indicates that purchase orders (bids) outweigh sales orders (offers) then a new auction round price will be issued that will be increased over that used in the prior auction round. Likewise, the new auction round price will be decreased from the prior round’s price if offers outweigh bids. To clear the imbalance, the IBA system then issues another notice of auction round to gold participants at the newly calculated price. During this next 30 second auction round, gold participants again submit orders, and after it ends, the IBA system evaluates for order imbalances. If order imbalances persist, a new auction price is calculated and a further auction round will occur. This auction round process continues until an equilibrium within specified tolerances is determined to exist. Once the IBA system determines that orders are in equilibrium within system tolerances, the auction process ends and the equilibrium auction round price becomes the LBMA PM Gold Price.
The LBMA PM Gold Price and all bid and offer order information for all auction rounds become publicly available electronically via IBA instantly after the conclusion of the equilibrium auction. Since April 1, 2015, the LBMA Gold Price has been regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in the United Kingdom (“UK”). IBA also has an Oversight Committee, made up of market participants, industry bodies, direct participant representatives, infrastructure providers and IBA. The Oversight Committee allows the LBMA to continue to have significant involvement in the oversight of the auction process, including, among other matters, changes to the methodology and accreditation of direct participants. Additionally, IBA watches over the price discovery process for the LBMA Gold Price and ensures that it meets the International Organization of Securities Commission’s (IOSCO) Principles for Financial Benchmarks.
The LBMA PM Gold Price is widely viewed as a full and fair representation of all or material market interest at the conclusion of the equilibrium auction. IBA’s LBMA PM Gold Price electronic auction methodology is similar to the non-electronic process previously used to establish the London gold fix where the London gold fix process adjusted the gold price up or down until all the buy and sell orders are matched, at which time the price was declared fixed. Nevertheless, the LBMA PM Gold Price has several advantages over the previous London gold fix. The LBMA PM Gold Price auction process is fully transparent in real time to the gold participants and, at the close of each equilibrium auction, to the general public.
The LBMA PM Gold Price auction process is also fully auditable by third parties since an audit trail exists from the time of each notice of an auction round. Moreover, the LBMA PM Gold Price’s audit trail and active, real time surveillance of the auction process by IBA as well as FCA’s oversight of IBA, deters manipulative and abusive conduct in establishing each day’s LBMA PM Gold Price.
Since March 20, 2015, the Sponsor determined that the London gold fix, which ceased to be published as of March 19, 2015, could no longer serve as a basis for valuing gold bullion received upon purchase of the Trust’s Shares, delivered upon redemption of the Trust’s Shares and otherwise held by the Trust on a daily basis, and that the LBMA PM Gold Price is an appropriate alternative for determining the value of the Trust’s gold each trading day. The Sponsor also determined that the LBMA PM Gold Price fairly represents the commercial value of gold bullion held by the Trust and the “Benchmark Price” (as defined in Trust Agreement) as of any day is the LBMA PM Gold Price for such day.
The Zurich Bullion Market
After London, the second principal center for spot or physical gold trading is Zurich. For eight hours a day, trading occurs simultaneously in London and Zurich—with Zurich normally opening and closing an hour earlier than London. During these hours, Zurich closely rivals London in its influence over the spot price because of the importance of the three major Swiss banks—Credit Suisse, Swiss Bank Corporation, and Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS)—in the physical gold market. Each of these banks has long maintained its own refinery, often taking physical delivery of gold and processing it for other regional markets. The loco Zurich bullion specification is the same as for the London bullion market, which allows for gold physically located in Zurich to be quoted loco London and vice versa.
Futures Exchanges
The most significant gold futures exchanges are the COMEX and the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (“TOCOM”). The COMEX is the largest exchange in the world for trading precious metals futures and options and has been trading gold since 1974. The TOCOM has been trading gold since 1982. Trading on these exchanges is based on fixed delivery dates and transaction sizes for the futures and options contracts traded. Trading costs are negotiable. As a matter of practice, only a small percentage of the futures market turnover ever comes to physical delivery of the gold represented by the contracts traded. Both exchanges permit trading on margin. Margin trading can add to the speculative risk involved given the potential for margin calls if the price moves against the contract holder. The COMEX trades gold futures almost continuously (with one short break in the evening) through its CME Globex electronic trading system and clears through its central clearing system. On June 6, 2003, TOCOM adopted a similar clearing system. In each case, the exchange acts as a counterparty for each member for clearing purposes.
Other Exchanges
There are other gold exchange markets, such as the Istanbul Gold Exchange (trading gold since 1995), the Shanghai Gold Exchange (trading gold since 2002), the Hong Kong Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society (trading gold since 1918) and the Singapore Mercantile Exchange (trading gold since 2010).
Market Regulation
The global gold markets are overseen and regulated by both governmental and self-regulatory organizations. In addition, certain trade associations have established rules and protocols for market practices and participants. In the United Kingdom, responsibility for the regulation of the financial market participants, including the major participating members of the LBMA, falls under the authority of the FCA as provided by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (“FSM Act”). Under this act, all UK-based banks, together with other investment firms, are subject to a range of requirements, including fitness and properness, capital adequacy, liquidity, and systems and controls.
The FCA is responsible for regulating investment products, including derivatives, and those who deal in investment products. Regulation of spot, commercial forwards, and deposits of gold not covered by the FSM Act is provided for by The London Code of Conduct for Non-Investment Products, which was established by market participants in conjunction with the Bank of England.
The TOCOM has authority to perform financial and operational surveillance on its members’ trading activities, scrutinize positions held by members and large-scale customers, and monitor the price movements of futures markets by comparing them with cash and other derivative markets’ prices. To act as a Futures Commission Merchant Broker on the TOCOM, a broker must obtain a license from Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the regulatory authority that oversees the operations of the TOCOM.
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) regulates trading in commodity contracts, such as futures, options and swaps. In addition, under the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 (“CEA”), the CFTC has jurisdiction to prosecute manipulation and fraud in any commodity (including precious metals) traded in interstate commerce as spot as well as deliverable forwards. The CFTC is the exclusive regulator of U.S. commodity exchanges and clearing houses.
Secondary Market Trading
While the Trust’s investment objective is for the Shares to reflect the performance of gold bullion, less the expenses of the Trust, the Shares may trade in the secondary market on the NYSE Arca at prices that are lower or higher relative to their net asset value (the value of the Trust’s assets less its liabilities (“NAV”)). The amount of the discount or premium in the trading price relative to the NAV per Share may be influenced by non-concurrent trading hours between the NYSE Arca, COMEX, and the London and Zurich bullion markets. While the Shares will trade on the NYSE Arca until 4:00 p.m. New York time, liquidity in the global gold market will be reduced after the close of the COMEX at 1:30 p.m. New York time. As a result, during this time, trading spreads, and the resulting premium or discount, on the Shares may widen.
Valuation of Gold and Computation of Net Asset Value
On each day that the NYSE Arca is open for regular trading, as promptly as practicable after 4:00 p.m. New York time on such day (the “Evaluation Time”), the Trustee evaluates the gold held by the Trust and determines the NAV of the Trust. For the purposes of making these calculations, a business day means any day other than a day when NYSE Arca is closed for regular trading.
At the Evaluation Time, the Trustee values the Trust’s gold on the basis of that day’s LBMA PM Gold Price (the USD price for an ounce of gold set by the LBMA-accredited participating bullion banks or market makers in an electronic, tradable and auditable over-the-counter auction operated by IBA at 3:00 p.m. London time, on each London business day and disseminated electronically by IBA to selected major market data vendors, such as Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg). If no LBMA PM Gold Price is made on such day or has not been announced by the Evaluation Time, the next most recent LBMA PM Gold Price determined prior to the Evaluation Time will be used, unless the Sponsor determines that such price is inappropriate as a basis for evaluation. In the event the Sponsor determines that the LBMA PM Gold Price or such other publicly available price as the Sponsor may deem fairly represents the commercial value of the Trust’s gold is not an appropriate basis for evaluation of the Trust’s gold, it shall identify an alternative basis for such evaluation to be employed by the Trustee. Neither the Trustee nor the Sponsor shall be liable to any person for the determination that the LBMA PM Gold Price or such other publicly available price is not appropriate as a basis for evaluation of the Trust’s gold or for any determination as to the alternative basis for such evaluation provided that such determination is made in good faith.
Once the value of the gold has been determined, the Trustee will subtract all estimated accrued but unpaid fees (other than the fees accruing for such day on which the valuation takes place that are computed by reference to the value of the Trust or its assets), expenses and other liabilities of the Trust from the total value of the gold and all other assets of the Trust (other than any amounts credited to the Trust’s reserve account, if established). The resulting figure is the adjusted net asset value (the “ANAV”) of the Trust. The ANAV of the Trust is used to compute the Sponsor’s Fee.
All fees accruing for the day on which the valuation takes place that are computed by reference to the value of the Trust or its assets shall be calculated using the ANAV calculated for such day on which the valuation takes place. The Trustee shall subtract from the ANAV the amount of accrued fees so computed for such day and the resulting figure is the NAV of the Trust. The Trustee also determines the NAV per Share by dividing the NAV of the Trust by the number of the Shares outstanding as of the close of trading on the NYSE Arca (which includes the net number of any Shares created or redeemed on such evaluation day).
The Trustee’s estimation of accrued but unpaid fees, expenses and liabilities is conclusive upon all persons interested in the Trust and no revision or correction in any computation made under the Trust Agreement will be required by reason of any difference in amounts estimated from those actually paid.
Trust Expenses
The Trust’s only ordinary recurring expense is expected to be the Sponsor’s Fee. In exchange for the Sponsor’s Fee, the Sponsor has agreed to assume the following administrative and marketing expenses incurred by the Trust: the Trustee’s monthly fee and out-of-pocket expenses, the Custodian’s fee and reimbursement of the Custodian’s expenses under the Custody Agreements (defined below), Exchange listing fees, SEC registration fees, printing and mailing costs, audit fees and up to $100,000 per annum in legal expenses. The Sponsor also paid the costs of the Trust’s organization and the initial sale of the Shares, including the applicable SEC registration fees.
Effective December 1, 2018, the Sponsor’s Fee accrues daily at an annualized rate equal to 0.17% of the ANAV of the Trust and is payable monthly in arrears. Prior to December 1, 2018, the Sponsor’s Fee accrued daily at an annualized rate equal to 0.39% of the ANAV of the Trust. The Sponsor’s Fee is paid by delivery of gold to an account maintained by the Custodian for the Sponsor on an unallocated basis. The Sponsor, from time to time, may temporarily waive all or a portion of the Sponsor’s Fee at its discretion for a stated period of time. Presently, the Sponsor does not intend to waive any of its fee.
Furthermore, the Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, agree to rebate all or a portion of the Sponsor’s Fee attributable to Shares held by institutional investors subject to minimum shareholding and lock up requirements as determined by the Sponsor to foster stability in the Trust’s asset levels. Any such rebate will be subject to negotiation and written agreement between the Sponsor and the investor on a case by case basis. The Sponsor is under no obligation to provide any rebates of the Sponsor’s Fee. Neither the Trust nor the Trustee
will be a party to any Sponsor’s Fee rebate arrangements negotiated by the Sponsor. Any Sponsor’s Fee rebate shall be paid from the funds of the Sponsor and not from the assets of the Trust.
The Sponsor’s Fee is paid by delivery of gold to an account maintained by the Custodian for the Sponsor on an unallocated basis, monthly on the first business day of the month in respect of fees payable for the prior month. The delivery is of that number of ounces of gold which equals the daily accrual of the Sponsor’s Fee for such prior month calculated at the LBMA PM Gold Price.
The Trustee will, when directed by the Sponsor, and, in the absence of such direction, may, in its discretion, sell gold in such quantity and at such times as may be necessary to permit payment in cash of Trust expenses not assumed by the Sponsor. The Trustee is authorized to sell gold at such times and in the smallest amounts required to permit such payments as they become due, it being the intention to avoid or minimize the Trust’s holdings of assets other than gold. Accordingly, the amount of gold to be sold will vary from time to time depending on the level of the Trust’s expenses and the market price of gold. The Custodian is authorized to purchase from the Trust, at the request of the Trustee, gold needed to cover Trust expenses not assumed by the Sponsor at the price used by the Trustee to determine the value of the gold held by the Trust on the date of the sale.
The Sponsor’s Fee for the year ended December 31, 2019 was $1,680,258 (December 31, 2018: $3,567,948; December 31, 2017: $3,997,282).
Cash held by the Trustee pending payment of the Trust’s expenses will not bear any interest.
Deposit of Gold; Issuance of Shares
The Trust creates and redeems Shares from time to time, but only in one or more Baskets. Prior to November 4, 2019, the number of Shares that constituted a Baskets was 50,000 Shares. Effective November 4, 2019, the Basket size was increased to 100,000 Shares (the “Basket Size Change”). Only registered broker-dealers (or other securities market participants not required to register as broker-dealers such as a bank or other financial institution) who (1) are participants in DTC and (2) have entered into written agreements with the Sponsor and the Trustee (each, an “Authorized Participant”) can deposit gold and receive Baskets of Shares in exchange. The creation and redemption of Baskets is only made in exchange for the delivery to the Trust or the distribution by the Trust of the amount of gold represented by the Baskets being created or redeemed, the amount of which is based on the combined NAV of the number of Shares included in the Baskets being created or redeemed determined on the day the order to create or redeem Baskets is properly received.
All gold bullion deposited with the Custodian or for the Custodian by the Zurich Sub-Custodian1 must be of at least a minimum fineness (or purity) of 995 parts per 1,000 (99.5%) and otherwise conform to the rules, regulations practices and customs of the LBMA, including the specifications for a London Good Delivery Bar.
Creation and redemption orders are accepted on “business days” the NYSE Arca is open for regular trading. Settlements of such orders requiring receipt or delivery, or confirmation of receipt or delivery, of gold in the United Kingdom, Zurich or another jurisdiction occur on “business days” when (1) banks in the United Kingdom, Zurich or such other jurisdiction and (2) the London or Zurich gold markets are regularly open for business. If such banks or the London or Zurich gold markets are not open for regular business for a full day, such a day will only be a “business day” for settlement purposes if the settlement procedures can be completed by the end of such day.
1 The Zurich Sub-Custodian is any firm selected by the Custodian to hold the Trust’s gold in the Trust Allocated Account in the firm’s Zurich vault premises on a segregated basis and whose appointment has been approved by the Sponsor. The Custodian will use reasonable care in selecting any Zurich Sub-Custodian. As of the date of this annual report, the Zurich Sub-Custodian that the Custodian uses is UBS AG, named in the Allocated Account Agreement, though the Zurich Sub-Custodian currently does not hold any of the Trust’s gold.
On any business day, an Authorized Participant may place an order with the Trustee to purchase one or more Baskets. Purchase orders must be placed no later than 3:59:59 p.m. on each business day the NYSE Arca is open for regular trading. A purchase order so received is effective on the date it is received in satisfactory form by the Trustee. By placing a purchase order, an Authorized Participant agrees to deposit gold with the Trust, as described below. Prior to the delivery of Baskets for a purchase order, the Authorized Participant must also have wired to the Trustee the non-refundable transaction fee due for the purchase order (as explained under “Creation and Redemption Transaction Fee” below).
An Authorized Participant who places a purchase order is responsible for crediting its Authorized Participant Unallocated Account, either loco London or loco Zurich, with the required gold deposit amount by the second business day in London or Zurich following the purchase order date. Upon receipt of the gold deposit amount, the Custodian, after receiving appropriate instructions from the Authorized Participant and the Trustee, will transfer on the second business day following the purchase order date the gold deposit amount from the Authorized Participant Unallocated Account to the unallocated gold account of the Trust established with the Custodian under the Unallocated Account Agreement between the Trustee and the Custodian (the “Trust Unallocated Account”) and the Trustee will direct the Depository Trust Company (the “DTC”) to credit the number of Baskets ordered to the Authorized Participant’s DTC account. Acting on standing instructions given by the Trustee, the Custodian will transfer the gold deposit amount from the Trust Unallocated Account to the allocated gold account of the Trust established with the Custodian under the Allocated Account Agreement between the Trustee and the Custodian (the “Trust Allocated Account”), by transferring specific gold bars from its inventory or the inventory of the Zurich Sub-Custodian to the Trust Allocated Account. The Trust’s Unallocated Account Agreement and Allocated Account Agreement are referred to collectively as the “Custody Agreements.”
Withdrawal of Gold and Redemption of Shares
The procedures by which an Authorized Participant can redeem one or more Baskets mirror the procedures for the creation of Baskets. On any business day, an Authorized Participant may place an order with the Trustee to redeem one or more Baskets. Redemption orders must be placed no later than 3:59:59 p.m. on each business day the NYSE Arca is open for regular trading. A redemption order so received is effective on the date it is received in satisfactory form by the Trustee. The redemption procedures allow Authorized Participants to redeem Baskets and do not entitle an individual owner of beneficial interests in the Shares (a “Shareholder”) to redeem any Shares in an amount less than a Basket, or to redeem Baskets other than through an Authorized Participant.
By placing a redemption order, an Authorized Participant agrees to deliver the Baskets to be redeemed through DTC’s book-entry system to the Trust not later than the second business day following the effective date of the redemption order. Prior to the delivery of the redemption distribution for a redemption order, the Authorized Participant must also have wired to the Trustee the non-refundable transaction fee due for the redemption order (as explained under “Creation and Redemption Transaction Fee” below).
The redemption distribution from the Trust will consist of a credit to the redeeming Authorized Participant’s Authorized Participant Unallocated Account, either loco London or loco Zurich, representing the amount of the gold held by the Trust evidenced by the Shares being redeemed. Fractions of a fine ounce of gold included in the redemption distribution smaller than 0.001 of a fine ounce are disregarded. Redemption distributions are subject to the deduction of any applicable tax or other governmental charges which may be due.
Creation and Redemption Transaction Fee
To compensate the Trustee for services in processing the creation and redemption of Baskets, an Authorized Participant is required to pay a transaction fee to the Trustee of $500 per order to create or redeem Baskets. An order may include multiple Baskets. The transaction fee may be reduced, increased or otherwise changed by the Trustee with the consent of the Sponsor. The Trustee shall notify DTC of any agreement to change the transaction fee and will not implement any increase in the fee for the redemption of Baskets until 30 days after the date of the notice. The creation and redemption transaction fee payable to the Trustee is in addition to and independent of any gold loco swap cost that an Authorized Participant will be required to pay to the Custodian in connection with a loco London purchase or redemption order.
Change in Settlement Cycle
Pursuant to an SEC rule amendment adopted in March 2017, the standard settlement cycle for most securities transactions by broker-dealers was shortened from three business days after the trade date (“T+3 Settlement”) to two business days following the trade date (“T+2 Settlement”), effective as of September 5, 2017. Consistent with the rule amendment, beginning on September 5, 2017, the creation and redemption processes for the Trust changed from T+3 Settlement to T+2 Settlement. Creation and redemption orders placed before September 5, 2017 were not subject to this change.
The Sponsor
The Sponsor is a Delaware limited liability company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aberdeen Standard Investments Inc. (“ASII”). Aberdeen Standard Investments is a brand of the investment businesses of Standard Life Investments plc, its affiliates and subsidiaries. In the United States, Aberdeen Standard Investments is the marketing name for the following affiliated, registered investment advisers: ASII, Aberdeen Asset Managers Ltd., Aberdeen Standard Investments Australia Ltd., Aberdeen Standard Investments (Asia) Ltd., Aberdeen Capital Management, LLC, Aberdeen Standard Investments ETFs Advisors LLC and Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Ltd.
The Sponsor’s office is located at c/o Aberdeen Standard Investments ETFs Sponsor LLC, 712 Fifth Avenue, 49th Floor, New York, NY 10019. Under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act and the governing documents of the Sponsor, the sole member of the Sponsor, ASII, is not responsible for the debts, obligations and liabilities of the Sponsor solely by reason of being the sole member of the Sponsor.
The Sponsor’s Role
The Sponsor arranged for the creation of the Trust, the registration of the Shares for their public offering in the United States and the listing of the Shares on the NYSE Arca. The Sponsor has agreed to assume the following administrative and marketing expenses incurred by the Trust: the Trustee’s monthly fee and out-of-pocket expenses, the Custodian’s fee and the reimbursement of the Custodian’s expenses under the Custody Agreements, Exchange listing fees, SEC registration fees, printing and mailing costs, audit fees and up to $100,000 per annum in legal expenses. The Sponsor also paid the costs of the Trust’s organization and the initial sale of the Shares, including the applicable SEC registration fees.
The Sponsor does not exercise day-to-day oversight over the Trustee or the Custodian. The Sponsor may remove the Trustee and appoint a successor Trustee (i) if the Trustee ceases to meet certain objective requirements (including the requirement that it have capital, surplus and undivided profits of at least $150 million), (ii) if, having received written notice of a material breach of its obligations under the Trust Agreement, the Trustee has not cured the breach within 30 days, or (iii) if the Trustee refuses to consent to the implementation of an amendment to the Trust’s initial Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. The Sponsor also has the right to replace the Trustee during the 90 days following any merger, consolidation or conversion in which the Trustee is not the surviving entity or, in its discretion, on the fifth anniversary of the creation of the Trust or on any subsequent third anniversary thereafter. The Sponsor also has the right to approve any new or additional custodian that the Trustee may wish to appoint and any new or additional Zurich Sub-Custodian that the Custodian may wish to appoint.
The Sponsor or one of its affiliates or agents (1) develops a marketing plan for the Trust on an ongoing basis, (2) prepares marketing materials regarding the Shares, including the content of the Trust’s website and (3) executes the marketing plan for the Trust.
The Trustee
The Bank of New York Mellon, a banking corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York with trust powers (“BNYM”), serves as the Trustee. BNYM has a trust office at 2 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, New York 11217. BNYM is subject to supervision by the New York State Financial Services Department and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Information regarding creation and redemption Basket composition, NAV of the Trust, transaction fees and the names of the parties that have each executed an Authorized Participant Agreement may be obtained from BNYM. A copy of the Trust Agreement is available for inspection at BNYM’s trust office identified above. Under the Trust Agreement, the Trustee is required to have capital, surplus and undivided profits of at least $150 million. As of December 31, 2019, the Trustee was in compliance with these conditions.
The Trustee’s Role
The Trustee is generally responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Trust, including keeping the Trust’s operational records. The Trustee’s principal responsibilities include (1) transferring the Trust’s gold as needed to pay the Sponsor’s Fee in gold (gold transfers are expected to occur approximately monthly in the ordinary course), (2) valuing the Trust’s gold and calculating the NAV of the Trust and the NAV per Share, (3) receiving and processing orders from Authorized Participants to create and redeem Baskets and coordinating the processing of such orders with the Custodian and DTC, (4) selling the Trust’s gold as needed to pay any extraordinary Trust expenses that are not assumed by the Sponsor, (5) when appropriate, making distributions of cash or other property to Shareholders, and (6) receiving and reviewing reports from or on the Custodian’s custody of and transactions in the Trust’s gold. The Trustee shall, with respect to directing the Custodian, act in accordance with the instructions of the Sponsor. If the Custodian resigns, the Trustee shall appoint an additional or replacement Custodian selected by the Sponsor. The Trustee intends to regularly communicate with the Sponsor to monitor the overall performance of the Trust. The Trustee does not monitor the performance of the Custodian, the Zurich Sub-Custodian or any other sub-custodian other than to review the reports provided by the Custodian pursuant to the Custody Agreements. The Trustee, along with the Sponsor, will liaise with the Trust’s legal, accounting and other professional service providers as needed. The Trustee will assist and support the Sponsor with the preparation of all periodic reports required to be filed with the SEC on behalf of the Trust.
The Trustee’s monthly fees and out-of-pocket expenses are paid by the Sponsor.
Affiliates of the Trustee may from time to time act as Authorized Participants or purchase or sell gold or Shares for their own account, as agent for their customers and for accounts over which they exercise investment discretion. Affiliates of the Trustee are subject to the same transaction fee as other Authorized Participants.
The Custodian
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (“JPMorgan”) serves as the Custodian of the Trust’s gold. JPMorgan is a national banking association organized under the laws of the United States of America. JPMorgan is subject to supervision by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. JPMorgan’s London office is regulated by the FCA and is located at 25 Bank Street, London, Canary Wharf, E14 5JP, United Kingdom. JPMorgan is a subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co. While the United Kingdom operations of the Custodian are regulated by the FCA, the custodial services provided by the Custodian and any sub-custodian, including the Zurich Sub-Custodian under the Custody Agreements, are presently not a regulated activity subject to the supervision and rules of the FCA. The Zurich Sub-Custodian that the Custodian currently uses is UBS AG, which is located at 45 Bahnhofstrasse, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland.
The Custodian’s Role
The Custodian is responsible for safekeeping of the Trust’s gold deposited with it by Authorized Participants in connection with the creation of Baskets. The Custodian is also responsible for selecting the Zurich Sub-Custodian and its other sub-custodians, if any. The Custodian facilitates the transfer of gold in and out of the Trust through the unallocated gold accounts it will maintain for each Authorized Participant and the unallocated and allocated gold accounts it will maintain for the Trust. The Custodian holds the Trust’s allocated gold at its London and Zurich vault premises. The Custodian is responsible for allocating specific bars of gold bullion to the Trust Allocated Account. The Custodian provides the Trustee with regular reports detailing the gold transfers in and out of the Trust’s unallocated and allocated gold accounts and identifying the gold bars held in the Trust’s allocated gold account.
The Custodian’s fees and expenses under the Custody Agreements are paid by the Sponsor.
The Custodian and its affiliates may from time to time act as Authorized Participants or purchase or sell gold or Shares for their own account, as agent for their customers and for accounts over which they exercise investment discretion. The Custodian and its affiliates are subject to the same transaction fee as other Authorized Participants.
Inspection of Gold
Under the Custody Agreements, the Trustee, the Sponsor and the Sponsor’s auditors and inspectors may, only up to twice a year, visit the premises of the Custodian or the Zurich Sub-Custodian for the purpose of examining the Trust’s gold and certain related records maintained by the Custodian. Any such inspection rights with respect to the Zurich Sub-Custodian are expected to be granted in accordance with the normal course of dealing between the Custodian and the Zurich Sub-Custodian. Visits by auditors and inspectors to the Zurich Sub-Custodian’s facilities will be arranged through the Custodian. Other than with respect to the Zurich Sub-Custodian, the Trustee and the Sponsor have no right to visit the premises of any sub-custodian for the purposes of examining the Trust’s gold or any records maintained by the sub-custodian, and no sub-custodian is obligated to cooperate in any review the Trustee or the Sponsor may wish to conduct of the facilities, procedures, records or creditworthiness of such sub-custodian.
The Sponsor has exercised its right to visit the Custodian in order to examine the gold and the records maintained by them. Inspections were conducted by Inspectorate International Limited, a leading commodity inspection and testing company retained by the Sponsor, as of July 2, 2019 and December 31, 2019.
Description of the Shares
The Trustee is authorized under the Trust Agreement to create and issue an unlimited number of Shares. The Trustee creates Shares only in Baskets and only upon the order of an Authorized Participant. Effective November 4, 2019, the number of Shares that constitute a Basket for the purposes of creations and redemptions is 100,000 Shares. Prior to November 4, 2019, a Basket consisted of 50,000 Shares. The Shares represent units of fractional undivided beneficial interest in and ownership of the Trust and have no par value. Any creation and issuance of Shares above the amount registered on the Trust’s then-current and effective registration statement with the SEC will require the registration of such additional Shares.
Description of Limited Rights
The Shares do not represent a traditional investment and Shareholders should not view them as similar to “shares” of a corporation operating a business enterprise with management and a board of directors. Shareholders do not have the statutory rights normally associated with the ownership of shares of a corporation, including, for example, the right to bring “oppression” or “derivative” actions. All Shares are of the same class with equal rights and privileges. Each Share is transferable, is fully paid and non-assessable and entitles the holder to vote on the limited matters upon which Shareholders may vote under the Trust Agreement. The Shares do not entitle their holders to any conversion or pre-emptive rights, or, except as provided below, any redemption rights or rights to distributions.
If the Trust is terminated and liquidated, the Trustee will distribute to the Shareholders any amounts remaining after the satisfaction of all outstanding liabilities of the Trust and the establishment of such reserves for applicable taxes, other governmental charges and contingent or future liabilities as the Trustee shall determine. Shareholders of record on the record date fixed by the Trustee for a distribution will be entitled to receive their pro rata portion of any distribution.
Voting and Approvals
Under the Trust Agreement, Shareholders have no voting rights, except in limited circumstances. The Trustee may terminate the Trust upon the agreement of Shareholders owning at least 75% of the outstanding Shares. In addition, certain amendments to the Trust Agreement require advance notice to the Shareholders before the effectiveness of such amendments, but no Shareholder vote or approval is required for any amendment to the Trust Agreement.
Redemption of the Shares
The Shares may only be redeemed by or through an Authorized Participant and only in Baskets.
Book-Entry Form
Individual certificates will not be issued for the Shares. Instead, one or more global certificates is deposited by the Trustee with DTC and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee for DTC. The global certificates evidence all of the Shares outstanding at any time. Under the Trust Agreement, Shareholders are limited to (1) participants in DTC such as banks, brokers, dealers and trust companies (DTC Participants), (2) those who maintain, either directly or indirectly, a custodial relationship with a DTC Participant (Indirect Participants), and (3) those banks, brokers, dealers, trust companies and others who hold interests in the Shares through DTC Participants or Indirect Participants. The Shares are only transferable through the book-entry system of DTC. Shareholders who are not DTC Participants may transfer their Shares through DTC by instructing the DTC Participant holding their Shares (or by instructing the Indirect Participant or other entity through which their Shares are held) to transfer the Shares. Transfers will be made in accordance with standard securities industry practice.
Custody of the Trust’s Gold
Custody of the gold bullion deposited with and held by the Trust is provided by the Custodian at the London and Zurich vaults of the Custodian and/or the Zurich Sub-Custodian, and by other sub-custodians on a temporary basis. The Custodian is a market maker, clearer and approved weigher under the rules of the LBMA.
The Custodian is the custodian of the gold bullion credited to the Trust Allocated Account in accordance with the Custody Agreements. The Custodian segregates the gold bullion credited to the Trust Allocated Account from any other precious metal it holds or holds for others by entering appropriate entries in its books and records, and requires any Zurich Sub-Custodian it appoints to also segregate the gold bullion from the other gold held by them for other customers of the Custodian and the Zurich Sub-Custodians’ other customers. The Custodian requires any Zurich Sub-Custodian it appoints to identify in such Zurich Sub-Custodian’s books and records the Trust as having the rights to the gold bullion credited to its Trust Allocated Account. Under the Custody Agreements, the Trustee, the Sponsor and the Sponsor’s auditors and inspectors may inspect the vaults of the Custodian and the Zurich Sub-Custodian. See “Inspection of Gold”.
The Custodian, as instructed by the Trustee on behalf of the Trust, is authorized to accept, on behalf of the Trust, deposits of gold in unallocated form. Acting on standing instructions given by the Trustee specified in the Custody Agreements, the Custodian allocates or requires the Zurich Sub-Custodian to allocate gold deposited in unallocated form with the Trust by selecting bars of gold bullion for deposit to the Trust Allocated Account. All gold bullion allocated to the Trust must conform to the rules, regulations, practices and customs of the LBMA.
The process of withdrawing gold from the Trust for a redemption of a Basket follows the same general procedure as for depositing gold with the Trust for a creation of a Basket, only in reverse. Each transfer of gold between the Trust Allocated Account and the Trust Unallocated Account connected with a creation or redemption of a Basket may result in a small amount of gold being held in the Trust Unallocated Account after the completion of the transfer. In making deposits and withdrawals between the Trust Allocated Account and the Trust Unallocated Account, the Custodian will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the amount of gold held in the Trust Unallocated Account as of the close of each business day. See “Deposit of Gold; Issuance of Shares” and “Withdrawal of Gold and Redemption of Shares.”
United States Federal Income Tax Consequences
The following discussion of the material US federal income tax consequences that generally applies to the purchase, ownership and disposition of Shares by a US Shareholder (as defined below), and certain US federal income tax consequences that may apply to an investment in Shares by a Non-US Shareholder (as defined below). The discussion is based on the United States Internal Revenue code of 1986 as amended (the “Code”). The discussion below is based on the Code, United States Treasury Regulations (“Treasury Regulations”) promulgated under the Code and judicial and administrative interpretations of the Code, all as in effect on the date of
this annual report and all of which are subject to change either prospectively or retroactively. The tax treatment of Shareholders may vary depending upon their own particular circumstances. Certain Shareholders (including broker-dealers, traders, banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, real estate investment trusts, tax-exempt entities, Shareholders whose functional currency is not the U.S. Dollar or other investors with special circumstances) may be subject to special rules not discussed below. In addition, the following discussion applies only to investors who hold Shares as “capital assets” within the meaning of Code section 1221 and not as part of a straddle, hedging transaction or a conversion or constructive sale transaction. Moreover, the discussion below does not address the effect of any state, local or foreign tax law or any transfer tax on an owner of Shares. Purchasers of Shares are urged to consult their own tax advisors with respect to all federal, state, local and foreign tax law or any transfer tax considerations potentially applicable to their investment in Shares, including substantial changes to the Code made in the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97).
For purposes of this discussion, a “US Shareholder” is a Shareholder that is:
•An individual who is treated as a citizen or resident of the United States for US federal income tax purposes;
•A corporation (or other entity treated as a corporation for US federal tax purposes) created or organized in or under the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof;
•An estate, the income of which is includible in gross income for US federal income tax purposes regardless of its source; or
•A trust, if a court within the United States is able to exercise primary supervision over the administration of the trust and one or more US persons have the authority to control all substantial decisions of the trust.
A Shareholder that is not a US Shareholder as defined above (other than a partnership, or an entity treated as a partnership for US federal tax purposes) generally is considered a “Non-US Shareholder” for purposes of this discussion. For US federal income tax purposes, the treatment of any beneficial owner of an interest in a partnership, including any entity treated as a partnership for US federal income tax purposes, generally depends upon the status of the partner and upon the activities of the partnership. Partnerships and partners in partnerships should consult their tax advisors about the US federal income tax consequences of purchasing, owning and disposing of Shares.
Taxation of the Trust
The Trust is classified as a “grantor trust” for US federal income tax purposes. As a result, the Trust itself is not subject to US federal income tax. Instead, the Trust’s income and expenses “flow through” to the Shareholders, and the Trustee reports the Trust’s income, gains, losses and deductions to the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) on that basis.
Taxation of US Shareholders
Shareholders generally are treated, for US federal income tax purposes, as if they directly owned a pro rata share of the underlying assets held by the Trust. Shareholders are also treated as if they directly received their respective pro rata share of the Trust’s income, if any, and as if they directly incurred their respective pro rata share of the Trust’s expenses. In the case of a Shareholder that purchases Shares for cash, its initial tax basis in its pro rata share of the assets held by the Trust at the time it acquires its Shares is equal to its cost of acquiring the Shares. In the case of a Shareholder that acquires its Shares as part of a creation of a Basket, the delivery of gold to the Trust in exchange for the Shares is not a taxable event to the Shareholder, and the Shareholder’s tax basis and holding period for the Shares are the same as its tax basis and holding period for the gold delivered in exchange therefore (except to the extent of any cash contributed for such Shares). For purposes of this discussion, it is assumed that all of a Shareholder’s Shares are acquired on the same date and at the same price per Share. Shareholders that hold multiple lots of Shares, or that are contemplating acquiring multiple lots of Shares, should consult their tax advisors.
When the Trust sells or transfers gold, for example to pay expenses, a Shareholder generally will recognize gain or loss in an amount equal to the difference between (1) the Shareholder’s pro rata share of the amount realized by the Trust upon the sale or transfer and (2) the Shareholder’s tax basis for its pro rata share of the gold that was sold or transferred. Such gain or loss will generally be long-term or short-term capital gain or loss, depending upon whether the Shareholder has a holding period in its Shares of longer than one year. A Shareholder’s tax basis for its share of any gold sold by the Trust generally will be determined by multiplying the Shareholder’s total basis for its Shares immediately prior to the sale, by a fraction the numerator of which is the amount of gold sold, and the denominator of which is the total amount of the gold held by the Trust immediately prior to the sale. After any such sale, a Shareholder’s tax basis for its pro rata share of the gold remaining in the Trust will be equal to its tax basis for its Shares immediately prior to the sale, less the portion of such basis allocable to its share of the gold that was sold.
Upon a Shareholder’s sale of some or all of its Shares, the Shareholder will be treated as having sold a pro rata share of the gold held in the Trust at the time of the sale. Accordingly, the Shareholder generally will recognize gain or loss on the sale in an amount equal to the difference between (1) the amount realized pursuant to the sale of the Shares, and (2) the Shareholder’s tax basis for the Shares sold, as determined in the manner described in the preceding paragraph.
A redemption of some or all of a Shareholder’s Shares in exchange for the underlying gold represented by the Shares redeemed generally will not be a taxable event to the Shareholder. The Shareholder’s tax basis for the gold received in the redemption generally will be the same as the Shareholder’s tax basis for the Shares redeemed. The Shareholder’s holding period with respect to the gold received should include the period during which the Shareholder held the Shares redeemed. A subsequent sale of the gold received by the Shareholder will be a taxable event.
An Authorized Participant and other investors may be able to re-invest, on a tax-deferred basis, in-kind redemption proceeds received from exchange-traded products that are substantially similar to the Trust in the Trust’s Shares. Authorized Participants and other investors should consult their tax advisors as to whether and under what circumstances the reinvestment in the Shares of proceeds from substantially similar exchange-traded products can be accomplished on a tax-deferred basis.
Under current law, gains recognized by individuals, estates or trusts from the sale of “collectibles,” including gold bullion, held for more than one year are taxed at a maximum federal income tax rate of 28%, rather than the 20% rate applicable to most other long-term capital gains. For these purposes, gain recognized by an individual upon the sale of Shares held for more than one year, or attributable to the Trust’s sale of any gold bullion which the Shareholder is treated (through its ownership of Shares) as having held for more than one year, generally will be taxed at a maximum rate of 28%. The tax rates for capital gains recognized upon the sale of assets held by an individual US Shareholder for one year or less or by a corporate taxpayer are generally the same as those at which ordinary income is taxed.
In addition, high-income individuals and certain trusts and estates, are subject to a 3.8% Medicare contribution tax that is imposed on net investment income and gain. Shareholders should consult their tax advisor regarding this tax.
Brokerage Fees and Trust Expenses
Any brokerage or other transaction fee incurred by a Shareholder in purchasing Shares is treated as part of the Shareholder’s tax basis in the Shares. Similarly, any brokerage fee incurred by a Shareholder in selling Shares reduces the amount realized by the Shareholder with respect to the sale.
Shareholders will be required to recognize a gain or loss upon a sale of gold by the Trust (as discussed above), even though some or all of the proceeds of such sale are used by the Trustee to pay Trust expenses. Shareholders may deduct their respective pro rata share of each expense incurred by the Trust to the same extent as if they directly incurred the expense. Shareholders who are individuals, estates or trusts, however, may be required to treat some or all of the expenses of the Trust, to the extent that such expenses may be deducted, as miscellaneous itemized deductions. Under the recently enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (P.L. 115-97), miscellaneous itemized deductions, including expenses for the production of income, will not be deductible for either regular federal income tax or alternative minimum tax purposes for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017 and before January 1, 2026.
Investment by Regulated Investment Companies
Mutual funds and other investment vehicles which are “regulated investment companies” within the meaning of Code section 851 should consult with their tax advisors concerning (1) the likelihood that an investment in Shares, although they are a “security” within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, may be considered an investment in the underlying gold for purposes of Code section 851(b), and (2) the extent to which an investment in Shares might nevertheless be consistent with preservation of their qualification under Code section 851. We note that in recent administrative guidance, the IRS stated that it will no longer issue rulings under Code section 851(b) relating to the determination of whether or not an instrument or position is a “security”, but, instead, intends to defer to guidance from the SEC for such determination.
United States Information Reporting and Backup Withholding Tax for US and Non-US Shareholders
The Trustee or the appropriate broker will file certain information returns with the IRS, and provides certain tax-related information to Shareholders, in accordance with applicable Treasury Regulations. Each Shareholder will be provided with information regarding its allocable portion of the Trust’s annual income (if any) and expenses.
A US Shareholder may be subject to US backup withholding tax in certain circumstances unless it provides its taxpayer identification number and complies with certain certification procedures. Non-US Shareholders may have to comply with certification procedures to establish that they are not a US person in order to avoid the backup withholding tax.
The amount of any backup withholding tax will be allowed as a credit against a Shareholder’s US federal income tax liability and may entitle such a Shareholder to a refund, provided that the required information is furnished to the IRS.
Income Taxation of Non-US Shareholders
The Trust does not expect to generate taxable income except for gains (if any) upon the sale of gold. A Non-US Shareholder generally is not subject to US federal income tax with respect to gains recognized upon the sale or other disposition of Shares, or upon the sale of gold by the Trust, unless (1) the Non-US Shareholder is an individual and is present in the United States for 183 days or more during the taxable year of the sale or other disposition, and the gain is treated as being from United States sources; or (2) the gain is effectively connected with the conduct by the Non-US Shareholder of a trade or business in the United States.
Taxation in Jurisdictions other than the United States
Prospective purchasers of Shares that are based in or acting out of a jurisdiction other than the United States are advised to consult their own tax advisers as to the tax consequences, under the laws of such jurisdiction (or any other jurisdiction not being the United States to which they are subject), of their purchase, holding, sale and redemption of or any other dealing in Shares and, in particular, as to whether any value added tax, other consumption tax or transfer tax is payable in relation to such purchase, holding, sale, redemption or other dealing.
ERISA and Related Considerations
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (“ERISA”), and/or Code section 4975 impose certain requirements on certain employee benefit plans and certain other plans and arrangements, including individual retirement accounts and annuities, Keogh plans, and certain commingled investment vehicles or insurance company general or separate accounts in which such plans or arrangements are invested (collectively, “Plans”), and on persons who are fiduciaries with respect to the investment of “plan assets” of a Plan. Government plans and some church plans are not subject to the fiduciary responsibility provisions of ERISA or the provisions of section 4975 of the Code, but may be subject to substantially similar rules under other federal law, or under state or local law (“Other Law”).
In contemplating an investment of a portion of Plan assets in Shares, the Plan fiduciary responsible for making such investment should carefully consider, taking into account the facts and circumstances of the Plan and the “Risk Factors” discussed above and whether such investment is consistent with its fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA or Other Law, including, but not limited to: (1) whether the investment is permitted under the Plan’s governing documents, (2) whether the fiduciary has the authority to make the investment, (3) whether the investment is consistent with the Plan’s funding objectives, (4) the tax effects of the investment on the Plan, and (5) whether the investment is prudent considering the factors discussed in this report. In addition, ERISA and Code section 4975 prohibit a broad range of transactions involving assets of a plan and persons who are “parties in interest” under ERISA or “disqualified persons” under section 4975 of the Code. A violation of these rules may result in the imposition of significant excise taxes and other liabilities. Plans subject to Other Law may be subject to similar restrictions.
It is anticipated that the Shares will constitute “publicly offered securities” as defined in the Department of Labor “Plan Asset Regulations,” §2510.3-101 (b)(2) as modified by section 3(42) of ERISA. Accordingly, pursuant to the Plan Asset Regulations, only Shares purchased by a Plan, and not an interest in the underlying assets held in the Trust, should be treated as assets of the Plan, for purposes of applying the “fiduciary responsibility” rules of ERISA and the “prohibited transaction” rules of ERISA and the Code. Fiduciaries of plans subject to Other Law should consult legal counsel to determine whether there would be a similar result under the Other Law.
Investment by Certain Retirement Plans
Code section 408(m) provides that the acquisition of a “collectible” by an individual retirement account (“IRA”) or a participant-directed account maintained under any plan that is tax-qualified under Code section 401(a) (“Tax Qualified Account”) is treated as a taxable distribution from the account to the owner of the IRA, or to the participant for whom the Tax Qualified Account is maintained, of an amount equal to the cost to the account of acquiring the collectible. The term “collectible” is defined to include, with certain exceptions, “any metal or gem”. The IRS has issued several private letter rulings to the effect that a purchase by an IRA, or by a participant-directed account under a Code section 401(a) plan, of publicly-traded Shares in a trust holding precious metals will not be treated as resulting in a taxable distribution to the IRA owner or Tax Qualified Account participant under Code section 408(m). However the private letter rulings provide that, if any of the Shares so purchased are distributed from the IRA or Tax Qualified Account to the IRA owner or Tax Qualified Account participant, or if any precious metal is received by such IRA or Tax Qualified Account upon the redemption of any of the Shares purchased by it, the Shares or precious metal so distributed will be subject to federal income tax in the year of distribution, to the extent provided under the applicable provisions of Code sections 408(d), 408(m) or 402. Accordingly, potential IRA or Tax Qualified Account investors are urged to consult with their own professional advisors concerning the treatment of an investment in Shares under Code section 408(m).