Tell-'Tail' Stress Factors: How You and Your Pets Can Help Each Other Reduce Stress Is Detailed in New Book: 'Home Alone' CHESTNUT RIDGE, N.Y., Oct. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Humans get stressed out from their demanding jobs and pets get stressed from being left at home alone, according to Bruce Van Horn author and CEO of Stress can quickly spread between humans and their pets creating health and behavioral issues in both, according to a new book, "Home Alone: Yoga and Other Tools To Help Your Pet Overcome Separation Anxiety." These observations, according to author and Pet Guru Bruce Van Horn, have important implications for pet owners and the well being of their animals. Noted Van Horn, "It's already been documented that the simple act of stroking your pet can lower blood pressure in humans and has a calming affect on the animal as well, so it isn't a great stretch to conclude that humans can have a similar impact on pets. Van Horn is concluding a scientific study at the Bergen County NJ Department of Health to test this hypothesis. Van Horn includes his Dalmatian Goodboy and his cat Sarafina in his daily yoga exercise by touching his pets as he submerges into the calm and meditative state brought on by the routine. This form of communication has an apparent, positive effect on the pets according to Van Horn. The damage inflicted across the United States by stress is measurable and considerable. Stress is a $300 billion problem in the U.S. according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety, accounting for 75 to 90 percent of all visits to primary health care physicians. Although there are no comparable metrics for pets, the subject has begun to interest the medical community -- both in terms of the calming impact of pets on humans, and the equally impactful human contribution to the mental state of pets. Separation is among the greatest sources of stress on pets. Leaving an animal home alone creates anxiety, but it can be mitigated, by leaving traces of the owner behind. Van Horn recommends practicing Yoga with your pets and leaving the mats out when you have left for the day. These mats contain beneficial scents and energy imprinted thereon. Van Horn has also created music that can reduce stress in pets who are left at home. Home Alone is prescriptive. It reveals a path that readers and their pets can follow together in a world that relentlessly continues to manufacture stress. Everyone needs a way to unburden themselves from the weight of this stress-dogs and cats included. The book describes activities for both humans and pets which will improve the health of both groups. DATASOURCE: Yoga For Business, Inc. CONTACT: Bill Jones, +1-212-675-8001, for Yoga For Business, Inc. Web site:
