The following table lists unplanned and planned production outages at U.S. refineries as reported by Dow Jones Newswires. The information is compiled from both official and unofficial refining sources and doesn't purport to be a comprehensive list.

Most recently, a hydrocracking unit and reformer are undergoing planned turnarond maintenance at Chevron's Richmond, Calif., refinery, traders doing business with the company said Tuesday. The work started on May 28 and is expected to last for 30 days.

The smaller of two key gasoline-making FCCU at Sunoco's (SUN) Philadelphia refinery returned to service Tuesday. The unit was taken off line in April for economic reasons, but was restarted Friday to make up for a shortfall in production following the recent shutdown of the company's Marcus Hook refinery FCCU.

Also, Motive Enterprises (RDSB) Norco, La., refinery resumed normal operations early Monday following the restart of a catalytic reformer the day before. The unit's unplanned shutdown last week reduced rates at the associated FCCU.

Citgo Corp. (PVZ.YY) Monday shut FCCU No. 1 in the East Plant section of its Corpus Christi, Texas refinery unplanned due to a problem with spent catalyst. The status of the unit is unclear.

BP's (BP) Whiting, Indiana, refinery FCCU is expected to return to service in the second-half of June from maintenance that began in early April, a person familiar with operations at the plant said Monday. The work was initially expected to end in mid-May.

And the reformer and hydrocracking unit at BP's Cherry Point refinery in Ferndale, Washington, were restarted on May 29 following planned maintenance that began on April 15.

WRB Refining (COP, ECA) Sunday started a lengthly period of planned maintenance at the electrostatic precipitators, or ESPs, at Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit No. 29. The work is expected to conclude on July 12. The impact on operations is unclear but ESP work often occurs while the FCCU remains on line.

Flint Hills Resources Sunday began the process of shutting a coking unit in the West Plant section of its Corpus Christi refinery for planned maintenance. Restart timing unclear.

For more detailed information, search Dow Jones Newswires using the code N/REF.

Operator   Refinery    Capacity   Description                  Restart 
                       (in 000s 
Sunoco     Marcus       178.0   FCCU shut following explosion    n/a 
           Hook, PA             and fire at an ethylene complex 
                                on May 17. The plant is running 
                                at about 85% of capacity. 
                                Output at two other East Coast 
                                refineries is ramped up to cover 
                                shortfall, the Co. said. No word 
                                on FCCU restart timing. 
Sunoco     Phila        335.0  Both FCCUs shut down. One broke 
                               down, restarted May 27. 
                               The other, shuttered for eco-     Jun 4-5 
                               nomic reasons could restart 
                               end of week of June 1. 
BP         Texas City    467.7  Ultraformer, ultracracker in     May 19 
           TX                   restart May 19 after May 8, 
                                May 10 snags. 
Citgo      Corpus        156.0  FCCU No. 1 in East Plant         n/a 
           Christi, TX          shut unplanned on Jun 1 
                                due to spent catalyst pro- 
                                blem. Status of unit unclear. 
Delek US   Tyler, TX     60.0   SCOT unit shutdown May 24        n/a 
                                not expected to impact 
                                sulfur recovery unit ops 
                                or any other process units. 
                                Refinery restarted May 5         May 5 
                                following fatal Nov. 20 
                                fire at sat. gas unit. 
Exxon      Beamont, TX   315.0  Coker drum shut May 22 at        n/a 
Mobil                           Coker Unit No. 6 to repair 
Exxon      Baytown       567.0  Work at hydrocracker unit        May 18 
           TX                   completed, the Co. said on 
                                May 18. The unit was shut 
                                in week of May 11. 
Flint      Corpus        228.1  Lightning strike on May 23       n/a 
Hills      Christi, TX          ignites floating roof at 
                                naphtha tank. 
                                FCCU shut May 19 by fire to      May 22 
                                begin restart on May 22. 
Shell      Deer Park    329.8   Power outage impacts production  May 16- 
           Tx                   May 10, expected to return to    17 
                                normal over weekend. 
                                Crude Unit returned to normal    May 20 
Total      Port Arthur   232.0  Unit 837 was shut on May 7       May 21 
           TX                   for two weeks of maintenance. 
                                Restarted 813. 
                                The units were only identified 
                                by number. 
                                Reduced rates at FCCU twice 
                                during week of May 11 
Valero     Corpus        315.0  Butamer Unit No. 36 in West      May 25 
           Christi, TX          Plant Complex 6 in restart 
                                mode Monday following maintenance. 
Sinclair   Sinclair,      66.0  Refinery ops at 50%              n/a 
           WY                   after March fire. 
                                Plant has large oil 
                                product spill May 10 
Alon       Paramount,    53.0   Naphtha hydrotreater             Early 
           CA                   shut April 23 due to an          July 
                                explosion will take 10 
                                weeks to restart, the 
                                co. said on May 7. The 
                                refinery has been at re- 
                                duced rates since Apr. 23. 
BP         Carson, CA   268.0   Maintenance underway at          May 29 
                                unspecified unit(s) a 
                                person familiar with opera- 
                                tions said on May 22. Work 
                                expected to conclude by May 
PetroStar  Valdez, AK    48.0   Refinery shut due to Dec.        Jun/Jul 
                                28 fire; expected to re-         2010 
                                start in June/July 2010. 
North      Newfound-     115.0  Plantwide shutdown will begin    May 22 
Atlantic   land                 first week of April for 21 
                                days of planned maintenance. 
                                Upgrade work at hydrotreater 
                                will take an additional 14 
                                days. The co. said May 12 that 
                                work finished and plant 
                                should return to service in 10 days. 
Sunoco     Philadelphia  340.0  Point Breeze crude unit and     n/a 
           PA                   FCCU shut April 20 due to 
                                market conditions. Units will 
                                be restarted as soon as it 
                                makes sense to do so, the Co. 
                                said on Apr. 23 
                                Reformer unit shut in Girard    n/a 
                                Point section in early Oct. 
                                for economic reasons. Shutdown 
                                to last one to six months. 
Valero     Delaware      210.0  Coker Unit expected to return    Jun 
                                to service by June 5-6, the      5-6 
                                Co. said on May 29. The unit 
                                was shut for maintenance in 
                                Refinery restarted end-April 
                                after shutting down for eco- 
                                nomic reasons while work was 
                                performed at the coker. 
                                FCCU will be shut in Sept.       Sep 
                                for 42-days maintenance, the 
                                Co. said on Apr. 28. The 
                                80,000-b/d FCCU has been at 
                                reduced rates for economic 
                                reasons, the Co. said on 
                                Dec. 16. 
Valero     Paulsboro     160.0  27,000-b/d coker unit main-      May 18 
           NJ                   tenance completed, the Co. 
                                said on May 18. The unit was 
                                shut in April for 35-days 
                                of planned work, the Co. 
Chevron    Pascagoula    330.0  Pre-commercial heavy oil         2010 
           Miss.                conversion project delayed 
                                from 2008 to 2010 due to 
                                economic factors. 
Citgo      Corpus         156.0 Crude/Vacuum Unit shut May 11    n/a 
Flint      Corpus        288.1  Coking Unit shut June 1 for      n/a 
Hills      Christi, TX          planned maintenance; restart 
                                timing unclear. 
                                $250 mil. project for new        Spr 
                                diesel desulfurization,          2010 
                                sulfur recovery unit to begin 
                                in Fall 2008. Construction 
                                to last 18 months. 
Marathon   Garyville     245.0  Project to increase crude oil    4Q 
           LA                   refining capacity by 180,000-    2009 
                                b/d 85% complete, the Co. said 
                                on Apr. 30. New units expected 
                                start up in 4th-quarter, 2009. 
Motiva     Port Arthur   285.0  Expansion project to increase    1st-Q 
           TX                   throughput capacity by 325,000   2012 
                                b/d, to 610,000-b/d, slowed. 
                                Completion now seen in 1st- 
                                quarter 2012, from 2010. 
Valero     Corpus        340.0  20,000-b/d FCCU in East          n/a 
           Christi, TX          Plant shut; West Plant 
                                50,000-b/d FCCU at reduced 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero     McKee, TX     170.0  21-days of planned mainte-       May 
                                nanace that started on May       28 
                                1 at smaller of two crude 
                                units, the 60,000-b/d FCCU, 
                                and alkylation unit concluded; 
                                the FCCU was restarted on May 
                                28, the Co. said. 
Valero     Norco, LA     250.0  Upgrade project to build         2012 
                                a new diesel hydrotreater 
                                unit moved from 2010 to 
                                4th-quarter 2012, the Co. 
                                said on Jan. 27. 
Valero     Port Arthur   325.0  77,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
           TX                   rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. Mainte- 
                                is planned at a hydrotreater 
                                unit, the company said on 
                                April 17; no details were 
Valero     Norco, LA            Turnaround at coker unit         1/Q 
                                delayed until the first          2010 
                                quarter of 2010 from fourth 
                                quarter 2009, the Co. said 
                                on Apr. 28. 
Valero     Sunray, TX    170.0  55,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
                                rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero     Three Rivers   95.0  24,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
           TX                   rates since mid-Dec. for 
                                economic reasons. 
                                Plant-wide 24-day turnaround     Sep 
                                to begin in Sept., the Co. 
                                said on Apr. 28. 
Western    El Paso, TX   122.0  Crude unit shut May 24 week      Jun 3 
                                for 10-days maintenance. 
WRB        Borger, TX    152.0  Planned maintenance at Unit      Jul 12 
                                29 FCCU electrostatic precipi- 
                                tators starts May 31. Work 
                                will conclude on July 12. 
                                Month-long planned maintenance 
                                at several units concluded; the 
                                Co. said on May 26.              May 26 
BP         Whiting       410.0  FCCU shut in April for Spring    2nd- 
           IN                   turnaround maintenance. Re-      half 
                                start delayed to 2nd-half        Jun 
                                June from mid-May. 
Frontier   El Dorado     130.0  A coker turnaround and expan-    Mid- 
           KS                   sion project was delayed until   Aug. 
                                Mid-July, and subsequently 
                                delayed until August. 
Valero     Memphis, TN   195.0  FCCU upgrade originally slated   2012 
                                for completion in 2009 has been 
                                shifted to 2012, the Co. said 
                                on Jan. 27. 
Conoco     Billings,     61.0   On Mar. 5 the Co. delayed for    Jan. 
           MT                   one year an expansion project    2010 
                                which will increase capacity 
                                to 71,000 bbls. Construction of 
                                a new crude unit is now scheduled 
                                to begin in January 2010. 
                                Co. said April 14 that planned 
                                work was ongoing at the refinery. 
                                Co. did not give more specifics. 
Frontier   Cheyenne       52.0  The refinery is operating at     n/a 
           WY                   reduced rates for economic 
Alon       Paramount      55.0  Hydrocracker project post- 
           CA                   poned indefinitely, the Co. 
                                said on Feb. 4 
BP         Ferndale     225.0   Hyrdrocracker and reformer       May 29 
           WA                   restarted May 29 from planned 
                                maintenance that began on 
                                Apr 15. 
Conoco     Rodeo, CA    153.5   Maintenance has been concluded   May 22 
Phillips                        the company said on May 22 with- 
                                out naming the unit(s) involved. 
                                Industry sources said a hydro- 
                                cracker and reformer unit were 
                                shut in early March for what was 
                                expected to be 45 days of planned 
                                work that was extended. 
Exxon      Torrance     155.0   Maintenance will begin in July   July 
Mobil                           at one of two 26,000-b/d coker 
                                units, traders said on May 22. 
Flint      North Pole   210.0   One of three processing          n/a 
Hills      AK                   units has been shut due 
                                to low jet fuel demand, 
                                the co. confirmed on Mar. 
Shell      Martinez     155.0   Crude Unit and Coker Unit        Aug 15 
           CA                   to shut for planned main- 
                                tenance on July 10; re- 
                                start seen Aug. 15. 
Tesoro     Golden Eagle   166.0 Hydrocracker/reformer            Late 
           Martinez, CA         shut for planned mainte-         June 
                                nance May 9-10. Units to 
                                return to service by late 
                                June. Co. previously said 
                                the work would take 39 days. 
Tesoro    Wilmington,     97.0  39-days of turnaround main- 
          CA                    tenance is planned for 
                                fourth-quarter 2009.