Warehouse retailer Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST) warned Wednesday that its earnings per share for the quarter ending Feb. 15 are likely to come in well below expectations.

The company said current consensus earnings per share by First Call stands at $0.70. It is due to report earnings for the fiscal second quarter on March 4.

Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti said in a statement that sales and margins have been hurt by general economic conditions.

"Our margins have also been impacted by aggressive merchandise pricing in our core merchandise business to drive sales and increase market share, particularly during the first four weeks of the fiscal quarter," he said.

Costco has also been hit by lower year-on-year profits from its gasoline business, and the strengthening U.S. dollar, which ate into profits from its international operations.

The company said its wholesale same-store sales fell 2% in January from a year earlier. Same-store sales in the U.S. were flat in the month while international sales were down 9%.

"Given the uncertainties surrounding the economy, including consumer behavior, we will not be providing earnings guidance for the remainder of this fiscal year," Galanti added.

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