HOUSTON, Jan. 31, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Flame Seal
Products, Inc. (symbol FLMP) releases the following:
Flame Seal Products, Inc. (FLMP) has uploaded 2011 financials
and a 2011 Business Summary report at OTCMarkets.com. After
review is complete by OTCMarkets staff, the status of FLMP will be
elevated to Limited Information reporting status in a few days.
Due to recent developments at Flame Seal, Management has begun
the process to increase the viability, as well as the visibility of
the Company's stock. More information will be supplemented
over the coming weeks, including detailed NOTES to the Financials
Statements, Business Plans, Market Study summaries, and most
importantly, details regarding a new member of the Flame Seal
From the President:
"As we prepare to move into our new manufacturing facility in
March, as well as start up new production systems in anticipation
of expected sales growth as the active construction season
approaches, we have begun the process, as announced in previous
press releases, to dedicate a continuing effort toward the public
stock aspect of our business. This, in lockstep with positive
developments in Marketing and Sales, will provide support for both
our Shareholders and the Company's ongoing growth and
"Currently this work includes an internal audit process that
will, once complete, set the stage for us to acquire third party
audits, as well as Letters of Opinion from outside Council.
We have set this work in motion in order to accomplish the goal of
advancing FLMP to the status of a fully reporting company on a
recognized exchange this year. This has been our goal for
some time, and now that the business is finally developing true
momentum and strength in its primary markets, the timing is correct
for dedicating resources to this cause.
"We will be announcing more details within the next two weeks,
especially one item I am most excited about…a major addition to our
team. I am certain that all of our partners and stockholders
will appreciate the news."
Michael Kiser
March 27, 2000 on OTCMarkets.
Flame Seal Products, Inc. is the Transfer Agent of
Michael D. Kiser
Flame Seal Products (symbol: FLMP)
Offices: 713-668-4291
Website: www.flameseal.com
SOURCE Flame Seal Products, Inc.