Alexander Molyneux, President and CEO of SouthGobi Energy Resources Ltd. (TSX
VENTURE:SGQ), announced today that a new, independent estimate prepared by
Norwest Corporation, of Salt Lake City, Utah, has upgraded Measured and
Indicated coal resources contained at the company's Ovoot Tolgoi Mine in
southern Mongolia to the Proven and Probable Mineral Reserve categories.

Total Proven and Probable surface coal reserves calculated at Ovoot Tolgoi as of
July 1, 2009, are estimated to be 114.1 million tonnes (Table 1). Approximately
92% of the reserves are classified in the Proven reliability or assurance
category; the remaining 8% are in the Probable category.

Three coal products are presently being mined or are expected to be produced at
Ovoot Tolgoi; a hard coking (or metallurgical) coal, a premium coal with
applications for PCI coking coal or a high-quality thermal coal, and a thermal
coal product for use in power generation.

Table 1: Surface Mineable Reserves as of July 1, 2009

                                Proven   Probable     Total
             ASTM Coal        (million   (million  (million
Reserve Area Rank               tonnes)    tonnes)   tonnes)
Ovoot Tolgoi hvB to hvA(i)       105.0        9.1     114.1

(i) hvB to hvA - high-volatile bituminous coal B to A rank
    based on ASTM D388 standards

A 'block model' approach was taken in constructing a geologic model of the
deposit using the MineSight software. The software was then used in order to
apply a Lerchs-Grossman (LG)-based algorithm in order to determine the
economically feasible (i.e., optimized for Net Present Value, NPV) portions of
the deposit. With a demonstrated economic viability, a portion of the resource
base may be classified as proven and probable reserves.

"As we had expected, the Norwest study has confirmed the economics of the Ovoot
Tolgoi Measured and Indicated surface resources, and upgraded them to Proven and
Probable Reserves," said Mr. Molyneux. "We have now sold more than one million
tonnes of Ovoot Tolgoi coal since we started sales around 12-months ago and the
Norwest study reaffirms the mine's potential to grow substantially."

The independent surface reserves estimates were prepared by Norwest Corporation,
of Salt Lake City, Utah and were prepared in conformance with Canadian Institute
of Mining (CIM) Standards and the requirements set out in Canada's National
Instrument (NI) 43-101. A NI 43-101 technical report is expected to be filed
within 45 days.

Estimate of Reserves at Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Mine, Mongolia

This estimate of resources and reserves was generated using the best information
available concerning issues related to environmental, permitting, legal, title,
taxation, socio-economics, marketing and political factors that could have a
material influence on Norwest's findings. Norwest is not aware of any additional
factors which may affect our reserves estimate.

Previous work by Norwest has been recently repeated to take into account the
additional drilling and updated geologic model and resources base.

Mining operations at Ovoot are currently spread over two pits in the Sunset area
(formally named the West Field), and most of the mine infrastructure is in place
or is being constructed. Installed mining equipment is comprised of a mid-sized
(13.5 m3) hydraulic shovel and (10 m3) front end loader (Liebherr 994 and
LeTourneau 950, respectively), matched with a minimum of six Terex 91-tonne
capacity mining trucks (TR100) and a suite of support equipment. In addition, a
larger hydraulic shovel (Liebherr R996, 34 m3 bucket) is on-site. The current
pre-feasibility study being undertaken by Norwest proposes that this equipment
continue to be used, with primary stripping to be accomplished using the larger
34 m3 bucket-sized HMS matched with 218t-class mining trucks (Terex MT4400).

Norwest has studied pre-feasibility based on considering ramping up surface
production to eight million tonnes per year by 2012, as shown in Table 2.
Feasibility of underground mining has not been determined in this study.

Table 2: Planned Surface Production Ramp-up Schedule

             Planned Coal
Period         Production
2009     1,000,000 tonnes
2010     4,000,000 tonnes
2011     6,500,000 tonnes
2012 +   8,000,000 tonnes

A 'block model' approach was taken in constructing a geologic model of the
deposit using the MineSight software. The software was then used in order to
apply a Lerchs-Grossman (LG)-based algorithm in order to determine the
economically feasible (i.e., optimized for Net Present Value, NPV) portions of
the deposit. By applying the optimization tools available in MineSight, Norwest
was able to generate a series of phased, or "nested" pits of increasing Net
Present Value (NPV) that describe the broad mining sequence. This sequence
served as the basis of a detailed schedule of stripping and coal mining to meet
various goals.

Once completed, the detailed mine plan served as the basis of an estimate of
operating, capital and indirect costs. This estimate was performed using a
combination of historically tracked data from the mine as well as industry
averages, adjusted for the region. An independent market study specifically for
Ovoot Tolgoi was then used in order to determine reasonable markets and coal
prices. With costing and pricing information a cash flow analysis was performed
that yielded an estimate of NPVs at various discount rates ranging from
undiscounted to 20%, and confirmed the economic feasibility of the project. In
addition, analyses were performed to determine project sensitivity to such
factors as railing the coal to China, assuming an exemption to the current Value
Added Tax (VAT) refund law, and changes in key parameters such as coal price,
mining costs, etc.

Table 3: Ovoot Tolgoi NPV at Various Discount Rates (8 million tonnes per year)

Interest Rate             0%         8%      10%      12%      15%      20%
Net Present Value 2,320,177  1,156,318  994,467  862,322  706,242  523,565

New NI 43-101 Ovoot Tolgoi Resource Estimate: Total Measured and Indicated coal
resources at 249.8 million tonnes, with an additional inferred resource of 33.5
million tonnes

SouthGobi also is pleased to announce that the company has received an updated
independent Nl 43-101 compliant resource estimate for the Ovoot Tolgoi property.
Ovoot Tolgoi surface and underground resources contain measured plus indicated
coal resources of 249.8 million tonnes, with an additional inferred coal
resource of 33.5 million tonnes. The Mineral Resources (Table 4) are inclusive
of the Mineral Reserves (Table 1).

Ovoot Tolgoi resources are found in two different resource areas, referred to as
the Sunrise and Sunset Fields (formerly the South-East and West Fields,
respectively). The resources identified have been determined to be suitable for
surface mining to a maximum depth of 250 metres below surface and potential
underground mining between a depth of 250 metres below surface to a maximum
depth of 600 metres. The resource estimate is current as of June 1, 2009.

Quality analyses performed to date by SGS Mineral Labs in Denver, Colorado and
Tianjin, China rank Ovoot Togoi coal as high-volatile B to A bituminous based on
the ASTM D388 standard. High-volatile B and A bituminous coals are hard black
coals. High-volatile B produces between 7,212 to 7,785 kCal/kg and high-volatile
A produces greater than 7,785 kCal/kg heat output.

Table 4: Total (Surface and Underground) Ovoot Tolgoi In-Place Coal Resource
Summary as of June 1, 2009

                                          In-Place Resources (Million
                      Resource                      Tonnes)
                      Limits Depth ASTM   ---------------------------
Area      Type       (metres)      Group  Measured Indicated Inferred
Sunrise   Surface     Surface to   hvB to     53.8      15.7      4.9
 Field                250m         hvA(i)
Sunset    Surface     Surface to   hvB to     82.1      19.4      8.1
 Field                250m         hvA
Sub-Total                                    135.9      35.1     13.0
Sunrise   Underground 250m to      hvB to     11.2       5.2     11.2
 Field                600m         hvA
Sunset    Underground 250m to      mhB to     34.6      27.8      9.3
 Field                600m         hvA
Sub-Total                                     45.8      33.0     20.5
Total                                        181.7      68.1     33.5

(i) hvB to hvA - high-volatile bituminous coal B to A rank based on ASTM
    D388 standards

To facilitate the estimation of resources in the Ovoot Tolgoi Property, Norwest
developed geological 'block models' for the Sunrise and Sunset Fields using
MineSight (R) software. Key horizons (surfaces) were modeled to provide the
necessary limits for volume estimation. Volumes were converted to tonnages by
application of density values representative of the coal seams as derived from
available coal quality data.

The independent resource estimates were prepared by Norwest Corporation, of Salt
Lake City, Utah. The updated Ovoot Tolgoi surface and underground resource
estimates were prepared in conformance with Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM)
Standards and the requirements set out in Canada's National Instrument 43-101,
and were based on drilling activities to the end of June 1 2009. A NI 43-101
technical report is expected to be filed within 45 days.

Data Verification

All data collection was done under a defined set of protocols established by the
qualified persons responsible for this report. Norwest site geologists were
responsible for the training and administration of data collection procedures
for the 2005 and 2006 exploration programs and were responsible for reviewing
all data. Norwest maintained oversight of all data collection throughout those
exploration programs, and the qualified persons have visited these operations
and reviewed these procedures.

Upon completion of a drill hole, the geologic and geophysical logs were reviewed
by a Norwest geologist. All geologic, geophysical, and sampling data was entered
and maintained in an electronic database. All mapping was entered and maintained
in electronic format on a CAD-based system. Data entry of all geologic data was
managed by Norwest at the project site. All electronic data is forwarded on a
routine basis to Norwest's office in Salt Lake City. Results from the coal
quality testing were added into the database in the Salt Lake office.

Exploration drilling data collected during 2007 and 2008 was done under the
supervision of SouthGobi. Norwest visited the site during 2009 and conducted a
validation of those data.

Maiden Soumber NI 43-101 Resource Estimate: New resources established in the
South Gobi, Mongolia

The company also is very pleased to report that it has received an initial
independent NI 43-101 compliant resource estimate for its Soumber coal project,
16 kilometres east of the company's flagship coal mine, Ovoot Tolgoi, in
southern Mongolia. The estimate also was prepared by Norwest.

The Soumber resource area is estimated to contain initial measured plus
indicated coal resources of 21.4 million tonnes, with an additional inferred
coal resource of 55.5 million tonnes. The resource estimate incorporates
exploration data up to August 11, 2009, down to a depth of 250 metres below

"Soumber is very important to us. It's a totally new deposit that has the
potential to be a new mine and the coal quality is really excellent. It looks
quite like an Australian low-volatile hard coking coal deposit," said Mr.
Molyneux. "The location is good too in terms of being very close to China and
near enough to Ovoot Tolgoi to enable some common infrastructure in the event a
mine is developed at Soumber."

The coal resources at Soumber are classified as bituminous coal and the rank
ranges from high-volatile bituminous to medium-volatile bituminous, based on
ASTM standard D388. Calorific values range between 5172 kCal/kg - 6728 kCal/kg.
Coal quality data suggests that there is good potential to produce a blend or
washed coking coal product from shallow (low stripping ratio) sources.

Table 5: Central Soumber in-Place Coal Resources Summary as of August 11, 2009

Resource   ASTM Coal             Measured        Indicated         Inferred
Area       Rank           (million tonnes) (million tonnes) (million tonnes)
Soumber    Medium                    13.1              8.3             55.5
Total                                     21.4                         55.5

(i) medium-volatile bituminous coal based on ASTM D388 standards

The geologic model was developed using industry-accepted block modeling
conventions using Mintec Inc. MineSight(TM) software. Bulk density values
derived from the incremental samples from drill hole core samples were
incorporated into the geologic model and subsequently used to estimate coal
resource tonnages. Zones of core loss within coal seams were assigned an average
density as per the judgment of the geologist. Trends in density values were
interpolated and extrapolated across the areal extent of the property via the
modeling process.

The independent resource estimates were prepared by Norwest Corporation, of
Grand Junction, Colorado. The Soumber resource estimates were prepared in
conformance with the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) Standards and
requirements set out in Canada's NI 43-101. A NI 43-101 technical report is
expected to be filed within 45 days.

The Soumber coal field can be divided into three areas (or fields), Central,
East and West. Only the centre of the Soumber property is classified into
compliant resources that satisfy the requirements of National Instrument 43-101.
This separation is derived from the drill hole data distribution. The majority
of exploration activity was focused on the Central Soumber field where a total
of one hundred twelve (112) holes were drilled. The East Soumber field is
located east of Central Soumber field. There are a total of sixty two (62) holes
completed in the East Soumber field. The least amount of exploration was focused
on the West Soumber field where fifteen (15) drill holes were completed. The
company plans to initiate mine planning and file an application for a mining
licence for the development of this project.

The West and East Soumber fields are high priority targets and the company plans
further drilling to bring the resources into NI 43-101 compliance.

Data Verification

Staff geologists from Sapphire Geo Co. Ltd. of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia were
instructed by Norwest on data collection procedures during the early exploration
stage, 2005 and 2006. Sapphire collected and recorded the data according to the
western standard. The core logging, data recording and geophysical logging
techniques were conducted to industry standards.

All geologic, geophysical and sampling data were reviewed and entered into an
electronic database. All mapping was entered and maintained in electronic format
with a CAD-based system. The geologic data was entered into an electronic system
on-site. The field data was forwarded to Norwest where the results of the coal
quality testing were compiled.

Mamahak Project, Indonesia, Update

SouthGobi Energy Resources also has received a revised resource update based on
data acquired up to April 3, 2009 for the Mamahak coal project in East
Kalimantan, Indonesia from PT SMG Consultants of Jakarta, Indonesia. PT SMG
Consultants produced the original Mamahak resource estimate.

The resource update is a result of additional drilling being undertaken on the
project, additional coal quality information and a new LIDAR topographic survey.
The revised resource has been adjusted, primarily in the inferred category, due
to excessively high strip ratios in some areas of the project that would
preclude open pit mining. The revised approach is in line with the Geological
Survey of Canada paper 88-21 and is also considered to be a reasonable upper
limit defining the likelihood of economic extraction for the Mamahak Project. A
comparison of the previously stated resource and the update is shown in the
below tables.

Table 6: Mamahak In-Place Coal Resources Summary as of January 19, 2009
(Originally reported February 9, 2009)

                                Resources at Mamahak
                ASTM Coal  Measured Indicated  Inferred
Resource Area   Rank        (tonnes)  (tonnes)  (tonnes)
E (1, 2, and 3) hvA(i)    4,986,000 7,296,000 2,657,000
SW              hvA(i)                        2,611,000
Total                        12,282,000       5,268,000

Table 7: Mamahak In-Place Coal Resources Summary as of September 11, 2009
(Limited to a maximum vertical strip ratio of 20:1)

                                Resources at Mamahak
                ASTM Coal  Measured Indicated  Inferred
Resource Area   Rank        (tonnes)  (tonnes)  (tonnes)
E (1, 2, and 3) hvA(i)    5,460,000 2,590,000    41,000
SW              hvA(i)    1,440,000    57,000    12,000
Total                        9,547,000           53,000

(i) hvA - high-volatile bituminous coal A rank based on
    ASTM D388 standards

The updated independent resource estimates were prepared by PT SMG Consultants
of Jakarta, Indonesia. The Mamahak E (1, 2, and 3) and SW resource estimates
were prepared in conformance with the requirements set out in Canada's NI
43-101. The resource estimates have been calculated to JORC (Joint Ore Reserves
Committee) standards, which in relation to these deposits classify the same
measured, indicated and inferred resource areas as NI 43-101.

PT SMG Consultants will deliver to SouthGobi for public filing an amended
technical report to support the revised Mamahak resource estimate as of
September 11, 2009. Once delivered and filed within 45 days, the amended and
restated technical report will replace the January 2009 technical report.

As SouthGobi progressed with efforts to prepare for the mining and shipment of
the targeted 30,000 tonne trial cargo from Mamahak, the company became aware of
the requirement for additional capital expenditure beyond what was originally
budgeted to develop the project. With that in mind, SouthGobi has determined to
suspend further development works at Mamahak pending a more detailed operational

Qualified Persons

Richard D. Tifft III, a geologist with Norwest Corporation and a Qualified
Person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the data underlying the resource
estimate and approved the technical and scientific information pertaining to
Ovoot Tolgoi and Soumber contained in this release.

Alister Horn, a mining engineer with Norwest Corporation and a Qualified Person
as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the data underlying the reserve estimate
and approved the technical and scientific information pertaining to Ovoot Tolgoi
contained in this release.

Mark Manners, a geologist with PT SMG Consultants and a qualified person as
defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the data underlying the resource estimate and
approved the technical and scientific information pertaining to Mamahak
contained in this release.

About SouthGobi Energy Resources

SouthGobi Energy Resources is focused on exploration and development of its
Permian-age metallurgical and thermal coal deposits in Mongolia's South Gobi
Region. The company's flagship coal mine, Ovoot Tolgoi, is producing and selling
coal to customers in China. The company plans to supply a wide range of coal
products and electricity to markets in Asia.

Forward-Looking Statements: This document includes forward-looking statements.
Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, coal products
expected to be produced at Ovoot Tolgoi, potential for Ovoot Tolgoi to grow
substantially, potential of Soumber to be a new mine, the company's future
ability to supply coal products and electricity to markets in Asia, and other
statements that are not historical facts. When used in this document, the words
such as "could", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "potential",
"should", and similar expressions are forward-looking statements. Although
SouthGobi Energy Resources believe that the expectations reflected in these
forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and
uncertainties and no assurance can be given that actual results will be
consistent with these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could
cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements are
disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" in SouthGobi Energy's Management's
Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for the
year end Dec. 31, 2008, which is available at

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