Niobay Metals Inc. (“NioBay” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: NBY) is
pleased to announce results of an independent Preliminary Economic
Assessment (the “
PEA’’) for its wholly-owned James
Bay Niobium project (the “
Project”), located 40 km
south of the island of Moose Factory, Northern Ontario. The PEA was
prepared with independent engineering firm G Mining Services Inc.
G Mining”).
A conference call will be held on Wednesday,
October 14th at 16:00 EST. Dial-in information can be found
Because of the geometry and location of the
deposit, three mining scenarios were evaluated i.e. open pit
(scenario #1), underground (scenario #3) and a hybrid of both
mining methods (scenario #2). Details of the financial and
technical highlights of all three scenarios are available on the
NioBay website at
Table 1: PEA
Highlights (all figures in CAD$ unless otherwise
Open Pit |
Open Pit + UG |
Underground |
Pre-Tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR) |
33.6% |
33.4% |
26.0% |
Pre-Tax Net Present Value (NPV) 8% |
$1,475 M |
$1,268 M |
$1,104 M |
Pre-Tax Payback (years) |
2.6 years |
2.5 years |
3.8 years |
After-Tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR) |
27.5% |
27.0% |
21.6% |
After-Tax Net Present Value (NPV) 8% |
$1,008 M |
$856 M |
$733 M |
After-Tax Payback (years) |
3.2 years |
3.1 years |
4.3 years |
Pre-Production CAPEX (incl 25% Contingency) |
$510.5 M |
$482.0 M |
$579 M |
Average Annual LOM Niobium Production |
5,470 t Nb |
6,213 t Nb |
6,283 t Nb |
Mine Life |
30 years |
23 years |
23 years |
Total Mineral Resources Mined |
70.8 Mt |
53.7 Mt |
53.6 Mt |
Average Grade Mined |
0.44 % Nb2O5 |
0.51 % Nb2O5 |
0.51 % Nb2O5 |
Gross Revenue After Royalties (LOM) |
$9,264 M |
$8,360 |
$8,454 |
After-tax Operating Cash Flow (LOM) |
$3,581 M |
$2,696 M |
$2,536 M |
C1 Costs over LOM* |
US$16.10 / kg Nb |
US$18.45 / kg Nb |
US$19.11 / kg Nb |
$48.48/t |
$63.85/t |
$66.94 |
All-in Costs (sustaining CAPEX + Closure + OPEX) |
US$17.58/kg Nb |
US$20.52 / kg Nb |
US$21.43 / kg Nb |
$52.93 / t |
$70.98 / t |
$75.08 / t |
LOM Niobium Price |
US$45/kg Nb |
US$45/kg Nb |
US$45/kg Nb |
Exchange Rate (CAD/USD) |
1.30 |
1.30 |
1.30 |
*C1 Cost is mine site,
transport, marketing and royalty
Claude Dufresne, President & CEO, commented:
We are very pleased to finally be able to demonstrate the value of
the James Bay Project as highlighted with the PEA. All three
scenarios deliver robust returns but also provide strong and
long-term economic opportunities to shareholders and to local
Claude Dufresne continued: “We are excited to
move to the next phase that will include a definition drilling
program, baseline and technical studies, and strengthen our
engagement and business relationship with Moose Cree First Nation
and other stakeholders.”
Conference Call
Toll Free Dial-in Number: |
900-1546 |
Participant International Dial-in Number: |
+1(236) 712-2464 |
An operator will direct participants to the
The conference call replay will be available
from 1:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on October 14, 2020 until 11:59 p.m.
(Eastern time) on October 21, 2020 with the following dial in
numbers: 1-(800) 585-8367 (North American toll free) or 1-(416)
621-4642, access code 9182784. The replay will also be available on
our website at
Table 2: Capital Costs
Capital Costs by Area (in
CAD$M) |
Open Pit |
OP + UG |
Underground |
Infrastructure |
133,575 |
133,575 |
112,615 |
Power & Electrical |
31,485 |
31,485 |
31,485 |
Water & Tailings |
31,413 |
13,575 |
20,482 |
Mining U/G |
- |
- |
117,729 |
Mining Pre-production |
31,312 |
31,338 |
- |
Mining Equipment OP |
29,405 |
29,405 |
- |
Process Plant |
69,985 |
69,985 |
99,985 |
Other Equipment |
5,613 |
5,614 |
5,612 |
Total Direct |
332,788 |
314,977 |
387,908 |
Construction Indirect |
35,018 |
32,699 |
34,772 |
General Services |
40,406 |
37,730 |
40,122 |
Pre-Prod, Startup, Commission |
150 |
150 |
150 |
Contingency |
102,090 |
96,389 |
115,738 |
Total Indirect |
177,664 |
166,968 |
190,782 |
Total CAPEX |
510,452 |
481,945 |
578,691 |
Sustaining Costs |
283,163 |
359,123 |
416,080 |
Closure Costs |
32,418 |
23,992 |
20,692 |
Table 3: Operating Costs
Operating Costs by Area
($/t) |
Open Pit |
OP + UG |
Underground |
Mining Costs* |
12.13 |
26.42 |
29.44 |
Processing Costs |
14.60 |
14.62 |
14.62 |
Converter Costs |
11.48 |
12.76 |
12.89 |
G&A |
10.00 |
10.00 |
10.00 |
Total |
48.48 |
63.85 |
66.94 |
US$/ kg Nb |
16.10 |
18.45 |
19.11 |
*Unit mining cost of $4.43/t
based on 1.8 strip ratio and including stockpile rehandle.
Opportunities to Enhance
Trade-off studies will be performed to determine
the most suitable mining scenario among the three contemplated.
Below are examples of items and programs to enhance the Project’s
value to be included in an eventual Feasibility Study:
- Initial
metallurgical results indicate that there is a likelihood to
improve the overall recovery rate above 80%.
- The Federal
& Provincial governments announced a billion-dollar program to
support infrastructure development in northern Ontario. We believe
capital costs associated with the road access and powerline may
qualify for these types of programs.
- Future drilling programs will test
the high-grade zone raking north as described below.
- Geotechnical studies and drilling
will be required to establish design criteria for open pit slopes
which could potentially steepen angles and reduce the strip ratio
(scenarios #1 and #2). Similarly, for the underground, the crown
pillar thickness will be evaluated, and could potential be reduced
increasing ore recovery (scenario #3).
- Incorporation of automation to
reduce personnel requirements (scenarios #2 and #3).
- Mine production is limited to a
maximum of 5% of the ferro-niobium world market share. However, the
deposit is suitable to provide additional material to market to
maintain market share in a growing market.
Exploration Potential
- The last winter’s drilling program
clearly demonstrated a large high-grade zone raking 20 to 30
degrees to the north in the center of the deposit. The results of
these seven (7) drill-holes produced an increase of 40% of the
Indicated Resources and a 17% in the Inferred category.
- Niobay management believes that
this high-grade zone could continue to extend at depth under a
series of shallow historical drill holes to the north. This sector
will be a high priority target for the next drilling campaign.
- If this geological hypothesis is
confirmed, such a high-grade zone could be beneficial to the
underground scenario and will be fully evaluated by Niobay.
- This fall Niobay will perform a
detailed aero-magnetic survey of the entire property including the
mining license and the 306 surrounding new claims. This survey will
help better understand the attitude of the different lithologies of
the area and could reveal other exploration targets, knowing that
carbonatites in the world have a strong tendency to be found in
The James Bay Project is expected to be a
long-term robust operation and profitable at a variety of prices
and assumptions. The niobium price used in the PEA is based on the
expected mid-term (five years) price and supported by other niobium
projects’ price assumptions. Two lower price stress test scenarios
were run to better ascertain the viability of the Project.
Table 4: Sensitivity to Metal
Scenarios |
Niobium Price (US$/kg) |
35 |
40 |
45* |
50 |
55 |
Open Pit Scenario |
After-Tax NPV 8% (C$ M) |
490 |
749 |
1,008 |
1,268 |
1,527 |
After-Tax IRR (%) |
18.2% |
22.9% |
27.5% |
31.8% |
36.0% |
After-Tax Payback (yrs) |
4.9 |
3.8 |
3.2 |
2.7 |
2.3 |
Open Pit & Underground |
After-Tax NPV 8% (C$ M) |
341 |
599 |
856 |
1,114 |
1,372 |
After-Tax IRR (%) |
16.5% |
21.9% |
27.0% |
31.8% |
36.3% |
After-Tax Payback (yrs) |
5.7 |
4.3 |
3.1 |
2.6 |
2.3 |
Underground |
After-Tax NPV 8% (C$ M) |
210 |
473 |
733 |
992 |
1,251 |
After-Tax IRR (%) |
12.4% |
17.2% |
21.6% |
25.7% |
29.5% |
After-Tax Payback (yrs) |
6.6 |
5.12 |
4.3 |
3.7 |
3.2 |
* Base case scenario price
- The PEA
considers open pit mining under scenario 1 using and owner operated
fleet. Open pit mining is possible given that the orebody sub-crops
in the basement formation overlain by sediments and overburden
ranging from 10 to 20m in thickness. A stream flows over the
deposit which will require relocation to the north outside of the
mining footprint by the third year of operation.
- The open pit
will be mined for 24years during which time low grade material will
be stockpiled and processed at the end of the mine life. A cut-off
grade of 0.12% Nb2O5 was applied for the open pit resulting in
70.8Mt of mill feed. A total of 198Mt of material will be mined for
an average LOM strip ratio of 1.8.
- During
pre-production a total of 5Mt is mined to supply construction
materials for the TSF and to strip overburden. The initial mining
rate is then established at 7Mt/yr for the first 4 years and
increases to a peak of 10Mt/yr by the 8th year of operation.
- The mining
fleet will consist of 64t rigid trucks matched with hydraulic
excavators with 7m3 buckets supported by front-end loaders.
Metallurgy and Processing
- The selected
process has been developed using available technology and retaining
some aspects of past work done. The process flowsheet and design
criteria are based on the interpretation of preliminary
metallurgical test work results and industry practice. The process
scenario description is for a nominal throughput of 2.4 Mt/yr and a
process plant availability of 93 %. The scenario retained includes
an intermediary gravity circuit removing close to 42 % of the mass
with limited niobium losses. This particularity of the process
minimizes energy requirements and considerably reduces the volume
of pulp thereby lowering reagent costs. The reagents consumption
has been estimated on the preliminary metallurgical results.
- The low
grinding index of the ore and coarse grind required for good
liberation of the niobium mineral minimizes the power requirement
for grinding. A total of 1900 kw has been estimated for the entire
grinding stage to prepare the ore for processing. The process will
have two stages of grinding with the gravity interstage followed by
pulp desliming, magnetic separation, three steps of specific
minerals removal prior to the niobium flotation. The niobium
concentrate will be leached, filtered and a gravity separation will
be done to generate two different concentrate grades. The final
concentrates will be dried and bagged to respond to the feed of a
converter process.
- A series of
metallurgical tests were performed at SGS Lakefield during the year
with results confirming a recovery rate of 78% and high niobium
grade in the concentrate and low impurities, item as the pilot
plant results performed in the 1960’s.
- Access to the
mine site will be via a 38km all season road from Moose River East
bank south of Moosonee. A 4.0km one lane tunnel is planned to cross
Moose River and a final 2.6km road segment will connect to the
existing road to Moosonee near the Hydro One Renison substation.
From Moosonee, the Ontario Northland Railway connects to Cochrane
and from there onto the Ontario Highway 11.
- Power will be
provided from the Hydro One grid with a connection from the Renison
substation. This substation provided power onto the Five Nations
Energy Inc. transmission line servicing the now closed DeBeers
Victor Diamond Mine.
- The mining
activities and processing facility will be supported by ancillaries
located at site including a maintenance shop, warehouse, mine dry,
explosives storage, fuel storage, administration building, and an
operations camp. Other infrastructure is planned to be in Moosonee
such as a material transit terminal, laboratory, and administrative
building for support functions such as accounting, human resources
and other.
Environment and Closure
- It is
anticipated that the Project will require a review under the
Federal Impact Assessment Act coordinated along with provincial
Class Environmental Assessment. The Company would be proposing the
active participation of identified impacted First Nation
communities in the design, baseline data collection and follow up
environmental monitoring. Only under Scenario #1 is there
anticipated to be a federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans
permit for a creek re-alignment. Examples of other provincial
permits that will be required would include: Permit(s) to Take
Water; Lands and Rivers Improvement Act; Environmental Compliance
Approval(s)(air and water).
- In Ontario, a
mine must file a Closure Plan prior to commencing construction. It
is anticipated that with the active participation of identified
impacted First Nation communities, the Closure Plan will be
integrated into the mine design and initial environmental
approvals. The Closure Plan must also include financial assurance
that the operation will be closed out and remediated.
- As a catchall,
Stakeholder Engagement will include individuals and communities
interested in or impacted by the potential development. However,
there will be a distinct negotiated engagement plan with
potentially impacted First Nation communities. This is in
recognition of their established Treaty and Aboriginal Rights.
- NioBay will
collaborate with the First Nation community(ies) to design a plan
of engagement to ensure that the environmental approvals are fully
aligned with their values. The Company has negotiated a Protection
Agreement with Moose Cree First Nation.
- As future
exploration and/or baseline environmental work proceeds, the Moose
Cree First Nation may want another longer-term agreement that
speaks to both their environmental and business involvement with
the Project.
Mineral Resource Estimation
(MRE) Highlights
- Indicated
Mineral Resource: 29.7 Mt grading 0.53
representing approximately 47% of the declare tonnage in the RPA
2020 MRE.
Inferred Mineral
33.8 Mt
grading 0.52
representing approximately 53% of the declare tonnage in the RPA
2020 MRE.
- A 46
meters thick mineralized crown pillar representing 7.2Mt
grading 0.5%
is excluded from the MRE of
The updated Mineral Resource estimate prepared
by RPA is summarized in Table 4. The Mineral Resources conform to
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
dated May 10, 2014 (CIM (2014) definitions).
Category |
Tonnage(Mt) |
Nb2O5) |
kg) |
Indicated |
29.7 |
0.53 |
158 |
Inferred |
33.8 |
0.52 |
177 |
- CIM (2014) definitions were
followed for Mineral Resources.
- Mineral Resources are reported
using a cut-off grade of 0.3% Nb2O5 based on an underground mining
scenario, an operating cost of C$70/t, and a metallurgical recovery
of 70%.
- Mineral
Resources are estimated using a long-term niobium price of US$40
per kg and a US$/C$ exchange rate of 1:1.2.
- A minimum mining width of
approximately 7.5 m was used.
- Bulk density is 2.93 t/m3.
- Mineral Resources that are not
Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
- Resources situated in a 46 m thick
crown pillar have been excluded.
- Numbers may not add due to
The PEA is preliminary in nature, includes
inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative
geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them
that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and
there is no certainty that the PEA will be realized. Mineral
resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated
economic viability.
Independent Qualified
This PEA was prepared for NioBay by G Mining
Services, and other industry consultants, all Qualitied Persons
(“QP”) under National Instrument 43-101. The study
was coordinated by the Company CEO Claude Dufresne P.Eng.. The QPs
have reviewed and approved the content of this press release. The
Company and independent QPs include:
Louis-Pierre Gignac P. Eng, M.Sc.A, CFA, Antoine
Champagne P. Eng, Paul Murphy, P. Eng. and Carl Michaud P. Eng. (G
Mining Services Inc)
Jacquelin Gauthier, P. Geo (Niobay Metals Inc),
Pierre Pelletier P. Eng (Consultant Metallurgy)
About NioBay
Metals Inc.
NioBay Metals Inc. is a mining exploration
company holding a 100% interest in the James Bay Niobium Project
located 45 km south of Moosonee, in the James Bay Lowlands in
Ontario. NioBay also holds a 72.5% interest in the Crevier niobium
and tantalum project located in Quebec and a 47% direct
participation in mineral titles situated in the Chibougamau,
Quebec, under a joint venture agreement with SOQUEM.
Cautionary Statement
The reader is advised that the PEA summarized in
this press release is preliminary in nature and is intended to
provide an initial, high-level review of the project’s economic
potential and design options. The PEA mine plan and economic model
includes numerous assumptions and the use of Inferred Resources.
Inferred Resources are considered to be too speculative
geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that
would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there
is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.
Certain statements contained in this press
release constitute forward-looking information under the provisions
of Canadian securities laws. Such statements are necessarily based
upon a number of beliefs, assumptions, and opinions of management
on the date the statements are made and are subject to numerous
risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future
events to differ materially from those anticipated or
projected. The Company undertakes no obligation to update
these forward-looking statements in the event that management's
beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change,
except as required by law.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For more information,
Dufresne, P.Eng.President & CEONioBay
Metals Inc.Tel.: (514) 866-6500, Ext. 2221Email: Website:
Paradox Public RelationsTel:
(514) 341-0408 or
Renmark Financial Communications
Inc. Melanie BarbeauTel: (416) 644-2020 or (212)
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