Biotechnology Value Fund Urges Stockholders to Remove and Replace Current Board of Avigen, Inc. in an Effort to Protect and Maxi
2009年3月13日 - 5:50AM
PRニュース・ワイアー (英語)
NEW YORK, March 12 /PRNewswire/ -- Biotechnology Value Fund, L.P.
("BVF"), today announced that it has sent a letter to the
stockholders of Avigen, Inc. (NASDAQ:AVGN) urging stockholders to
remove the current members of the Avigen Board and replace them
with BVF's four new, stockholder-oriented, independent director
nominees at the Special Meeting of stockholders to be held on March
27, 2009. BVF, the beneficial owner of approximately 30% of the
Company's outstanding common stock, has called the Special Meeting
to give stockholders the opportunity to protect what remains of
Avigen's assets, which it believes are in danger of being
completely wasted by the Board. BVF encourages stockholders to join
its campaign to maximize stockholder value by voting the GOLD proxy
Stockholders: SAN FRANCISCO - March 12, 2009 - We, the
Biotechnology Value Fund ("BVF"), are the owners of 8,819,600
shares, or approximately 30% of Avigen's outstanding common stock.
Since we took the lead in protecting value for all stockholders of
Avigen in October of 2008, the stock price has increased by over
65%. We have successfully caused the Avigen management team and
Board to reduce expenses and sell off programs that they do not
have the necessary expertise to develop. We now need your
participation to secure Avigen's substantial remaining value by
removing the members of the current self-serving Board and electing
our independent nominees who are committed to protecting value for
all stockholders. Let me state from the outset that we neither
seek, nor would we accept, any consideration or benefit solely for
ourselves. Avigen has falsely accused us of this numerous times,
even though we have been crystal clear on this fundamental issue
all along. We are waging this effort because (a) we feel a sense of
responsibility to do so on behalf of all stockholders given our
unique position as the largest stockholder and (b) we believe it is
the right thing to do, especially in the context of the current
economic environment caused, in part, by similar self-serving
managements and Boards. Throughout this process we have sought only
three simple things: 1. that Avigen stop recklessly wasting
stockholder money; 2. that stockholders be empowered to decide the
fate of Avigen's remaining cash; and 3. that stockholders be
guaranteed a quantified worst-case outcome of approximately
Avigen's liquidation value. Thus far we have made progress with #1
and #2 above. Facing pressure from BVF, Avigen has abandoned, at
least temporarily, its plan to spend money on its remaining
products. In addition, the Company has now been forced to call a
special meeting to finally permit stockholders the opportunity to
weigh in. Prior to our intervention, Avigen's stock traded at a
mere 33% of the cash in the bank and at a steep discount to its
current price. This is a remarkable reflection on how poorly Avigen
was and is viewed by the investment community. Prior to our
intervention, Avigen's plan was to spend all stockholder money over
two years on uncompelling products that it has subsequently
conceded were not worthy of investment. It is worth reflecting on
some of Avigen's historical "accomplishments": 1. Avigen has
consumed over $250 million of investor capital, with little value
to show for it. Why should they be entrusted with the last $50
million? 2. Avigen selected a Chief Executive Officer who lives in
Park City, Utah when the Company is based in California. 3. Avigen
has committed to pay significant fees in the form of golden
parachutes to its senior executives and multiple investment
bankers, lawyers and consultants in an amount that, we believe,
could exceed $5 million under certain circumstances. 4. Despite
purporting to have reduced their use of cash and working to protect
stockholders, we believe Avigen will spend nearly $20 million, or
over $0.65 per share, between the time they announced the failure
of AV650 and when they supposedly hope to complete a merger. 5.
Avigen adopted a "poison pill," which we believe is just another
example of the Board acting first to protect their jobs rather than
the stockholders they have a fiduciary duty to represent. 6. Avigen
delayed calling the special meeting for approximately two months
before setting a rushed meeting date that we believe was set to
prevent stockholders from having adequate opportunity to receive
and review proxy materials and vote at the special meeting. We have
grown increasingly dismayed that Avigen's Board and management
team, who collectively own little stock, have wasted money on
golden parachutes, multiple investment bankers, consultants and
lawyers. Had Avigen merely agreed to guarantee a worst case
scenario for stockholders, this fight would not have transpired.
Thus, we can only conclude that Avigen is likely to gamble
stockholders' remaining capital that, precedent warns, could result
in a near total destruction of stockholder value. We are frankly
surprised that the Board has not previously addressed our concerns
by affirmatively and unequivocally agreeing to proceed only with a
transaction that provides for stockholders to receive no less than
the Company's approximate liquidation value. In fact, it appears to
us that the Board is only now even mentioning an undefined intent
to provide some merger liquidity in response to our demand for full
downside protection for all stockholders. We believe that Avigen's
shares are undervalued by the market as a result of stockholders'
concern about the direction the current Board is taking the
Company. New leadership is needed to prevent further erosion of
each stockholder's investment in Avigen, as well as to take
advantage of opportunities that exist to maximize stockholder
value. Without Any Evident Rational Motive, Avigen Has Not
Aggressively Pursued The COMPELLING Merger Proposal By MediciNova
That Offered BOTH Downside Protection AND Significant Upside To All
Avigen Stockholders Unlike the current Board, we believe that a
merger with MediciNova makes sense for all Avigen stockholders and
we cannot understand why only lip service was paid to pursue a deal
with MediciNova. Among the extraordinary potential benefits we see
in a merger with MediciNova are: -- Downside Protection: Based on
our analysis, even if a merger with MediciNova is unsuccessful,
Avigen stockholders would still receive the approximate current
liquidation value of Avigen. This means that, even in the
worst-case scenario, the merger would yield an approximate 65%
premium to Avigen's stock price before we submitted our request to
the Company to call the special meeting. -- Tremendous Upside
Potential: Based on our analysis, if a merger with MediciNova is
successful, Avigen stockholders could own a substantial percentage
of MediciNova (approximately 45% of the combined company). We
believe the Board has not had any substantive discussions with
MediciNova. We do not understand why they have dismissed the offer
as providing little value. -- Free Option: Under the terms of the
proposed merger, stockholders would have at least one year after
the merger is consummated to choose whether they want downside
protection or upside potential, as described above. We believe this
free option period offers stockholders tremendous upside potential
with low risk. Neither BVF nor its nominees have any financial
interests in MediciNova. BVF is only interested in the superior
transaction for ALL stockholders. We simply believe that in light
of similar historical transactions, it is important that
stockholders have downside protection. If BVF's nominees are
elected to the Board, stockholders can either tender their shares
in the BVF tender, or not tender and participate with BVF in the
future of Avigen, whether through a merger with MediciNova, subject
to the nominees' fiduciary obligations, or if the merger is not
feasible, to consider liquidation or other similar type
transactions. In any case all stockholders will get to choose and
have the opportunity to get immediate cash back. The nominees
intend to present any potential MediciNova transaction to
stockholders for approval - ensuring that stockholders will get a
true say in the future of Avigen. We believe the Board's failure to
commit exclusively to a transaction that offers downside protection
based on the Company's liquidation value suggests that the Board is
considering other options, which will put the value of Avigen at
risk. As the Company's largest stockholder, we share the interest
of all stockholders in protecting and preserving our investment.
Unlike the directors and management, BVF only profits if the stock
price goes up and shares the interest of all stockholders to
increase share value and limit share loss. We receive no other
payments or compensation. The vast majority of failed biotechnology
companies that have found themselves in Avigen's current situation
have managed to destroy between 80%-99% of stockholder value from
their then liquidation value We are concerned that Avigen will
enter into a transaction without downside protection that would end
up destroying value. We have good reason to fear this, because most
recent mergers involving companies similarly situated to Avigen
(e.g., Transcept Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Anesiva, Inc., ARCA
biopharma, Inc., Evotec Aktiengesellschaft, Cardiovascular Systems,
Inc. and others), managed to destroy stockholder value. In each of
these transactions, the stock prices declined over 80% from their
liquidation value following the Board's decision to pursue a
transaction, resulting in aggregate lost value in excess of $200
million. Of course the management, directors, and bankers took
their millions of dollars of fees in cash rather than stock in the
companies they supposedly supported. The directors and management
of companies like Avigen deserve recognition: it is quite a feat to
destroy 80% of the liquidation value of a company possessing little
else but cash! The charts below illustrate these astonishing
failures. (Photo: ) (Photo: ) (Photo: ) (Photo: ) (Photo: ) *
Approximate net cash per share liquidation value at time of
negative binary event. This repeated lost value and waste is a key
reason why we believe downside protection is so important for all
stockholders. We want to prevent Avigen from joining this long and
infamous list of failures. This is a key reason why we believe the
MediciNova transaction is so attractive. We Believe The Avigen
Board Is Entrenching Itself As It Prepares To Enter Into An
Egregious Transaction That Could Burn Through Our Company's
Remaining Cash In a shameless example of protecting their own
self-interest, in October 2008 Avigen increased its golden
parachute payments, allegedly to attract and retain executive
talent. Our first question is: which executive employees does
Avigen need to retain when, in our view, Avigen does not possess a
viable business? We have estimated that the golden parachute
payouts total at least $2 million. Payments to consultants, bankers
and lawyers are quickly adding up as well. Given the current
economic conditions, we find it irresponsible for Avigen to engage
in such behavior that amounts to a slap in the face of all Avigen
stockholders. The recent addition of a poison pill by the Board
adds further insult to stockholders who have already been insulted
by a Board that ignores their pleas. We are afraid that if the
current Board remains in place, they will burn through Avigen's
remaining cash by engaging in a transaction that will further
destroy stockholder value. For example, any transaction proposed by
Avigen is likely to have a substantial and non-refundable breakup
fee that will not be returned to stockholders even if a transaction
is not approved. Everyday that the current Board remains in place,
the cash per share is dwindling. After Delaying the Special Meeting
for Months, the Board Finally Set AN Accelerated MEETING Date to
Try and Prevent Stockholders from Having an Opportunity to Let
Their Voice be Heard The Board has now set March 27, 2009 as the
date for the special meeting of stockholders. We delivered our
notice to the board demanding that a special meeting be called
approximately two months ago. Finally, after nearly two months of
delay and significant and unnecessary corporate waste, the Company
announced a March 27, 2009 meeting date, which will occur in just
over two weeks, barely enough time to deliver our proxy materials
to you. At this critical meeting, Avigen stockholders will be given
the opportunity to remove the entire Board and elect independent
directors who will strive to preserve and enhance value for all
Avigen stockholders. We hope that you will support us by
immediately voting the enclosed GOLD proxy card. If you Share our
Concern for the Future of Our Company, Do Not Delay, Vote Your Gold
Proxy Card Today. TIME IS SHORT Act Now to Protect Your Investment
By Voting The Enclosed Gold Proxy Card Today Unfortunately, we have
come to the conclusion that the current Board is not fit to run our
Company and that it will continue to destroy stockholder value if
it is not replaced. Please join our campaign to maximize
stockholder value by voting the enclosed GOLD proxy card today. If
you have any questions or need assistance in voting your GOLD proxy
card, please contact our proxy solicitors, MacKenzie Partners,
Inc., Toll-Free at 1-800-322-2885 or 1-212-929-5500 (call collect)
or by email at . We look forward to speaking to many of you during
the course of this campaign and hope that we can count on your
support. Sincerely, [signature] Mark N. Lampert Biotechnology Value
Fund, L.P. IMPORTANT Your vote is important, no matter how many or
how few shares you own. To vote your shares, please sign, date and
return the GOLD proxy card. You may also vote by phone or on the
Internet by following the instructions on the GOLD proxy card. Do
not return any WHITE proxy card that you receive from management.
If you have any questions or need assistance voting your shares,
please contact MacKenzie Partners, Inc., which is assisting us in
this matter, toll-free at (800) 322-2885 or . Stockholders can vote
by mail, telephone or internet by following the instructions on the
enclosed GOLD proxy card. If you have questions or need assistance
voting your shares please contact: Mark Harnett 105 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10016 Call Collect: (212) 929-5500 or Toll-Free
(800) 322-2885 DATASOURCE: Biotechnology Value Fund,
L.P. CONTACT: Mark Harnett, +1-212-929-5500, MacKenzie Partners,
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