RNS No 8362m
15 June 1999

                  Preliminary Statement of Annual Results

Worldsec Limited is pleased to release today its preliminary statement of
annual results for the year ended 31 December 1998.

The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.

The Chairman's Statement and extracts from the annual financial statements
are reproduced below. The results have been agreed with the Company's
auditors, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Certified Public Accountants, Hong

Investor Relations

For further information please contact:

In the United Kingdom       In Hong Kong

Mr Alastair Gunn-Forbes     Mr Paul K K Cheng
Director                    Chief Operating Officer and Finance Director
+44 171 972 0880            +852 2867 7213



The audited consolidated loss after taxation and minority interests of the
Company was $3.73m (1997: profit of $2.19m).

Loss per share based on the weighted average number of shares in issue
during the year amounted to US 28.7 cents (1997: earnings per share of US
19.2 cents).


In my review of 1997 I highlighted the difficult and volatile operating
environment then prevailing and regrettably this has deteriorated further
in 1998. Russia's abrupt decision in mid-August to let the rouble fall in
value and its subsequent debt default triggered a worldwide selling of
financial assets of all kinds. The global sell-off hit Asian stock markets
particularly hard and materially affected our business.

Within  the  region, the year started on a promising note with  most  Asian
stock  markets  rallying in January and February. By  March,  however,  the
initial  optimism seen at the start of the year faded in the face of  worse
than  expected  economic news, which generally prompted  dramatic  downward
revisions  of  real  GDP and earnings forecasts throughout  Asia.  Lack  of
progress  on  economic  reforms  in  the region  and  increasing  political
tensions  in  Indonesia weighed on investor sentiment.  Japan's  continuing
recession also depressed investor confidence and this in turn added to  the
strength  of  the U.S. dollar. This put further pressure on those  regional
currencies  that had avoided the sharp exchange rate declines  recorded  in
the  second half of 1997. The Hong Kong currency, being pegged to the  U.S.
dollar,  had  remained stable, but in the summer of  1998,  it  came  under
severe  speculative attack. Hong Kong interest rates,  the  first  line  of
defence in the fight against speculators, rose sharply. This, in turn,  put
pressure   on   the   stock  market  and  eventually  prompted   government
intervention  on  a  massive scale. During the last two  weeks  of  August,
trading  volumes  on the Hong Kong stock market soared  as  the  government
purchased  shares worth a total of US$15.2bn representing approximately  9%
of  the then total market capitalisation of the Hang Seng Index constituent
stocks.  Elsewhere  in  Asia, the Malaysian government  in  September  1998
reacted  to  the  financial  turmoil in  its  market  by  imposing  capital

The  turmoil in Asian financial markets in the third quarter was part of  a
larger  picture of instability which engulfed the world. The  U.S.  Federal
Reserve  Bank  cut  interest rates three times within  seven  weeks  in  an
attempt to stabilise markets.

One  of  the  largest Asian financial services group became a high  profile
victim  of the currency crisis. Its closure in January 1998, amidst rumours
of  widespread brokerage failures in Asia led to a so-called  "flight  to
quality" by institutional investors. Unfortunately for our company, quality
in  the  eyes of many compliance officers is equated with size. Our capital
base  is  modest  compared  to  those  of  our  competitors  who  undertake
proprietary trading, but it is more than adequate for a pure agency broker.
However,  this fact was overlooked amidst the turmoil. The perception  that
quality  is  related  to  balance sheet size  made  last  year's  difficult
operating environment even more difficult for small brokers like ourselves.
During 1998, our turnover fell in all Asian markets resulting in a 22% drop
in  group turnover to US$18.5m. The fall in commission income was magnified
by  the  weakness  of the regional currencies. This meant  that  the  Group
incurred  an operating loss during the year, its first since its  inception
in 1991.

The  Group's corporate finance division concentrated more on advisory  work
than  on  capital raising. Although turnover halved in 1998, the  corporate
finance business managed to break even.


Subsequent  to  the  cuts in U.S. interest rates last  year,  Asian  equity
markets staged a strong rebound. This rally has since been extended, driven
by  continued  rapid  declines  in  interest  rates  and  easier  liquidity
conditions resulting from a large build-up of current account surpluses. In
recent months there has been growing evidence that the Asian economies  are
past  their low point and are starting to recover though the pace  is  both
slow  and uneven. Inventories are starting to be rebuilt, which is reviving
intra-regional  trade and therefore domestic demand in  some  countries  is
beginning  to  recover. Investors have also been encouraged by  governments
determination  to  reform  their  economies  and,  more  particularly,   to
recapitalise  their  banking systems. The Asian equity  markets  have  also
benefitted  from the perception that the Japanese economy could be  turning

The  rally  in equities indicates that investors have become more  positive
about  the  outlook for the region and there is evidence that international
fund  managers have increased weightings in Asia and are prepared to  raise
asset allocations during periods of market weakness.

We  tend to be more cautious. Asian economies have already begun to recover
though we expect this process to be gradual. The return to historical rates
of  economic growth in Asia will take some time. Weak labour markets do not
bode  well  for domestic consumption while overcapacity in many  industries
and stretched corporate balance sheets will inhibit investment expenditure.
Against  the backdrop of a slowing world economy it would be optimistic  to
expect growth in Asia to be propelled by a stronger export performance. For
many  countries the benefits of restructuring their corporate  sector  debt
will  take years to realise. The conclusion we are forced to draw therefore
is  that  Asian  equity  markets have run ahead  of  fundamentals  and  are
discounting too far ahead.

While  markets  remain  volatile, the bias  against  dealing  with  smaller
brokers  is  likely to continue. Furthermore, in the light of our  cautious
market  view and our expectation that the operating environment will remain
difficult,  we  continue  to  reduce  overheads  wherever  possible  whilst
ensuring that the quality of our services to clients is maintained.

                                             David Archibald Evelyn Lyle
                                             Non-Executive Chairman
                                             15 June 1999


                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                      Notes        1998         1997
                                                  US$'000      US$'000
Turnover                               1           18,539       23,682
Fees and commissions payable                       (2,559)      (3,382)

                                                   15,980       20,300
Other operating income                              1,326        1,025
                                                   17,306       21,325
Staff costs                                      (12,033)     (12,774)
Other operating costs                             (6,827)      (6,027)
Operating (loss)/profit before exceptional items  (1,554)        2,524
Exceptional items                      2          (2,069)         (549)

Operating (loss)/profit                1          (3,623)        1,975
Gain on disposal of a subsidiary                       43            -
Interest receivable and similar income              1,341        1,192
Interest payable and similar charges              (1,167)        (293)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before
 taxation                                         (3,406)         2,874
Tax on profit on ordinary activities   3            (260)          (674)

(Loss)/profit for the year before minority
 interest                                          (3,666)        2,200
Equity minority interest                             (67)           (12)

(Loss)/profit for the financial year              (3,733)         2,188
Equity dividends                       4             -             (516)
(Loss)/retained profit                            (3,733)         1,672
                                                  =======         =====

(Loss)/earnings per share              5         (29) cents     19 cents
                                                  =========     ========


                                                     1998         1997
                                                  US$'000      US'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                       -           15
Tangible fixed assets                               1,526        1,354
Investments                                         5,041        4,428
Purchased goodwill                                  1,183            -

                                                    7,750        5,797
Current assets
Debtors                                            11,883       14,730
Bank deposits and cash                             47,612       67,437
                                                   59,495       82,167

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year    (36,213)     (52,804)

Net current assets                                 23,282       29,363

Total assets less current liabilities              31,032       35,160

Provisions for liabilities and charges               (30)         (30)

Equity minority interest                             (10)        (209)

Net assets                                         30,992       34,921
                                                   ======       ======
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                            13,367       12,900
Share premium                                      11,664       10,776
Special reserve                                       625          625
Profit and loss account                             3,977        7,710
Revaluation reserve                                 2,059        3,664
Currency translation reserve                         (700)        (754)

Equity shareholders' funds                         30,992       34,921
                                                   ======       ======



     The turnover attributable to the different classes of the Group's
     business is as follows:

                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                                   1998        1997
                                                 US$'000     US$'000
     Analysis by class of business:
     Broking                                      17,182      20,920
     Corporate finance                             1,098       2,127
     Investment advisory                             259         635

                                                  18,539      23,682
                                                  ======      ======
     Geographical analysis of turnover:
     Hong Kong                                    14,709      17,057
     Thailand                                      1,441       1,525
     Malaysia                                        630         999
     Philippines                                     388         608
     Taiwan                                          317         673
     Singapore                                       251       1,449
     United Kingdom                                  125          14
     Others                                          678       1,357

                                                  18,539      23,682
                                                  ======      ======
The operating (loss)/profit attributable to the different classes
 of the Group's business is as follows:
Broking                                           (3,759)       945
Corporate finance                                      1        923
Investment advisory                                   135       107 

                                                   (3,623)     1,975
                                                   ======      =====
The net assets utilised in the Group relate substantially to broking

                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                                   1998        1997
                                                   US'1000   US$'000

     Provision for doubtful receivables            (1,148)       (549)
     Provision for offices downsizing                (921)        -

                                                   (2,069)       (549)
                                                   =======       =====
     Provisions for doubtful receivables were made for certain receivables
     arising in the ordinary course of broking activities.

                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                                    1998        1997
                                                 US$'000     US$'000
     The charge comprises:
     UK Corporation Tax at 31% (1997: 31%)
     current year                                    144         153

     Hong Kong Profits Tax at 16% (1997:16.5%)
     current year                                    100         482

     Other overseas taxation                          16          39

                                                     260         674
                                                     ===         ===
                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                                   1998         1997
                                                 US$'000     US$'000
     Interim paid of US 2 cents per share            -           258
     Final proposed of US 2 cents per share          -           258

                                                     -           516
                                                    ===          ===

     Dividend per share                               Nil       4 cents
                                                    ======      ======

     Calculation of (loss)/earnings per share was based on the following:

                                                   Year ended 31 December
                                                   1998         1997

     (Loss)/profit for the financial year    US$(3,733,000)    US$2,188,000
                                             ==============    ============
     Weighted average number of shares in 
     issue                                       13,021,623      11,397,945
                                                 ==========      ==========

     (Loss)/earnings per share                    (29) cents       19 cents
                                                  ==========       ========



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