RNS Number : 8288W

Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Ltd

25 November 2010



The Board of Directors of Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Limited announces interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2010. These are extracts taken from the interim accounts for the six months ended 30 September, approved by the Board of Directors on 25 November 2010.

Chairman's report

I welcome our investors to this interim report for the Hedge+ Cell of Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Limited (the company) for the period covering 1 April to 30 September 2010. My report to you will follow its usual format of a market context followed by a performance analysis and a summary of key events for your company over the period.

The first quarter of our financial year threw into sharp focus the divergence in the economic cycles of Asia, the US and Europe. China reported that its GDP grew at an annualised rate of 11.9% in Q1, causing the government to relax the yuan peg to reduce inflation and slow export growth. Europe by way of contrast continued to suffer from the after-effects of a credit induced boom and excessive public spending. Greek bond yields surged to distressed levels as the size of the bail-out package needed to repair the country's finances grew to over EUR100bn and Portugal and Spain received credit downgrades leading to fears of contagion across the region. To prevent this, European governments enacted a program of austerity measures. Spain imposed a 5% public sector pay cut, France raised the retirement age to 62 and the UK chancellor presented one of the toughest ever post war budgets with a public sector pay freeze and an increase in VAT to 20%. Germany took a different stance as the government tried to win support for a ban on short selling European sovereign credit much to the dismay of the hedge fund industry. The financial sector suffered particularly heavy losses as Spain nationalised one of its many regional savings banks on concerns over losses in its property portfolio. The ECB predicted that European banks would need to make a further EUR195bn in write-downs and agreed to make the results of its US-style stress tests public. The US on the other hand continued on the path to recovery with strong growth in non-farm payrolls and outstanding first quarter results from the banking sector.

The tug-of-war between strong corporate profits growth and a deteriorating macro economic outlook dominated market sentiment in the second quarter. The European banking sector passed the ECB tests but the regulatory regime for the sector tightened further as the FSA brought in additional mortgage lending rules in the UK, the EU enacted a stringent bonus deferral programme, and President Obama signed the Financial Reform Bill in the US. The auto industry produced some spectacular earnings recovery data as BMW's and Toyota's profits surged and GM prepared to re-list to escape from government control following its strong recovery. The insurance and banking sectors also produced some excellent earnings from AIG in the US, HSBC and Barclays in the UK and BNP Paribas in France. At the macro level there was considerable evidence of dispersion both between countries and within regions as US consumer spending and home sales stalled whilst German exports and GDP surged compared to Greece where the economy shrank for the seventh successive quarter. Emerging markets continued to show strong evidence of de-coupling from the West as China officially became the world's second largest economy and McDonalds made history with the first yuan denominated bond issue in Hong Kong by a US company. The quarter ended on a strong note as markets rallied strongly in reaction to the Fed hinting that monetary policy would remain loose and Moodys cutting their corporate default rate projection to 3% for the end of this year. In Japan, the BoJ announced a Yen11trn stimulus programme in an attempt to weaken the yen, which soared to a record monthly high of Yen83.5 against the US dollar.

This interim reporting period has been divided into one quarter of risk-averse trading conditions and one quarter of risk-seeking behaviour. In addition, markets have switched regimes intra-month making trading conditions for hedge fund managers unusually difficult. This has been reflected in the HFRX Hedge Fund Index returning only 0.28% for the period and the HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index only returning 0.58% over the review period. The NAV of the underlying portfolio of your company has fallen by 0.9% over this period. This is a slightly below average performance and I think it is fair to say that this has been reflected in the prices of each of your respective share classes. The discount to NAV for the Sterling, Euro and Dollar Share Classes has widened significantly from 12.5% to 18.7%; 11.9% to 17.2% and 15.4% to 18.4% respectively. The widening of the discount has occurred despite an extensive programme of share repurchases by your company. During the reporting period we repurchased 8.05% of the Sterling Shares and 9.02% of the Dollar Shares in issue at 1 April 2010.

Your board is mindful of the requirement to meet the needs of both continuing and redeeming shareholders. In view of this, your company has continued to be one of the most pro-active companies in the closed-ended fund of hedge fund space in returning capital to shareholders. Your board has announced an intention to offer a discretionary semi-annual redemption facility to shareholders this December in addition to the ongoing buy-back programme.

In my last report, I mentioned the then recently-announced acquisition of the Investment Manager by F&C Asset Management plc and I am pleased to say that the transaction was completed in 1 September of this year. As advised at the time, there has been no change to the investment team or process at Thames River and the board is advised that the integration of the businesses is proceeding according to plan.

The investment manager's report, which follows, will explain why your board regards the last six months to be a short term setback in an otherwise solid track record.

William Backhouse

25 November 2010

 As at 30 September 2010 
                                                       September         March 
                                                            2010          2010 
                                                        US$000's      US$000's 
 Current assets 
 Cash                                                     31,610        20,761 
 Margin cash                                                   -         5,922 
 Debtors                                             1,700              16,886 
 Financial assets at fair value through profit 
  or loss                                            398,650           429,085 
 Total assets                                        431,960           472,654 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities 
 Bank borrowings                                     (25,000)         (40,000) 
 Creditors                                           (3,370)           (4,592) 
 Financial liabilities at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                     (372)             (1,136) 
 Total liabilities                                   (28,742)         (45,728) 
                                                    ------------  ------------ 
 Total net assets                                    403,218           426,926 
                                                    ============  ============ 
 Capital and revenue attributable to the Fund's 
  equity holders 
 Share capital                                                 -             - 
 Share premium                                           569,501       596,694 
 Retained earnings                                     (166,283)     (169,768) 
 Total equity                                            403,218       426,926 
                                                    ============  ============ 
 Shares in issue 
 Sterling shares                                     168,288,005   182,229,082 
 Euro shares                                           6,022,076     6,142,715 
 Dollar shares                                        16,390,031    19,280,007 
 Net asset value per share 
 Sterling shares                                       GBP1.4078     GBP1.4223 
 Euro shares                                           EUR1.2769     EUR1.2943 
 Dollar shares                                           $1.1827       $1.1932 
 For the six months ended 30 September 
                                       Share      Share    Retained 
                                     Capital    Premium    Earnings      Total 
                                    US$000's   US$000's    US$000's   US$000's 
 Management Shares                         -          -           -          - 
                    ========================  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Sterling Shares 
 Opening balance 1 
  April 2010                               -    558,257   (165,094)    393,163 
 Redemption of 
 shares                                    -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                                  -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
  shares for 
  cancellation                             -   (25,415)           -   (25,415) 
 Switches                                 -    1,584      -           1,584 
 Net gain for the 
  year                                     -          -       4,002      4,002 
 Closing balance 
  30 September 
  2010                                     -    534,426   (161,092)    373,334 
                    ========================  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Euro Shares 
 Opening balance 1 
  April 2010                               -      9,402       1,357     10,759 
 Redemption of 
 shares                                    -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                                  -          -           -          - 
 Switches                                  -      (212)           -      (212) 
 Net loss for the 
  year                                     -          -        (48)       (48) 
 Closing balance 
  30 September 
  2010                                     -      9,190       1,309     10,499 
                    ========================  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Dollar Shares 
 Opening balance 1 
  April 2010                               -     29,035     (6,031)     23,004 
 Redemption of 
 shares                                    -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                                  -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
  shares for 
  cancellation                             -    (1,778)           -    (1,778) 
 Switches                                  -    (1,372)           -    (1,372) 
 Net loss for the 
  year                                     -          -       (469)      (469) 
 Closing balance 
  30 September 
  2010                                     -     25,885     (6,500)     19,385 
                    ========================  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Opening balance 1 
  April 2010                               -    596,694   (169,768)    426,926 
 Redemption of 
 shares                                    -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                                  -          -           -          - 
 Purchase of 
  shares for 
  cancellation                             -   (27,193)           -   (27,193) 
 Net gain for the 
  year                                     -          -       3,485      3,485 
 Closing balance 
  30 September 
  2010                                     -    569,501   (166,283)    403,218 
                    ========================  =========  ==========  ========= 
 For the six months ended 30 September 
                                       Share      Share    Retained 
                                     Capital    Premium    Earnings      Total 
                                    US$000's   US$000's    US$000's   US$000's 
 Management Shares                         -          -           -          - 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Sterling Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 2009              -    640,032   (232,374)    407,658 
 Purchase of shares into 
  treasury                                 -   (34,414)           -   (34,414) 
 Purchase of shares for 
  cancellation                             -   (12,321)           -   (12,321) 
 Switches                                  -      5,603           -      5,603 
 Net gain for the period                   -          -      93,419     93,419 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2009                                     -    598,900   (138,955)    459,945 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Euro Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 2009              -      7,004       (434)      6,570 
 Purchase of shares into 
  treasury                                 -      (227)           -      (227) 
 Switches                                  -      4,172           -      4,172 
 Net gain for the period                   -          -       2,470      2,470 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2009                                     -     10,949       2,036     12,985 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Dollar Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 2009              -     45,692     (8,307)     37,385 
 Purchase of shares into 
  treasury                                 -      (446)           -      (446) 
 Purchase of shares for 
  cancellation                             -    (4,244)           -    (4,244) 
 Switches                                  -    (9,775)           -    (9,775) 
 Net gain for the period                   -          -       2,996      2,996 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2009                                     -     31,227     (5,311)     25,916 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Realisation Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 2009              -     12,439     (5,260)      7,179 
 Redemption of shares                      -      (241)           -      (241) 
 Purchase of shares into 
  treasury                                 -      (469)           -      (469) 
 Switches                                  -          -           -          - 
 Net gain for the period                   -          -       1,569      1,569 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2009                                     -     11,729     (3,691)      8,038 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 Opening balance 1 April 2009              -    705,167   (246,375)    458,792 
 Redemption of shares                      -      (241)           -      (241) 
 Purchase of shares into 
  treasury                                 -   (35,556)           -   (35,556) 
 Purchase of shares for 
  cancellation                             -   (16,565)           -   (16,565) 
 Switches                                  -          -           -          - 
 Net gain for the period                   -          -     100,454    100,454 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2009                                     -    652,805   (145,921)    506,884 
                                  ==========  =========  ==========  ========= 
 For the six 
 months ended 30 
 September 2010 
                                               September     September 
                                                    2010          2009 
                            Notes               US$000's      US$000's 
 Revenue                      2 
 Net gain on 
 assets and 
 liabilities at 
 fair value 
 through profit 
  or loss                                     7,682            105,741 
  income                                      7,682            105,741 
                                             -----------  ------------ 
 Expenses                     2 
 Management fees                              2,824              3,754 
  fee                                         187                  213 
  expenses                                    125                  180 
 Custody fees                                 90                   137 
 Directors' and 
  insurance                                   37                    37 
 Total operating 
  expenses                                    3,263              4,321 
                                             -----------  ------------ 
  profit                                      4,419            101,420 
 Finance costs 
  expense                                     (453)              (517) 
 Facility fee                                 (481)              (449) 
 Total finance 
  costs                                       (934)              (966) 
                                             -----------  ------------ 
 Net gain for 
  the period 
  to the 
  holders                                     3,485            100,454 
                                             ===========  ============ 
                                     September 2010 
                       Sterling        Euro    US Dollar   Realisation 
 Earnings per 
 share                   Shares      Shares       Shares        Shares 
 Net gain/(loss) 
  to the 
  equity holders 
  (US$000's)       4,002               (48)        (469)            NA 
 Number of 
  shares in 
  average in the 
  period)          174,521,338    6,022,076   16,680,031            NA 
 Basic earnings 
  per share 
  (expressed in 
  US$ per 
  share)                  2.29c     (0.80)c      (2.81)c            NA 
 Basic earnings 
  per share in 
  share class 
  currency                1.50p     (0.61)c      (2.81)c            NA 
                                     September 2009 
                       Sterling        Euro    US Dollar   Realisation 
 Earnings per 
 share                   Shares      Shares       Shares        Shares 
 Net gain 
  to the 
  equity holders 
  (US$000's)             93,419   2,470            2,996   1,569 
 Number of 
  shares in 
  average in the 
  period)          215,070,718    7,023,872   22,195,488     5,905,626 
 Basic earnings          43.44c      35.17c       13.50c        26.57c 
  per share 
  (expressed in 
  US$ per 
 Basic earnings          27.07p      24.95c       13.50c        16.56p 
  per share in 
  share class 
 For the six months ended 30 September 2010 
                                                   September   September 
                                                        2010        2009 
                                                    US$000's    US$000's 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Purchase of financial assets and settlement 
  of financial liabilities                          (39,789)    (83,763) 
 Proceeds from sale of financial assets at fair 
  value through 
 profit or loss and forward foreign currency 
  contracts                                           92,371     223,526 
 Movements in margin accounts                          5,922           - 
 Other operating expenses                              (937)     (4,170) 
 Interest received                                         -           2 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities            57,567     135,595 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Interest paid                                       (2,291)       (449) 
 Proceeds from participating shares issued                 -           - 
 Redemption of participating shares                 (29,082)    (52,375) 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities         (31,373)    (52,824) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents            26,194      82,771 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of 
  the period                                        (19,239)    (35,425) 
 Exchange loss on cash and cash equivalents            (345)        (69) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
  period                                               6,610      47,277 
                                                  ==========  ========== 
 Cash at the end of the period is comprised of: 
 Cash at bank                                         31,610      47,277 
 Bank borrowings                                    (25,000)           - 
                                                       6,610      47,277 
                                                  ==========  ========== 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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