RNS Number : 1685J
  Triple Point VCT PLC
  28 November 2008

    The directors of Triple Point VCT plc are pleased to announce the Reults of the Company for the six months ended 30 September

    Please address any queires to :

    David Dick         020 7201 8989            or        Graham Urquhart            020 3216 2000

    Chairman's Statement
    I am pleased to be writing to you to present the unaudited interim results for Triple Point VCT plc ("the Company") for the six months
ended 30 September 2008.

    Investment strategy and review
    The investment strategy of the Company was to build and hold a diversified portfolio of VCT qualifying holdings.
    Having achieved the threshold of being 70% invested in VCT qualifying holdings, there have been no changes in such holdings during the
period and the Company retains its VCT status. The Company's priority is now to manage the portfolio with the intention of returning value
to shareholders within the minimum time consistent with VCT rules.
    Dividends and buyback
    During the period the Company declared and paid a dividend of 3.13p per share in respect of the year ended 31 March 2008. The total
value of dividends paid so far is 5.43p per share. The Directors do not propose to declare a dividend in respect of the half year to 30
September 2008.
    53 Shareholders accepted the buyback Tender Offer made by the Company and 3,390,537 shares were purchased at 92.0p each which is
reflected in the reduction in money market funds and uninvested funds recorded in the balance sheet.

     The Company continues to perform satisfactorily and made a profit after taxation of �0.271 million during the period.
    The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Company increased during the period and, following the payment of the dividend of 3.13p per share, the
NAV of the Company at 30 September was �26.64 million. The NAV per share at 30 September was 93.15p.
    Risks and Uncertainties
    The board confirms that the principal risks facing the Company over the remainder of the financial period are:
    a)    investment risk associated with investing in small and immature businesses
    b)  failure to maintain approval as a VCT.
    The Board believe these principal risks are manageable and to expected for a company with Triple Point VCT plc's strategy. The Board
continues to work closely with the Investment Manager to endeavour to minimise either their likelihood or potential impact. A more detailed
explanation of the risks faced by the Company can be found in note 20 on page 30 of the Annual Financial Statements for the period ended 31
March 2008.

    The financial markets have experienced unprecedented difficulties but the board is pleased to announce that your Company, thus far, has
been largely unaffected and hopes to be able to announce a substantial return of funds to shareholders in 2009.

    If you have any queries or comments, please do not hesitate to telephone Triple Point Investment Management LLP on 020 7201 8989 or
email me at michael.sherry@triplepoint.co.uk.

    Michael Sherry
    28 November 2008

    Triple Point VCT plc
    Financial Summary

                               Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                6 Months        6 Months           Year
                                   Ended          Ended           Ended
                            30 Sep 2008     30 Sep 2007     31 Mar 2008
                                   �'000           �'000          �'000
 Net assets                      26,640          30,198         30,534 
 Net profit before tax              364             506            978 
 Return per share                 0.86p           1.13p          2.18p 
 Net asset value per share       93.15p          94.40p         95.45p 

      Triple Point VCT plc
    Portfolio summary (unaudited)
    As at 30 September 2008

                                                       Cost & Valuation    Cost & Valuation
 Security                        Activity                 30-Sep-08           31-Mar-08
                                                        �'000       %       �'000       %  
 Qualifying holdings                                   22,202    91.24     22,202    76.11 
 Holdings whose VCT qualifying                          1,030     4.23      1,030     3.53 
 status has yet to be                                                    
 Money market funds                                     1,094     4.50      2,972    10.19 
 Uninvested funds                                           7     0.03      2,966    10.17 
                                                       24,333   100.00     29,170   100.00 
 Qualifying Holdings (All                                                
 Beam Carrier Trading Ltd        Provision of                            
                                 satellite capacity                      
 Equity                                                   600     2.70        600     2.70 
 Debt                                                   1,350     6.08      1,350     6.08 
 Bereavement Facilities and      Crematorium                             
 Services Ltd                    maintenance                             
 Equity                                                   530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                     500     2.25        500     2.25 
 Broadsword Satellite            Provision of                            
 Communications Ltd              satellite capacity                      
 Equity                                                   685     3.09        685     3.09 
 Debt                                                   1,315     5.92      1,315     5.92 
 Cranmer Lawrence Engineering    Ambulance                               
 Solutions Ltd                   refurbishment                           
 Equity                                                   475     2.14        475     2.14 
 Debt                                                     475     2.14        475     2.14 
 Furnace Management Services     Crematorium                             
 Ltd                             management                              
 Equity                                                   530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                     500     2.25        500     2.25 
 High Definition Broadcast       Provision of                            
 Services Ltd                    satellite capacity                      
 Equity                                                   532     2.40        532     2.40 
 Debt                                                   1,343     6.05      1,343     6.05 
 HTI Private Patient Services    Clinical care and                       
 Ltd                             administration                          
 Equity                                                   530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                     500     2.25        500     2.25 
 Meaujo 732 Ltd                  Provision of virtual                    
 Equity                                                   302     1.36        302     1.36 
 Debt                                                   1,132     5.10      1,132     5.10 
 Partners in Healthcare          Clinical care and                       
 Technology London Ltd           administration                          
 Equity                                                   530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                     500     2.25        500     2.25 
 Per Port Services Ltd           Servicing & supply                      
                                 of telephony                            
 Equity                                                   312     1.40        312     1.40 
 Debt                                                     615     2.77        615     2.77 
 Carried Forward                                       13,256    59.71     13,256    59.71 

      Triple Point VCT plc
    Portfolio summary (unaudited)
    As at 30 September 2008

                                                              Cost & Valuation    Cost & Valuation
 Security                        Activity                        30-Sep-08           31-Mar-08
                                                               �'000       %       �'000       %  
 Brought Forward                                              13,256    59.71     13,256    59.71 
 Satellite Broadband Access      Provision of satellite                         
 Solutions Ltd                   capacity                                       
 Equity                                                          526     2.37        526     2.37 
 Debt                                                          1,359     6.12      1,359     6.12 
 Simply Coffee Services Ltd      Coffee shops                                   
 Equity                                                          530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                            500     2.25        500     2.25 
 Telecom Network Management Ltd  Provision of virtual                           
                                 communications systems                         
 Equity                                                          530     2.39        530     2.39 
 Debt                                                            500     2.25        500     2.25 
 WAN Solutions Ltd               Provision of virtual                           
                                 communications systems                         
 Equity                                                          352     1.59        352     1.59 
 Debt                                                          1,472     6.63      1,472     6.63 
 Wide Area Network Services Ltd  Provision of virtual                           
                                 communications systems                         
 Equity                                                          282     1.27        282     1.27 
 Debt                                                          1,186     5.34      1,186     5.34 
 Wide Area Network Solutions     Provision of virtual                           
 Ltd                             communications systems                         
 Equity                                                          321     1.45        321     1.45 
 Debt                                                          1,388     6.24      1,388     6.24 
                                                              22,202   100.00     22,202   100.00 
 Holdings whose VCT qualifying status has yet to be determined (All Unquoted)
 Delanic Films Ltd               Film distribution                              
 Equity                                                          530    51.46        530    51.46 
 Debt                                                            500    48.54        500    48.54 
                                                               1,030   100.00      1,030   100.00 
 Money Market Funds                                                             
 BGI Sterling Liquidity Fund                                     182    16.64        495    16.66 
 GS Stg Liquid Res Fund                                          182    16.64        495    16.66 
 HSBC Sterling Liquidity Fund                                    183    16.73        495    16.66 
 Insight Liquidity Fund                                          182    16.64        495    16.66 
 Merrill Lynch Inst Liq Fund                                     182    16.63        496    16.68 
 RBOS Global Treasury Fund                                       183    16.72        496    16.68 
                                                               1,094   100.00      2,972   100.00 
      Triple Point VCT plc 
    Income Statement

                                        Unaudited                   Unaudited                  Audited
                                     6 months ended             6 months ended               Year ended
                                        30-Sep-08                  30-Sep-07                  31-Mar-08
                                   Rev.     Cap.    Tot.      Rev.     Cap.    Tot.      Rev.     Cap.    Tot.
                                  �'000    �'000   �'000     �'000    �'000   �'000     �'000    �'000   �'000
 Investment income                 764       -      764       934       -      934     1,814       -    1,814 
 Investment management fees        (84)    (250)   (334)      (90)    (271)   (361)     (178)    (534)   (712)
 Other expenses                    (66)      -      (66)      (67)      -      (67)     (124)      -     (124)
 Return / (loss) on ordinary       614     (250)    364       777     (271)    506     1,512     (534)    978 
 activities before taxation                                                          
 Taxation on return on ordinary   (157)      64     (93)     (223)      78    (145)     (434)     153    (281)
 Return / (loss) on ordinary       457     (186)    271       554     (193)    361     1,078     (381)    697 
 activities after taxation                                                           
 Return / (loss) per share,      1.46p   (0.59p)  0.86p     1.73p   (0.60p)  1.13p     3.37p   (1.19p)  2.18p 
 basic and diluted                                                                   

    The total column of this statement is the company's profit and loss account. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns
have been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies.

    All the items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

    There are no recognised gains or losses other that those disclosed in the income statement.

    Statement of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                             Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited
                                              6 months       6 months           Year
                                                 ended          ended          ended
                                             30-Sep-08      30-Sep-07      31-Mar-08
                                                 �'000          �'000          �'000


    Shareholders' funds at 1 April 2008


      Shares bought back by company


      Return on ordinary activities after taxation


      Dividends paid in period


      Shareholders' funds at 30 September 2008



      Triple Point VCT plc 
    Balance Sheet

                                               Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                               30-Sep-08  30-Sep-07  31-Mar-08
                                                   �'000      �'000      �'000
 Fixed Assets:                                                       
 Investments                                     23,232     13,061     23,232 
 Current assets:                                                     
 Debtors                                          2,691      1,184      2,042 
 Money market funds                               1,094     15,572      2,972 
 Cash at bank                                         7        812      2,966 
                                                  3,792     17,568      7,980 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one         (384)      (431)      (678)
 Net current assets                               3,408     17,137      7,302 
 Total assets less current liabilities           26,640     30,198     30,534 
 Capital and reserves:                                               
 Share capital                                      286        320        320 
 Share premium                                       -      28,799     28,799 
 Capital redemption reserve                       1,172      1,138      1,138 
 Special distributable reserve                   25,635         -          -  
 Capital reserve - realised                        (993)      (619)      (807)
 Revenue reserve                                    540        560      1,084 
 Shareholders' funds                             26,640     30,198     30,534 
 Net asset value per share                       93.15p     94.40p     95.45p 

      Triple Point VCT plc 
    Cash Flow Statement

                                                Unaudited        Unaudited         Audited
                                                 6 months         6 months            Year
                                                    ended            ended           ended
                                                30-Sep-08        30-Sep-07       31-Mar-08
                                                    �'000            �'000           �'000
 Net cash inflow from operating
 Return on ordinary activities                       364              506             978 
 before tax
 Adjusted for:
 Increase in debtors                                (649)            (366)         (1,224)
 (Decrease) / increase in                           (294)             138             386 
 Net cash outflow from                              (579)             278             140 
 operating activities
 Corporation tax charge for the                      (93)            (145)           (281)
 Financial investment:
 Purchase of unquoted                                 -            (5,277)        (15,448)
 Disposal of current asset                         1,878            2,658          15,257 
 Equity dividends paid                            (1,001)            (736)           (736)
 Net cash outflow before                             205           (3,222)         (1,068)
 Repurchase of own shares                         (3,164)              -               -  
 Net cash outflow from                            (3,164)              -               -  
 Decrease in cash                                 (2,959)          (3,222)         (1,068)

 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movements in cash and cash equivalents
 Net decrease in cash and cash                    (2,959)          (3,222)         (1,068)
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1                    2,966            4,034           4,034 
 April 2008
 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September             7              812           2,966 


      Triple Point VCT plc
    Notes to the half yearly report for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    1.    The unaudited half yearly results cover the six months to 30 September 2008 and have been drawn up in accordance with the
Accounting Standard Board's (ASB) Statement on Half-yearly Financial Reports (July 2007) and adopting the accounting policies set out in the
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 which were prepared under UK GAAP and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended
Practice for Investment Companies issued by the Association of Investment Companies in January 2003, revised December 2005.

    2.    The financial information set out in this report has not been audited and does not comprise full financial statements within the
meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  Statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 March 2008, which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. No statutory accounts in respect of any
period after 31 March 2008 have been reported on by the Company's auditor or delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

    3.    Taxation has been provided for at a rate of 25.50% based on the assumption that income for the second half of the year will be
equal to that for the first half. Given that the business is not seasonal the directors regard this as a reasonable assumption.

    4.    Copies of the Half Yearly Report to Shareholders have been sent to shareholders and are available at the Company's Registered
Office: 4-5 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7HJ or from Woodside Corporate Services Limited, 4th Floor, 150-152 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M

    5.    During the period under review, the Company did not issue any new shares but bought back 3,390,537 shares at a cost of

    6.    The return per share is based on income from ordinary activities after tax of �0.271m and on 31,434,656 ordinary shares of 1p,
being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period. The net assets per share is based on total net assets of �26.640m
and 28,599,945 ordinary shares of 1p in issue at the period end. 

    7.    Related party transactions
        Mr Michael Sherry, Chairman of the Company, is an equity Member of Triple Point LLP (TPLLP). TPLLP in turn holds a controlling
interest in Triple Point Investment Management LLP (TPIMLLP).  During the period, TPIMLLP provided management and administrative services to
the Company amounting to �334,497 (2007 - �361,147).

      Triple Point VCT plc
    Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the half yearly report for the six months ended 30 September 2008

    We confirm to the best of our knowledge:

    *    the half yearly financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Statement Half-yearly financial reports issued by
the UK Accounting Standards Board;
    *    the half yearly management report includes a fair review of the information required by the Financial Services Authority Disclosure
and Transparency rules, being:
    -    an indication of the important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the
condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year;
    -    related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that may have materially
affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related party transactions described
in the last annual report that could do so.

    By order of the Board

    Michael Sherry
    28 November 2008

      Triple Point VCT plc

    Michael Gabriel Sherry
    James Chadwick Murrin
    Robin David Morrison

    Secretary and Registered Office
    Peter William Hargreaves
    10-11 Gray's Inn Square, 
    Gray's Inn, 
    London WC1R 5JD

    Company Registered Number

    Howard Kennedy                                
    19a Cavendish Square    
    London W1A 2AW

    60 Queen Victoria Street
    London, EC4

    Investment Manager and Administrator
    Triple Point Investment Management LLP
    4-5 Grosvenor Place,     
    London SW1X 7HJ

    VCT Tax Adviser
    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
    1 Embankment Place
    London WC2N 6RH 

    Independent Auditor
    Grant Thornton UK LLP
    1 Westminster Way
    Oxford OX2 0PZ

    Neville Registrars Limited
    Neville House
    18 Laurel Lane
    West Midlands, B63 3DA

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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