RNS Number : 5411J 
Slimma PLC 
31 March 2010 
The following amendment has been made to the final results announcement released 
on 31 March 2010 at 7.00 am under RNS 4690J.  A paragraph relating to "Going 
Concern" was omitted from Note 1 in the announcement.  All other details remain 
unchanged.  A full amended text is shown below. 
                                   Slimma plc 
                            Unaudited Final Results 
                      for the period ended 2 October 2009 
The continuing and challenging global economic circumstances have had a major 
adverse effect on the Company's local and international market sector and are 
reflected in the results for the year ended 2 October 2009. 
Sales for the year amounted to GBP10.46million (2008: GBP13.49million), a fall 
of 22%. Some of this decrease was a direct result of the withdrawal from low 
margin contract sales and, excluding the lost revenue attributable to this, 
sales were down 18% as compared to the same period last year.  Export sales 
accounted for 28% of Company sales (2008: 26%). 
Despite a very competitive market place, margins were held at the same level as 
last year.  Operating losses for the year, before exceptional costs, amounted to 
GBP617,000 (2008: GBP436,000).  This loss includes GBP100,000 of additional bad 
debt provisions compared to last year. 
International accounting standards require the recognition of unrealised losses 
on derivative contracts. The Company entered into a cap and floor agreement with 
the bank in June 2008, which has resulted in the requirement for a provision of 
GBP168,000 in the year and a restatement of last year's pre tax losses by 
The significantly increased bad debt risks associated with the sector in which 
the Company operates, the lack of credit insurance, and the tightened and more 
expensive credit facilities on offer to small businesses in conjunction with the 
Company's own strengthened credit controls, have contributed to the shortfall in 
sales and made it increasingly difficult to predict future sales with any degree 
of certainty.  With this in mind, and with the potential for further sales 
losses, the Company has accelerated its reorganisation programme based upon a 
revision of the Company's 2008 strategic financial model.  The revised plan is 
due to be completed by the end of March 2010 and includes the closure of smaller 
loss-making brands to allow full concentration by management on the Company's 
key brands. This revised model should assist the Company in its efforts to move 
away from its loss making position and provide a better platform for success on 
the back of an eventual economic recovery.  We are making satisfactory progress 
towards this goal. 
Although results continue to be disappointing, management and staff are working 
extremely hard to ensure the right platform is in place to build for future 
recovery.  Despite the current market conditions, the board believes the Company 
will be well placed to take advantage of what it hopes to be an improving 
economic situation in the coming financial years. 
| Enquiries:             |                 |                          | 
| Stephen Thwaite, Chief | Dan Bate        | Katie Dale               | 
| Executive              |                 |                          | 
| Slimma plc             | WH Ireland      | Golley Slater            | 
|                        | Limited         |                          | 
| Tel: 01538 399 141     | Tel: 0161 832   | Tel: 0121 384 9743       | 
|                        | 2174            |                          | 
| www.slimma.com         |                 | Mobile: 07918 716 754    | 
For the 52 week period ended 2 October 2009 
|                                        |     52 weeks |    53 weeks | 
|                                        |        ended |       ended | 
|                                        |    2 October |   3 October | 
|                                        |         2009 |        2008 | 
|                                        |              |         (As | 
|                                        |              |   restated) | 
|                                        |              |             | 
|                                        |      GBP000  |      GBP000 | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| REVENUE - continuing operations        |       10,459 |      13,494 | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| Direct costs before exceptional        |     (11,076) |    (13,930) | 
| expenses                               |              |             | 
| Exceptional expenses - redundancy      |        (182) |       (173) | 
| costs                                  |              |             | 
| Exceptional trade receivable           |        (313) |           - | 
| impairment                             |              |             | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| Operating expenses                     |     (11,571) |    (14,103) | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| OPERATING LOSS - continuing operations |      (1,112) |       (609) | 
| Finance income                         |           20 |          16 | 
| Finance costs                          |        (179) |       (237) | 
| Losses from derivatives not designated |              |             | 
| as hedging instruments                 |        (168) |       (173) | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| LOSS BEFORE INCOME TAX                 |      (1,439) |     (1,003) | 
| Income tax (charge)/credit             |        (297) |         216 | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                    |      (1,736) |       (787) | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| LOSS ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF |              |             | 
| THE COMPANY                            |      (1,736) |       (787) | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE (basic and |     (18.50p) |     (8.39p) | 
| diluted)                               |              |             | 
For the 52 week period ended 2 October 2009 
|                                        |     52 weeks |    53 weeks | 
|                                        |        ended |       ended | 
|                                        |    2 October |   3 October | 
|                                        |         2009 |        2008 | 
|                                        |              |         (As | 
|                                        |              |   restated) | 
|                                        |       GBP000 |      GBP000 | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| Loss for the period as previously      |     (1,736)  |      (614)  | 
| reported                               |              |             | 
| Actuarial gain on defined benefit      |           -  |          4  | 
| pension scheme                         |              |             | 
| Related deferred tax on actuarial gain |           -  |        (1)  | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| Prior period adjustment (see note 4)   |           -  |      (173)  | 
|                                        |              |             | 
| TOTAL RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE    |     (1,736)  |      (784)  | 
| ATTRIBUTABLE TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE  |              |             | 
| COMPANY                                |     (1,736)  |      (784)  | 
At 2 October 2009 
|                     |     2 October 2009  |          3 October 2008  | 
|                     |                     |           (As restated)  | 
| ASSETS              |             GBP000  |                  GBP000  | 
| NON-CURRENT ASSETS  |                     |                          | 
| Property, plant and |                 433 |                      498 | 
| equipment           |                     |                          | 
| Intangible assets   |                 537 |                      529 | 
| Deferred tax assets |                  58 |                      355 | 
| Pension scheme      |                 383 |                      383 | 
| surplus             |                     |                          | 
|                     |               1,411 |                    1,765 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| CURRENT ASSETS      |                     |                          | 
| Inventories         |               2,887 |                    2,151 | 
| Trade and other     |               2,839 |                    4,149 | 
| receivables         |                     |                          | 
| Financial assets    |                   - |                       15 | 
| Cash at bank and in |                  33 |                       61 | 
| hand                |                     |                          | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL CURRENT       |               5,759 |                    6,376 | 
| ASSETS              |                     |                          | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL ASSETS        |               7,170 |                    8,141 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| CURRENT LIABILITIES |                     |                          | 
| Financial           |               3,560 |                    3,219 | 
| liabilities         |                     |                          | 
| Trade and other     |               1,820 |                    1,592 | 
| payables            |                     |                          | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL CURRENT       |                     |                          | 
| LIABILITIES         |               5,380 |                    4,811 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| NON-CURRENT         |                     |                          | 
| LIABILITIES         |                     |                          | 
| Financial liability |                 341 |                      173 | 
|                     |                 341 |                      173 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL LIABILITIES   |               5,721 |                    4,984 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL NET ASSETS    |               1,449 |                    3,157 | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| EQUITY              |                     |                          | 
| Share capital       |                 521 |                      521 | 
| Share premium       |               3,052 |                    3,024 | 
| Capital redemption  |                 285 |                      285 | 
| reserve             |                     |                          | 
| Treasury shares     |               (600) |                    (600) | 
| Retained            |             (1,809) |                     (73) | 
| (losses)/earnings   |                     |                          | 
|                     |                     |                          | 
| TOTAL EQUITY        |                     |                          | 
| ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE |                     |                          | 
| EQUITY HOLDERS OF   |                     |                          | 
| THE COMPANY         |               1,449 |                    3,157 | 
For the 52 week period ended 2 October 2009 
|                  |   Share |   Share |    Capital | Treasury | Retained |    Total | 
|                  |         |         |            |          | Earnings |          | 
|                  | Capital | Premium | Redemption |   Shares |          |   Equity | 
|                  |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
|                  |         |         |    Reserve |          |          |          | 
|                  |  GBP000 |  GBP000 |     GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |   GBP000 | 
|                  |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| At 28 September  |    521  |  3,024  |       285  |   (600)  |     711  |   3,941  | 
| 2007             |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| Loss for the     |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| period to 3      |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| October 2008 (as |      -  |      -  |         -  |       -  |   (614)  |   (614)  | 
| previously       |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| stated)          |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| Prior period     |      -  |      -  |         -  |       -  |   (173)  |   (173)  | 
| adjustment       |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| Actuarial gain   |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| on pension       |      -  |      -  |         -  |       -  |       3  |       3  | 
| scheme net of    |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| tax              |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| At 3 October     |    521  |  3,024  |       285  |   (600)  |    (73)  |   3,157  | 
| 2008             |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| Loss for the     |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| period to 2      |      -  |      -  |         -  |       -  | (1,736)  | (1,736)  | 
| October 2009     |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| VAT refund       |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| received on      |      -  |     28  |         -  |       -  |       -  |      28  | 
| share issue      |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| costs            |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
| At 2 October     |    521  |  3,052  |       285  |   (600)  | (1,809)  |   1,449  | 
| 2009             |         |         |            |          |          |          | 
For the 52 week period ended 2 October 2009 
|                                |      52 weeks |      53 weeks | 
|                                |       ended 2 |       ended 3 | 
|                                |  October 2009 |  October 2008 | 
|                                |               | (as restated) | 
|                                |        GBP000 |        GBP000 | 
| OPERATING ACTIVITIES           |               |               | 
| Loss before income tax         |      (1,439)  |      (1,003)  | 
| Finance income                 |         (20)  |         (16)  | 
| Finance costs                  |          179  |          237  | 
| Impact of defined benefit      |            -  |         (42)  | 
| pension scheme                 |               |               | 
| Losses from interest rate      |          168  |          173  | 
| derivatives                    |               |               | 
| Losses/(gains) from foreign    |               |               | 
| currency forward contracts     |            15 |          (87) | 
| Depreciation charge            |           79  |          117  | 
| Amortisation of designs,       |           79  |           69  | 
| patents and trademarks         |               |               | 
| Amortisation of development    |          391  |          404  | 
| costs                          |               |               | 
|                                |         (548) |         (148) | 
|                                |               |               | 
| CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL     |               |               | 
| Inventories                    |        (736)  |          290  | 
| Trade and other receivables    |        1,310  |        (121)  | 
| Trade and other payables       |          193  |           12  | 
|                                |           767 |           181 | 
|                                |               |               | 
| CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES |          219  |           33  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| Net financing cost             |        (159)  |        (221)  | 
| Taxation repaid                |            -  |            -  | 
|                                |               |               | 
|                                |               |               | 
| NET CASH GENERATED FROM/(USED  |               |               | 
| IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES       |           60  |        (188)  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| INVESTING ACTIVITIES           |               |               | 
| Capital expenditure            |         (14)  |         (31)  | 
| Capitalisation of expenditure  |        (378)  |        (373)  | 
| on design asset                |               |               | 
| Purchase of new brand          |         (65)  |            -  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| NET CASH USED IN INVESTING     |               |               | 
| ACTIVITIES                     |        (457)  |        (404)  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| FINANCING ACTIVITIES           |               |               | 
| VAT refund on share issue      |           28  |            -  | 
| costs                          |               |               | 
|                                |               |               | 
| NET CASH GENERATED FROM        |               |               | 
| FINANCING ACTIVITIES           |           28  |            -  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| NET REDUCTION IN CASH AND CASH |               |               | 
| EQUIVALENTS                    |        (369)  |        (592)  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at   |               |               | 
| beginning of the period        |      (3,158)  |      (2,566)  | 
|                                |               |               | 
| CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT   |               |               | 
| END OF THE PERIOD              |      (3,527)  |      (3,158)  | 
Slimma plc 
1.   Preparation of the financial statement 
The information in this unaudited preliminary results announcement has been 
prepared on the basis of the accounting policies which will be set out in the 
full financial statements for the period ended 2 October 2009 and does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies 
Act 2006. 
The results for the period ended 3 October 2008 are an abridged version of the 
Company's full financial statements for that period, which have been filed with 
the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors thereon was unqualified 
and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The full financial statements for the period ended 2 October 2009 will be 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies on 31 March 2010. 
The Company's business activities and financial position, together with the 
factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are 
set out in the Chairman's Statement. 
The directors have carefully considered the likely working capital requirements 
for the forthcoming period to 30 September 2011. They have prepared detailed 
profit and cash flow forecasts which, based on conservative assumptions, 
indicate that they will be able to operate within the proposed overdraft 
facilities offered by the Company's bank. 
On 17 March 2010 the Company's banker informed the Company that it was prepared 
to grant additional overdraft facilities to the Company subject to agreeing 
satisfactory terms and conditions.  The discussions with the Company's banker 
indicate that it is supportive and that there is no intention to withdraw the 
facilities.  The renewal letter for the facilities offered by the Company's bank 
includes certain conditions which the Board is considering, and negotiations on 
renewal of the facilities are ongoing. 
The current global economic environment remains challenging and the Company has 
reported an operating loss for the year. The directors consider that the outlook 
presents significant challenges in terms of sales volumes and competition. 
Whilst the directors have implemented a reorganisation plan, including measures 
to preserve cash having implemented substantial cost savings, these 
circumstances create material uncertainties over future trading results and cash 
flows and the availability of adequate finance facilities. 
The directors have concluded that the combination of these circumstances 
represent a material uncertainty that casts significant doubt over the Company's 
ability to continue as a going concern. Nevertheless after making enquiries, and 
considering the uncertainties described above, the directors have a reasonable 
expectation that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational 
existence for the foreseeable future. For these reasons, they continue to adopt 
the going concern basis in preparing the annual report and accounts. 
2.   Segmental Report 
For management purposes, the Company's primary segments are analysed by 
geographical markets in which the business operates. The Company's risks and 
rates of return are affected predominantly by the countries in which it 
operates. As a result the Company's primary reporting format is geographical 
segments. The Company's revenue, profit before taxation and net assets were all 
derived from its principal activities. 
PRIMARY REPORTING FORMAT - Geographical segments 
| 52 week period    |      UK  |    Other |   North |   Rest | Consolidation | 
| ended             |          | European | America |     of |               | 
| 2 October 2009    |          |          |         |  World |               | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |   GBP000 |   GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 |        GBP000 | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Revenue           |   7,514  |   2,565  |    116  |   264  |       10,459  | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| RESULT            |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Operating loss    |    (574) |    (196) |   (322) |   (20) |      (1,112)  | 
| Finance income    |          |          |         |        |           20  | 
| Finance costs     |          |          |         |        |        (179)  | 
| Losses from       |          |          |         |        |        (168)  | 
| derivatives       |          |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Loss before tax   |          |          |         |        |       (1,439) | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Income tax        |          |          |         |        |         (297) | 
| (expenses)/credit |          |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Loss after tax    |          |          |         |        |       (1,736) | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Capital           |          |          |         |        |               | 
| additions         |      14  |       -  |      -  |     -  |           14  | 
| (property, plant  |          |          |         |        |               | 
| and equipment)    |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Capital           |          |          |         |        |               | 
| additions         |     478  |       -  |      -  |     -  |          478  | 
| (intangible       |          |          |         |        |               | 
| assets)           |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Depreciation      |      79  |       -  |      -  |     -  |           79  | 
| Amortisation      |     391  |       -  |      -  |     -  |          470  | 
|                   |          |          |         |        |               | 
| Assets            |   6,327  |     973  |      -  |     -  |        7,300  | 
| Liabilities       | (5,532)  |   (132)  |  (187)  |        |       (5,851) | 
Segmental report (continued) 
| 53 week period    |    UK  |    Other |   North |   Rest | Consolidation | 
| ended 3 October   |        | European | America |     of |               | 
| 2008 (As          |        |          |         |  World |               | 
| restated)         |        |          |         |        |               | 
|                   | GBP000 |   GBP000 |  GBP000 | GBP000 |        GBP000 | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Revenue           | 9,955  |   2,692  |    440  |   407  |       13,494  | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| RESULT            |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Operating loss    | (449)  |   (122)  |   (20)  |  (18)  |        (609)  | 
| Finance income    |        |          |         |        |           16  | 
| Finance costs     |        |          |         |        |        (237)  | 
| Losses from       |        |          |         |        |        (173)  | 
| derivatives       |        |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Loss before tax   |        |          |         |        |       (1,003) | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Income tax        |        |          |         |        |           216 | 
| (expenses)/credit |        |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Loss after tax    |        |          |         |        |         (787) | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Capital additions |        |          |         |        |               | 
| (property, plant  |    31  |       -  |      -  |     -  |           31  | 
| and equipment)    |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Capital additions |        |          |         |        |               | 
| (intangible       |   373  |       -  |      -  |     -  |          373  | 
| assets)           |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Depreciation      |   117  |       -  |      -  |     -  |          117  | 
| Amortisation      |   473  |       -  |      -  |     -  |          473  | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
|                   |        |          |         |        |               | 
| Assets            | 6,377  |     927  |    944  |     -  |        8,248  | 
| Liabilities       | 4,126  |   (822)  |  (143)  |     -  |      (5,091)  | 
3.   Earnings per Ordinary Share 
The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following profits and 
number of shares: 
|                        |   Basic  |   Basic  |    Basic  |    Basic  | 
|                        | 52 weeks | adjusted |  53 weeks |  adjusted | 
|                        |          |          |           |           | 
|                        |   ended  | 52 weeks |    ended  |  53 weeks | 
|                        |        2 |          |         3 |           | 
|                        |  October |   ended  |   October |   ended 3 | 
|                        |     2009 |        2 |      2008 |   October | 
|                        |          |  October |       (As |      2008 | 
|                        |          |     2009 | restated) |       (As | 
|                        |          |          |           | restated) | 
|                        |  GBP000  |  GBP000  |   GBP000  |   GBP000  | 
|                        |          |          |           |           | 
| Loss for the financial | (1,736)  | (1,736)  |    (787)  |    (787)  | 
| period                 |          |          |           |           | 
| Exceptional items      |       -  |     495  |        -  |      173  | 
| Tax effect             |       -  |   (139)  |        -  |     (48)  | 
|                        |          |          |           |           | 
| Adjusted loss for the  | (1,736)  | (1,380)  |    (787)  |    (662)  | 
| financial period       |          |          |           |           | 
| Weighted average number of       | 52 weeks ended  | 53 weeks ended  | 
| shares                           | 2 October 2009  | 3 October 2008  | 
|                                  |          Number |          Number | 
| For basic, diluted and basic     |       9,382,442 |       9,382,442 | 
| adjusted earnings per share *    |                 |                 | 
|                                  |                 |                 | 
|                                  |                 |                 | 
| The Company's earnings per share |            2009 |           2008  | 
| are as follows:                  |                 |   (As restated) | 
|                                  |                 |                 | 
| - Basic                          |       (18.50p)  |        (8.39p)  | 
| - Basic adjusted                 |       (14.71p)  |        (7.05p)  | 
* Excludes treasury shares 
The effect of the prior period adjustment on the earnings per share for 2008 was 
to increase the basic loss per share from 6.54p to 8.39p per share. 
4.   Prior period adjustment 
The prior period adjustment is caused by the recognition of an interest rate 
collar agreement entered into on 12 June 2008.  The agreement was for a 15 year 
duration and fixes the interest rate at 5.99% on borrowings of GBP1.5 million. 
The valuation of the derivative as at 3 October 2008 was GBP173,000 and as at 2 
October 2009 was GBP341,000. 
The change in fair value of these contacts is recognised in the Income 
The movement in the fair value of the contact between inception and 3 October 
2008 was a loss of GBP173,000.  This was not recorded in the financial 
statements for the period ended 3 October 2008 and has therefore been recorded 
as a prior period adjustment in the current year financial statements. 
The derivative contract was not in place at the commencement of the period ended 
3 October 2008. 
5.   Approval of the Financial Statements 
This preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 30th 
March 2010. 
6.   Annual General Meeting 
The Annual General Meeting will be held at Slimma plc, Slimma House, Barngate 
Street, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8AR at 10.00am on 23rd April 2010. 
7.   Availability of the Financial Statements 
The full Report and Financial Statements will be dispatched to all shareholders 
on or before 31 March 2010 and will be available to the public free of charge 
from the Company's Registered Office at Slimma plc, Slimma House, Barngate 
Street, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 8AR. They will also appear on the Company's 
website www.slimma.com in due course. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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