RNS Number : 0358E
  Summit Germany Limited
  23 September 2008



    Summit Germany Limited ("Summit" or "the Group"), the AIM quoted real estate company invested in assets in Germany, has today announced
interim results for the six months to 30 June 2008.

    Financial Highlights:

                                            6 months to  6 months to  Year to 
                                                30 June      30 June        31
                                                   2008         2007  December
 Net profit from operations            EUR         6.3m         3.9m      7.4m
 Net (loss)/profit attributable to     EUR      (16.2m)        11.5m      6.7m
 equity shareholders 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share    EUR        1.112        1.200     1.153
 Net asset value change (excluding     %         (1.27)        12.40      8.90
 Earnings per Ordinary Share           EUR      (0.059)        0.072     0.031
 Dividend per Ordinary Share           EUR        0.023        0.024     0.051

    John Lamb, Chairman of Summit commented: 

    "As recent events have demonstrated, these are tough times and the Company's portfolio has reduced in value by EUR23m (2.4%). However,
the Group has continued to perform well despite recent fluctuations in the global economy and our business model remains robust, as
demonstrated by an operating profit of EUR6.3m, which has allowed the Directors to declare a dividend of 2.3 cents per share as a first
interim dividend for the current financial period ending 31 December 2008."

    "We continue to let our properties to strong tenants on long leases at improved rental levels. Our tenant base provides the Group with a
solid cash flow and the potential for reversion in the portfolio underpins our plan to enhance shareholder value."

    "Our objective remains to produce secure dividends along with sustainable growth both in terms of income and capital value. Our
management team has performed well and they continue to deliver innovative ways of improving rental income."

    Zohar Levy, Chief Executive of Summit Management Company commented:

    "Our focus remains to drive growth and enhance revenue through active asset management. We have experienced a significant amount of
letting activity in the period. Our management team has signed 50 lease agreements alone, since the beginning of 2008 with a total value of
almost EUR5m." 

    "Demand for our space in Germany remains strong and the rental market is in good health. Summit is well positioned to take advantage of
this trend and enhance value over the medium and long term."

    "With an average yield of 7% across the portfolio, rising to 7.7% on full occupancy, we have the platform for future growth. Summit's
cash balance is strong at EUR125m, giving us both flexibility and security. As ever, we remain confident in our outlook for the future."  


    Date: 23 September 2008

    For further enquiries contact:

    Summit Germany                   Fairfax I.S. PLC            City Profile
    John Lamb, Chairman           Jeremy Porter              William Attwell
    07802 440 714                           020 7598 4382                020 7448 3244


    Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to present the half-yearly Report and Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008. Summit Germany Limited (the "Company")
continued to perform well in those six months despite the uncertain times. 

    The net asset value )"NAV" (per share was EUR1.112 at 30 June 2008 compared to EUR1.153 as at 31 December 2007. This reflects a decrease
of 1.27% after excluding the second interim dividend of 2007. This decrease is the direct result of the downward revaluation of our
properties by EUR23 million.

    Results for the period
    Profit from operations before tax and revaluations for the first six months of 2008 amounted to EUR6.3 million compared to EUR7.4
million for the year ended 31 December 2007. After the downward revaluation of our property portfolio by EUR23 million, the loss for the
first half of 2008 was EUR16.2 million compared to a net profit of EUR6.7 million for the year ended 31 December 2007.

    The 2007 second interim dividend of 2.65 cents per Ordinary Share was paid on 30 April 2008.

    On 22 September 2008, the Board declared a first interim dividend relating to the year ended 31 December 2008 of 2.3 cents per Ordinary
Share, to be paid on 31 October 2008 to Shareholders on the share register on 3 October 2008.

    Bank Borrowings
    As at 30 June 2008, the Company had bank borrowings amounting to EUR754 million, fixed at an average total cost of 5.44% per annum on a
blended basis. The Company's finance is long term and is committed for an additional period of 5.5-6 years. The Company has interest rate
hedges in place in order to mitigate its exposure to interest rate risk.
    According to the credit facility agreements there are several finance covenants the borrowers should comply with. Those covenants are
kept under regular review by the Board and at the date of this report they were all successfully met.

    Property Portfolio
    The Company portfolio consists of 113 properties with an aggregate valuation of EUR934.5 million.

    The entire portfolio produces annual rental income of approximately EUR66 million (reflecting an average net yield of 7% rising to 7.7%
on full occupancy). The majority of the leases are linked to the German CPI or include fixed uplift of 1.5%-3% per annum and an average
lease length of approximately seven years.

    As part of the process of disposal of non-strategic investments, in May 2008, the Company's subsidiary, Deutsche Real Estate AG
("Deutsche RE"), sold its share in a property located in Cologne. The property was held through a joint venture in which Deutsche RE's share
is 40%. The property had a net rentable area of 14,800 sqm and the bank borrowings in the joint venture amount to EUR15 million.

    Deutsche RE's share in the net cash flow from the sale amounted to approximately EUR2 million.

    Post balance sheet events
    During the period, one of the tenants in two of the Company's properties had gone into receivership. The Company entered into an
agreement to acquire the EUR11.6 million bank debt related to those properties for a cash consideration of EUR6.6 million resulting in a
profit of more than EUR5 million. 
    The Company recently signed a new triple net lease agreement for one of the properties. The new agreement is for an eight year period
and in total will be equal to the rental income from this property prior to the insolvency of the original tenant.

    In June 2008, Dr. Johannes Beermann resigned from the Board of Directors, following his nomination as secretary of state in the cabinet
of the German State Saxony. We would like to thank Dr. Beermann for his contribution to the Board since the Company's inception.

    The Company's position has proven to be resilient. We have substantial cash balances, our financing is fixed for long terms, and all our
finance covenants are met. 
    The excellent tenant base has continued to provide solid operational cash flow and the recent progress in letting empty space augurs
well for future growth in value. 

    The German real estate market remains interesting and offers huge opportunities for the Company. Our excellent team is enhancing value
in our portfolio.  Our properties are performing well with occupancy levels increasing and improving rent levels. We believe we can deliver
further value for our shareholders. 

    John Lamb
    22 September 2008

      Asset Manager's Report 

    Investment Objective and Policy
    The Company's investment objective is to achieve income and capital growth primarily from a diversified portfolio of real estate
properties located throughout Germany. The Company's investment policy is mainly to hold good quality properties let on long leases to
strong tenants with an upside potential to be achieved through active asset management. This will provide an income sufficient to pay the
Ordinary Shares dividend and to provide good prospects for growth in both rental income and capital value for the long term benefit of the
Ordinary Shareholders.

    German Real Estate Market
    In the first half of 2008, the global economy was negatively affected by the crisis in the real estate and financial sectors in the USA
and the resultant worldwide financial market turbulence. 
    In Germany, economic development remained overall positive; the price-adjusted GDP increased by 1.8%. Although economic growth has
fallen compared with the two previous high growth rate years, Germany's overall economic situation is regarded as stable.
    This relatively favourable economic situation is thanks to the continuing profitability of German business enabling companies to
continue to invest in their businesses. Germany has also managed to improve its competitiveness over the last few years, whereby unit labour
costs have been falling for several years and have positively influenced exports in other EU countries.
    The unemployment rate in March 2008 was 8.4%; this is 1.4 percentage points lower than a year ago; nevertheless, 3.5 million people are
still registered as unemployed. Disposable income began to rise in 2008 as a result of wage increases in various economic sectors.
    However, a major constraint on economic development is the trend of consumer prices. In Q1 2008, consumer prices increased by 3.1%, as
much as the average over the whole of 2007. 
    Nevertheless, economic commentators consider that Germany is well placed to withstand the effects of the crisis.  The German Economic
Institute anticipates GDP growth for the whole of 2008 of 1.8%.

The new index for the real estate climate in Germany showed initial optimism, then scepticism: the investment market was dominated from the
outset by the scepticism, the positive mood was borne by the lettings market. Market participants expect a fall in purchase prices and
reduced demand for investment. Prices have become strongly differentiated once again with an increased focus upon prime property in respect
of which we have seen little change in prices and yields compared with Q4 2007.
In general, we believe that the German real estate market is in good health and a downturn in demand for space and in rents is not

    During the first half of 2008, the Company generated net profit, excluding the downward revaluation of investment properties, of EUR6.9
million compared to EUR12 million for the twelve months in 2007 despite the increase in operating expenses, which largely reflect the
consolidation of Deutsche RE from August 2007. The NAV as at 30 June 2008 was 111.2 cents, a decrease of 1.27% (after excluding the
dividend) in the first half of 2008.

    Portfolio Valuation and Yields
    In the first half of 2008 the portfolio was revalued downwards by EUR23 million (2.4%), giving a value of EUR934.5 million. On the other
hand, the net rental income is expected to be increased by 2.2% to circa EUR66 million per annum due to recent lettings of vacant areas. The
net blended yield of the portfolio is currently 7% and 7.7% on full occupancy. The Company's property portfolio consists of 113 properties
diversified across office, logistic and retail sectors. The portfolio as a whole has a weighted average lease length of approximately seven

    Management Activities
    After aggregating the portfolio in the last few years we have shifted our focus in order to maximise the performance of the existing
portfolio. The major activities included: 
    *     Substantial letting activity with 50 lease agreements signed since the beginning of 2008
    *     Digesting the properties acquired in 2007, especially the Deutsche RE portfolio
    *     Stabilising properties with high vacancy rates through new lettings, extension of leases, restructuring the tenant base and
improving cost efficiencies
    *     Improving property management procedures and cutting operational and G&A costs in Deutsche RE
    *     Rehabilitation of some tenant relationships in Deutsche RE
    *     Disposal of problematic tenants
    *     Collection of old debts
    *     Settlements with service providers and partners 
    *     Disposal of non strategic holdings 
    *     Adopting a new property management software 
    *     Internalising our bookkeeping activity

    The positive effects of these activities have partly been seen, and will have a greater effect in the second half of 2008 and on the
2009 results. 

    Letting Activity and Occupancies
    The immediate result of the Asset Manager's efforts is the net letting of 15,000 sqm of vacant space. 50 lease agreements have been
signed since the beginning of 2008, out of which 35 are new leases and 15 are renewals of expired lease agreements. The average lease length
of those agreements is seven years. 

    In addition, the Company has agreed terms with potential tenants and expects to sign in the coming weeks additional lease agreements for
approximately 4,500 sqm which will contribute rental income of EUR0.5 million per annum.

    The impact of those agreements net of the impact of expired leases is an increase of approximately EUR1.6 million in annual rental
income. In addition, a further saving of void costs is expected.

    The total decrease in vacancy including the effect of expected leases will amount to 19,500 sqm representing a decrease of 24% from 2007
vacancy. Vacant area as at 30 June 2008 amounted to 67,000 sqm (7.25% of the lettable area) compared to 82,000 sqm as at 31 December 2007
(9.11% of the lettable area).

    Major Letting Developments
    We have let our vacant areas in Rostock by signing a lease agreement for 2,670 sqm with a governmental health insurance company. The ten
year lease will contribute an average net rental income of EUR507,000 per annum. The basic rent is EUR13.8 per sqm per month with additional
annual charges to the tenant of 3% fixed indexation and 8% for facility management. The required investment is approximately EUR1 million.
The average rent per sqm per month of this property prior to the new lease was EUR8.3. 

    Furthermore, the Company has leased an additional 9,000 sqm in its Osram Hofe property in Berlin. The new lease agreement with the
Berlin State hospital is for an average term of 6.5 years for approximately EUR1.1 million per annum, of which EUR0.9 million is net rental
income and EUR0.2 million is derived from a saving of void costs. 
    The basic rent is EUR8.5 per sqm per month with additional annual charges to the tenant for indexation and facility management. The
required investment in adjusting the property for the tenant's use is marginal. The average rent per sqm per month of this property prior to
the new lease was EUR6.3.
    Together with additional lettings in this property, total vacancy has been reduced from 30,000 sqm to 17,000 sqm, which represent 28%
vacancy compared to a 50% rate when the Company acquired this property as part of the Deutsche RE portfolio. The result is a 65% increase of
the original net operating income attributed to this property.

    Rental Income
    Annual income as at 1 January 2008 amounted to EUR64.6 million. Such income was increased by EUR3.7 million (5.8% increase) due to
letting of vacant areas and indexation of some leases. After the impact of expired leases the current annual income will amount to EUR66

    Sale of Properties
    The Company's policy is to sell properties which have achieved their improvement potential. Currently, the Company is in different
stages of negotiation for a number of such properties.

    Financing and Covenants
    Our financing is fixed on long terms, with loans maturing between 2013 and 2014 and bearing a fixed interest rate of 5.44%.

    Financing covenants can include interest and debt service coverage ratios as well as loan to value ("LTV") covenants. Our average LTV
bank covenants are 87% while actual LTV as at 30 June 2008 was 80% of the applicable borrowings. The Company's steady cash flow also meets
the interest cover ratio and debt service cover ratio covenants.

    We are well positioned to take advantage of the current market situation and to experience both internal and external growth in the
medium to long term.
    We have proven that our portfolio has a substantial upside potential and our strong management team is able to generate further growth
due to active asset management, including cycling of equity, letting vacant properties, restructuring properties and developing land. In
addition, our cash balance helps keep us flexible for any development in the market.

    Zohar Levy
    Summit Management Company SA.
    22 September 2008


    Directors' Responsibilities 

    The Directors are responsible for preparing these unaudited half-yearly results and are required to:

    *     prepare the half-yearly results in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 "Interim Financial Reporting";
    *     include a fair review of important events that have occurred during the period, and their impact on the half-yearly results,
together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties of the Company for the remaining six months of the financial year; and
    *     include a fair review of related party transactions that have taken place during the period which have had a material effect on
the financial position or performance of the Company, together with disclosure of any changes in related party transactions in the last
annual financial statements which have had a material affect on the financial position or performance of the Company in the current period.
    The Directors confirm that the unaudited half-yearly results comply with the above requirements.

    On behalf of the Board.

    Charles Wilkinson 
    22 September 2008

    Consolidated Statement of Operations

                                    For the six month ended  Year ended 31 December 2007
 EUR '000                           30 June 2008         30
                                                  June 2007
                                       Unaudited  Unaudited                      Audited

 Rental income                           32,884     13,606                       39,512 
 Operating expenses                      (2,741)      (637)                      (2,180)
 Gross profit                            30,143     12,969                       37,332 

 General and administrative              (4,988)    (1,871)                      (7,808)
 Financial expenses                     (21,836)    (8,300)                     (25,035)
 Financial income                         2,974      1,112                        2,905 
 Revaluation of investment              (23,261)     7,120                       (6,215)
 (Loss)/profit before taxes on          (16,968)    11,030                        1,179 

 Tax benefit on income                      608        502                        4,663 
 Net (loss)/profit                      (16,360)    11,532                        5,842 

 Attributable to:                                                                       
 Equity Shareholders                    (16,190)    11,508                        6,746 
 Minority interests                        (170)        24                         (904)
                                        (16,360)    11,532                        5,842 

 Earning per share - basic and           (0.059)      0.072                       0.0309
 diluted (Euros)



    Consolidated Balance Sheet 

 EUR '000                                       Note  30 June 2008  31 December 2007
                                                         Unaudited           Audited

 Property, plant and equipment                                248               254 
 Investment properties                             5      934,523           953,440 
 Deferred tax assets                                       12,300            12,174 
 Other long-term assets                                    47,458            32,386 
                                                          994,529           998,254 

 Cash and cash equivalents                                117,294           137,509 
 Trade receivables                                          3,810             3,771 
 Prepaid expenses and other current                6       11,542             3,103 
 Receivables from related parties and shareholders             51                52 
                                                          132,697           144,435 
 Total assets                                           1,127,226         1,142,689 

                                          Note  30 June 2008  31 December 2007
                                                   Unaudited           Audited
                                                    EUR '000          EUR '000

 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings              743,244           742,758 
 Other liabilities                                    1,818             1,602 
 Deferred tax liability                              14,412            12,171 
                                                    759,474           756,531 
 Trade payables                                       2,245             2,541 
 Payables to related parties and                      3,990             6,437 
 Tax liabilities                                     16,992            17,163 
 Other current liabilities                           20,860            25,774 
 Interest-bearing loans and borrowings                5,016             6,316 
                                                     49,103            58,231 
 Total liabilities                                  808,577           814,762 

 Net Assets                                         318,649           327,927 

 Represented by:
 Equity attributable to equity holders
 of the Parent
 Share capital                                             -          217,547 
 Distributable reserve                              292,007            74,460 
 Hedging reserve                                     16,970             4,702 
 Retained earnings                                   (3,066)           20,412 
                                                    305,911           317,121 
 Minority interests                                  12,738            10,806 
 Total equity                                       318,649           327,927 
 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                   1.112             1.153 

    Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                                                                          Attributable to equity holders of the Parent
                                 Share capital  Share premium         Distributable       Cash flow hedge  Retained earnings     Total 
Minority interests  Total equity
                                                                            reserve               reserve
                                      EUR '000       EUR '000              EUR '000              EUR '000           EUR '000  EUR '000      
     EUR '000      EUR '000

 Balance as at 1 January 2008             *) -        217,547                74,460                 4,702             20,412   317,121      
       10,806       327,927
 Distribution of second interim              -              -                     -                     -            (7,288)   (7,288)      
            -       (7,288)
 dividend of 2007
 Transfer to distributable                          (217,547)               217,547                     -                  -         -      
            -             -
 reserve **)
 Change in fair value of cash                -              -                     -                12,268                  -    12,268      
          952        13,220
 flow hedges
 Minority interest arising on                -              -                     -                     -                  -         -      
        1,150         1,150
 acquisition of subsidiary
 Loss                                        -              -                     -                     -           (16,190)  (16,190)      
        (170)      (16,360)

 Balance as at 30 June 2008               *) -              -              292,007                16,970             (3,066)  305,911       
      12,738       318,649 

 Balance as at 31 December 2006           *) -         72,480                74,460                   293             20,486   167,719      
          110       167,829
 Issue of shares, net of                  *) -        145,077                     -                     -                  -   145,077      
            -       145,077
 Change in fair value of cash                -              -                     -                 8,846                  -     8,846      
           26         8,872
 flow hedges
 Minority interest arising on                -              -                     -                     -                  -         -      
           20            20
 acquisition of subsidiary
 Dividends paid                              -              -                     -                     -            (3,100)   (3,100)      
            -       (3,100)
 Net profit                                  -              -                     -                     -            11,508    11,508       
          24        11,532 

 Balance as at 30 June 2007               *) -       217,557                74,460                 9,139             28,894   330,050       
         180       330,230 

 Balance as at 31 December 2006           *) -         72,480                74,460                   293             20,486   167,719      
          110       167,829
 Issue of shares, net of                  *) -        145,067                     -                     -                  -   145,067      
            -       145,067
 Change in fair value of cash                -              -                     -                 4,409                  -     4,409      
         (91)         4,318
 flow hedges
 Minority interest arising on                -              -                     -                     -                  -         -      
       11,691        11,691
 acquisition of subsidiary
 Dividends paid                              -              -                     -                     -            (6,820)   (6,820)      
            -       (6,820)
 Net profit (loss)                           -              -                     -                     -             6,746     6,746       
        (904)        5,842 

 Balance as at 31 December 2007              -       217,547                74,460                 4,702             20,412   317,121       
      10,806       327,927 


    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                    For the six month ended         Year ended 31
                                                                                                    December 2007
 EUR '000                                                   30 June 2008       30 June 2007
                                                               Unaudited          Unaudited               Audited
 Cash flows from operating
 Net (loss)/profit                                              (16,360)             11,532                 5,842
 Adjustments to reconcile net profit to net cash provided by operating activities:
 Deferred taxes                                                    (744)              (540)               (4,798)
 Financial expenses on interest-bearing loan and                     709                277                   404
 Depreciation of property,                                             -                  -                    88
 plant and equipment
 Amortisation of intangible                                            -                  -                   346
 Fair value adjustment of                                         22,460            (7,686)                 5,101
 investment properties
                                                                  22,425            (7,949)                 1,141
 Changes in operating assets
 and liabilities:
 (Increase)/decrease in trade                                       (39)                 61                   653
 (Decrease)/increase in other                                    (1,651)              2,057                 4,465
 current liabilities
 Decrease in other non current                                       (5)                  -                 (102)
 (Decrease)/increase in payables to related parties                    -              (154)                 1,853
 and shareholders
 Decrease in trade payables                                        (296)              (827)               (2,244)
 (Increase)/decrease in prepaid expenses and other                 (971)              (963)                 1,010
 current assets
                                                                 (2,962)                174                 5,635
 Net cash flows provided by                                        3,103              3,757                12,618
 operating activities

 Cash flows from investing
 Acquisition of subsidiaries,                                    (3,634)           (13,674)             (132,275)
 net of cash acquired
 Disposal                                                             47                  -                     -
 Designated cash for                                                   -           (59,877)                     -
 acquisition of subsidiary
 Additions to investment                                         (3,586)            (1,363)              (39,897)
 Changes in marketable                                           (7,500)                  -                     -
 Change in Deposits                                                  158               (25)                    44
 Net cash flows used in                                         (14,515)           (74,939)             (172,128)
 investing activities
 Cash flows from financing
 Proceeds from issue of shares                                         -            134,032               145,067
 Proceeds from bank loans                                              -                  -               283,335
 Distribution of dividend                                        (7,288)            (3,100)               (6,820)
 Repayment of borrowings                                         (1,515)              (692)             (207,441)
 Net cash flows (used in)/provided by financing                  (8,803)            130,240               214,141
 (Decrease)/increase in cash                                    (20,215)             59,058                54,631
 and cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                137,509             82,878                82,878
 Cash and cash equivalents at                                    117,294            141,936               137,509
 end of period


    Notes to the Half-yearly Financial Statements 


    Summit Germany Limited (the "Company") is a German property fund specialist whose shares are traded on AIM, a market operated by the
London Stock Exchange. The Company was incorporated and registered in Guernsey on 19 April 2006.

    The principal activity of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") is investment in real estate assets in Germany. This remains
unchanged from last year.

    The Group owns and operates commercial assets in Germany including office buildings, logistic centres and others, which are leased to
numerous commercial and industrial tenants. The Group invests primarily in such properties that provide substantial occupancy rates and
income flows. The Group does not acquire properties for speculative purposes.


    The condensed consolidated half-yearly results have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

    The significant accounting policies and methods of computation applied in the preparation of the condensed consolidated half-yearly
results are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

    NOTE 3:  

    Basic and diluted profit per Ordinary Share is based on profit attributable to equity holders for the period and on 275,000,000 Ordinary
Shares, being the weighted average number of equivalent Ordinary Shares in issue.


    a. Distributable reserve 

    At the Annual General Meeting of the Company, held on 24 June 2008, a resolution was passed to redesignate all of the share premium
account of the Company as a distributable reserve to be used for all purposes permitted by the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994, including the
purchase of the Company's own shares and the payment of dividends.

    Since 1 July 2008, however, a new Company Law has come into force in Guernsey according to which such distribution is subject to a
solvency test to determine whether a company is able to distribute funds to shareholders.

    b. Dividends payable on Ordinary Shares:

                                   Number of Ordinary Shares  EUR '000

 First interim dividend for 2006
 Paid 24 April 2007                              155,000,000     3,100

 First interim dividend for 2007
 Paid 17 October 2007                            155,000,000     3,720

 Second interim dividend for 2007
 Paid 30 April 2008                              275,000,000     7,288

    On 22 September 2008, the Board declared a first interim dividend relating to the year ended 31 December 2008 of 2.3 cents per Ordinary
Share, to be paid on 31 October 2008 to Shareholders on the share register on 3 October 2008.

                                               EUR '000

 As at 19 April 2006                                  -
 Addition from acquisition of subsidiaries      340,510
 Fair value adjustments                          18,108

 As at 31 December 2006                         358,618
 Addition from acquisition of subsidiaries      560,026
 Addition in the period                          39,897
 Fair value adjustments                         (5,101)

 As at 31 December 2007                         953,440
 Addition in the period                           4,230
 Disposal                                          (47)
 Fair value adjustments                        (23,100)

 As at 30 June 2008                             934,523

    Investment properties are measured initially at cost, including direct transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, investment
properties are stated at fair value, which reflects market conditions at the balance sheet date. Gains or losses arising from changes in the
fair values of investment properties are included in the income statement in the year in which they arise. Investment properties are not
systematically depreciated.
                                         31 December 2007
 EUR '000                  30 June 2008
                              Unaudited           Audited
 Marketable securities           7,500                  -
 Prepaid expenses                2,115             2,507 
 Service charge                  1,927               596 
                                11,542             3,103 


 Balances as at               EUR '000                30 June 2008      31 December 2007
 Receivables from related parties and shareholders              51                   52 
 Payables to related parties and shareholders              (3,990)               (6,437)

                                         for the six months ended           for the year
 Transactions                 EUR '000  30 June 2008  30 June 2007      31 December 2007
 Directors fees                                 100            98                   198 
 Management fee                               2,458         1,147                 3,610 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                       -       13,707                      .


    a. One of the Company's tenants, a German printing company, went into receivership. The Company had pre-existing bank guarantees and
deposits in place, totalling EUR1.4 million, which guarantee rental payment for at least 12 months and a lessor lien on the premises. The
bank guarantees have not been realised, as most rental income for these properties have (the total area amounts to 22,290 sqm in Cologne and
a further 10,589 sqm in Neumunster) been fully paid or received through partial realisation of the lessor lien. For more information on the
acquisition of the financing bank loan of these two properties and the signing of new lease agreement in respect of one of the properties
please refer to Note 9.

    b. On 31 March 2008, the Board of Directors of the Company declared a second interim dividend of EUR0.0265 per Ordinary Share, in
respect of the year ended 31 December 2007.

    c. The Company sold its share in a property located in Cologne. The property was held through a joint venture in which Deutsche RE's
share is 40%. The bank borrowings in the joint venture amounted to EUR15 million. 


    a. On 21 July 2008, the Company acquired the bank debt of the two properties mentioned in Note 8a. above for a cash consideration of
EUR6.6 million. The face value of the debt is EUR11.6 million resulting in a profit of EUR5 million

    Furthermore, the Company signed a new triple net lease for one of the properties. The new lease agreement is for an eight year period
and will contribute average net rental income of EUR300,000 per annum. In addition, the Company will be compensated by the receiver with
approximately EUR360,000 for the collection of a bank guarantee related to the property, and a total of EUR140,000 in cash. The new rental
income, together with the compensation, will be equal to the rental income from this property, prior to the insolvency of the original

    b. The Company let our vacant areas in Rostock by signing a lease agreement for 2,670 sqm with a governmental health insurance company.
The ten year lease will contribute an average net rental income of EUR507,000 per annum. The basic rent is EUR13.8 per sqm per month with
additional annual charges to the tenant of 3% fixed indexation and 8% for facility management. The required investment is approximately EUR1
million. The average rent per sqm per month of this property prior to the new lease was EUR8.3. 

    Furthermore, the Company has leased an additional 9,000 sqm in its Osram Hofe property in Berlin. The new lease agreement with the
Berlin State hospital is for an average term of 6.5 years for approximately EUR1.1 million per annum, of which EUR0.9 million is net rental
income and EUR0.2 million is derived from a saving of void costs. 
    The basic rent is EUR8.5 per sqm per month with additional annual charges to the tenant for indexation and facility management. The
required investment in adjusting the property for the tenant's use is marginal. The average rent per sqm per month of this property prior to
the new lease was EUR6.3.
    Together with additional lettings in this property, total vacancy has been reduced from 30,000 sqm to 17,000 sqm, which represent 28%
vacancy compared to a 50% rate when the Company acquired this property as part of the Deutsche RE portfolio. The result is a 65% increase of
the original net operating income attributed to this property.

    NOTE 10:  
    A copy of this statement was sent to all Shareholders on the share register as at 23 September 2008. Further copies are available from
the Company's registered office or can be downloaded from the Company's website: http://www.summitgermany.co.uk

    NOTE 11:  
    The half-yearly results were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 22 September 2008.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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