RNS Number : 9300X 
Robotic Technology Systems PLC 
25 August 2009 

Robotic Technology Systems PLC 
Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
RTS is a high technology business supplying engineering solutions, products and 
integrated systems to automate scientific and industrial processes.  RTS today 
announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2009. 
|                      |               6 months ended |       6 months ended |      12 months ended | 
|                      |                 30 June 2009 |         30 June 2008 | 31 December 2008GBPM | 
|                      |                         GBPM |                 GBPM |                      | 
| Revenue              |                          5.5 |                  4.6 |                 10.5 | 
|                      |                              |                      |                      | 
| Operating loss       |                        (0.2) |                (1.1) |                (0.7) | 
| before "exceptional" |                              |                      |                      | 
| items                |                              |                      |                      | 
|                      |                              |                      |                      | 
| "Exceptional" items  |                       (0.1)* |                (1.1) |                (5.6) | 
| Net finance Income   |                          0.2 |                  0.3 |                  1.5 | 
| Loss before taxation |                        (0.1) |                (1.7) |                (4.8) | 
| Profit/(loss) after  |                          0.0 |                (1.8) |                (4.5) | 
| taxation             |                              |                      |                      | 
|                      |                              |                      |                      | 
| Profit/(loss) per    |                       0.02 p |              (2.90)p |              (7.20)p | 
| share                |                              |                      |                      | 
| Cash and cash        |                          3.0 |                  2.9 |                  2.8 | 
| equivalents          |                              |                      |                      | 
|                      |         |            |                                                     | 
* The breakdown of "exceptional" items can be found in note 3 
  *  RTS Group improved operational performance continued in the first half of 2009, 
  driven by a significant improvement in the RTS Life Science business. 
  *  The balance sheet remains strong with a closing cash balance of GBP3.0m (2008 
  year end: GBP2.8m). We continued to receive loan note repayments of GBP0.2m in 
  the period, in line with the latest agreement with Doerfer. 
  *  The Group order book at GBP5.0m has increased by 14% from the balance at the 
  half year in 2008. 
  *  The Board declares a payment of a special interim dividend of 1 pence per share 
  to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 4 September 
  2009. This takes the total dividends paid over the last two years to 5 pence per 
  share illustrating the Board's commitment to return excess funds to 
  *  The Board remains in talks, as previously announced, that may or may not lead to 
  an offer for the Company.  There is no certainty that the talks will result in 
  an offer for the Company.  The Board will notify shareholders on progress in due 
Chris Brown, Chairman of RTS, said: 
 "Despite difficult market conditions I am pleased to report that the Group's 
improved performance continued in the first half. With both businesses now 
operating with a lower cost base and with strategies clearly focused on lower 
risk work in higher growth areas, the Board is confident that this positive 
trend can be maintained. 
"We are therefore declaring a special interim dividend of 1 pence per share. 
This takes the total dividends paid over the last two years to 5 pence per share 
illustrating the Board's commitment to return excess funds to shareholders." 
 25 August 2009 
| Robotic Technology Systems PLC         | Tel: 0161 777 2000               | 
| Chris Brown, Chairman                  |                                  | 
| Jon Sharrock, Finance Director         |                                  | 
|                                        |                                  | 
| College Hill                           | Tel: 020 7457 2020               | 
| Matthew Smallwood                      |                                  | 
| Jamie Ramsay                           |                                  | 
| Collins Stewart Europe Limited         | Tel: 020 7523 8350               | 
| Stewart Wallace                        |                                  | 
| Owen Price                             |                                  | 
Chairman's statement 
With revenue growth in the Life Science business and cost reductions made at the 
end of 2008 the RTS Group continued its operational improvement in the first 
half of 2009. 
RTS Life Science had a 70% increase in turnover compared to the same period in 
2008, and combined with a reduced cost base it reversed the 2008 first half 
operating loss (before "exceptional" items) of GBP0.6m to record an operating 
profit of GBP0.3m in the period. The business is benefiting from a closing half 
year order book 38% higher than at the same point last year and a strengthening 
prospect list. 
In RTS Flexible Systems the weak market conditions contributed to a 39% fall in 
revenues compared to the first half of the year 2008, although cost savings made 
in 2008 have mitigated some of this effect resulting in an operating loss 
(before "exceptional" items) for the first half of GBP0.3m, marginally below the 
prior year.  However, the business expects to improve its order intake in the 
second half of the year. 
The balance sheet remains strong with a closing cash balance of GBP3.0m (2008 
year end: GBP2.8m). We continued to receive loan note re-payments of GBP0.2m in 
the period, in line with the latest agreed payment schedule. 
In accordance with our policy of returning surplus cash to shareholders, the 
Directors declare the payment of a special interim dividend of 1 pence per 
The Board remains in talks, as previously announced, that may or may not lead to 
an offer for the Company.  There is no certainty that the talks will result in 
an offer for the Company.  As a result, the Company has adopted the Disclosure 
and Transparency Rules ("DTR") for these interim financial statements, in line 
with the requirements of the Takeover Panel.  The Board will notify shareholders 
on progress in due course. 
Operating Review 
RTS Life Science 
With a strong performance from our service and support business unit, and 
consistent project delivery, RTS Life Science successfully converted the large 
opening order book into a positive operational performance in the period. 
Our market entry strategy into the growing biobanking market continues with 
additional sales of two units of our high end Automated Blood Fractionation 
instrument (ABF500). These units will be deployed at leading US and European 
institutions who are at the forefront of the biobanking market and will serve as 
excellent additional reference sites. 
In addition, using the same technology platform we have secured a significant 
order with a major biobank to process saliva and stabilised blood. This 
demonstrates the versatility of the product, and potentially opens up a wider 
market for us. 
In the automated storage business we continue to develop innovative solutions to 
meet our customers' changing needs. In collaboration with four major 
pharmaceutical companies we commenced work on a new instrument that analyses and 
reports valuable Quality Control ("QC") data on the contents of stored samples 
as they are removed from a controlled storage environment. We are confident that 
this new product will be a successful addition to our growing list of 
storage-related solutions. 
Our Drug Delivery business unit continues to increase its share of the inhaler 
automation market with multiple new sales of the "Walkaway" range. In addition, 
we are progressing with our tablet testing product range, and although market 
penetration has been slower than we anticipated, we are confident that the 
allocation of additional sales resource at the end of the period will accelerate 
the sales growth of this product line. 
RTS Flexible Systems 
In RTS Flexible Systems the current market conditions have depressed order 
intake and led to a disappointing operational performance in the first half of 
the year. However, against this background we successfully completed a major 
order for the packing of poppadums, and continued to expand the use of our 
innovative vision-based technology in the food industry, securing an order for 
case packing of pasta pots which we are confident will lead to repeat 
opportunities. The planned growth from our service and support division is on 
track with the launch of "24-7" telephone support in the period proving very 
popular. Opportunities for control systems are developing and we will give this 
area further emphasis in the second half of the year. 
The unique set of skills of the Flexible System business continues to provide 
opportunities across a range of industries, and we are currently working on a 
number of prospects that we believe will convert into orders in the second half 
of the year. 
Financial Review 
Group turnover increased to GBP5.5m (2008: GBP4.6m). The higher sales level was 
primarily driven by an increase in RTS Life Science revenues to GBP4.2m (2008: 
Gross margins increased to 35.1% (2008: 22.3%), due primarily to improved 
project performance. 
This led to a reduced operating loss (before "exceptional" items) of GBP0.2m 
(2008: GBP1.1m loss). 
The "exceptional" expense of GBP0.1m (2008: GBP1.1m) predominantly related to 
the ongoing dispute with a former customer in the Flexible Systems business. We 
are not expecting a resolution to this matter until 2010, but the management of 
the business remains confident in a successful outcome to the claim. 
Net Financial Income for the Group includes GBP0.2m interest repayments relating 
to the Doerfer loan notes. Although we are encouraged by these payments, which 
are in line with the current deferral agreement, we will continue to hold the 
loan notes at a zero book value against a contractual value of GBP4.3m. 
The taxation credit of GBP0.1m related to a research and development claim in 
the Life Science business for the 2008 financial year, this led to a break even 
position after tax for the group (six month ended 30 June 2008: loss after 
taxation of GBP1.8m). 
The net cash balance increased to GBP3.0m (31 December 2008: GBP2.8m). With 
neutral operational cash flow, the increase can be attributed to the loan note 
The Group reported in its Annual Report for the period ended 31 December 2008 
that its activities expose it to a number of operational and financial risks. 
These principal risks, as set out in the Directors' Report, remain unchanged at 
the date of the interim report. 
The principal risks are: managing economic conditions, delivery of complex 
projects, cost management, working capital management, financial risks, the 
dispute with a former customer in RTS Flexible Systems and competitor activity. 
RTS Life Science enters the second half of 2009 with a reduced cost base and an 
order book that is 38% higher than at the corresponding period last year. 
Despite a weak trading environment in RTS Flexible Systems, we anticipate that a 
stronger prospect list will convert into an improved order book at the end of 
the year. 
We expect the Group's strong net cash position to continue in the second half of 
2009, through both the improving performance of the operating businesses, and 
further receipts from the Doerfer loan notes. It continues to be the Board's 
intention to return surplus cash to shareholders, whilst retaining sufficient 
money in the business to take advantage of opportunities to enhance shareholder 
Chris Brown, Chairman 
24 August 2009 
Responsibility Statement: 
The Directors accept responsibility for the information contained in this 
announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors  (who 
have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information 
contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance 
with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
  *  The interim set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 
  34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the EU; and 
  *  The interim management report includes a fair view of the information required 
  *  DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
  important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
  year and their impact on the interim set of financial statements; and a 
  description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
  months of the year; and 
  *  DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
  transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
  financial year and that have materially affected the financial performance of 
  the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions 
  described in the last annual report that could do so. 
The Directors of Robotic Technology Systems plc are listed on page 11 of the 
Group's Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
By order of the Board 
C Brown, Chairman 
J S Sharrock, Group Finance Director 
Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
|                                                   |       |          |          |           | 
|                                                   |       | 6 months | 6 months | 12 months | 
|                                                   |       |          |          |           | 
|                                                   |       |    ended |    ended |    ended  | 
|                                                   |       |  30 June |  30 June |        31 | 
|                                                   |       |          |          |  December | 
|                                                   |       |     2009 |     2008 |      2008 | 
|                                                   |Notes  |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Revenue                                           |  2    |    5,461 |    4,563 |    10,475 | 
| Cost of sales                                     |       |  (3,546) |  (3,546) |   (7,919) | 
| Gross profit                                      |       |    1,915 |    1,017 |     2,556 | 
| Distribution expenses                             |       |    (593) |    (634) |   (1,256) | 
| Administration expenses                           |       |  (1,682) |  (2,532) |   (7,725) | 
| Other operating income                            |       |       33 |       32 |       102 | 
| Operating loss                                    |       |    (327) |  (2,117) |   (6,323) | 
| Operating loss before exceptional items           |       |    (184) |  (1,051) |     (743) | 
| Exceptional items included in administrative      |  3    |    (143) |  (1,066) |   (5,580) | 
| expenses above                                    |       |          |          |           | 
| Loss before interest and taxation                 |       |    (327) |  (2,117) |   (6,323) | 
| Financial income                                  |       |      193 |      381 |     1,620 | 
| Financial expenses                                |       |        - |     (50) |      (74) | 
| Net financing income                              |       |      193 |      331 |     1,546 | 
| Loss before taxation                              |       |    (134) |  (1,786) |   (4,777) | 
| Taxation                                          |       |      143 |     (20) |       286 | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period, all attributable to |       |        9 |  (1,806) |   (4,491) | 
| equity shareholders of the parent                 |       |          |          |           | 
|                                                   |       |          |          |           | 
| Other comprehensive income                        |       |          |          |           | 
| Other comprehensive income for the period         |       |        - |        - |         - | 
| Total comprehensive income/(loss) for the period, |       |        9 |  (1,806) |   (4,491) | 
| all attributable to equity shareholders of the    |       |          |          |           | 
| parent                                            |       |          |          |           | 
|                                                   |       |          |          |           | 
| Basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share       |  4    |    0.02p |  (2.90)p |   (7.20)p | 
Condensed consolidated statement of financial position 
at 30 June 2009 
|                                                      |    30 June |   30 June |       31 | 
|                                                      |            |           | December | 
|                                                      |       2009 |      2008 |     2008 | 
|                                                      |    GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Non-current assets                                   |            |           |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment                        |        691 |       729 |      680 | 
| Intangible assets                                    |      1,244 |     1,319 |    1,284 | 
| Other receivables                                    |          - |       357 |        - | 
| Deferred tax asset                                   |        371 |       371 |      371 | 
| Total non-current assets                             |      2,306 |     2,776 |    2,335 | 
| Current assets                                       |            |           |          | 
| Inventories                                          |        168 |       162 |      179 | 
| Current tax receivable                               |        102 |         - |      283 | 
| Trade and other receivables                          |      3,422 |     6,008 |    5,718 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                            |      3,028 |     2,909 |    2,824 | 
| Total current assets                                 |      6,720 |     9,079 |    9,004 | 
| Total assets                                         |      9,026 |    11,855 |   11,339 | 
| Current liabilities                                  |            |           |          | 
| Trade and other payables                             |    (4,211) |   (4,358) |  (6,291) | 
| Current tax payable                                  |          - |      (17) |        - | 
| Total current liabilities                            |    (4,211) |   (4,375) |  (6,291) | 
| Non-current liabilities                              |            |           |          | 
| Other liabilities                                    |      (536) |     (359) |    (750) | 
| Provisions                                           |      (411) |     (640) |    (472) | 
| Total non-current liabilities                        |      (947) |     (999) |  (1,222) | 
| Total liabilities                                    |    (5,158) |   (5,374) |  (7,513) | 
| Net assets                                           |      3,868 |     6,481 |    3,826 | 
|                                                      |            |           |          | 
| Equity                                               |            |           |          | 
| Share capital                                        |        623 |       623 |      623 | 
| Share premium                                        |        680 |       680 |      680 | 
| Currency translation reserve                         |      (126) |     (127) |    (126) | 
| Retained earnings                                    |      2,676 |     5,290 |    2,634 | 
| Total equity attributable to equity shareholders     |      3,853 |     6,466 |    3,811 | 
| Minority interest                                    |         15 |        15 |       15 | 
| Total equity                                         |      3,868 |     6,481 |    3,826 | 
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
|                                   |   Share |    Share |    Currency | Retained | Minority |         | 
|                                   |         |          | translation |          |          |         | 
|                                   | capital |  premium |     reserve | earnings | interest |   Total | 
| For the 6 months ended 30 June    | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| 2009                              |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 January 2009         |     623 |      680 |       (126) |    2,634 |       15 |   3,826 | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Profit                            |       - |        - |           - |        9 |        - |       9 | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |       - |        - |           - |        9 |        - |       9 | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
|                                   |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Transactions recorded directly in |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| equity                            |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Share based payment transactions  |       - |        - |           - |       33 |        - |      33 | 
| Total transactions recorded       |       - |        - |           - |       33 |        - |      33 | 
| directly in equity                |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance 30 June 2009              |     623 |      680 |       (126) |    2,676 |       15 |   3,868 | 
|                                   |   Share |    Share |    Currency | Retained | Minority |         | 
|                                   |         |          | translation |          |          |         | 
|                                   | capital |  premium |     reserve | earnings | interest |   Total | 
| For the 6 months ended 30 June    | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| 2008                              |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 January 2008         |     623 |      680 |       (126) |    8,320 |       15 |   9,512 | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Loss                              |       - |        - |           - |  (1,806) |        - | (1,806) | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |       - |        - |           - |  (1,806) |        - | (1,806) | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
|                                   |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Transactions recorded directly in |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| equity                            |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Share based payment transactions  |       - |        - |           - |       23 |        - |      23 | 
| Dividends to equity holders       |       - |        - |           - |  (1,247) |        - | (1,247) | 
| Exchange differences              |       - |        - |         (1) |        - |        - |     (1) | 
| Total transactions recorded       |       - |        - |         (1) |  (1,224) |        - | (1,225) | 
| directly in equity                |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance 30 June 2008              |     623 |      680 |       (127) |    5,290 |       15 |   6,481 | 
|                                   |   Share |    Share |    Currency | Retained | Minority |         | 
|                                   |         |          | translation |          |          |         | 
|                                   | capital |  premium |     reserve | earnings | interest |   Total | 
| For the 12 months ended 31        | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| December 2008                     |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance at 1 January 2008         |     623 |      680 |       (126) |    8,320 |       15 |   9,512 | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Loss                              |       - |        - |           - |  (4,491) |        - | (4,491) | 
| Total comprehensive income for    |       - |        - |           - |  (4,491) |        - | (4,491) | 
| the period                        |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
|                                   |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Transactions recorded directly in |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| equity                            |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Share based payment transactions  |       - |        - |           - |       52 |        - |      52 | 
| Dividends to equity holders       |       - |        - |           - |  (1,247) |        - | (1,247) | 
| Total transactions recorded       |       - |        - |           - |  (1,195) |        - | (1,195) | 
| directly in equity                |         |          |             |          |          |         | 
| Balance 31 December 2008          |     623 |      680 |       (126) |    2,634 |       15 |   3,826 | 
Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
|                                                        |       6 |   6 months |  12 months | 
|                                                        |  months |            |            | 
|                                                        |   ended |      ended |      Ended | 
|                                                        |      30 |    30 June |         31 | 
|                                                        |    June |            |   December | 
|                                                        |    2009 |       2008 |       2008 | 
|                                                        | GBP'000 |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
| Continuing operations                                  |         |            |            | 
| Profit/(loss) for the period                           |       9 |    (1,806) |    (4,491) | 
| Adjusted for:                                          |         |            |            | 
|          Taxation                                      |   (143) |         20 |      (286) | 
|          Depreciation charge                           |      92 |         83 |        158 | 
|          Amortisation                                  |      42 |         39 |         78 | 
|          Profit on sale of non-current asset           |       - |          - |         23 | 
|          Loss on sale of assets held for sale          |       - |         18 |          - | 
|          Provision against loan notes                  |       - |          - |      3,418 | 
|          Foreign exchange (gains)/losses               |      37 |       (51) |      (601) | 
|          Equity-settled share-based payment charges    |      33 |         23 |         52 | 
|          Finance expense                               |       - |         50 |         74 | 
|          Finance income                                |   (193) |      (381) |    (1,620) | 
|                                                        |   (123) |    (2,005) |    (3,195) | 
| Changes in working capital                             |         |            |            | 
| Decrease/(increase) in inventories                     |      11 |          4 |       (13) | 
| Decrease/(increase) in receivables                     |   2,293 |      1,419 |    (1,022) | 
| (Decrease)/increase in payables                        | (2,288) |      (291) |      2,453 | 
| (Decrease)/increase in provisions                      |    (54) |        141 |         69 | 
| Cash used in operating activities                      |   (161) |      (732) |    (1,708) | 
| Finance expense paid                                   |       - |       (50) |       (74) | 
| Finance income received                                |     186 |        641 |        982 | 
| Taxation received                                      |     324 |         28 |         24 | 
| Net cash generated from/(used in) operating activities |     349 |      (113) |      (776) | 
| Cash flows from investing activities                   |         |            |            | 
| Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment      |   (103) |       (19) |       (45) | 
| Payments to acquire intangible non-current assets      |     (2) |          - |        (3) | 
| Receipt in respect of loan notes                       |       - |        179 |        297 | 
| Receipt from sale of land                              |       - |        370 |        448 | 
| Net cash (used in)/from investing activities           |   (105) |        530 |        697 | 
| Cash flows from financing activities                   |         |            |            | 
| Dividend paid                                          |       - |    (1,247) |    (1,247) | 
| Net cash used in financing activities                  |       - |    (1,247) |    (1,247) | 
| Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   |     244 |      (830) |    (1,326) | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       |   2,824 |      3,708 |      3,708 | 
| Exchange (losses)/gains on cash and cash equivalents   |    (40) |         31 |        442 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             |   3,028 |      2,909 |      2,824 | 
Notes to the financial information 
for the six months ended 30 June 2009 
1 Basis of preparation 
These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) IAS 34 "Interim Financial 
Reporting" as adopted by the EU. They do not include all of the information 
required for full annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction 
with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 
December 2008. 
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2008 are not 
the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. These accounts, which 
were prepared under adopted IFRSs, have been reported on by the 
Company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of companies. The report of 
the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any 
matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without 
qualifying their reports, and (iii) did not contain a statement under Section 
237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the responsibility 
of the Directors and were authorised and approved by the Board of Directors on 
24 August 2009. 
2 Segmental analysis 
The Group has two main trading segments which are the Group's strategic business 
units. The strategic business units offer different products and services and 
are managed separately because they require different technology and strategies. 
For each of the strategic business units the Board review internal management 
reports on a monthly basis.  For the purposes of IFRS 8 it is these strategic 
business units that form the Group's reportable segments and is in line with the 
basis of segmentation adopted in the consolidated Group financial statements for 
the year ended 31 December 2008.  The following summary describes the operations 
in each of the Group's reportable segments: 
  *  RTS Life Science 
A supplier of automated systems and products for sample storage and testing 
within the laboratory environment.  The market encompasses drug discovery and 
drug delivery applications within pharmaceutical biobanking and biotechnology 
organisations along with sample preparation and storage for medical research, 
clinical trials and pharmaceutical manufacturing applications. 
  *  RTS Flexible Systems 
A robotic system integrator, supplying advanced robotic automation solutions to 
the food, medical and consumer goods industries. The business provides 
end-of-line packaging and handling systems with solutions based upon robotics 
and leading commercially available components integrated with our own vision 
technology to identify, track and analyse the products they are handling. 
  *  Others 
Non-trading subsidiaries of the Group. 
 Income Statement 
|                |      Flexible Systems        |        Life Science          |            Other             |            Total             | 
|                |       6 |       6 |       12 |       6 |       6 |       12 |       6 |       6 |       12 |       6 |       6 |       12 | 
|                |  months |  months |   months |  months |  months |   months |  months |  months |   months |  months |  months |   months | 
|                |   ended |   ended |    ended |   ended |   ended |    ended |   ended |   ended |    ended |   ended |   ended |    ended | 
|                |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
|                |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 | 
|                |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December | 
|                |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 | 
|                | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Gross          |   1,291 |   2,117 |    3,506 |   4,154 |   2,445 |    6,908 |      70 |       1 |       61 |   5,515 |   4,563 |   10,475 | 
| revenue        |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Inter-segment  |    (54) |       - |        - |       - |       - |        - |       - |       - |        - |    (54) |       - |        - | 
| revenue        |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| External       |   1,237 |   2,117 |    3,506 |   4,154 |   2,445 |    6,908 |      70 |       1 |       61 |   5,461 |   4,563 |   10,475 | 
| revenue        |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Depreciation   |     (7) |     (5) |     (10) |    (41) |    (36) |     (69) |    (44) |    (42) |     (79) |    (92) |    (83) |    (158) | 
|                |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Amortisation   |    (20) |    (18) |     (39) |    (19) |    (19) |     (36) |     (3) |     (2) |      (3) |    (42) |    (39) |     (78) | 
| Grant income   |       - |       - |        - |       - |       - |        - |      19 |      19 |       40 |      19 |      19 |       40 | 
| Inter-company  |    (39) |    (40) |     (83) |       8 |      25 |       40 |      31 |      15 |       43 |       - |       - |        - | 
| transactions   |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Operating      |   (258) |   (303) |    (699) |     349 |   (560) |    (220) |   (238) |   (239) |    (425) |   (147) | (1,102) |  (1,344) | 
| profit/(loss)  |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| before         |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| exceptional    |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| items and      |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| exchange       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| (losses)/gains |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Exchange       |     (1) |       - |      (1) |       3 |       4 |      439 |    (39) |      47 |      163 |    (37) |      51 |      601 | 
| (losses)/gains |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Exceptional    |    (95) |   (688) |  (1,207) |       - |   (378) |  (1,155) |    (48) |       - |  (3,218) |   (143) | (1,066) |  (5,580) | 
| items          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| included in    |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| administrative |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| expenses       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Profit/(loss)  |   (354) |   (991) |  (1,907) |     352 |   (934) |    (936) |   (325) |   (192) |  (3,480) |   (327) | (2,117) |  (6,323) | 
| before         |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| interest and   |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| taxation       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Net            |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |     193 |     331 |    1,546 | 
| financing      |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| income         |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Loss before    |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |   (134) | (1,786) |  (4,777) | 
| taxation       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Taxation       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |     143 |    (20) |      286 | 
| Profit/(loss)  |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |       9 | (1,806) |  (4,491) | 
| after          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| taxation       |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
Balance Sheet 
|                      |      Flexible Systems        |        Life Science          |            Other             |            Total             | 
|                      |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 |      30 |      30 |       31 | 
|                      |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December |    June |    June | December | 
|                      |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 |    2009 |    2008 |     2008 | 
|                      | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Segment              |   1,685 |   1,998 |    2,025 |   2,762 |   2,613 |    4,910 |   1,551 |   4,335 |    1,580 |   5,998 |   8,946 |    8,515 | 
| assets               |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| excluding            |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| inter-company        |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| balances             |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Cash/(overdraft)     | (3,637) | (1,453) |  (2,480) |   (416) |   1,299 |    1,790 |   7,081 |   3,063 |    3,514 |   3,028 |   2,909 |    2,824 | 
| Segment              |   (671) | (1,204) |    (958) | (3,090) | (2,709) |  (5,260) | (1,397) | (1,461) |  (1,295) | (5,158) | (5,374) |  (7,513) | 
| liabilities          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| excluding            |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| inter-company        |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| balances             |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
| Net segment          | (2,623) |   (659) |  (1,413) |   (744) |   1,203 |    1,440 |   7,235 |   5,937 |    3,799 |   3,868 |   6,481 |    3,826 | 
| assets/(liabilities) |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          |         |         |          | 
3 Exceptional items 
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging the 
following exceptional items: 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |  6 months | 6 months |       12 | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |           |          |   months | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |     ended |    ended |    ended | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |   30 June |  30 June |       31 | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |           |          | December | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |      2009 |     2008 |     2008 | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Legal costs                      | | |   |          |          |        95 |      688 |      950 | 
| Restructuring costs              | | |   |          |          |         - |        - |       93 | 
| One-off project completion costs | | |   |          |          |         - |      378 |    1,119 | 
| Provision against loan notes     | | |   |          |          |         - |        - |    3,418 | 
| Other exceptional administration | | |   |          |          |        48 |        - |        - | 
| expenses                         | | |   |          |          |           |          |          | 
|                                  | | |   |          |          |       143 |    1,066 |    5,580 | 
The exceptional administrative expenses consist of the following: 
  *  The exceptional legal expense of GBP95,000 (30 June 2008: GBP688,000, 31 
  December 2008: GBP950,000) relates to a dispute with a former customer in our 
  Flexible Systems business. The Company has reserved its right not to disclose 
  further information required by IAS 37 on the grounds that it may prejudice the 
  outcome of the claim; 
  *  The GBP48,000 other exceptional charge relates to professional advice regarding 
Prior period exceptional administrative expenses: 
  *  The provision against loan notes of GBP3,418,000 at 31 December 2008 (30 June 
  2008 GBPnil) was a provision against US loan notes receivable from the purchaser 
  of the trade and certain assets and liabilities of RTS Wright Industries, LLC 
  following its sale in 2004. Given the low level of loan note receipts from 
  Doerfer Industries Inc in the second half of 2008, the Directors decided to 
  fully provide against the debt. This treatment has continued in 2009 with the 
  Group only recognising interest received from Doerfer on a paid basis. The 
  unprovided amount at 30 June 2009 is GBPnil (30 June 2008: GBP2,665,000, 31 
  December 2008: GBPnil). Further details can be found in Note 10 of these 
  financial statements 
4 Earnings per ordinary share 
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share has been calculated using the weighted 
average number of shares in issue during the relevant period. The calculations 
of both basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share for the six months ended 30 
June 2009 are based upon a profit after tax of GBP9,000 (30 June 2008: 
GBP1,806,000 loss after tax; 31 December 2008: GBP4,491,000 loss after tax). The 
weighted average number of shares used in the basic and diluted calculation is 
62,335,374 (30 June 2008: 62,335,374; 31 December 2008: 62,335,374). 
The calculation for diluted earnings per ordinary share is identical to that 
used for the basic earnings per share. This is because there were no share 
options outstanding with an exercise price lower than the average share 
price for the period and the exercise of share options in prior periods where a 
loss was made, would have had the effect of reducing the loss per ordinary share 
and is therefore not dilutive under the terms of IAS 33 "Earnings Per Share". 
|                                     | |  |   |    |  6 months |     6 months |   12 months | 
|                                     | |  |   |    |     ended |        ended |       ended | 
|                                     | |  |   |    |   30 June |      30 June | 31 December | 
|                                     | |  |   |    |      2009 |         2008 |        2008 | 
|                                     | |  |   |    |     Pence |        Pence |       Pence | 
| Basic and diluted earnings/(loss)   | |  |   |    |      0.02 |       (2.90) |      (7.20) | 
| per share                           | |  |   |    |           |              |             | 
5 Dividends 
A special interim dividend of 1 pence per ordinary share (2008: 2 pence per 
ordinary share) will be paid to those shareholders on the register at the close 
of business on 4 September 2009. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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