RNS Number:7050D
Public Network PLC
13 November 2002

13 November 2002

Public Network PLC - Annual Report & Accounts and Notice of AGM.

The Directors of Public Network PLC announce the results for the
year ended 31 March 2002.

Public Network PLC has despatched its 2002 Annual Report & Accounts and Notice
of Annual General Meeting to its shareholders.

Copies of the Annual Report & Accounts are available at the company's registered
offices, until 12 December 2002 and from the Company on request by telephone
(0208 547 0220) or email (dmartin@thepubnet.net) and will be available for
download from the Company's website at www.thepubnet.com as from 13 November

Public Network PLC's Annual General Meeting will be held on 28 November 2002 at
12 noon at Unit 15 Kingsmill Business Park, Chapel Mill Lane, Kingston upon
Thames, Surrey KT1 3GZ.

                            Company number: 3726935

                              PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                                 ANNUAL REPORT

                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002

                                                         Page No.

           Directors and advisers                           1&2
           Chairman's statement                               3
           Report of the directors                          4-6
           Corporate governance                             7&8
           Report on remuneration                          9&10
           Independent auditors' report                   11&12
           Consolidated profit and loss account              13
           Consolidated balance sheet                        14
           Company balance sheet                             15
           Consolidated cash flow statement                  16
           Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement     17
           Notes to the consolidated financial statements 18-27

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC
                             DIRECTORS AND ADVISERS

Alan Grace, Chairman

Alan, 57, entered the leisure industry in 1972 and was immediately successful as
a pub manager moving on to buy his own premises, The Latchmere.  He has lectured
University groups from around the world, including Harvard and Yale, on the role
of the British Pub in our society.  Alan has introduced a number of innovative
ideas into his business, amongst them creating one of the first, highly
successful, fringe theatres, and now the in-pub Internet facility.  He enjoys
connections at main board level with many breweries and pub operation companies
and has on occasion acted as a spokesperson for the industry on television and
in the press.  Alan is responsible for sales and PR at Public Network plc, as
well as daily liaison with all machine operators.  Alan sold The Latchmere in
order to devote his time fully to Public Network.

David Martin, Managing Director

David, 53, has a strong track record of significant achievements through leading
and motivating his team to achieve business goals.  Nineteen years of his career
have been spent at Philips Electronics, the last five years of which, until
1996, he was managing director of Philips Car Systems, responsible for a team of
80 and a turnover of #60 million.  David was headhunted for the role of Chief
Executive of NetProducts Ltd, a start-up company specialising in the development
of a niche market product, enabling the Internet to be accessed via a television
set.  He created a worldwide network of distributors, and achieved significant
brand awareness for the product, successfully launching the first TV set-top box
in the UK.  Realising the consumer market would not develop significantly in the
short to medium term, the board chose to close the business.  Using his
experience and contacts, David's role within Public Network encompasses
technology, human resources and the strategic direction of the company.

Richard Nowacki, Non-Executive Director

Richard, 54, has spent thirty years in the advertising industry and has
particular experience in three key areas: breweries, teletext service and
Internet Service Providers (ISPs).  Early in his career, Richard co-founded a '
below the line' agency and for the next eleven years established a client list
including Bass, Coral Racing, Kelloggs, Littlewoods, Nabisco and FIFA.  Specific
projects included launches of Carling Black Label and Worthington.  He has since
worked either as a freelance or within other advertising agencies, including two
years working on the NetChannel Consumer Service with David Martin.  Richard is
responsible for the management and operating of Public Network's Internet
service 'PubNet'.

John Mackay, Non-Executive Director

John, 44, has fifteen years' experience in international equity capital markets.
He joined HSBC investment bank in 1995 after 10 years at US investment bank
Merril Lynch.  He was educated at Sevenoaks School and Oxford University and
received an MBA from Insead in 1986.

Simon Banks-Cooper, Finance Director

Simon is a practising Chartered Management Accountant who established his own
firm in 1996 to provide management accounting services to companies in the
private sector.  A director of a number of public companies (AIM and Ofex) he
holds executive and non-executive appointments as either finance director or
chairman.  He has been involved with a number of public fund raisings and has
assisted in the corporate development of growing companies and in change

                                     Page 1

Secretary and Registered Office
Robert Macdonald Watson LLB FCIS
85 Elsenham Street
SW18 5NX

Seymour Pierce Limited
29/30 Cornhill

Auerbach Hope
58-60 Berners Street

Principal Bankers
Weybridge Branch
Church Street
KT13 8DF

Solicitors and Corporate Advisers
Howard Kennedy
19 Cavendish Square

Connaught St Michaels
P O Box 30
Cresta House
Alma Street

                                     Page 2

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

Our results for the last financial year illustrate the difficulties that the
group suffered during 2001 and 2002.  These difficulties restricted our
installations and our revenue opportunities.  However the move to AIM was
successful and since then the group has continued to place Internet Kiosks into
revenue earning sites and to steadily increase its total monthly revenue.

The core business of earning money from our Kiosks and from associated
sponsorship has turned into a predictable, structured activity.  We place on
average around 30 Kiosks a month in new sites.  Currently we have 450 Kiosks in
sites with a confirmed forward order of another 40 waiting to be installed.

With a fixed cost base, closely controlled and kept to a minimum and a stock of
another 600 Kiosks purchased at extremely beneficial rates from Yava Limited,
the group aims to continue its business of installing Internet Kiosks in
profitable sites and incrementing its coin and sponsorship revenue.

We firmly believe that the group is well on the way to achieving a monthly cash
positive position by the end of the financial year.

On behalf of the board can I thank you for your support, which continues
unabated and I look forward to being able to report in 2003 a significantly
improved set of results.

Alan Grace

                                     Page 3

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC
                            REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS

The directors have pleasure in presenting their annual report on the affairs of
the group, together with the financial statements and auditors' report, for the
year ended 31 March 2002.

Principal activities

The principal activity of the group is that of the installation and rental of
internet units for retail and entertainment use.

The holding company did not trade during the year.

Business review

A review of the group's trading during the year is contained in the chairman's

Results and dividends

The consolidated loss for the year was #885,656 (2001: loss #1,514,939).

The directors do not recommend the payment of a dividend.


The directors who served during the year were as follows:

Alan Lionel Grace                          (Chairman)
David Joseph Martin                        (Managing)
Simon Andrew Banks-Cooper                  (Finance)   (Appointed 6.8.2001)
John Sebastian Mackay                      (Non-executive)
Richard Lech Nowacki                       (Non-executive)

In accordance with the Articles of Association Mr R Nowacki and Mr S
Banks-Cooper retire and offer themselves for re-election.

Details of directors' emoluments together with directors' interests in shares
and share options are provided in the Report on Remuneration on pages 9 and 10.
Other than as disclosed on page 10 no directors had any other beneficial
interest in either the company or its subsidiary undertakings.

Contracts with controlling shareholders

No directors had an interest in any material contract of the company.

                                     Page 4

Substantial shareholdings

In addition to those directors listed above the company has been notified of the
following holdings of more than 3% of the company's issued share capital at 29
October 2002.

                                                            Percentage of
                                    Ordinary shares             issued
                                      of 10p each           share capital

Yava Limited                          2,056,513                  7.95%
High Street Acquisitions Limited      1,500,000                  5.80%
Providence Investment Company Limited 1,000,000                  3.86%

Creditor payment policy

Amounts due to suppliers are settled in accordance with agreed terms of payment,
except in cases of dispute.  Actual creditors days are 30 days (2001: 30 days)
calculated in accordance with the requirements set down in the Companies Act
1985.  This represents the ratio expressed in days, between the amounts invoiced
to the group by its suppliers during the year and the amounts due, at the year
end, to trade creditors within one year.

Directors' responsibilities for the financial statements

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
company and of the group and of the profit or loss of the group for that year.
In preparing those statements, the directors are required to:

*         select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;

*         make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;

*         state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed,
          subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the 
          consolidated financial statements; and

*         prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it
          is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, for
safeguarding the assets of the group and for taking reasonable steps for the
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

The directors are also responsible for ensuring the directors' report and the
information included within the annual report is prepared in accordance with
United Kingdom company law and includes information required by AIM rules.

                                     Page 5


Auerbach Hope have indicated their willingness to continue as auditors and offer
themselves for reappointment in accordance with Section 385 of the Companies Act

                          By order of the board of
                          directors and signed on their behalf

Registered Office:
85 Elsenham Street        Robert Macdonald Watson
London SW18 5NX           Secretary

29 October 2002

                                     Page 6

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                              CORPORATE GOVERNANCE

The company is committed to and has applied the principles of corporate
governance contained in the Combined Code as appropriate to a group of this

The audit and remuneration committees, which are chaired by Mr J Mackay, are an
important part of the implementing of the principles of good corporate
governance as set out in the Combined Code.

The audit committee is formally constituted with written terms of reference and
comprised two non-executive directors throughout the reporting period.  The
executive directors are not members of the committee but the finance director
may from time to time be invited to attend its meetings.  The committee meets at
least twice per year.

The external auditors will also be invited to attend for part of each meeting so
as to have direct access to the non-executive directors for independent
discussions without the presence of executive directors.

The audit committee may examine any matters relating to the financial affairs of
the group.  This includes reviews of the interim and annual accounts,
announcements, internal control procedures, accounting policies, compliance with
accounting standards, the appointment of external auditors and such other
related functions as the board may require.

The remuneration committee determines the remuneration policies of the group
which includes the terms and conditions, including annual remuneration and
incentive awards, of the executive directors.

Board committees

The board of directors

The company supports the concept of an effective board leading and controlling
the group.  The board is responsible for approving company policy and strategy.
It meets monthly and has a schedule of matters specifically reserved to it for
decision.  Management supply the board with appropriate and timely information
and the directors are free to seek any further information they consider

The board consists of three executive directors, who hold the key operational
positions in the group, and two non-executive directors who bring a breadth of
experience and knowledge.  One of the non-executive directors is independent of
management and any business or other relationship which could interfere with the
exercise of his independent judgement.  This provides a balance whereby the
board's decision making cannot be dominated by an individual or small group.

Going concern

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the
group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future.  For this reason they continue to adopt the going concern
basis in preparing the accounts.

                                     Page 7

Internal control

The board is responsible for maintaining a sound system of internal control to
safeguard shareholders' investment and the group's assets, and for reviewing its
effectiveness.  The system of internal control is designed to manage rather than
eliminate the risk of failure to achieve business objectives, and can only
provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against material loss and

The board has considered the need for an internal audit function but has decided
the size of the company does not justify it at present.

Relations with shareholders

The group values the views of its shareholders and recognises their interest in
the group's strategy and performance, board membership and quality of
management.  It therefore keeps shareholders appraised of the current position
by way of circulars and also holds regular meetings with its major shareholders
to discuss objectives.

The AGM will be used to communicate with private investors and they are
encouraged to participate.

                                     Page 8

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                             REPORT ON REMUNERATION

Composition and function of the remuneration committee

The remuneration committee comprises both the non-executive directors of the
group.  It considers all aspects of the executive directors' remuneration and
administers the group's share option schemes.

The remuneration of non-executive directors is considered by the board following
recommendations by the executive directors.

Policy on executive directors' remuneration

Executive remuneration packages are designed to attract, motivate and retain
directors of the calibre necessary to maintain the group's position as a growing
business and to reward them if appropriate or enhancing shareholder value and
return.  The performance measurement of the executive directors and the
determination of their annual remuneration package is undertaken by the
committee and each executive director's salary is reviewed annually.

Share options

The board believes that share ownership strengthens the link between personal
interests and those of the shareholders and encourages long-term improvement in
the group's performance.

Directors' share options

There have been no changes to the directors' shareholdings since 31 March 2002.

Service contracts

The executive directors have contracts, which are terminable by the company with
three months notice.

Details of directors' remuneration

Emoluments for the chairman, executive and non-executive directors for the year

                             Salary         Benefits         Total        2001
                               #                #              #           #
A L Grace                    17,500             -            17,500     67,833
D J Martin                   17,500             -            17,500     77,000

R L Nowacki                     -               -               -       67,834
J S Mackay                      -               -               -           -
                             35,000             -            35,000    212,667

In addition to the fees as finance director, Banks Cooper Associates Ltd, which
is owned by Simon Banks-Cooper was paid #10,415, in respect of fees for
accountancy services provided.

                                     Page 9

Interests in shares

The directors' beneficial interests in the shares of the company and other group
companies during the year were as stated below:

                                                  Public Network Plc
                                  Ordinary shares                Ordinary shares
                                     of 10p each                   of 10p each 
                                      31.3.2002                     31.3.2001

A L Grace                             1,890,000                     1,890,000
D J Martin                            1,905,000                     1,905,000
J S Mackay                              170,000                       170,000
R L Nowacki                           1,890,000                     1,890,000
S A Banks-Cooper                          -                              -

Interests in share options

Directors' options over ordinary shares of 10p each are as follows:

                                         Granted                       Earliest
                         Held on        during the    Held on          exercise            Expiry           Exercise
                   Note 01-Apr-01         year       31-Mar-02           date               date             price

A L Grace            1      -
D J Martin           1      -
D J Martin                  -            300,000      300,000           Mar-02             Mar-12               10p
R L Nowacki          1      - 

Options were granted under the unapproved option scheme or deed.

Note 1: During the year 900,000 options were approved for grant.  The
remuneration committee have not yet met to agree the division of these options
between the above three directors.

                                              By order of the board of directors
                                                   and signed on their behalf by

                                                               Alan Lionel Grace

                                                                 29 October 2002

                                    Page 10

                              PUBLIC NETWORK PLC
                         INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT


We have audited the financial statements of Public Network Plc on pages 13 to
27, which have been prepared under the accounting policies set out therein.

Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors

The directors are responsible for preparing the annual report.  As described on
page 5, this includes responsibility for preparing the financial statements in
accordance with applicable United Kingdom Law and accounting standards.  Our
responsibility is to audit the financial statements in accordance with  relevant
legal and regulatory requirements and United Kingdom auditing standards.

We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true
and fair view and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act
1985.  We also report to you if, in our opinion, the directors' report is not
consistent with the financial statements, if the company has not kept proper
accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations
we require for our audit, or if information specified by law regarding
directors' remuneration and transactions with the group is not disclosed.

We read the other information contained in the annual report and considered
whether it is consistent with the audited financial statements.  This
information comprises only the Chairman's Statement, the Directors' Report,
Corporate Governance Statement, Report on Remuneration, Statement of Directors'
Responsibilities and the Three Year Review.   We consider the implications for
our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial statements.  We are not required to consider
whether the board's statements on internal control cover all risks and controls,
or form an opinion on the effectiveness of the group's Corporate Governance
procedures or its risk and control procedures.  Our responsibilities do not
extend to any other information.

Basis of opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards issued by the
Auditing Practices Board.  An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of
evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and judgements made
by the directors in the preparation of the financial statements, and of whether
the accounting policies are appropriate to the company's and the group's
circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed.

We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements
are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other
irregularity or error.  In forming our opinion, we also evaluated the overall
adequacy of the presentation of information in the financial statements.

                                    Page 11


In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state
of affairs of the company and the group at 31 March 2002 and of the group's loss
and cash flows for the year then ended and have been properly prepared in
accordance with the Companies Act 1985.

                                 AUERBACH HOPE
58-60 Berners Street          REGISTERED AUDITOR
29 October 2002

                                    Page 12

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002

                                                        2002               2001
                                        Notes             #                  #
Turnover                                  3          234,180             87,988

Cost of sales                                       (153,308)          (388,371)

Gross profit/(loss)                                   80,872           (300,383)

Administrative expenses                             (963,248)        (1,253,795)

Operating loss                            4         (882,376)        (1,554,178)

Interest receivable and similar income    7              251             41,469

Interest payable and similar charges      8           (3,531)            (2,230)

Loss on ordinary activities before 
 taxation                                           (885,656)        (1,514,939)

Taxation                                  9                -                  -

Loss for the year                        23         (885,656)        (1,514,939)

Loss per ordinary share-basic            10            (4.68)            (11.04)

The profit and loss account has been prepared on the basis that all operations
are continuing operations.

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the consolidated loss of the

The notes on pages 18 to 27 form part of these consolidated financial

                                   Page 13

                             PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                              AS AT 31 MARCH 2002

                                            2002                   2001

                           Notes      #            #            #             #

Fixed assets
Intangible assets           12                  802,341                    642,788
Tangible assets             13                  267,724                    378,873
                                              1,070,065                  1,021,661

Current assets
Debtors                    15a    145,495                    108,315
Cash at bank and in hand           46,462                        173
                                  191,957                    108,488

Creditors: Amounts falling due
 within one year           16    (178,245)                  (346,939)

Net current assets/
(liabilities)                                    13,712                   (238,451)
                                              1,083,777                    783,210
Creditors: Amounts falling due
 after more than one year  17                  (539,460)                  (250,000)
                                                544,317                    533,210
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital    20                 2,586,530                  1,372,109
Share premium account      21                   980,292                  1,297,950
Profit and loss account    22                (3,022,505)                (2,136,849)

Shareholders' funds        23                   544,317                    533,210

The financial statements were approved by the board on 29 October 2002.

Signed on behalf of the board of directors

Alan Grace-Chairman

David Martin-Managing director

The notes on pages 18 to 27 form part of these consolidated financial

                                    Page 14

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC

                             COMPANY BALANCE SHEET
                               AS AT 31 MARCH 2002

                                            2002                   2001

                           Notes      #            #            #             #

Fixed assets
Fixed asset investments     14                  955,751                    750,100
Current assets 
Debtors: Due within one
 year                       15a    71,204                  2,196,576
Debtors: Due after
 more than one year         15b 2,774,837                       -
Cash at bank                           53                        170
                                2,846,094                  2,196,746
Creditors: Amounts falling due
 within one year            16     (9,606)                    (4,100)

Net current assets                             2,836,488                  2,192,646
                                               3,792,239                  2,942,746

Creditors: Amounts falling due
  after more than one year  17                  (261,750)                  (250,000)
                                               3,530,489                  2,692,746
Capital and reserves
Share capital               20                 2,586,530                  1,372,109
Share premium account       21                   980,292                  1,297,950
Profit and loss account     22                   (36,333)                    22,687

Shareholders' funds         23                 3,530,489                  2,692,746

The financial statements were approved by the board on 29 October 2002.

Signed on behalf of the board of directors

Alan Grace-Chairman

David Martin-Managing director

The notes on pages 18 to 27 form part of these financial statements.

                                    Page 15

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC


                         FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002

                                                   2002                     2001
                                                    #                         #
Net cash outflow from operating activities      (431,513)             (1,031,533)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance 
Interest received                                    251                  41,469
Interest paid                                     (3,531)                 (2,230)
Net cash inflow from investments and servicing 
of finance                                        (3,280)                 39,239

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets       (203,358)               (626,571)
Net cash outflow from investing activities      (203,358)               (626,571)

Net cash outflow before management of liquid 
 resources and financing                        (638,151)             (1,618,865)

Convertible loan                                       -                 100,000
Issue of shares                                1,110,635                    -
Cost of share issue                             (419,423)                   -
Net cash inflow from financing                   691,212                 100,000

Increase/(decrease) in cash                       53,061              (1,518,865)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of this financial information.

                                    Page 16

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002

                                                  2002                    2001
                                                   #                        #
Reconciliation of operating (loss) to net
 cash outflow from operating activities    
Operating loss                                  (882,376)             (1,554,178)

Depreciation and amortisation: 
-Tangible fixed assets                           339,486                 275,968
-Intangible fixed assts                           45,998                  35,710
(Increase) in debtors                            (37,180)                (69,146)
Increase in creditors                            102,559                 280,113

Net cash outflow from operating activities      (431,513)             (1,031,533)

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in 
net (debt)/funds

Increase in cash in the year                      53,061              (1,518,865)
                                                  53,061              (1,518,865)

New hire purchase contracts                      (24,979)                  -
                                                 (28,082)             (1,518,865)

Net debt at the start of the year               (596,766)             (1,302,212)

Net debt at the end of the year                 (671,243)               (596,766)

Analysis of changes in net (debt)/funds

                                  At       Acquisition      Non-cash                       At
                              1 April 2001 excluding cash     charges      Cash flow  31 March 2002
                                  #            #                #             #            #
Cash at bank and in hand            173        -                -            46,289       46,462
Bank overdraft                   (6,772)       -                -             6,772         -
                                 (6,599)       -                -            53,061       46,462

Debt less than one year        (340,167)       -             174,299            -       (165,868)

Debt greater than one year     (250,000)       -            (276,858)           -       (526,858)

Hire purchase contracts            -           -             (24,979)           -        (24,979)
                               (596,766)       -            (127,538)        53,061     (671,243)

                                    Page 17

                               PUBLIC NETWORK PLC


                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002

1. Principal accounting policies

a. Basis of preparation

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
and in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards.

The principal accounting policies of the group have remained unchanged from the
previous year and are set out below.  The directors have reviewed the accounting
policies in light of the introduction of FRS 18 and consider them to be the most
appropriate to the group.

b. Basis of consolidation

The group financial statements consolidate the accounts of the company and its
subsidiary undertakings, drawn up to 31 March 2002.  The results of the
subsidiary acquired during the year have been included from the date of
acquisition.  At present the accounting reference date of the subsidiary is 31
October but the directors intend to change this to 31 March.  Profits or losses
on intra-group transactions are eliminated in full.  On acquisition of a
subsidiary, all of the subsidiary's assets and liabilities which exist at the
date of acquisition are recorded at their fair values reflecting their condition
at that date.

c. Turnover

Turnover represents, amounts receivable by the group for services to customers
excluding Value Added Tax and trade discounts.

d. Tangible fixed assets and depreciation

Depreciation is provided on all tangible fixed assets in order to write off
their costs over their estimated expected lives.  The rates adopted are as

Leasehold land and buildings              Over the term of the lease
Equipment and software for rental         Straight line basis-over 2 years for
                                          equipment and over 4 years for software

Furniture, fittings and equipment         25% on reducing balance basis
Motor vehicles                            25% on reducing balance basis

e. Deferred taxation

The accounting policy in respect of deferred tax has been changed to reflect the
requirements of FRS 19-Deferred tax.  Deferred tax is provided in full in
respect of taxation deferred by timing differences between the treatment of
certain items for taxation and accounting purposes.  The deferred tax balance
has not been discounted.

The above amounts to a change in accounting policy.  The previous policy was to
provide deferred tax only to the extent that it was probable that liabilities
would crystallise in the foreseeable future.

The adoption of the standard has not required a prior period adjustment.

f. Intangible fixed assets


Goodwill arising on consolidation, representing the excess of the fair value of
the consideration given over the fair values of the identifiable net assets
acquired, is capitalised and is amortised on a straight line basis over its
estimated useful economic life of 20 years.

                                    Page 18

g. Leasing commitments

Assets held under hire purchase contracts are capitalised and depreciated over
their expected useful lives.  The interest element of leasing payments
represents a constant proportion of the capital balance outstanding and is
charged to the profit and loss account over the period of the lease.

All other leases are regarded as operating leases and the payments made under
them are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over
the lease term.

h. Financial instruments

Financial assets are recognised in the balance sheet at the lower of cost and
net realisable value.  Provision is made for diminution in value where
appropriate.  Income and expenditure arising on financial instruments is
recognised on the accruals basis, and credited or charged to the profit and loss
account in the financial period to which it relates.

i. Fixed asset investment

Fixed asset investments are stated at cost less provision for impairment.

2. Going concern

The directors have considered the funding requirement for the next twelve months
and have concluded that it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements on
a going concern basis.  Further details are given in the Corporate Governance

3. Turnover

The total turnover of the group for the year has been derived from its principal
activity wholly undertaken in the United Kingdom.

4. Operating loss

                                                   2002                  2001
   Operating loss is stated after charging:          #                    #

   Directors' emoluments                          35,000                212,667
   Depreciation and amortisation                 385,484                311,678
   Auditors' remuneration:         Audit          10,950                  8,950
                                   Non-Audit       4,050                  5,500

5. Loss for the financial year

As permitted by Section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the holding company's
profit and loss account has not been included in these financial statements.
The (loss)/profit for the financial year is made up as follows:

                                                  2002                    2001
                                                    #                       #

Holding company's (loss)/profit for the 
 financial year                                 (59,020)                 13,837

                                    Page 19

6. Employees

Staff costs during the year were as follows:-      2002                   2001
                                                    #                      #
   Wages and salaries                            231,774                432,889
   Social security costs                          20,778                 44,765
                                                 252,552                477,654

   The average monthly number of employees of the group (including
   directors) during the year was:

                                                     No.                   No.
               Management                            3                      3
               Administrative                        8                     11
                                                    11                     14

Remuneration in respect of directors is covered under the Report on Remuneration
on pages 9 and 10.


7. Interest receivable and                          2002                   2001
   similar income                                    #                      #
   Bank deposit interest                             251                 41,469

8. Interest payable and                             2002                   2001
   similar charges                                    #                     #
   Bank interest and charges                          -                   2,230
   Hire purchase interest                           3,531                   -
                                                    3,531                 2,230

9. Taxation

There is no charge to Corporation Tax (2001: Nil) due to the availability of tax
losses within the group.  Unrelieved tax losses of approximately #2.6 million
(2001: loss #2 million) are available for offset against future taxable trading

                                    Page 20

10. Loss per share

Loss per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the loss for the year
available to ordinary shareholders by the sum of the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue.

                                          Year ended             Year ended
                                         31 March 2002          31 March 2001
                                               #                      #
The calculation of loss per share
 is on losses of                            885,656                 1,514,939
                                               No.                   No.

and the weighted number of ordinary
 shares in issue during the year         18,917,284                13,721,094

Loss per ordinary share is                    4.68p                  11.04p

11.          Acquisitions

On 19 December 2001, the group acquired the entire share capital of Pinco 1696
Limited for a total consideration of #205,651 to be satisfied by way of
2,056,513 ordinary shares of 10p each.  Pinco 1696 Limited was incorporated on
24 October 2001, and the group took effective control with effect from the date
of acquisition.

The following table sets out the book values of the identifiable assets and
liabilities acquired.

Share capital                                         100
Purchase goodwill capitalised                     205,551
Purchase consideration                            205,651

Satisfied by:
Share consideration                               205,651

                                    Page 21

12. Intangible fixed assets
    Group                                        Goodwill
    As at 1.4.2001                                714,208
    Additions                                     205,551

    As at 31.3.2002                               919,759

    As at 1.4.2001                                 71,420
    Charge for the year                            45,998

    As at 31.3.2002                               117,418

    Net book value 
    As at 31.3.2002                               802,341

    As at 31.3.2001                               642,788

The additions to goodwill of #205,551 relates to a business acquired during the 

The useful economic life of goodwill in respect of the acquisitions is 20 years,
based on the directors' assessment of future income streams.

13.          Tangible fixed assets

    Group           leasehold        Equipment       Fittings &           Motor
                    premises         for rental      equipment          vehicles        Total
                       #                  #              #                  #              #

    As at 1.4.2001  58,109            498,628         48,179             55,943         660,859
    Additions        5,000            222,829            508                  -         228,337
    As at 31.3.2002 63,109            721,457         48,687             55,943         889,196

    As at 1.4.2001  18,531            234,314         16,376             12,765         281,986
    Charge for the 
     year           31,135            289,478          8,078             10,795         339,486
    As at 31.3.2002 49,666            523,792         24,454             23,560         621,472

    Net Book Value 
    As at 31.3.2002 13,443            197,665         24,233             32,383         267,724
    As at 31.3.2001 39,578            264,314         31,803             43,178         378,873

                                    Page 22

13. Tangible fixed assets (continued)

Included above are assets held under hire purchase contracts as follows:


Net book values
At 31 March 2002                                          32,383

At 31 March 2001                                            -

Depreciation charge for the year 
At 31 March 2002                                          10,795

At 31 March 2001                                            -

14. Fixed asset investments

                                   Shares in subsidiary undertakings

Company                                              #
Cost at 1.4.2001                                 750,100
Additions                                        205,651

Cost at 31.3.2002                                955,751

The additions to investments comprise #205,651 in respect of the
acquisition of Pinco 1696 Limited, as set out on note 11 above, which was
acquired during the year.

At 31 March 2002, the group held 100% of the allotted share capital of the
following subsidiary undertakings, all of which are registered in England and

                                     Incorporation        activity

Public Internet Services Limited      19.2.1999          Connection of
                                                         internet units

Pubnet Limited                        12.7.1999          Dormant

Pinco 1696 Limited                   24.10.2001          Non-trading

                                    Page 23

                                    Group                      Company
15a.   Debtors              2002            2001          2002           2001
                             #               #             #              #
       Amounts falling  
       due within one 
       Trade debtors      11,558           2,327             -              -
       Amounts due from 
       group companies         -               -             -      2,195,993
       Other debtors      38,566          84,067         1,040              -
       Prepayments and 
       accrued income     95,371          21,921        70,164            583

                         145,495         108,315        71,204      2,196,576

15b.   Debtors                      Group                      Company
                            2002            2001          2002           2001 
                             #               #             #              #

       Amounts falling 
       due after more                                          
       than one year
       Amounts due from 
       group companies         -               -     2,774,837              -

                                    Group                      Company
16 .   Creditors            2002            2001          2002           2001
                             #               #             #              #

       Amounts falling 
       due within one 
       Bank overdraft          -           6,772             -              -
       Net obligations 
       under hire purchase
       contracts          12,377               -             -              -
       Trade creditors    56,605         246,613         4,506              -
       Amount owed to 
       subsidiary              -               -           100            100
       Taxes and social 
       security           55,532          35,987             -              -
       current accounts        -          15,455             -              -
       Other creditors    12,340          13,228             -              -
       Accruals           41,391          28,884         5,000          4,000

                         178,245         346,939         9,606          4,100

17.    Creditors
                                   Group                       Company
       Amounts falling 
       due after            2002            2001          2002           2001
       more than one year    #               #             #              #
       Net obligations 
       under hire purchase
       contracts          12,602               -             -              -
       Convertible loan  250,000         250,000       250,000        250,000
       Directors' loan 
       accounts          102,569               -             -              -
       Other loan         50,000               -             -              -
       Other creditors   124,289               -        11,750              -

                         539,460         250,000       261,750        250,000

Obligations under hire purchase contracts are secured over the relevant assets.

                                    Page 24

18.   Creditors
                                    Group                     Company

                            2002            2001          2002           2001

      Net obligations 
      under hire purchase    #                #            #               #

      Repayable within 
      one year            15,436               -              -             -
      Repayable between 
      one and five years  12,602               -              -             -

                          28,038               -              -             -

      Finance charges 
      and interest 
      to future 
      periods             (3,059)              -              -             -

                          24,979               -              -             -

      Included in 
      liabilities due 
      within one 
      year               (12,377)              -              -             -

                          12,602               -              -             -

19.   Lease commitments

      As at 31 March 2002, the group was committed to payments under the 
      following non-cancellable operating leases in respect of rent and service 

                                                           2002          2001
                                                            #             #
      Between one and five years                         22,737        68,819

20.   Share capital

                                                           2002          2001
      Authorised                                            #             #

      50,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each          5,000,000     2,500,000

      On 9 August 2001 the company increased its authorised share capital from
      25,000,000 ordinary shares of 10p each to 50,000,000 ordinary shares of 
      10p each.

                                                           2002          2001
      Allotted, called up and fully paid                    #             #

      25,865,307 ordinary shares of 10p each          2,586,530     1,372,109

The company allotted 12,144,213 ordinary shares of 10p each during the year, of
which 4,070,600 ordinary shares of 10p each were issued at a premium of 2.5p per

A loan of #250,000 made on 21 January 2000 is repayable on 31 January 2004 or
such later date as may be agreed between the parties in writing.  The loan
agreement granted the lender an option of converting the loan into ordinary
shares of Public Network Plc at 12.50p per share, but by way of an amendment to
the original agreement, dated 21 October 2002, the conversion price has been
reduced to 10.0p per share.

                                    Page 25

                                        Group                    Company
                                   2002        2001         2002          2001
21.   Share premium account         #           #            #              #

      As at 1.4.2001          1,297,950   1,297,950    1,297,950     1,299,962
      Share premium on issue    101,765           -      101,765             -
      Share issue costs        (419,423)          -     (419,423)            -
      Prior year adjustment           -           -            -        (2,012)

      As at 31.3.2002           980,292   1,297,950      980,292     1,297,950

                                        Group                    Company
                                   2002        2001         2002          2001
22.   Profit and loss account       #           #            #             #

      Balance at 1.4.2001    (2,136,849)   (621,910)      22,687         8,850
      (Loss)/profit for the 
       year                    (885,656) (1,514,939)     (59,020)       13,837

       Balance at 31.3.2002  (3,022,505) (2,136,849)     (36,333)       22,687

                                       Group                    Company

23.    Reconciliation on 
       movements                   2002        2001         2002          2001
       of shareholders' 
       funds                        #           #            #             #

       Opening shareholders' 
       funds                    533,210   2,048,149    2,692,746     2,678,909
      (Loss)/profit for the 
       year                    (885,656) (1,514,939)     (59,020)       13,837
       Ordinary shares issued 1,214,421           -    1,214,421             -
       Share premium on issue   101,765           -      101,765             -
       Share issue costs       (419,423)          -     (419,423)            -

       Closing shareholders' 
       funds                    544,317     533,210    3,530,489     2,692,746

24.    Share options

Options to subscribe for up to 5,878,333 ordinary shares have been granted to
employees, consultants and others at exercise prices between 15 pence and 30
pence per share.  Options in favour of employees are exercisable between the
first and fourth anniversaries of grant on not more than two occasions.  Subject
to his exercise period these options crystallise as to 1/36 of the total granted
for each complete month's service.  The options lapse if not exercised when the
employee resigns or is fairly dismissed within 12 months of commencing

                                    Page 26

25. Contingent liabilities

a.                 The company's liabilities as at the year end include #250,000
which relates to a convertible loan.  The conversion terms include a provision
that if any part of the convertible loan is not converted to ordinary shares of
Public Network Plc by 30 July 2001, an arrangement fee in lieu of interest is
payable at a rate of 10% per annum.

b.                 At 31 March 2002 the share option price per share exceeded
market value. Therefore, no provision has been made for employer's National
Insurance liability arising on exercise of the options.  In the event that share
options are exercised at a later date at a time when the market value of the
shares exceeds the exercise price there would be a liability to pay employer's
National Insurance.

26. Related party transactions

a. During the year Banks Cooper Associates Ltd, a company in
which Simon Banks-Cooper is a director, provided accountancy services of #23,472
(2001: Nil) to Public Internet Services Ltd.  An amount of #10,415 (2001: Nil)
is owed by the company and is disclosed in note 16 under creditors.

b. During the year Pubnet Productions, a business owned by
Richard Nowacki, a director of the company supplied consultancy services of
#27,398 (2001: #Nil) to Public Internet Services Ltd.

Page 27

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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