RNS Number : 3296T

Prime People PLC

14 November 2019

14 November 2019

Prime People Plc

Interim Results

Prime People Plc ("Prime People" or the "Group"), the global specialist recruitment business for professional and technical staff working in the Real Estate & Built Environment, Energy & Environmental and Technology, Digital & Data Analytics sectors, announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2019.



I am pleased to report the results for Prime People Plc for the half-year ended 30 September 2019.

The Group recorded a profit before tax for the period of GBP1.73m (H1 2019: GBP1.59m) on revenue of GBP13.17m

(H1 2019: GBP12.57m).

Financial Results

Group revenue of GBP13.17m was 4.72% higher than the same period last year (H1 2019: GBP12.57m).

Group Net Fee Income ("NFI") was GBP8.80m (H1 2019: GBP7.99m). Our overseas business showed strong performance, with NFI for Asia increasing to GBP4.83m (H1 2019: GBP3.87m) and contributing 57.90% of Group permanent NFI (H1 2019: 52.16%). NFI recorded during the period by our Hong Kong subsidiary, Command Recruitment Group (HK) Ltd ("CMD"), was GBP2.28m (H1 2019: GBP1.68m), detailed in Note 3(a) within the NFI for the Group's Asia regional performance. NFI for the UK business was GBP3.71m (H1 2019: GBP3.86m) and Rest of World was GBP0.26m (H1 2019: GBP0.27m).

Contract NFI represented 5.17% of Group NFI against 7.21% in H1 2019.

Administrative costs for the Group were GBP7.07m (H1 2019: GBP6.40m) during the period which included planned expenditure for enhancing technology to drive efficiencies across our business, greater advertising spend, and higher professional costs associated with our continued focus on organic growth.

In the UK, profit before tax was GBP0.48m against GBP0.62m in H1 2019. Our Asia business, which covers the Group activities in Hong Kong and Singapore, generated a profit before tax before adjustment for minority interest of GBP1.24m for the period (H1 2019: GBP0.95m), of which GBP0.84m related to CMD (H1 2019: GBP0.58m).

Our newly established business in Germany, disclosed under Rest of the World, reported a small profit and is indicating good opportunities for growth.

The charge for Group taxation of GBP0.31m (H1 2019: GBP0.10m) is based on the expected annual effective tax rate of 19% in UK (H1 2019: 19%), 16.5% in Hong Kong (H1 2019: 16.50%), and 17% in Singapore (H1 2019: 17%).

Basic earnings per share for the period were 9.33p (H1 2019: 10.95p).

Cash Flow

The Group continues to maintain a strong net cash position. At the start of the current financial year, the Group had cash of GBP2.31m, and at the period end, had cash of GBP3.04m (H1 2019: GBP1.79m).


The Board will be declaring an interim dividend of 1.80p per share (2019: 1.80p) payable on 6 December 2019 to those shareholders on the register on 22 November 2019.


The present focus for the Group is managing the business for increased productivity and profitability. Notwithstanding the mixed and uncertain economic picture of today's markets, we continue to seek opportunities to create shareholder value though both organic and non-organic growth.

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

Robert Macdonald

Executive Chairman

14 November 2019

For further information please contact:

 Prime People                            020 7318 1785 
 Robert Macdonald, Executive Chairman 
 Donka Zaneva-Todorinski, Finance 
 Cenkos Securities                       020 7397 8900 
 Katy Birkin 
  Harry Hargreaves 



For the six months ended 30 September 2019

                                                 Six months ended                    Year ended 
                                          30 September        30 September             31 March 
                                                  2019                2018                 2019 
                                 Note          GBP'000             GBP'000              GBP'000 
 Revenue                          3             13,166              12,572               24,660 
 Cost of sales                                 (4,365)             (4,584)              (8,873) 
------------------------------  -----  ---  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
 Net fee income                                  8,801               7,988               15,787 
   Administrative expenses                     (7,072)             (6,399)             (13,316) 
------------------------------  -----  ---  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
 Operating profit                                1,729               1,589                2,471 
 Profit before taxation                          1,729               1,589                2,471 
 Income tax expense               4              (308)               (104)                (298) 
------------------------------  -----  ---  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
   Profit for the period/year                    1,421               1,485                2,173 
 Other comprehensive income 
  Exchange gain on translating 
  foreign operations                               115                 121                  106 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
   Other Comprehensive income for 
   the period/ year, net of tax                    115                 121                  106 
------------------------------------------  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
   Total comprehensive income for 
   the period/year                               1,536               1,606                2,279 
 Profit attributable to: 
  Equity shareholders of 
   the parent                                    1,139               1,291                1,660 
  Non-controlling interest                         282                 194                  513 
------------------------------  -----  ---  ----------  ---  -------------  ---  -------------- 
   Profit for the period/year                    1,421               1,485                2,173 
 Total Comprehensive Income 
  attributable to: 
 Equity shareholders of 
  the parent                                     1,254               1,412                1,766 
  Non-controlling interest                         282                 194                  513 
 Earnings per share               6 
 Basic earnings per share                         9.33p              10.95p              13.72p 
 Diluted earnings per 
  share                                            9.22p              10.78p           13.38p 
------------------------------  -----  ---  ---------------  ------------------  -------------- 

The above results relate to continuing operations.

The notes below form an integral part of this unaudited condensed consolidated interim report.



As at 30 September 2019

                                        30 September     30 September         31 March 
                                                2019             2018             2019 
                                     Note    GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                     10,527           10,527           10,527 
 Property, plant and equipment                   708              577              752 
 Right-of-use assets                  12       1,139                -                - 
 Deferred tax asset                               18               45               40 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
                                              12,392           11,149           11,319 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables          9        5,069            4,242            4,646 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     3,037            1,778            2,309 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
                                               8,106            6,020            6,955 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Total assets                                 20,498           17,169           18,274 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables             10       2,681            2,746            3,080 
 Lease liabilities                    12         383                -                - 
 Current tax liabilities                         481               61              173 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
                                               3,545            2,807            3,253 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liabilities                          -               22               22 
 Lease liabilities                    12       1,058                -                - 
   Total liabilities                           4,603            2,829            3,275 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Net assets                                   15,895           14,340           14,999 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity holders 
 Called up share capital                       1,229            1,229            1,229 
 Capital redemption reserve                        9                9                9 
 Treasury shares                               (168)            (439)            (161) 
 Share premium account                         5,371            5,371            5,371 
 Merger reserve                                  173              173              173 
 Share option reserve                            392              411              337 
 Currency translation differences                711              611              596 
 Retained earnings                             7,308            6,706            6,857 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
 Equity shareholders' funds                   15,025           14,071           14,411 
  Non-controlling interest                       870              269              588 
----------------------------------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  ---  ---------- 
   Total Equity                               15,895           14,340           14,999 

The notes below form an integral part of this unaudited condensed consolidated interim report.



For the six months ended 30 September 2019

 -                  Called      Capital   Treasury     Share    Merger     Share   Translation    Retained          Total   Non-controlling       Total 
                        up   Redemption     shares   premium   reserve    option       reserve    Earnings   attributable          interest      equity 
                     share      reserve              account             reserve                                to equity 
                   capital                                                                                        holders 
                                                                                                                   of the 
                   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
   At 1 April 
   2018              1,229            9      (421)     5,371       173       314           490       7,764         14,929                75      15,004 
  for the 
  period                 -            -          -         -         -         -             -       1,291          1,291               194       1,485 
  in respect 
  of IFRS 
  15                     -            -          -         -         -       -               -     (1,977)        (1,977)                 -     (1,977) 
  income                 -            -          -         -         -         -           121           -            121                 -         121 
  payments               -            -          -         -         -        97             -           -             97                 -          97 
  for treasury           -            -       (16)         -         -         -             -           -           (16)                 -        (16) 
  from treasury          -            -          2         -         -         -             -           -              2                 -           2 
  on share 
  disposal               -            -        (4)         -         -         -             -          10              6                 -           6 
 Dividend                -            -          -         -         -         -             -       (382)          (382)                 -       (382) 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ----------------  ---------- 
   At 30 Sept 
   2018              1,229            9      (439)     5,371       173       411           611       6,706         14,071               269      14,340 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ----------------  ---------- 



For the six months ended 30 September 2019

                    Called      Capital   Treasury     Share    Merger     Share   Translation   Retained          Total   Non-controlling      Total 
                        up   Redemption     shares   premium   reserve    option       reserve   Earnings   attributable          interest     equity 
                     share      reserve              account             reserve                               to equity 
                   capital                                                                                       holders 
                                                                                                                  of the 
                   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000           GBP'000    GBP'000 
   At 30 Sept 
   2018              1,229            9      (439)     5,371       173       411           611      6,706         14,071               269     14,340 
  for the 
  period                 -            -          -         -         -         -             -        368            368               319        687 
  income                 -            -          -         -         -         -          (15)          -           (15)                 -       (15) 
  payments               -            -          -         -         -      (74)             -          -           (74)                 -       (74) 
  for treasury           -            -       (10)         -         -         -             -          -           (10)                 -       (10) 
  from treasury          -            -        284         -         -         -             -          -            284                 -        284 
  on share 
  disposal               -            -          4         -         -         -             -        (5)            (1)                 -        (1) 
 Dividend                -            -          -         -         -         -             -      (212)          (212)                 -      (212) 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  --------- 
   At 31 March 
   2019              1,229            9      (161)     5,371       173       337           596      6,857         14,411               588     14,999 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  --------- 
  for the 
  period                 -            -          -         -         -         -             -      1,254          1,254               282      1,536 
  of IFRS 
  16                     -            -          -         -         -         -             -      (396)          (396)                 -      (396) 
  income                 -            -          -         -         -         -           115          -            115                 -        115 
  payments               -            -          -         -         -        55             -          -             55                 -         55 
  for treasury           -            -       (16)         -         -         -             -          -           (16)                 -       (16) 
  from treasury          -            -         13         -         -         -             -          -             13                 -         13 
  on share 
  disposal               -            -        (4)         -         -         -             -          4              -                 -          - 
 Dividend                -            -          -         -         -         -             -      (411)          (411)                 -      (411) 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  --------- 
 At 30 Sept 
  2019               1,229            9      (168)     5,371       173       392           711      7,308         15,025               870     15,895 
----------------  --------  -----------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------------  ----------------  --------- 



For the six months ended 30 September 2019

                                                                   Six months ended               Year ended 
                                                           30 September 2019     30 September       31 March 
                                                                                         2018           2019 
                                                  Note               GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Cash generated from underlying operations          7                  1,498            1,260          2,146 
 Income tax paid                                                         (1)              (4)          (111) 
  Income tax received                                                     19                2              - 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  -------------  ----  ---------  ---  -------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                                    1,516            1,258          2,035 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Net purchase of property, plant and equipment                          (94)            (438)          (727) 
   Net cash used in investing activities                                (94)            (438)          (727) 
-----------------------------------------------  -----  -----  -------------  ----  ---------  ---  -------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Shares issued from treasury                                              13                2            260 
 Shares purchased for treasury                                          (16)             (16)              - 
 Dividend paid to shareholders                                         (411)            (383)          (595) 
 Lease payments                                                        (338)                -              - 
 Lease interest                                                         (57)                -              - 
 Net cash used in financing activities                                 (809)            (397)          (335) 
------------------------------------------------------  -----  -------------  ----  ---------  ---  -------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               613              423            973 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period/year                 2,309            1,234          1,234 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                                 115              121            102 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ----  ---------  ---  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period/year                       3,037            1,778          2,309 

The notes below form an integral part of this unaudited condensed consolidated interim report.



For the six months ended 30 September 2019

   1.   General information 

Prime People Plc ('the Company') and its subsidiaries (together 'the Group') is an international recruitment services organisation with offices in the United Kingdom, the Middle East and the Asia Pacific region from which it serves an international client base. The Group offers both permanent and contract specialist recruitment consultancy for large and medium sized organisations.

Prime People Plc is the Group's ultimate parent company. The Company is a limited liability company incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom. The address of Prime People Group's registered office and its principal place of business is 2 Harewood Place, London, W1S 1BX, England. Prime People Group's shares are quoted on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM"). The registered number of the Company is 1729887.

This unaudited condensed consolidated interim report for the six months ended 30 September 2019 (including comparatives) is presented in GBP '000 and was approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 14 November 2019.

Copies of the interim results are available at the Company's registered office and on the Company's website - www.prime-people.co.uk.

This unaudited condensed consolidated interim report does not constitute statutory accounts of the Group within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2019 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006.

   2.     Basis of preparation 

The unaudited condensed consolidated interim report for the six months ended 30 September 2019 has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") and in accordance with 'IAS 34, Interim financial reporting', as adopted by the European Union. The condensed consolidated interim report should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2019 which were, with exception of the adoption of IFRS 16 Accounting for Leases, prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union.

The Group was profitable for the period and has considerable financial resources comprising GBP3.04m of net cash at 30 September 2019. After making enquiries, the Directors have formed a judgement, at the time of approving the six months results, that there is a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, a period of not less than 12 months. For this reason, the Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the condensed set of financial statements.

These financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention.

IFRS 16 - Leases

IFRS 16 became effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019 and has superseded IAS 17 Leases.

IFRS 16 distinguishes leases and service contracts based on whether an identified asset is controlled by a customer. Distinctions of operating leases (off balance sheet) and finance leases (on balance sheet) are removed for lessee accounting and has been replaced by a model where a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability have to be recognised for all leases by lessees (i.e. all on balance sheet) except for short term leases and leases of low value assets.

The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost and subsequently measured at cost (subject to certain exceptions) less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease liability. The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid at that date. Subsequently, the lease liability is adjusted for interest and lease payments, as well as the impact of lease modifications, amongst others.

Directors have completed their detailed review of IFRS 16 and further guidance on this change in accounting policy is given in note 12 below.

   3.   Segment reporting 

(a) Revenue and net fee income by geographical region

                           Revenue                                 Net fee income 
                      Six months ended          Year ended        Six months ended            Year ended 
               30 September   30 September   31 March 2019   30 September   30 September   31 March 2019 
                       2019           2018                           2019           2018 
                    GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
 UK                   8,072          8,439          16,472          3,707          3,855           7,599 
 Asia                 4,832          3,866           7,770          4,832          3,866           7,770 
 Rest of World          262            267             418            262            267             418 
---------------   ---------  -------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 
                     13,166         12,572          24,660          8,801          7,988          15,787 
---------------   ---------  -------------  --------------  -------------  -------------  -------------- 

All revenues disclosed by the Group are derived from external customers and are for the provision of recruitment services. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting policies. Segment profit before taxation represents the profit earned by each segment after allocations of central administration costs.

(b) Revenue and net fee income by classification

                                     Revenue                                          Net fee income 
                                Six months ended            Year ended               Six months ended             Year ended 
                       30 September      30 September    31 March 2019       30 September      30 September    31 March 2019 
                               2019              2018                                2019              2018 
                            GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000 
 - UK                         3,252             3,279            6,501              3,252             3,279            6,493 
  - Asia                      4,832             3,866            7,770              4,832             3,866            7,770 
  - Rest of World               262               267              418                262               267              418 
 Contract (UK)                4,820             5,160            9,971                455               576            1,106 
                             13,166            12,572           24,660              8,801             7,988           15,787 
-------------------  ----  --------  -----  ---------  ----  ---------  -----  ----------  -----  ---------  ----  --------- 

(c) Profit before taxation by geographical region

                                         Six months ended                 Year ended 
                                    30 September   30 September 2018   31 March 2019 
                                         GBP'000             GBP'000         GBP'000 
 UK                                          478                 621             928 
 Asia                                      1,243                 947           1,523 
 Rest of World                                 8                  21              20 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------------  -------------- 
   Profit before taxation                  1,729               1,589           2,471 
---------------------------------  -------------  ------------------  -------------- 

Operating profit is the measure of profitability regularly viewed by the Board, which collectively acts as the Chief Decision Maker. Consequently, no segmental analysis of interest or tax expenses is provided.

(d) Segment Assets and Liabilities by Geographical Region

                               Total assets                          Total liabilities 
                   30 September 2019   30 September 2018   30 September 2019   30 September 2018 
                             GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000             GBP'000 
 UK                           12,211              11,725         2,474                     1,553 
 Asia                          7,916               5,033         2,080                     1,215 
 Rest of World                   371                 411          49                          61 
----------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
   Total                      20,498         17,169               4,603                    2,829 
----------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 

The analysis above is of the carrying amount of reportable segment assets and liabilities. Segment assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment and include income tax assets and liabilities.

   4.   Income tax expense 

The charge for taxation on profits for the interim period amounted to GBP308k (2018: GBP104k) an effective rate of 17.81% (2018: 6.55%).

   5.   Dividends 
                             Six months ended                             Year ended 
                                            30 September   30 September     31 March 
                                                    2019           2018         2019 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Final dividend for 2019: 3.25p per share 
  (2018: 3.25p per share)                            411            383          383 
 Interim dividend for 2019: 1.80p per share 
 (2018: 1.75p per share)                               -              -          212 
                                                     411            383          595 

The interim dividend for 2020 of 1.80 pence (2019: 1.80 pence paid on 7 December 2018), was approved by the board on 14 November 2019 and will be paid on 6 December 2019 to those shareholders whose names are on the register on 22 November 2019.

   6.   Earnings per share 

Earnings per share (EPS) are calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.

Fully diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares by existing share options assuming dilution through conversion of all existing options.

Earnings and weighted average number of shares from continuing operations used in the calculations are shown below:

                                                                         Six months ended           Year ended 
                                                                    30 September   30 September       31 March 
                                                                            2019           2018           2019 
                                                                         GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
   Retained profit for basic and diluted earnings per share             1,139             1,291          1,660 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                            Number                                       Number         Number 
 Weighted average number of shares used for basic earnings per 
  share                                                               12,204,023     11,784,523     12,094,523 
                                 Dilutive effect of share options        136,491        163,413        307,031 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
               Diluted weighted average number of shares used for 
                                       diluted earnings per share     12,340,514     11,974,936     12,401,554 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                         Six months ended           Year ended 
                                  30 September   30 September         31 March 
                                          2019           2018             2019 
                                       GBP'000        GBP'000          GBP'000 
                                         Pence          Pence            Pence 
 Basic earnings per share                9.33p         10.95p           13.72p 
 Diluted earnings per share              9.22p         10.78p           13.38p 
-----------------------------  ----  ---------  -------------  --------------- 
   7.   Reconciliation of profit before tax to cash flow from operating activities 
                                                                    Six months ended         Year ended 
                                                               30 September   30 September     31 March 
                                                                       2019           2018         2019 
                                                                    GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Profit before taxation                                               1,729          1,589        2,471 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation                                                           323            104          220 
 Share based payment expense                                             90             97           38 
 Finance costs - IFRS 16                                                 49              -            - 
-------------------------------------------------------   -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 (Profit)/Loss on sale of tangible asset                                  -              -            1 
--------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Operating cash flow before changes in working capital                2,191          1,790        2,730 
 IFRS 15 adjustment on reserves b/f                                       -              -      (1,976) 
 (Increase)/ decrease in receivables                                  (423)          (596)          976 
 (Decrease)/ increase in payables                                     (270)             66          416 
--------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
   Cash generated from underlying operations                          1,498          1,260        2,146 
--------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  ----------- 
   8.   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 
                                                                   Six months ended              Year ended 
                                                              30 September   30 September      31 March 
                                                                      2019           2018         2019 
                                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Increase in cash and cash equivalents in period/year                  613            423               969 
 Net funds at the start of the period/year                           2,309          1,234             1,234 
 Other non-cash changes                                                115            121               106 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  ---------------- 
 Net funds at the end of the period/year                             3,037          1,778             2,309 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------------  -------------  ---------------- 
   9.   Trade and other receivables 
                                   30 September   30 September 2018   31 March 
                                           2019                           2019 
                                        GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Trade receivables                        4,765               4,229      4,156 
 Allowance for doubtful debts             (650)               (882)      (621) 
 Prepayments and accrued income             722                 808        868 
 Other receivables                          232                  87        243 
--------------------------------  -------------  ------------------  --------- 
                                          5,069               4,242      4,646 

10. Trade and other payables

                                                30 September             30 September 2018                    31 March 
                                                        2019                                                      2019 
                                                     GBP'000                       GBP'000                     GBP'000 
 Trade payables                                          187                           182                         316 
 Taxation and social security                            674                           797                         730 
 Other payables                                          212                           456                         807 
 Accruals and deferred income                          1,608                         1,311                       1,227 
------------------------------  ----------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                                       2,681                         2,746                       3,080 

11. Treasury Shares

At 30 September 2019, the total number of ordinary shares held in Treasury and their values were as follows:

                                                                                                                                                         30 September 2019     30 September 2018 
                                                                                                                                                           Number   GBP'000      Number   GBP'000 
 As at 1 April                                                                                                                                            195,676       161     505,676       421 
 Shares purchased for 
  treasury                                                                                                                                                 19,000        16      20,000        16 
 Shares issued from treasury                                                                                                                            (128,500)      (13)    (20,000)       (2) 
 Equity reclassification 
  on disposal of treasury 
  shares                                                                                                                                                        -         4           -         4 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
                                                                                                                                             As at 30 
                                                                                                                                            September      86,176       168     505,676       439 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
   Nominal value                                                                                                                                                -         9           -        51 
 Market value                                                                                                                                                   -        75           -       425 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 

12. Changes in accounting policies

Adjustments recognised on adoption of IFRS 16

This note explains the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 Leases on the Group's financial statements. The Group has adopted the IFRS 16 modified retrospective approach from 1 April 2019 but has not restated comparatives for the 31 March 2019 reporting period, as permitted under the specific transitional provisions in the standard. The reclassifications and the adjustments arising from the new leasing rules are therefore recognised in the opening balance sheet on 1 April 2019.

The weighted average incremental borrowing rate used is 8.47%.

The Group has elected not to recognise the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases that have a term of 12 months or less or leases that are of low value (GBP5,000). Lease payments associated with these leases are expensed on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

The table below summarises the IFRS 16 impact on transition for lease liabilities and the corresponding right-of-use assets along with the movement from 1 April 2019 to 30 September 2019:

 Lease liability                                                               GBP'000 
 Operating lease commitment disclosed as at 31 March 
  2019                                                                           1,817 
 Less short-term and low value lease                                              (27) 
 Exchange difference                                                               104 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Operating lease commitment at 31 March 2019 falls 
  under IFRS 16                                                                  1,894 
 Discounted using borrowing incremental rate at 
  initial application                                                            (220) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Lease liabilities recognised at 1 April 2019                                    1,674 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Lease liabilities movement from 1 April 2019 to 
  30 September 2019 
 At 1 April 2019                                                                 1,674 
 Lease payments                                                                  (338) 
 Interest charge                                                                    57 
 Exchange difference                                                                49 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Total lease liabilities at 30 September 2019                                    1,441 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Current lease liabilities                                                         383 
 Non-current lease liabilities                                                   1,058 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------- 
 Right-of-use assets 
                               30 September 2019   1 April 2019 
                                         GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Properties                                1,139          1,282 
 Total right-of-use-assets                 1,139          1,282 
----------------------------  ------------------  ------------- 

13. Related Party Transactions

Prime People Plc provides various management services to its subsidiary undertakings. These services take the form of centralised finance and operations support. The total amount charged by the Company to its subsidiaries during the period is GBP462k (2018: GBP384k). The balance owed to the subsidiary undertakings at the period-end is GBP1m (2018: GBP409k).

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 14, 2019 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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Prime People (LSE:PRP)
過去 株価チャート
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