RNS Number : 5715G

Platmin Limited

13 May 2011





May 13, 2011


This Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A") for the three months ended March 31, 2011 contains "forward-looking information" which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the future financial and operating performance of Platmin Limited (the "Company" or "Platmin"), its subsidiaries and affiliated companies (which together with Platmin is referred to as "the Platmin Group" or "the Group"), and its mineral projects, the future price of 4E metals (commonly used to refer to platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold), 4E production levels, mining rates, the future price of copper and nickel, future exchange rates, the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the realization of mineral resource estimates or their conversion into reserves, costs and future costs of production, capital and exploration expenditures, including ongoing capital expenditure at the Pilanesberg Platinum Mine ("PPM"), costs and timing of the development of new deposits, costs and timing of the development of new mines, costs and timing of future exploration, requirements for additional capital, government regulation of mining operations and exploration operations, timing and receipt of approvals, licenses, and conversions under South African mineral legislation, environmental risks, title disputes or claims, limitations of insurance coverage and the timing and outcome of regulatory matters. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "targeted" or "believes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved.

Forward-looking statements in this market release, amongst others, forecast production reaching a monthly rate of 12,000 4E ounces by end FY2011 and 20,000 4E ounces by end FY2012 provided the planned volumes of waste stripping can be achieved; lodging of an amended Environmental Management Plan in May 2011; recovery rates and grade; targets, estimates and assumptions in respect of 4E metal prices and production; allocation of funds for current commitments; and the timing and completion of definitive feasibility engineering studies at the Mphahlele, Grootboom and Loskop Projects.

Such forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions, including, that contracted parties provide goods and/or services on the agreed time frames, that budgets and production forecasts are accurate, that equipment necessary for construction and development is available as scheduled and does not incur unforeseen break downs, that no labour shortages or delays are incurred, that plant and equipment function as specified, that geological or financial parameters do not necessitate future mine plan changes, that no unusual geological or technical problems occur, and that grades and recovery rates are as anticipated in mine planning.

Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Platmin Group to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the actual results of current exploration and mining activities; development and operational risks; title risks; regulatory risks; conclusions of economic evaluations and studies; fluctuations in the value of the United States dollar relative to the Canadian dollar or South African rand; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; future prices of 4E metals; possible variations of ore grade or recovery rates (including the existence of potholes, faults and other geological conditions that may affect the existence or recovery of resources and reserves); failure of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes, industrial unrest and strikes and other risks of the mining industry; political instability, insurrection or war; the effect of HIV/AIDS on labour force availability and turnover; delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing or in the completion of development or construction activities, as well as those factors communicated in the section entitled "Risk Factors" of Platmin's current annual information form ("AIF") and its final short form prospectus dated May 5, 2010, which can both be viewed at www.sedar.com. Although Platmin has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended.

Forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this MD&A and Platmin disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.

1. Introduction

1.1 Incorporation and listing of Platmin's shares

Platmin Limited ("Platmin" or "the Company") was incorporated under the Canada Business Corporation Act on May 29, 2003. It has continued as a company under the Business Corporations Act of British Columbia, Canada, effective April 1, 2009.

Platmin's common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"), the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange ("AIM") and the Johannesburg Securities Exchange Limited ("JSE"). The Company trades under the symbol "PPN" on both the TSX and the AIM and under the symbol "PLN" on the JSE.

1.2 Nature of business

The Platmin Group, consisting of Platmin and its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, is a natural resources group engaged in the acquisition, exploration, development and operation of Platinum Group Metals ("PGM") properties in South Africa.

1.3 Pilanesberg Platinum Mines

Through its 72.39% owned subsidiary, Pilanesberg Platinum Mines (Proprietary) Limited, Platmin has established the Pilanesberg Platinum Mines ("PPM") on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex. PPM declared commercial production from January 1, 2011 which means the results of operations are now reported in the statement of income (as opposed to being capitalised to development cost, as was the case until December 31, 2010).

PPM is the Group's primary asset and consists of:

(i) the open-cast Tuschenkomst Pit; and

(ii) an adjacent PGM concentrator.

The principal focus of the Platmin Group is to build up the PPM's production from the Tuschenkomst Pit to the levels forecast in the bankable feasibility study.

Mining at PPM has been contracted to MCC Contracts (Proprietary) Limited ("MCC"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eqstra Holdings Limited.

The operation of the concentrator, which entails crushing, milling and flotation of the ore to produce a PGM concentrate has been contracted to Mineral Operations Executive (Proprietary) Limited ("Minopex"), a division of DRA Engineering (Proprietary) Ltd. The plant has capacity to process 417,000 tonnes of material per month and mill 285,000 tonnes of ore per month.

The PGM concentrate is refined under contract by Northam Platinum Limited ("Northam") to produce platinum, palladium, rhodium, and gold (collectively referred to as "4E"), plus iridium, ruthenium, copper and nickel.

The PGMs contributed in excess of 90% of the gross revenue earned by the PPM during the quarter ended March 31, 2011.

1.4 Consolidation of the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex

Due to common shareholders in other PGM properties on the Western Limb, its recent acquisition of the Sedibelo West PGM property dealt with in 2.1 below and its recent acquisition of a 50% interest in the power and water rights and certain other assets pertaining to the Sedibelo area (see 2.2 below), Platmin is ideally placed to participate in the consolidation of several adjacent properties within the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex.

1.5 Acquisition, exploration and development of other PGM properties

The Platmin Group holds valuable interests in PGM deposits on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex through its three exploration and development projects namely Mphahlele, Grootboom and Loskop.

1.6 Purpose of this MD&A

This Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations ("MD&A") is provided to enable the reader to assess and understand the financial position and results of operations for the three months ended March 31, 2011, in comparison to corresponding periods. Certain information in this MD&A must be read in conjunction with:

(i) the audited consolidated financial statements of Platmin for the year ended December 31, 2010 and the notes thereto (collectively, the annual financial statements) prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS");

(ii) the condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the three months ended March 31, 2011 and supporting notes; and

(iii) the Company's Annual Information Form ("AIF") and the technical reports prepared by qualified persons in accordance with NI 43-101 on file with the Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities.

These documents can be found at www.sedar.comand at www.platmin.com.

1.7 Reporting currency and periods

Whilst the mining and exploration activities are conducted in South Africa and reported in South African rand ("ZAR"), in this MD&A the financial amounts have been converted to and are reported in United States dollars ("US$").

2. The Sedibelo West and related transactions

2.1 The acquisition of 5.99 million 4E ounces

On March 23, 2011 Platmin announced the acquisition of an incremental 5.99 million 4E inferred resource ounces, (42.57 million tonnes at a grade of 4.38 g/t) contained within the western portion of the Sedibelo PGM Project concession ("Sedibelo West") from the Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Tribe ("Bakgatla") and Itereleng Bakgatla Mineral Resources (Proprietary) Limited ("IBMR"), for a total purchase consideration payable in cash of US$82.000 million (US$75.000 million including VAT of US$7.000 million). This is equivalent to US$12.50 per 4E inferred resource ounce.

Sedibelo West is contiguous with and down-dip of the eastern boundary of the Tuschenkomst property, where the PPM opencast mining operation is currently taking place.

The acquisition of the Sedibelo West property will add value to PPM by:

-- materially increasing the PGM resource base accessible from the existing opencast pit;

-- accessing sulphide material at depth from the down dip contiguous section of the ore body;

-- providing operational flexibility, particularly in the north pit;

-- extending the current life of mine; and

-- creating economy of scale with the existing plant infrastructure.

Optimisation and mine planning studies to maximize the value of the enlarged PPM/Sedibelo West property have begun, and should be concluded during the 2011 financial year.

Kgosi Molefe John Pilane, the appointed traditional leader of the Bakgatla, has been invited to join the board of Platmin.

2.2 The acquisition of an effective 50% interest in an infrastructure vehicle

On March 23, 2011 Platmin also announced the acquisition, for an aggregate consideration of US$12.025 million, of an effective 50% interest in the Special Purpose Vehicle ("SPV") that acquired from Barrick Platinum South Africa (Proprietary) Limited ("Barrick") all of its power and water rights as well as certain other assets originally purchased by Barrick to develop a PGM project in the Sedibelo area, contiguous to the Sedibelo West property which Platmin has acquired. The acquisition was completed in partnership with the Bakgatla (25.05%) and Ivy Lane Capital Limited (24.95%).

Through this transaction, Platmin has positioned itself ideally for participation in further regional consolidation.

2.3 The conversion of the convertible debentures into equity

As a consequence of the above transactions the convertible debentures issued on May 13, 2010, in principal amount of US$135.000 million, were converted into 160,714,286 new common shares in Platmin on March 31, 2011. Upon conversion, the proceeds from the convertible debentures previously held in a collateralized bank account and classified as "restricted cash" in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2010 totaling US$135.131 million, was released to the Company in full.

2.4 Payment to the Bakgatla and IBMR

On April 20, 2011 the purchase consideration and VAT, a total of US$82.000 million, was placed in an escrow account pending the approval by the Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") to incorporate the Sedibelo West area as part of PPM's Tuschenkomst Mining.

3. Overall performance

3.1 Financial condition

At March 31, 2011 the Group was adequately funded and possessed sufficient liquidity to fund the operations. The following is a summary of key financial indicators as at March 31, 2011:

                                                  Mar 31,        Dec 31, 
                                                     2011           2010 
                                              US$ million    US$ million 
------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Equity                                           926.289        834,396 
 Net current assets, including 
  cash                                            209.236        192.232 
 Cash and cash equivalents (unrestricted)         177.248        188.596 

An application to amend the Environmental Management Plan to convert the open void being created at the Tuschenkomst Pit into a water storage facility will be lodged with the DMR during May 2011. Should such application be granted, the cost of rehabilitating the pit will reduce and a portion of the US$80.549 million (ZAR523.249 million) held in restricted cash at March 31, 2011 to meet the rehabilitation costs would be released. Such amount will be determined upon final approval by the DMR.

3.2 Cashflows

Unrestricted cash and cash equivalents decreased by US$11.348 million from December 31, 2010 to March 31, 2011. This net decrease is primarily due to the following significant transactions during the quarter:

-- US$135.131 million cash inflow on March 31, 2011, upon conversion of the convertible debentures plus interest received (see 2.3 above);

-- US$82.000 million cash outflow for payment into escrow of the total purchase consideration for the Sedibelo West transaction (see 2.1 and 2.4 above);

-- US$28.822 million cash outflow for the repayment in full of the Pallinghurst Resources Limited ("Pallinghurst") promissory note, including interest and costs;

-- US$17.999 million cash outflow used in operating activities;

-- US$12.025 million cash outflow for the payment of the purchase consideration for a 50% interest in the SPV (see 2.2 above);

-- US$5.331 million cash outflow for the incremental rehabilitation liability for the year ended December 31, 2010;

3.3 Results of operations

Mining operations commenced in December 2008 with mining of the oxidized layer and the first concentrate was delivered for smelting and processing on April 1, 2009. Operational costs, net of revenue from metal sales, for PPM were capitalized until December 31, 2010. From January 1, 2011, PPM declared commercial production and the results of operations are now reported in the statement of income. Key operational statistics for the quarter are summarized as follows:

                                                 Q1 FY2011   Q1 FY2010 
-------------------------------  -------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Averaged milled head grade           g/t             1.84        1.70 
 Average concentrator recovery 
  rate                                 %              50.9        34.3 
 Average recovered grade              g/t             0.93        0.59 
 Total 4E ounces produced            ounces         19,148      14,393 
 Total 4E ounces dispatched 
  and sold                           ounces         17,469      14,393 
 Total losses                     US$'million       34.834       5.181 

3.4 Market trends and outlook

Average PGM prices increased by 15% in US dollar terms during the quarter ended March 31, 2011 compared to the quarter ended March 31, 2010. The strengthening of the South African rand offset the stronger dollar prices, resulting in a net 7% increase in the rand PGM basket over the same period. The rand has continued to strengthen after the end of the quarter and continues to impact negatively on operating margins.

The global outlook for PGM demand remains positive.

3.5 Events or uncertainties

During the three months ended March 31, 2011

-- PPM declared commercial production with effect from January 1, 2011, prior to which all losses were capitalised to development cost and from which date all losses and profits will be disclosed in the statement of income;

-- On February 18, 2011, the Company announced that conditional agreements have been executed with the holders of all the zero percent convertible debentures issued on May 13, 2010, in principal amount of US$135.000 million, to convert the convertible debentures into 160,714,286 new common shares, subject to certain conditions and the conversion price was reduced from US$1.215 to US$0.84; this meant that, on conversion, the convertible debenture holders would receive 160,714,286 new Platmin common shares as compared to the 111,111,111 shares they would have received at the earlier conversion price;

-- On February 28, 2011, the Pallinghurst promissory note of US$26.000 million entered into on March 22, 2010 was repaid in full, together with accrued interest and structuring fees, totalling US$28.822 million;

-- On February 28, 2011, Mr Wayne Koonin the Chief Financial Officer of the Company, resigned effective May 31, 2011;

-- On March 23, 2011, it was announced that the Company had successfully concluded the Sedibelo West acquisition detailed above in 2.1. and acquired an effective 50% interest in an infrastructure vehicle detailed above in 2.2.;

-- On March 23, 2011, Platmin announced that Kgosi Molefe John Pilane had been invited to join the board of Platmin. He is the appointed traditional leader of the Bakgatla;

-- On March 31, 2011, the Company announced that all the conditions precedent for the conversion of the $135.000 million in convertible debentures had been fulfilled and that conversion had taken place at US$0.84 per share. A total of 160,714,286 new common shares are to be issued resulting in a total of 910,395,053 Common Shares in issue.

Subsequent to March 31, 2011

-- On April 5, 2011, Mr Craig Shaw was appointed as Chief Financial Officer, with effect from May 1, 2011;

-- On April 20, 2011, the Company transferred the total purchase consideration totalling US$82.000 million including VAT of US$7 million for the Sedibelo West acquisition to an escrow account as detailed above in 2.4.

4. Results of operations

4.1 Financial performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2011

The Group recorded a net loss for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 of US$34.834 million, or US$0.04 per share, compared to a net loss of US$5.181 million, or a loss of US$0.01 per share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2010. PPM declared commercial production with effect from January 1, 2011 and the results are summarized as follows:

                                             For the three months 
                                        March 31,       March 31, 
                                             2011            2010 
                                            $ 000           $ 000 
---------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Revenue                                   26,038               - 
 Cost of operations                      (50,294)               - 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
  On mine operations                       29,776               - 
  Concentrator plant operations            11,759               - 
  Beneficiation and transport               1,955               - 
  Salaries                                  1,219               - 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
  Subtotal                                 44,709               - 
  Depreciation of operating 
   assets                                   6,039               - 
  Change in inventories                     (454)               - 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
 Operating loss                          (24,256)               - 
 Operating expenses                       (3,327)         (4,393) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
  Employee expenses                       (1,166)         (2,103) 
  Mining overheads                          (950)               - 
  Amortization and depreciation             (440)           (136) 
  General and administrative 
   expenses                                 (315)         (1,290) 
  Consulting and professional 
   fees                                     (245)           (172) 
  Royalty tax                               (153)               - 
  Audit fees                                (146)           (180) 
  Share based payments expense                 88           (512) 
 Other expenses                           (6,752)             (9) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
    Other income                               54               - 
    Non cash share-based payment 
     expense*                            (14,618)               - 
    Foreign exchange gain (loss)            7,812             (9) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
 Net finance costs                          (499)           (779) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
  Finance income                            1,790             316 
  Finance costs                           (2,289)         (1,095) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
 Loss before taxation                    (34,834)         (5,181) 
 Income tax                                     -               - 
                                   --------------  -------------- 
 LOSS FOR THE PERIOD                     (34,834)         (5,181) 
                                   --------------  -------------- 

*Fair value adjustment on the convertible debenture, a non-cash item. See below for detailed explanation.

The Group generated revenue of US$26.038 million based on 17,469 4E ounces dispatched and sold in Q1 FY2011 of which US$23.404 million relates to 4E revenue and US$2.634 million relates to iridium, ruthenium, copper and nickel. Revenues represent the amounts recorded when PGM concentrates are physically delivered to the smelter, which are provisionally priced on the date of delivery. In certain circumstances, metal prices and assayed quantities at the point of sale may be provisional. Adjustments in respect of final assayed quantities and/or prices arising between the date of recognition and the date of settlement are recognised in the period in which the adjustment arises and reflected through revenue and receivables.

The Group recorded an average delivered basket price of US$1,570 per 4E ounce in Q1 FY2011 compared to US$1,370 per 4E ounce in Q1 FY2010. As a result of the adjustments in respect of final assayed quantities and/or prices arising between the date of recognition and the date of settlement, the Group recorded a net positive provisional price adjustment of US$0.627 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2011.

The following table shows a reconciliation of revenue and provisional price adjustments:

                                                 For the 
                                                   $ 000 
----------------------------------------------  -------- 
 Revenue before provisional price adjustments     26,665 
 Net provisional price adjustments                 (627) 
    - Mark-to-market adjustment on sales 
     not yet settled at end of the current 
     quarter                                       (627) 
 Revenue as reported in the statement 
  of income                                       26,038 

Administrative and general expenses totalled US$3.327 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, compared to the US$4.393 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2010. The decrease in operating expenses was principally the result of decrease in employee expenses in the quarter under review, classified as cost of operations since commencing commercial production.

Other expenses totalled US$6.752 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, compared to US$0.009 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2010. The increase in other expenses was primarily due to the one-time non-cash fair value adjustment of US$14.618 million resulting from the change in the maturity date of the convertible debenture from February 28, 2011 to March 31, 2011, and the change in the conversion price (from US$1.215 per Platmin common share to US$0.84 per share) offset by:

-- a foreign exchange gain of US$1.448 million which was realised upon the repayment of the Pallinghurst promissory note. For more details on the promissory note, refer to section 7 of this MD&A;

-- a foreign exchange gain of US$1.281 million which was realised upon converting dollars to rands at above market rates;

-- a foreign exchange loss of US$4.330 million upon revaluation of the convertible debenture during the quarter; and

-- a foreign exchange gain of US$9.413 million upon revaluation of cash held in a currency other than the functional currency of the group

The increase in finance income of US$1.790 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2011, compared to US$0.316 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2010, was due to the interest earned on the cash collateral held in bank accounts as security against the convertible debentures and generally higher interest bearing balances as a result of the capital raising exercises completed during the year.

The increase in finance costs of US$2.289 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2011, compared to US$1.095 million during the quarter ended March 31, 2010, was due to interest charges on the Pallinghurst promissory note entered into on April 22, 2010 and repaid in full on February 28, 2011.

A total of US$0.447 million (ZAR3.027 million) of deferred exploration expenditure was capitalized during the quarter ended March 31, 2011 compared to US$0.457 million (ZAR3.092 million) in the quarter ended March 31, 2010. This decrease in costs is due to reduced activities on all projects in the short term, whilst PPM focus on building up to production levels as per the bankable feasibility study.

4.2 Pilanesberg Platinum Mine


In March 2008, the removal of overburden and waste rock materials from the open pit commenced. This was followed in December 2008 with the start-up of reef mining. The stock-piling of PGM-bearing ore ahead of the processing plant commenced in December 2008 with milling operations commencing in March 2009. The delivery of the first concentrate to Northam took place on April 1, 2009. Commercial production was declared on January 1, 2011.

Site establishment commenced in October 2007 and construction was completed in February 2009. In March 2009, the processing of material through the UG2 circuit commenced, signalling the commencement of the plant operation to produce metals in concentrate ready for smelting, refining and sale to Northam under the Concentrate Agreement. In June 2009, following the installation by ESKOM of an additional 23MVA of power for a total of 37MVA, the processing of material through the Merensky circuit commenced.

As part of the construction of PPM, the supply of 37MVA of new power from ESKOM was completed on June 7, 2009. In addition, a complete 10MVA standby diesel generator power plant ("power plant") was constructed at a cost of US$20.789 million (ZAR144.350 million) in the event that ESKOM is unable to provide constant power to the mine over an extended period of time. The construction of the power plant was completed on December 2, 2009. Insurance guarantees in the amount of US$16.039 million (ZAR105.718 million) have been provided to ESKOM for the supply of power and certain related infrastructure.

Extraction and processing of ore

Due to the close proximity of the PGM bearing silicate package, comprising the Merensky and Pseudo reefs ("the silicate package") and the UG2 package reef in this part of the Bushveld Complex, these two ore bodies are exploited in the open-cast Tuschenkomst Pit. The silicate package is processed in the Merensky circuit of the concentrator and the UG2 package is processed in the UG2 circuit. Both concentrates are blended and forwarded to Northam's smelter located in the North West Province of South Africa, for further processing into refined metals under a current Concentrate Agreement entered into with Northam on June 30, 2008.

Operational issues, management actions and outlook

The Bankable Feasibility Study envisaged upgrading the silicate package through the Dense Media Separator ("DMS") circuit. At the end of Q4 FY2010 a bulk test of faulted UG2 package material was also directed through the DMS circuit as is common practice. The results of this test are most promising. In addition, UG2 samples from 20 diamond drill boreholes have been forwarded to Mintek for DMS test work and analysis. As the concentrator was not designed for this strategy, this will place stress on the belt, screening and crushing feed arrangements into the concentrator until permanent modifications are completed.

Far reaching changes to the management of mining operations were implemented during FY2010 which are expected to positively influence metal production during H2 FY2011:

Q1 FY2010: Additional mining engineers were introduced into the organisations of both the PPM and the mining contractor; the mining contractor was challenged to deliver results.

Q2 FY2010: The PPM geological team was strengthened by the appointment of senior, experienced platinum geologists; an on-site open pit planner was appointed; industrial relations skills were bolstered. A revised H2 FY 2010 mining plan was compiled. This predicted operating break-even during Q4 FY2010 provided waste stripping could be delivered.

Q3 FY2010: The revised mining plan formed the basis of control of the mining contractor.

Q4 FY2010: The senior management of the mining contractor was changed. Vibrating feeders were installed to replace the dysfunctional inclined grizzlies at the run-of-mine pads feeding the concentrator.

Q1 FY2011: PPM took managerial control of the plant concentrator from the party contracted to operate the concentrator.

Revised planning by this team at mid-year, which had forecast break-even during H2 FY2010, identified a significant waste stripping backlog as the principal production challenge. To date, the mining contractor has been unable to achieve the volumes required to address this, despite radical re-structuring of their organization. However, powerful interventions in the areas of critical spares for the fleet, preventative maintenance, standby machinery and shift rostering are expected to produce significantly better waste volumes, exposing higher reef tonnages, shortly.

Based on the improvements made to date and provided the planned volumes of waste stripping can be achieved, it is expected that

(i) Production will reach 12,000 4E ounces per month by end FY2011; and

(ii) Full production according to the Bankable Feasibility Study of 20,000 4E ounces by end FY2012.

Operational performance during the March 31, 2011 quarter

Important features of the performance for the quarter ended March 31, 2011, were:

                                                     For the three 
                                                      months ended 
                                                March        March 
                                                  31,          31, 
                                     Unit        2011         2010 
--------------------------------  ---------  --------  ----------- 
 Reef delivered to the 
  ROM pad                           tonnes    628,942      796,217 
 Reef processed                     tonnes    725,624      904,195 
 Reef milled                        tonnes    648,506      832,385 
 Total stockpile                              842,479      883,535 
                                             --------  ----------- 
      - UG2                         tonnes      2,322        9,336 
      - Merensky                    tonnes    235,131       61,273 
      - DMS and other low grade 
       material                     tonnes    605,026      812,926 
                                             --------  ----------- 
 Average milled head grade           g/t         1.84         1.70 
 Average recovery rate                %         50.9%        34.3% 
 Average recovered grade             g/t         0.93         0.59 
 4E ounces produced                   oz       19,148       14,393 
 4E ounces dispatched and                      17,469 
  sold                                oz            *       14,393 
 4E basket price ** 
      - USD                          US$        1,570        1,370 
      - ZAR                          ZAR       10,959       10,249 
 Gross revenue from metal 
      - USD                        US$'mil     26.038    18.503*** 
      - ZAR                        ZAR'mil    181.476   138.506*** 

* Ounces produced and declared are based on provisional assay results and the cumulative number is therefore subject to changes until such time that final assay results are received. These changes are not considered to be material.

** Basket price for 4E i.e. platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold.

*** Gross revenue includes the proceeds from the sales of platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium, ruthenium, gold, copper and nickel, and was capitalised to offset development costs as PPM has not yet commenced commercial production.

4.3 Exploration and development of other PGM properties

4.3.1 Pilanesberg exploration projects (on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Complex)

The total exploration expenditure on various Pilanesberg exploration projects was US$0.010 million (ZAR0.069 million) for the quarter ended March 31, 2011. Total exploration expenditure since the inception of the Pilanesberg exploration projects of US$7.219 million (ZAR48.888 million), has been capitalized in accordance with the Group's accounting policies as part of "Exploration and evaluation assets".

Work program

The Pilanesberg exploration projects consist of properties adjacent to PPM. The focus is on advancing earlier stage properties, through programs of soil sampling, trenching, percussion drilling and ultimately diamond drilling. Platmin is also conducting limited chrome exploration on properties in the Pilanesberg exploration projects area where these rights are held.

4.3.2 Mphahlele Project (on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex)

During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, a total of US$0.092 million (ZAR0.623 million) was spent on the Mphahlele Project bringing the cumulative expenditure to date on the project by the Group to US$14.308 million (ZAR96.885 million), excluding acquisition costs. In accordance with the Group's accounting policies, these costs are capitalised as part of "Exploration and evaluation assets".

During the quarter under review, the Company continued with the Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS)" on the Mphahlele Project.

Work program

In light of the fact that the board has decided to focus cash resources and management on bringing PPM into full production, this project has been put on a reduced work program for the short term. The reduced primary expenditure at Mphahlele during the 2011 fiscal year is expected to be limited to activities related to the DFS including metallurgical test work, and revision of resource models to include mining dilution (various scenarios), mining design, geotechnical investigations and the environmental impact assessment/management program.

4.3.3 Grootboom Project (on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex)

During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the Company spent US$0.001 million (ZAR0.065 million) on Grootboom and Annex Grootboom (upon which Platmin has an option to acquire the PGE rights on completion of a DFS), bringing the cumulative expenditure to date on the project to US$6.404 million (ZAR43.362 million). In accordance with the Group's accounting policies, these costs are capitalised as part of "Exploration and evaluation assets".

The project advanced to the DFS stage during the quarter under review and is subject to further engineering refinements that are ongoing due to the recent economic background.

Work program

In light of the fact that the board has decided to focus cash resources and management on bringing PPM into full production, this project has been put on a reduced work program for the short term. The reduced primary expenditure at Grootboom during the 2011 fiscal year is expected to be limited to activities related to the DFS including metallurgical test work, and the revision of resource models to include mining dilution (various scenarios), mining design, geotechnical investigations and the environmental impact assessment / management program.

4.3.4 Loskop Project (on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex)

Lonmin Plc is the operator of the Loskop Project and funds all exploration expenditures on the project (except for a portion of Rietfontein as mentioned below), as part of their option to acquire 50% in the joint venture. As a result thereof, limited expenditure has been incurred by Platmin.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, the Company incurred less than US$0.001 million (ZAR0.005 million) on the Loskop Project. Total cumulative exploration expenditure on this project since inception is US$1.264 million (ZAR8.561 million). In accordance with the Group's accounting policies, these costs are capitalised as part of "Exploration and evaluation assets".

5. Summary of Quarterly Results

PPM commenced commercial production on January 1, 2011, prior to which all losses were capitalised to capitalised development cost.

                                        In accordance with IFRS 
                 Mar'11   Dec'10   Sept'10   Jun'10   Mar'10   Nov'09    Aug'09      '09 
                  $ 000    $ 000     $ 000    $ 000    $ 000    $ 000     $ 000    $ 000 
------------  ---------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Revenue       (26,038)        -         -        -        -        -         -        - 
 Cost of 
  operations     50,294        -         -        -        -        -         -        - 
              ---------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
  loss           24,256        -         -        -        -        -         -        - 
  costs / 
  (income)       10,079   10,435    24,256   21,329    4,402    1,635   (6,482)   13,571 
 Net finance 
  costs / 
  (income)          499    (234)     1,778    2,697      779      641     (138)       14 
              ---------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Loss / 
  for the 
  period         34,834   10,201    26,034   24,026    5,181    2,276   (6,620)   13,585 
              ---------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  --------  ------- 
 Basic and 
  loss / 
  per share        0.04     0.02      0.05     0.04     0.01     0.01    (0.02)     0.03 

6. Capital Resources

6.1 New equity raisings

During the period ended December 31, 2010, Platmin completed two significant equity capital financing deals:

-- On May 13, 2010 the Company issued 205,761,317 new common shares at a price of US$1.215 per common share for a total consideration of US$250.000 million, raising US$241.260 million net of brokerage and legal fees. These funds were used for additional working capital facilities and general funding requirements.

In accordance with the disclosure in Platmin's Short Form Prospectus dated May 5, 2010 for the Offering, the table below reflects the actual use of proceeds against the planned use of proceeds from the financings as follows:

                                                 use of 
                                      Total    proceeds 
                                    planned          to 
                                     use of     Mar 31, 
                                   proceeds        2011 
 Financing use of proceeds          US$'000     US$'000 
-------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 PPM operational and working 
  capital funding requirements      150,000     150,000 
 Other corporate activities          45,000     58,409* 
 Repayment of loan from 
  Pallinghurst                       26,000      28,822 
 Acquisition of 10% equity 
  interest in IBMR                   15,000           - 
 Offering expenses                    2,250       3,564 
 Exploration, general & 
  administrative expenses             5,766       3,221 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
                                    244,016     244,016 
 Underwriting fees                    5,984       5,984 
                                 ----------  ---------- 
                                    250,000     250,000 
                                 ==========  ========== 

* An additional US$35.616 million from subsequent capital raisings has been used to fund other corporate activities bringing the total amount spent on other corporate activities to US$94.025 million. This includes $82.000 million for the purchase of Sedibelo West (including $7.000 million in VAT on a portion of the purchase consideration) and $12.025 million for a 50% interest in the SPV.

-- As part of the May 13, 2010 capital raising, US$135.000 million of zero percent convertible debentures were placed, initially subject to conversion by December 31, 2010 at a price of US$1.215 per Platmin common share that would have resulted in 111,111,111 Platmin common shares being issued. The maturity date of the convertible debentures was extended from December 31, 2010 to February 28, 2011 and subsequently to March 31, 2011, and the conversion price reduced from US$1.215 per Platmin common share to US$0.84 per share. The reduction of the conversion price would result in 160,714,286 shares being issued. Although the maturity date and conversion price were subsequently changed, the principle amount of US$135.000 million remained unchanged.

-- On December 17, 2010 the Company issued 98,901,099 new common shares at a price of US$0.91 (C$0.93) per common share, raising US$90.000 million gross or US$89.785 million net of legal fees.

-- On March 31, 2011 the zero percent convertible debentures were converted and 160,714,286 Platmin new common shares were issued at a price of US$0.84 per share for a gross amount of US$135.000 million.

Based on current production forecasts for PPM for the twelve months ending on December 31, 2011, the Group forecasts net cash expenses (net of forecast revenue from metal sales) of between US$50.000 million to US$75.000 million. This net cash outflow will be financed from the Group's available unrestricted cash and cash equivalents. Platmin expects approximately 90% of net cash expenses will be operationally incurred at PPM, with the balance being exploration and administrative costs.

As at March 31, 2011, Platmin's total working capital was US$209.236 million (December 31, 2010 - US$192.232 million). Working capital is calculated based on the total of unrestricted cash and cash equivalents (US$177.248 million), inventory (US$12.303 million) and accounts receivable (US$42.839 million) less accounts payable and accrued liabilities (US$23.154 million). Platmin's cash and cash equivalents are held in fully liquid interest earning deposits at major European and South African banks.

Working capital increased by US$17.004 million for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 primarily due to the conversion of the convertible debentures of US$135.131 million (including interest received of US$0.131 million), offset by the US$82.000 million allocated as total purchase consideration and VAT thereon for the Sedibelo West transaction; PPM operational losses and working capital costs of US$17.999 million, the increase in the rehabilitation liability of US$5.331 million and the US$12.025 million for the acquisition of a 50% interest in the SPV.

As at March 31, 2011, the Company had 910,395,053 common shares in issue compared to 749,680,767 common shares in issue as at December 31, 2010.

6.2 Debt facilities concluded in the period ended December 31, 2010

On March 22, 2010, the Company entered into a US$26.000 million (an equivalent of ZAR192.000 million at an exchange rate of ZAR7.38 =US$1.00) short term lending facility with Pallinghurst. As at December 31, 2010, the full facility had been drawn. This facility was initially for a period of 3 months, but was extended until and repaid in full (including accrued interest and cost) on February 28, 2011 to the amount of US$28.822 million (ZAR202.856 million).

A bridge loan facility for PPM of US$35.000 million (ZAR350.000 million) was concluded with Standard Bank in May 2008. The term of the bridge loan facility was initially to August 31, 2008 but subsequently extended and repaid in full on August 31, 2009 in the amount of US$51.987 million (ZAR404.354 million), including interest accrued.

In relation to the original bridge loan facility, the Company issued 300,000 warrants exercisable at US$6.95 per common share, exercisable from September 15, 2008 until expiry on May 14, 2011. The Company has classified this facility as held to maturity, and the fair value of the warrants of US$0.846 million has been treated as a cost of the loan transaction. In the year ended February 28, 2009, the fair value of these warrants was fully amortized to net income over the original loan term of 6 months, using the effective interest method.

6.3 Restrictions on the repayments of inter-group loans

The Company's principal subsidiary, Boynton Investments (Proprietary) Limited ("Boynton"), operates in South Africa and as a result is subject to the South African Reserve Bank ("SARB") Exchange Control Regulations. Any repayment of foreign currency loans by a South African company to an offshore company is subject to prior approval by the SARB.

The shareholder loan from Platmin to Boynton amounted to US$678.026 million (which includes capitalised interest of US$31.016 million) at March 31, 2011, and has primarily been used to fund the development of PPM.

7. Liquidity

7.1 Unrestricted cash

The Company had unrestricted cash and cash equivalents of US$177.248 million at March 31, 2011.

As at March 31, 2011, provision has been made for a total of US$43.600 million of current commitments that will be settled from the US$177.248 million unrestricted cash and cash equivalents as follows:

-- US$22.600 million have been committed to fund current liabilities due in the normal course of business;

-- US$20.000 million have been allocated for the estimated future obligation relating to the Magalies Water project. This represents the 50% of the SPV commitment in the pipeline project acquired by the Company on March 23, 2011;

-- US$1.000 million have been allocated for the advisory fees related to the Sedibelo West transaction.

An application to amend the Environmental Management Plan to convert the open void being created at the Tuschenkomst Pit into a water storage facility will be lodged with the DMR during May 2011. Should such application be granted, the cost of rehabilitating the pit will reduce and a portion of the US$80.549 million (ZAR523.249 million) held in restricted cash at March 31, 2011 to meet the rehabilitation costs would be released. Such amount will be determined upon final approval by the DMR.

7.2 Restricted cash

The Group had no restricted cash forming part of its current assets at March 31, 2011 (US$135.131 million at December 31, 2010) and had restricted cash forming part of its non-current assets totalling US$170.841 (US$84.471 million at December 31, 2010).

The decrease in restricted cash forming part of its current assets is due to the cash collateral of US$135.131 million secured as part of the zero percent convertible debentures issued on May 13, 2010, being released upon conversion of the debentures on March 31, 2011.

The net increase of US$86.370 million in restricted cash forming part of non-current assets is primarily the provision for the acquisition consideration, including VAT thereon, of US$82.000 million for the Sedibelo West transaction. This amount was placed into an escrow account on April 20, 2011 (see 2.4 above).

7.3 Contractual Obligations

The Group's contractual obligations are as follows:

 Contractual obligations                        Payments due by period as at 
  US$ '000                                                    March 31, 2011 
                                          < 1       1-3       4-5      After 
                              Total      year     years     years    5 years 
-------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Employee entitlements 
  (1)                           442       442         -         -          - 
 Operating lease 
  (2)                           286       228        58         -          - 
 Finance lease 
  (3)                        19,983     1,072     3,572     3,572     11,767 
 Asset Retirement 
  Obligation (4)             92,828         -         -         -     92,828 
 Mining costs 
  (5)                       379,380    75,876   202,336   101,168          - 
 Processing costs 
  (6)                        17,148     4,677    12,471         -          - 
 Acquisition of 
  Sedibelo West 
  (7)                        82,000    82,000         -         -          - 
 Total Contractual 
  Obligations               592,067   164,295   218,437   104,740    104,595 
                           --------  --------  --------  --------  --------- 

(1) The employee entitlements include the leave pay due to employees in terms of their employment contracts.

(2) This includes the contractual monthly payments for the rental of the Company's corporate office.

(3) These amounts constitute the minimum lease payments due to ESKOM for the substation and related infrastructure supplied at PPM. Please refer to note 12 of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

(4) This amount of US$92.828 million (ZAR628.568 million) represents the gross asset retirement obligation incurred to date, to rehabilitate the opencast pit and plant at PPM at the end of life of mine, in accordance with the mining license. The amount disclosed in note 13 of the condensed consolidated interim financial statements of US$76.077 million (ZAR515.142 million) represents the discounted value of such amount. Refer to note 8 in this MD&A for discussion of the funding requirements for this obligation.

(5) Committed mining expenses include the contract with MCC for carrying out the opencast mining operations.

(6) Committed processing expenses include the contracts with Minopex for managing the plant operations and maintenance of the Merensky and UG2 metallurgical concentrator plants.

(7) US$82.000 for the acquisition and incorporation of the Sedibelo West Mining Right into the PPM Mining Rights and commission, was placed in escrow on April 20, 2011.

8. Environmental Matters

8.1 Overview

The Company conducts exploration on its key projects and prospects subject to mineral exploration permit applications made to and issued by the DMR. For each exploration program, a rehabilitation plan is included with the application and where required, the appropriate bond or funds are lodged with the relevant agent of the DMR in respect of the rehabilitation work which may have to be carried out when the exploration program is completed and no further work is planned on the property. All such environmental plans or bonds are in the normal course of the business.

During the year under review, PPM was still in the commissioning phase and the environmental liability represents the quantum of closure costs (relating to the increase in pit volume and dismantling the plant) necessary in order to fulfil the requirements of the DMR, as well as meeting specific closure objectives outlined in the mine's Environmental Management Programme ("EMP").

Environmental guarantees are released by the DMR on completion of the obligations in terms of the rehabilitation plans contained within either the application for the prospecting permits, or the Mining Right.

8.2 PPM rehabilitation

The DMR required a rehabilitation guarantee in respect of PPM of US$7.586 million (ZAR50.000 million) before approving the application for a Mining Right. This guarantee has been provided by Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited ("Guardrisk") on an insurance basis. To date, an amount of US$2.731 million (ZAR18.000 million) has been paid to Guardrisk as collateral against the issuance of this guarantee. Ongoing contributions are made by PPM to fund the balance of the ZAR50.000 million Guardrisk guarantee over the remaining life of mine.

On May 8, 2009, the DMR placed a moratorium on insurance-backed guarantees and as a result the subsequent increase in the rehabilitation liability had to be funded by way of cash-backed guarantees. On January 25, 2011, the DMR lifted the moratorium.

As at March 31, 2011, the funding of all cash-backed guarantees can be summarised as follows:

                                              Collateral provided 
                Cumulative          Annual 
            Rehabilitation        Increase 
                 liability    in liability                                Date 
     Date          ZAR'000         ZAR'000    ZAR'000     Nature      provided 
---------  ---------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
  Oct 31,                                               Insurance      Oct 31, 
     2007           50,000          50,000     50,000    and cash         2007 
  Feb 28,                                                                 June 
     2009          175,000         125,000    125,000      Cash       21, 2010 
  Dec 31,                                                              Aug 10, 
     2009          521,905         346,905    346,464      Cash           2010 
  Dec 31,                                                              Mar 22, 
     2010          571,251       49,346(a)     49,345      Cash           2011 
---------  ---------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 
    Total                          571,251    570,809 
---------  ---------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  ---------- 

(a) For the year ended December 31, 2010, the methodology of back-filling the pit was changed from "load and haul" to the less expensive "load and convey" system.

An application to amend the Environmental Management Plan to convert the open void being created at the Tuschenkomst Pit into a water storage facility will be lodged with the DMR during May 2011. The application will be subject to the normal regulatory approval process by the DMR and various other government departments. Should such application be granted, the cost of rehabilitating the pit will reduce and a portion of the US$80.549 million (ZAR523.249 million) held in restricted cash at March 31, 2011 to meet the pit rehabilitation costs would be released. Such amount will be determined upon final approval by the DMR.

8.3 Rehabilitation of other development projects

In respect of the Mphahlele Project, the DMR required a rehabilitation guarantee of US$2.520 million (ZAR16.609 million) to be lodged before the issuing of the Mining Right. Of this amount US$1.077 million (ZAR7.099 million) has been paid over by the Group into a separate bank account and ceded in favour of Guardrisk as collateral against the issuance of the guarantee. Ongoing contributions are made by the Group to fund the balance of the liability over the remaining life of the prospecting permit.

In respect of the Grootboom Project, negotiations with the DMR are currently in progress to determine the amount of the rehabilitation guarantee required by the DMR before issuing the Mining Right.

9. Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act, 2008 (Act no. 28 of 2008)

The South African Government has enacted the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Royalty Act (the "Royalty Act"), which imposes a royalty payable to the South African Government by businesses based upon financial profits made through the transfer of mineral resources. The royalty has been payable from March 1, 2010 and is based on a percentage calculated by means of a formula, from a minimum of 0.5% up to a maximum of 5% of gross sales of refined mineral resources or 7% on gross sales of unrefined mineral resources.

During the quarter ended March 31, 2011, Royalty Tax amounting to US$0.153 million (ZAR1.071 million) was accrued for in respect of metals sold from January 1, 2011 to March 31, 2011. The Royalty tax is payable on June 30, 2011.

10. Black Economic Empowerment ("BEE")

Pursuant to the investors and subscription agreement entered into in December 2008 with, among others, Ivy Lane Capital Limited, the Bakgatla and the Bakgatla Pallinghurst JV (Proprietary) Limited, the Moepi Group was required by March 31, 2010, subject to certain conditions precedent, to exchange its 27.61% interest in Boynton for common shares in Platmin ("the Moepi Exchange"). Not all the conditions were satisfied by March 31, 2010 and the parties to the agreement agreed not to extend the fulfilment date thereof and accordingly the Moepi Exchange was not completed.

Platmin has funded a total of US$7.906 million on behalf of its BEE partners for exploration activities, and US$150.092 million for mine development. All such amounts remain outstanding on inter-company loan accounts.

11. Transactions with related parties

On March 22, 2010, the Company entered into US$26.000 million short term lending facility with Pallinghurst. This facility was initially for a period of 3 months but was extended until February 28, 2011. The loan together with accrued interest and fees was repaid in full on this date, to the amount of US$28.822 million (ZAR202.857 million).

On May 13, 2010, the Company issued zero percent convertible debentures to raise US$135.000 million. Pallinghurst Investor Consortium (Lux) S.a.r.l. and Investec Bank Limited subscribed for convertible debentures to the value of US$30.000 million and US$5.000 million respectively. These debentures were converted into Platmin new common shares on March 31, 2011 (see 6.1 above).

12. Critical accounting estimates

The Company's significant accounting principles and methods of application are disclosed in the notes of the Company's consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010. The following is a discussion of the critical accounting policies and estimates which management believes are important for an understanding of the Company's financial results.

Functional and presentation currency

Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group's entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates ("the functional currency"). The Group's functional currency, as determined at the transition date of March 1, 2008, is the South African rand ("ZAR"). The consolidated financial statements are presented in US dollars ("US$") which is the Group's presentation currency for purposes of dual listing and foreign shareholders.

The results and financial position of all the Group entities (none of which has the currency of a hyper-inflationary economy) that have a functional currency different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation currency as follows:

- assets and liabilities for each statement of financial position presented are translated at the closing rate at the date of that financial period end;

- income and expenses for each statement of income and comprehensive income are translated at average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at the rate on the dates of the transactions);

- equity transactions are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction; and all resulting exchange differences are recognized as a separate component of equity.

Share based payment transactions

Transactions which may result in the entity issuing its own equity are within the scope of IFRS2 - Share based payments when the fair value of the instrument is greater than the proceeds received. On this basis the convertible debentures have been accounted for under IFRS 2.

The fair value of the instruments granted is measured using generally accepted valuation techniques and is recognised as an expense with a corresponding increase in equity. The fair value is measured at grant date.

Exploration and evaluation assets and development expenditure

Exploration and evaluation costs, including the cost of acquiring licenses, are capitalized as exploration and evaluation assets on a project-by-project basis pending determination of the technical feasibility and the commercial viability of the project. The capitalized costs are presented as either tangible, or intangible exploration and evaluation assets according to the nature of the assets acquired.

Capitalised costs include costs directly related to exploration and evaluation activities in the area of interest. General and administrative costs are only allocated to the asset to the extent that those costs can be directly related to operational activities in the relevant area of interest. When a license is relinquished or a project is abandoned, the related costs are recognized in profit and loss immediately.


Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of inventories includes expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories, production or conversion costs and other costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location and condition.


Provisions are measured at the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle the obligation using a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to passage of time is recognized as interest expense.

The costs for the restoration of site damage, which arises during production, are provided at their net present values and charged against their operating profit as extraction progresses. Changes in the measurement of a liability which arises during production are charged against operating profit.

The discount rate used to measure the net present value of the obligations is the pre-tax rate that reflects the current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the obligation.

In accordance with the Group's policy and applicable legal requirements, a provision for decommissioning liabilities is recognized when the asset is installed and rehabilitation liabilities are recognized when the land is disturbed.


The Group recognises revenue when the amount of revenue can be reliably measured, it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and when specific criteria have been met for each of the Group's activities as described below. The amount of revenue is not considered to be reliably measurable until all contingencies relating to the sale have been resolved.

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. Revenue is not recognized if there are significant uncertainties regarding recovery of the consideration due.

12. Other

12.1 Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

The Group has not entered into any off-balance sheet arrangements.

12.2 Proposed Transactions

The Company continues to evaluate opportunities in the market with a view to expand the current business. At the current time there are no reportable proposed transactions.

12.3 Financial Instruments and Other Instruments

The Group has the following financial instruments: cash and cash equivalents, other receivables, accounts payable, accrued liabilities. These instruments are short-term financial instruments whose fair value approximates their carrying value given that their maturity period is short.

12.4 Changes in Accounting Policies including Initial Adoption

There were no changes in accounting policies.

13. Outstanding share data

As at March 31, 2011, there were 8,179,231 outstanding options exercisable for common shares and a further 8,234,668 unvested share options. In total there were thus 16,413,698 options outstanding at March 31, 2011, which, if exercised, would result in the issue of an equal number of additional common shares.

As at March 31, 2011, the Company had 910,395,053 issued and outstanding common shares. This number had remained unchanged until the date of this report (May 13, 2011).

14. Risks and uncertainties

The Company is in the business of the exploration and development of mineral properties and the operation of mines directly or through third parties. There are numerous risks associated with these activities and specific risks with regards to the South African mining environment.

Readers are urged to review the section titled "Risk Factors" appearing in Platmin's current AIF for the financial year ended December 31, 2010, which can be viewed at www.sedar.com.

15. Internal control over financial reporting

Management has evaluated or caused to be evaluated, the effectiveness of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures and the internal control over financial reporting and concluded that the Company's disclosure and internal control over financial reporting was effective as of the end of the financial quarter ended March 31, 2011. Platmin has identified no material weakness in the design of its internal controls over financial reporting. There has been no change in Platmin's internal controls over financing reporting since its year-end MD&A for the period ended December 31, 2010 or in the quarter ended March 31, 2011, that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, Platmin's internal controls over financial reporting.

For further information:

Charmane Russell Russell & Associates +27 11 880 3924

+27 82 372 5816

Charles Batten

Investec Bank plc (Nominated Advisor)

+44 20 7 597 4000

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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