RNS Number : 1759W

Intandem Films PLC

23 December 2013

23 December 2013


("Intandem" or the "Company")

Final Results

Intandem Films Plc, the London based international film group, is pleased to announce its audited Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2013.

Financial Highlights

-- Revenue for the period GBP285,839 (2012: GBP363,087)

-- Loss for the period increased to GBP1,304,229 (2012: GBP1,129,945)

-- Loss per share of 0.89p (2012: loss per share of 0.85p)

Operational Highlights

-- The Company strengthened its Board

-- At the Berlin Film Festival in February 2013 Intandem signed sales agreements with distributors for Believe (formerly known as Theatre of Dreams) and The Laureate

-- The Company significantly cut its cost base

Post-period highlights

-- Since the year end the Company has successfully raised in total GBP1,184,768

-- In October Intandem was appointed as exclusive sales agent on three fully financed feature films produced by Jonathan Sothcott of Richwater Films (Vendetta, Reign of the General and Assassin)

-- In November Intandem was appointed as exclusive sales agent on Gagarin First in Space - a Russian language film about Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who became the first man in space in April 1961

-- The Company was also appointed as exclusive sales agent for the film, Top Dog, which becomes the fourth fully financed feature film collaboration with producer Jonathan Sothcott of Richwater Films

-- Successful American Film Market - third party sales achieved are expected to result in due course in commissions of approximately $266,000

Commenting on the results, CEO of Intandem, Robert Mitchell, said:

"There are several exciting plans in the pipeline aimed at boosting revenue generation. We have a film library in place and are also focused on growing our digital marketing division, which we expect to become revenue generating over the coming months.

"There is no doubting that Intandem has had a difficult time and needed to rebuild during the period. The losses are clearly disappointing, however, we have been working hard to turn things around and I would like to thank the Board and shareholders for their continued support. We look forward to building on today's trading update."


Intandem Films plc 
 Robert Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer        +44 (0)20 7851 3800 
  Peterhouse Corporate Finance 
  Jon Levinson / Lucy Williams 
                                                   +44 (0)20 7469 0930 
  Ed Frisby / Ben Thompson - Corporate Finance 
  Stephen Norcross - Corporate Broking             +44 (0)20 7220 0500 
  Bishopsgate Communications 
  Nick Rome/Sam Allen 
  intandem@bishopsgatecommunications.com           +44 (0)20 7562 3350 

About Intandem Films

Intandem Films plc (www.intandemfilms.com) is a London based international film company. It specialises in raising finance for commercial feature films and selling them to distributors around the world. Intandem closely manages the risk associated with the film industry and does not invest in the production of films from its own resources. Its highest profile film to date was How to Lose Friends and Alienate People starring Simon Pegg, Jeff Bridges and Megan Fox, for which Intandem raised the finance and sold the film to distributors such as Paramount, Warners and MGM.


The financial year to 30 June 2013 was a transitional period for Intandem Films and I would like to thank shareholders for their continued support and patience through this time.


Turnover for the period under review was GBP285,839 (2012: GBP363,087) and the loss before tax was GBP1,304,229 (2012: GBP1,129,945) with a loss per share of 0.89p (2012: loss per share of 0.85p). The loss increased as a result of reduced revenues and the Company's high cost base - which has been addressed and is discussed in more detail below.

The Board

It was a busy period for the Company at a corporate level. We significantly strengthened the Board, which now comprises me, Alan Bowen - an experienced accountant in the media sector; Corinne Lambert, previously a broker in the US and the UK; and Chris Sykes, previously a partner at Clyde & Co. to complement Andrew Brown and Billy Hurman, who have been directors of the Company since it came to the market in April 2005.


The focus since I took over as CEO on 26 February 2013 has firmly been on growing our film slate - which now stands at 20 and ensuring that the Company has a platform from which to grow.

As touched upon in our interims, due to high running costs, the Company needed to raise funds. We have also significantly cut our cost base and refined our focus - with international sales expected to drive revenue via executive producer fees and commissions. A proportion of the losses incurred during the period were created by the cinema release of Grassroots (in November 2012) and the costs relating to the development of the campaign for Jadoo However, as discussed, the Company has since refocused its business strategy and since the year end has raised in total GBP1,184,768. The Company continues to operate with limited working capital for the foreseeable future. The Company is dependent on making commercial progress in the immediate term or will require further new financing.

During the period a number of sales from the current slate were signed with distributors from territories across the globe for 2013/14 release. At the Berlin Film Festival in February 2013 we signed sales agreements with distributors for Believe (formerly known as Theatre of Dreams) and The Laureate.

Since the year end we have been busy growing our slate and we now have eight fully funded films in our portfolio. In October 2013 we announced that the Company had been appointed as exclusive sales agent on three fully financed feature films - Vendetta (which was released in November 2013), Assassin and Reign of the General, all produced by Jonathan Sothcott of Richwater Films.

We announced further additions to the slate in November with Gagarin First in Space and Top Dog, which we introduced at the American Film Market ("AFM") at the beginning of November 2013 along with Vendetta. We had a successful AFM, achieving sales on behalf of and to be recognised by third parties, of approximately US$1.8 million. These sales are expected to result in commissions (Intandem revenue) of approximately US$266,000 and gross profit of approximately US$220,000 after AFM expenses, and are expected to be included within the results for the second half of the current financial year ended 30 June 2014. Please see our trading update released separately this morning for further details about the AFM and our growing slate of films.


There are several exciting plans in the pipeline aimed at boosting revenue generation. We have a film library in place to exploit and are also focused on growing our digital marketing division, which we expect to become even more integral over the coming months.

There is no doubting that Intandem has had a difficult time and needed to rebuild during the period. The losses are clearly disappointing, however, we have been working hard to turn things around and I would like to thank the Board and shareholders for their continued support. We look forward to building on today's trading update.


Consolidated and Company statement of financial position

as at 30 June 2013

                                           Group                      Company 
                                --------------------------  -------------------------- 
                                        2013          2012          2013          2012 
                                         GBP           GBP           GBP           GBP 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                           16,291        10,058             -             - 
 Investment in subsidiaries                -             -       223,152       223,152 
 Financial assets                        100           100             -             - 
 Intercompany loan                         -             -             -             - 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
                                      16,391        10,158       223,152       223,152 
 Current assets 
 Trade receivables                    46,181       214,679             -             - 
 Other receivables                    94,211       351,232           474        20,408 
 Cash and cash equivalents            15,115       515,245             -             - 
                                     155,507     1,081,156           474        20,408 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                        171,898     1,091,314       223,626       243,560 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                       146,715       146,715       146,715       146,715 
 Share premium                     3,898,139     3,898,139     3,898,139     3,898,139 
 Merger reserve                      252,506       252,506             -             - 
 Foreign exchange reserve          (288,821)     (324,721)             -             - 
 Retained earnings               (4,893,295)   (3,507,912)   (4,144,884)   (3,959,170) 
                                   (884,756)       464,727     (100,030)        85,684 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred income                           -         6,731             -             - 
 Intercompany loan                         -             -       322,656       157,876 
 Convertible loan notes                    -             -             -             - 
                                           -         6,731       322,656       157,876 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          1,056,654       619,856         1,000             - 
                                   1,056,654       619,856         1,000             - 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                 1,056,654       626,587       323,656       157,876 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total equity and liabilities        171,898     1,091,314       223,626       243,560 
------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf on 23 December 2013.

   Robert Mitchell                                                                    William Hurman 
   Director                                                                               Director 


Consolidated income statement

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                                   2013          2012 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Executive producer fees                        165,000             - 
 Commissions and other income                    40,688        90,371 
 Recoverable project costs                       80,151       272,716 
                                                285,839       363,087 
 Cost of sales 
 Recoverable expenses                          (80,151)     (272,716) 
 Amortisation of film asset                           -             - 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Gross profit                                   205,688        90,371 
 Staff costs                                  (283,150)     (484,202) 
 Depreciation                                  (13,010)       (7,503) 
 Other external charges                     (1,207,537)     (725,415) 
 (Loss) from operations                     (1,298,009)   (1,126,749) 
 Finance costs                                  (6,220)       (3,217) 
 Interest income                                      -            21 
  (Loss)/Profit before tax                  (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
 Income tax expense                                   -             - 
  (Loss)/Profit for the year 
   from continuing operations               (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/Profit per share 
 Basic                                           (0.89)        (0.85) 
                                                  pence         pence 
 Diluted                                         (0.89)        (0.85) 
                                                  pence         pence 
 All the amounts derive from 
  continuing operations. 
 Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
                                                   2013          2012 
                                                    GBP           GBP 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 (Loss)/Profit for the year                 (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                                    35,900        34,451 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
  for the year                              (1,268,329)   (1,095,494) 
-----------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 


Consolidated and Company statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 30 June 2013

 Group                                        Share         Share       Merger     Foreign      Retained         Total 
                                            Capital       Premium      Reserve    Exchange      Earnings 
                                                GBP           GBP          GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Balance as at 1 July 2011                  117,075     2,440,414      252,506   (359,172)   (2,545,029)      (94,205) 
 Changes in equity for the 
  year to 30 June 2012 
 Issue of new shares                         29,640     1,548,760            -           -             -     1,578,400 
 Issue costs                                      -      (91,035)            -           -             -      (91,035) 
 Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign currency balances                    -             -            -      34,451             -        34,451 
 Credit on issue of share options                 -             -            -           -       167,062       167,062 
 Loss for the year                                -             -            -           -   (1,129,945)   (1,129,942) 
 Total recognised income and 
  expense for the year                       29,640     1,457,725            -      34,451     (962,883)       558,933 
 Balance as at 30 June 2012               146,715       3,898,139      252,506   (324,721)   (3,507,912)       464,727 
 Changes in equity for the 
  year to 30 June 2013 
 Issue of new shares                              -             -            -           -             -             - 
 Issue costs                                      -             -            -           -             -             - 
 Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign currency balances                    -             -            -      35,900             -        35,900 
 Credit on issue of share options                 -             -            -           -      (81,154)      (81,154) 
 Loss for the year                                -             -            -           -   (1,304,229)   (1,304,229) 
 Total recognised income and 
  expense for the year                            -             -            -      35,900   (1,385,383)   (1,349,483) 
 Balance as at 30 June 2013               146,71515     3,898,139      252,506   (288,821)   (4,893,295)       884,756 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Company                           Share       Share      Retained         Total 
                                 Capital     Premium      Earnings 
                                     GBP         GBP           GBP           GBP 
-----------------------------  ---------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Balance as at 1 July 2011       117,075   2,440,414     (533,163)     2,024,326 
 Changes in equity for the 
  year to 30 June 2012 
 Issue of new shares              29,640   1,548,760             -     1,578,400 
 Issue costs                           -    (91,035)             -      (91,035) 
 Loss for the year                     -           -   (3,426,007)   (3,426,007) 
 Total recognised income and 
  expense for the year            29,640   1,457,725   (3,426,007)   (1,938,642) 
 Balance as at 30 June 2012      146,715   3,898,139   (3,959,170)        85,684 
 Changes in equity for the 
  year to 30 June 2013 
 Issue of new shares                   -           -             -             - 
 Issue costs                           -           -             -             - 
 Loss for the year                     -           -     (185,714)     (185,714) 
 Total recognised income and 
  expense for the year                 -           -     (185,714)     (185,714) 
 Balance as at 30 June 2013      146,715   3,898,139   (4,144,884)     (100,030) 
-----------------------------  ---------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 


Consolidated and Company cash flow statement

for the year ended 30 June 2013

                                                    Group                  Company 
------------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
                                            2013          2012    2013          2012 
                                             GBP           GBP     GBP           GBP 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Cash (used in)/from operating 
  activities                           (641,667)     (976,834)       -   (1,487,365) 
 Interest paid                           (6,220)       (3,217)       -             - 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
                                       (647,887)     (980,051)       -   (1,487,365) 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Purchases of property, plant 
  and equipment                         (19,243)       (2,317)       -             - 
 Investment in associate company               -             -       -             - 
 Interest received                             -            21       -             - 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
 Net cash (used in)/from investing 
  activities                            (19,243)       (2,296)       -             - 
 Cash flows from financing 
  Net Proceeds from issue of 
  new ordinary shares                          -     1,487,365       -     1,487,365 
 Issue / Repayment of loans              167,000             -       -             - 
 Proceeds on issue of convertible              -             -       -             - 
  loan notes 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
 Net cash from financing activities      167,000     1,487,365       -     1,487,365 
 Effects of exchange rate changes              -             -       -             - 
  on cash balances 
 Net increase/(decrease) in 
  cash and cash equivalents            (500,130)       505,018       -             - 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of year                   515,245        10,227       -             - 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of year                          15,115       515,245       -             - 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 
 Bank balances and cash                   15,115       515,245       -             - 
------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------  ------------ 

Notes to the Accounts

Profit/(Loss) per share

                                                    2013          2012 
                                                     GBP           GBP 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Profit/(Loss) for the purpose of basic 
  loss per share                             (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
 Profit/(Loss) for the purpose of diluted 
  loss per share                             (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Number of shares                                      2013          2012 
                                                        No.           No. 
---------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
 - for the purposes of basic profit/(loss) 
  per share                                     146,715,000   132,003,534 
 - for the purposes of diluted profit/(loss) 
  per share                                     146,715,000   132,003,534 
---------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 

Note to the cash flow statement

 Group                                          2013          2012 
                                                 GBP           GBP 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Profit/(Loss) for the year              (1,304,229)   (1,129,945) 
 Adjustments for: 
  - Finance expense/(income)                   6,220         3,196 
  - Depreciation                              13,010         7,503 
  - Amortisation of financial asset 
   held for resale 
  - Other operating income 
 - Foreign exchange movements                 35,900        34,451 
 Changes in working capital: 
  - Charge for share options/warrants 
   issued during the year                   (81,154)       167,062 
  - (Increase)/decrease in trade and 
   other receivables                         425,519      (31,535) 
  - Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
   other payables                            263,067      (27,566) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Cash used in operations                   (641,667)     (976,834) 
--------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Company                                            2013          2012 
                                                     GBP           GBP 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Loss for the year                             (185,714)   (3,426,007) 
 Adjustments for: 
  - Finance expense/(income)                           -             - 
 Changes in working capital: 
  - Increase in trade and other receivables       19,934     1,938,642 
  - Increase/(decrease) in trade and             165,780             - 
   other payables 
 Cash used in operations                               -   (1,487,365) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 

Publication of non-statutory accounts

The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the Company's financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013 and the year ended 30 June 2012.

The financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2012 were prepared in accordance with Adopted IFRS and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

The auditors' report for 2013 is unqualified but contains an emphasis of matter paragraph in respect of the going concern basis of preparation of the financial information. As described in the annual report and accounts, after reviewing budgets and forecasts, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue as an operational business for the foreseeable future. The financial statements have therefore been prepared on a going concern basis.


The 2013 Annual Report and Accounts, together with the notice of annual general meeting, will be posted to shareholders on or about 27 December 2013 and copies will be available on the same day from the Company's website www.intandemfilms.com.


The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the offices of finnCap Limited, 60 New Broad Street, London, EC2M 1JJ on 30 January 2014 at 12pm.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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