ICG Enterprise Trust plc 
    Preliminary Results for the twelve months ended 31 
    January 2023 
    11 May 2023 
                  Delivering defensive growth 
   --    NAV per Share of 1,903p at 31 January 2023 (31 
         January 2022: 1,690p) 
   --    FY23 NAV per Share Total Return of 14.5% (5 year 
         annualised: 16.9%) 
   --    14th consecutive year of double-digit Portfolio 
         growth: Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis of 
         10.5% (Sterling return 17.0%) 
   --    Strong year for primary commitments, building 
         pipeline for future years' investment programme 
   --    Investment and realisation activity in line with 
         historical averages 
   --    54 Full Exits during the year, realised at a weighted 
         average Uplift To Carrying Value of 23.9% and a 
         weighted average Multiple to Cost of 2.7x 
   --    Final dividend of 9p brings FY23 total dividend per 
         share to 30p (+11.1% YoY); progressive policy 
   --    GBP5.2m of shares bought back at weighted average 
         discount to last reported NAV of 41.2% since 
         programme initiated in October 20221; buyback 
         programme continuing 
   --    Updated Management Fee Agreement and improved 
         cost-sharing with the Manager, effective from 1 
         February 2023 
   (1) Up to and including 2 May 2023 
  Oliver Gardey 
  Head of Private Equity Fund Investments, ICG 
  The defensive growth characteristics of our actively 
   managed Portfolio are increasingly apparent in our 
   financial results. As a listed private equity investment 
   trust focused exclusively on buyouts in North America 
   and Europe, we offer investors access to a differentiated 
   Portfolio that has delivered high levels of revenue 
   and earnings growth over the last twelve months and 
   which has increased in value by 17.0% in Sterling 
   terms. We have not invested in more speculative parts 
   of private markets such as venture capital or growth 
   Our Portfolio is delivering growth over the long-term: 
   FY23 marks the 14(th) consecutive year of double-digit 
   portfolio returns on a local currency basis, and our 
   annualised NAV per Share Total Return over the last 
   five years has been 16.9%. 
   Portfolio activity continued through the year. Investments 
   and realisations as a proportion of our opening Portfolio 
   value were broadly in line with historical averages, 
   and the Full Exits being executed at a 23.9% Uplift 
   to Carrying Value helps support our confidence in 
   our valuations. We made new fund commitments totalling 
   GBP203.2m, which we expect to be invested over the 
   coming three to four years. These commitments have 
   sown the seeds of our primary and direct investment 
   program in the coming years, in what could be a very 
   attractive vintage for private equity. 
   The current market is creating some attractive conditions 
   for investing our shareholders' capital, and our strong 
   capitalisation and dedicated team with experience 
   of investing through market cycles enable us to capture 
   these opportunities. We continue to believe that ICG 
   Enterprise Trust is well-positioned to execute on 
   its strategy and to generate resilient returns. 


                                                                 --------------  --------------  -------------- 
to 31 
2023             3 months         6 months          1 year          3 years         5 years         10 years 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Return on a 
 Basis                  2.3 %            2.6 %           10.5 %          21.3 %          19.1 %          17.0 % 
NAV per 
 Share Total 
 Return               (0.3) %            3.3 %           14.5 %          20.4 %          16.9 %          13.8 % 
Share Price 
 Return                15.3 %          (0.7) %          (2.3) %           8.5 %           9.7 %          11.6 % 
 Index Total 
 Return                10.4 %            5.3 %            5.2 %           5.0 %           4.2 %           6.3 % 
overview for 
FY23               Primary            Direct        Secondary          Total        ICG-managed 
------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------  -------------- 
 return                     8.0%           15.5%           11.5%            10.5%           11.8% 
 return                    14.0%           22.5%           19.0%            17.0%           18.8% 
Investments            GBP138.6m        GBP70.1m        GBP78.5m        GBP287.2m       GBP137.3m 
Proceeds               GBP137.3m        GBP47.8m        GBP66.9m        GBP252.0m       GBP101.3m 
New Fund 
Commitments            GBP137.3m              --        GBP65.9m        GBP203.2m        GBP65.9m 
------------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------------  -------------- 
value                  GBP761.7m       GBP383.9m       GBP260.9m      GBP1,406.4m       GBP410.3m 
% Total 
 Portfolio                54.1 %          27.3 %          18.6 %          100.0 %          29.2 % 


Institutional investors and analysts:

Oliver Gardey, Head of Private Equity Fund Investments, ICG: +44 (0) 20 3545 2000

Colm Walsh, Managing Director, Private Equity Fund Investments, ICG

Chris Hunt, Head of Shareholder Relations, ICG

Livia Bridgman Baker, Shareholder Relations, ICG


Clare Glynn, Corporate Communications, ICG: +44 (0) 20 3545 1395




A presentation for investors and analysts will be held at 14:30 BST today. A link for the presentation can be found on the https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=N2W-7mRPTfJRPJ_kVhmM64hPDLwBP_aev2mskQnsnQ3_j84bKwqZInv7dyCLbIj1lgC_u6KbPNn5SziO2s6YGh62ZrgJo3831llJwe3IN-dEcr9IdBWfs4CnWmgSyWm6SgZjApp8K4BQiGdDOzoQCqyA6XqQFCkViq4VTtLKwIc= Results & Reports page of the Company website. A recording of the presentation will be made available on the Company website after the event.

Annual General Meeting: 27 June 2023

Q1 trading update: 27 June 2023

Ex-dividend date: 06 July 2023

Record date: 07 July 2023

Dividend payment date: 21 July 2023


ICG Enterprise Trust is a leading listed private equity investor focused on creating long-term growth by delivering consistently strong returns through selectively investing in profitable, cash-generative private companies, primarily in Europe and the US, while offering the added benefit to shareholders of daily liquidity.

We invest in companies directly as well as through funds managed by Intermediate Capital Group ('ICG') and other leading private equity managers who focus on creating long-term value and building sustainable growth through active management and strategic change.

We have a long track record of delivering strong returns through a flexible mandate and selective approach that strikes the right balance between concentration and diversification, risk and reward.


Included in this document are Alternative Performance Measures ("APMs"). APMs have been used if considered by the Board and the Manager to be the most relevant basis for shareholders in assessing the overall performance of the Company, and for comparing the performance of the Company to its peers and its previously reported results. The Glossary includes further details of APMs and reconciliations to International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") measures, where appropriate.

In the Chair's Foreword, Manager's Review and Supplementary Information, all performance figures are stated on a Total Return basis (i.e., including the effect of re-invested dividends). ICG Alternative Investment Limited, a regulated subsidiary of Intermediate Capital Group plc, acts as the Manager of the Company.


The information contained herein and on the pages that follow does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to acquire or subscribe for, any securities in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation is unlawful or would impose any unfulfilled registration, qualification, publication or approval requirements on ICG Enterprise Trust PLC (the "Company") or its affiliates or agents. Equity securities in the Company have not been and will not be registered under the applicable securities laws of the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or South Africa (each an "Excluded Jurisdiction"). The equity securities in the Company referred to herein and on the pages that follow may not be offered or sold within an Excluded Jurisdiction, or to any U.S. person ("U.S. Person") as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or to any national, resident or citizen of an Excluded Jurisdiction.

The information on the pages that follow may contain forward looking statements. Any statement other than a statement of historical fact is a forward looking statement. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward looking statement. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on any forward looking statement, which speaks only as of the date of its issuance.


I am pleased to report that your Company has continued to grow and invest for the future during the last financial year. In a period characterised by geopolitical and macro-economic uncertainty, ICG Enterprise Trust's performance reinforces the Board's confidence in the resilience of the Portfolio and the benefits through economic cycles of our strategic focus on 'defensive growth'.

ICG Enterprise Trust's NAV at 31 January 2023 was GBP1.3bn, equating to 1,903p NAV per Share. The Company has delivered 14.5% NAV per Share Total Return for the financial year, and 16.9% on a five-year annualised basis, net of all fees. Further details on the composition and performance of the Portfolio and NAV can be found in the Manager's review.

In public markets the macroeconomic uncertainty in 2022 was reflected in amplified volatility, downward pressure on earnings estimates and lower valuations placed on earnings. Understandably there have been questions about the seemingly less volatile nature of private valuations compared to public valuations. The Portfolio of ICG Enterprise Trust is notably different from that of frequently-cited public indices and is not weighted towards consumer, financials and energy companies (in the case of the FTSE 100) or towards a narrow group of technology companies (in the case of the S&P500). In addition, private market valuations have not typically seen the same levels of exuberance as public markets during periods when valuations have expanded dramatically.

When reviewing the valuation of the Portfolio, there are a number of factors to consider; but the ultimate validation is how an investment is realised, and whether at exit a buyer is willing to pay the value that we had it marked at. During FY23 the Portfolio experienced 54 Full Exits, generating GBP133.2m of cash proceeds (representing 11.4% of the opening Portfolio value for the year). These were executed at a weighted average Uplift to Carrying Value of 23.9% - slightly lower than recent years, but still a significant uplift. I believe our track record of Full Exits being at an Uplift to Carrying Value should give shareholders comfort that the valuations in our Portfolio are generally robust, and this is an area the Board continues to discuss in detail with the Manager.

Despite this consistent and strong track record, our share price has been impacted by widening discounts across the listed private equity investment trust sector. During this financial year our shareholders endured a negative Share Price Total Return of (2.3)% and on 31 January 2023 our shares traded at a 40.1% discount to the last published NAV of 1,918p (as at 31 October 2022). The Board considers that the Company's performance and the value of its Portfolio and strategy are not appropriately recognised in its share price, and has implemented several additional measures this year to optimise shareholder returns. These include a long-term buyback program, running alongside our existing progressive dividend policy, and an improved management fee agreement that introduces a cap on the fee rate payable to our Manager and the Manager assuming a greater proportion of the Company's ongoing costs.


Private equity can play a valuable role in generating differentiated returns for investors with a long-term perspective. It is, however, a fundamentally illiquid asset class. The closed-end nature of investment trusts solves the potential liquidity mismatch for investors by creating traded shares that can be bought and sold on a stock exchange. As a result, the portfolio can be managed for long-term value creation without the risk of having to sell assets to fund redemptions. By investing in vehicles such as ICG Enterprise Trust, shareholders gain access to a mature and actively managed portfolio of private equity investments, with the added benefit of daily liquidity.

A consequence of the investment trust structure, however, is that shares can trade at discounts to the published NAVs, and currently the sector as a whole -- including ICG Enterprise Trust -- is trading at quite notable discounts. As discussed elsewhere, your Board continues to work with the Manager to make shares in ICG Enterprise Trust more attractive to a wider range of investors.

I continue to believe that investment trusts such as ICG Enterprise Trust serve a useful purpose in helping provide access to private equity to a more diverse range of investors who are seeking to commit capital to this asset class.


Six years ago, ICG Enterprise Trust outlined three objectives. We are pleased to have delivered against each of these since they were introduced:

Former objectives                            Medium-term target  FY16    FY23 
-------------------------------------------  ------------------  -----  ------ 
Portfolio / net assets                                     100%  82.1%  108.1% 
North America as percentage of Portfolio                 40-50%  14.1%   46.6% 
High Conviction Investments as percentage 
 of deployment                                              50%  33.0%   57.6% 

The Company has evolved since these objectives were introduced, and to reflect this the Board has revised these objectives to the following, which focus on 1) Target Portfolio composition and 2) Balance sheet:

New objectives                    Medium-term target  Five-year average  FY23 
--------------------------------  ------------------  -----------------  ----- 
1. Target Portfolio composition 
Investment category 
Primary                                         50%              59.2%  54.1% 
Direct                                          25%              27.3%  27.3% 
Secondary                                       25%              13.5%  18.6% 
North America                                   50%              37.2%  46.6% 
Europe (inc. UK)                                50%              62.8%    47% 
2. Balance sheet 
(Net cash)/debt(3)                               0%             (3.0)%   3.4% 
1 As percentage of Portfolio; 2 FY23 excludes 6.3% 
 Other geographical exposure; 3 (Net cash)/debt as 
 a percentage of NAV 

Importantly this does not indicate a change in the composition of the Portfolio; it merely more completely reflects how the Portfolio and our balance sheet are being managed, and how they are expected to be constructed over the medium term.

I believe that today we have a very high quality investment team through our Manager, and that these objectives will enable us to maximise the value they generate for our shareholders.


During the financial year, the Board gave careful consideration to the level, form and mechanism of shareholder returns.

The nature of private equity investments means that compounding capital appreciation is likely to be the largest single component of shareholder returns over the long term.

The progressive dividend is an important component of shareholder returns, and the Board remains committed to this policy. In line with this, the Board is proposing a final dividend of 9p per share. Together with the three interim dividends of 7p per share each, this will result in total dividends for the year of 30p per share, representing an 11.1% increase on the prior year dividend and the seventh consecutive year of dividend increases.

In October 2022, the Board introduced a long-term share buyback programme. The Board believes this programme demonstrates the Manager's discipline around capital allocation; underlines the Board's confidence in the long-term prospects of the Company, its cash flows and NAV; will enhance the NAV per Share; and over time may reduce the volatility of the Company's discount and increase its trading liquidity. At 2 May 2023 the Company has repurchased 472,178 shares since this programme was initiated, at an estimated weighted average discount to the last reported NAV of 41.2%. In aggregate these buybacks represent a capital return of GBP5.2m.


During the year we negotiated a revised fee agreement with the Manager, effective from 1 February 2023. This agreement caps the maximum fee rate payable to the Manager, and allows our shareholders to benefit from economies of scale as our NAV grows. Had the revised agreement been in place during FY23, the management fee paid would have been reduced by approximately 6.5% (GBP1.1m).

It was also agreed that the Manager will absorb a number of ongoing costs previously paid for by ICG Enterprise Trust. The Board estimates that these are equivalent to approximately 25-30% of the general expenses (which exclude management fees and finance costs) that would have been paid by ICG Enterprise Trust prior to this agreement being reached.

I am grateful to ICG for their co-operation during these negotiations and am pleased with the outcome.


Following the retirement of Sandra Parajola in June 2022, we were delighted to strengthen our Board with the appointment of two new non-executive directors, Adiba Ighodaro and Janine Nicholls. Adiba and Janine each bring a depth and breadth of knowledge which is complementary to the Board's existing skillset.


The Annual General Meeting will be held on 27 June 2023. The Board will be formally communicating with shareholders outlining the format of the meeting separately in the Notice of Meeting. This will include details of how shareholders may register their interest in attending the Annual General Meeting, either in person or via video conference.

I am confident that our Company is well-positioned to successfully execute on its strategy. We have historically generated significant value over the long term, and I believe we will continue to do so. Our ability to continue to commit, deploy and realise capital through uncertain economic times means that our Portfolio is not exposed to particular vintage risk.

We have a distinctive strategy, a Portfolio managed by an experienced and well-networked team, and our Board has demonstrated its disciplined approach to capital allocation. Taken as a whole I believe this results in a differentiated and attractive offering to shareholders.

Finally, I want to thank you for the continued trust and support you give to ICG Enterprise Trust.

Jane Tufnell


10 May 2023


Alternative Performance Measures

The Board and the Manager monitor the financial performance of the Company on the basis of Alternative Performance Measures (APM), which are non-IFRS measures. The APM predominantly form the basis of the financial measures discussed in this review, which the Board believes assists shareholders in assessing their investment and the delivery of the investment strategy.

The Company holds certain investments in subsidiary entities. The substantive difference between APM and IFRS is the treatment of the assets and liabilities of these subsidiaries. The APM basis "looks through" these subsidiaries to the underlying assets and liabilities they hold, and it reports the investments as the Portfolio APM. Under IFRS, the Company and its subsidiaries are reported separately. The assets and liabilities of the subsidiaries are presented on the face of the IFRS balance sheet as a single carrying value. The same is true for the IFRS and APM basis of the Cash flow statement.

The following table sets out IFRS metrics and the APM equivalents:

              31 January   31 January                31 January    31 January 
IFRS (GBPm)      2023         2022      APM (GBPm)      2023          2022 
------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Investments       1,349.1      1,123.7    Portfolio      1,406.4       1,172.2 
------------  -----------  ----------- 
NAV               1,300.6      1,158.0 
------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Cash flows 
 from the 
 sale of 
 portfolio                                    Total 
 investments         32.1        101.0     Proceeds        252.0         333.5 
------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 
Cash flows 
 related to 
 purchase of 
 Portfolio                                Total New 
 investments         62.2         75.1   Investment        287.2         303.7 
------------  -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------  ------------ 

The Glossary includes definitions for all APM and, where appropriate, a reconciliation between APM and IFRS.

Our investment strategy

We focus on investing in buyouts of profitable, cash-generative businesses in developed markets that exhibit defensive growth characteristics which might support strong and resilient returns across economic cycles. There are a number of themes that contribute to a business having, in our view, such characteristics. These include (among others) attractive market positioning, providing mission-critical services to their clients and customers, ability to pass on price increases, and structurally high margins.

We take an active approach to portfolio construction, with a flexible mandate that enables us to deploy capital in Primary, Secondary and Direct investments. We believe our investment strategy results in a differentiated Portfolio with attractive growth characteristics. Our Portfolio composition is shown below:

                      31 January 2023  31 January 2023 
Investment category         GBPm        % of Portfolio 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Primary                         761.7            54.1% 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Direct                          383.8            27.3% 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Secondary                       260.9            18.6% 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total                         1,406.4          100.0 % 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

Investments managed by ICG accounted for 29.2% of the Portfolio.

Geographically we focus on the developed markets of North America and Europe, including the UK, which have deep and mature private equity markets supported by a robust corporate governance framework. The geographic profile of the Portfolio is shown below:

                                          31 January 2023 
Geography(1)                               % of Portfolio 
---------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
North America                                             46.6 % 
---------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Europe (inc. UK)                                          47.1 % 
---------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Other                                                      6.3 % 
---------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
Total                                                    100.0 % 
---------------------------------  ----------------------------- 
1 Calculated by reference to the location of the headquarters 
 of the underlying Portfolio companies on a value-weighted 

Implementing our investment strategy during the year

In a year of elevated macroeconomic and geopolitical volatility, we remained consistent in our investment approach, seeking to identify attractive investments that align to our focus on defensive growth. Our flexible investment mandate enabled us to react efficiently to changing market dynamics in order to capitalise on opportunities across Primary, Secondary and Direct investments.

During the year we were able to take advantage of favourable market conditions to make 14 new fund commitments to a range of leading managers. These commitments, which we expect to be invested over the next 3-4 years, ensure that we will remain appropriately invested through the cycle.

Our dedicated investment team has concentrated on identifying investment opportunities where they believe they have good visibility on the likely performance of the underlying assets and on transactions with potentially lower volatility of returns than the broader market. Reflecting this, Direct Investment activity during the period included three Direct investments alongside our Manager, benefiting from their expertise in structured transactions. We also made a number of follow-on investments into existing portfolio holdings where we have greater visibility of, and confidence in, the performance of the underlying company.

Performance overview

At 31 January 2023, our Portfolio was valued at GBP1,406.4m, and the Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis for the financial year was 10.5% (FY22: 29.4%). This performance extends our track record of generating double-digit Portfolio returns on a Local Currency basis to 14 consecutive years.

The Portfolio returns during FY23 were seen across Primary, Direct and Secondary investments:

   -- Primary investments generated a local currency return of 8.0%. Valuation 
      increases are primarily driven by operational performance. There was 
      notably strong performance from a number of funds including those managed 
      by PAI, Graphite, and Gridiron 
   -- Direct Investments generated a return of 15.5%, reflecting resilient 
      operational performance, as well as a number of meaningful realisations 
      agreed during the year, including Endeavor Schools (exit agreed during 
      FY23 and completed post period end), and IRI (which completed its merger 
      with NPD on 1 August 2022) 
   -- Secondary investments generated a return of 11.5%, driven by strong 
      performance from underlying investments within ICG LP Secondaries and ICG 
      Strategic Equity 

Over the last five years, our Portfolio has generated an annualised Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis of 19.1%.

Due to the geographic diversification of our Portfolio, the reported value is impacted by changes in foreign exchange rates. During the period, the Portfolio increased by GBP76.4m (+6.5%) due to FX movements, driven primarily by the US Dollar strengthening against Sterling. Portfolio growth during the period was 17.0% in Sterling terms.

The net result was that ICG Enterprise Trust generated a NAV per Share Total Return of 14.5% during FY23, ending the period with a NAV per Share of 1,903p. The NAV per Share Total Return during Q4 was (0.3%), driven predominantly by negative FX movements more than offsetting a positive underlying return at the Portfolio level.

Over the last five years, ICG Enterprise Trust has generated an annualised NAV per Share Total Return of 16.9%.

Movement in the Portfolio                   Twelve months to  Twelve months to 
 GBPm                                        31 January 2023   31 January 2022 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Opening Portfolio1                                   1,172.2             949.2 
                                            ----------------  ---------------- 
   Total New Investments                               287.2             303.7 
   Total Proceeds                                    (252.0)           (342.9) 
                                            ----------------  ---------------- 
Net (proceeds)/investments                              35.2            (39.2) 
Valuation movement2                                    122.6             279.4 
Currency movement                                       76.4            (17.2) 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
Closing Portfolio                                    1,406.4           1,172.2 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
% Portfolio growth (local currency)                   10.5 %            29.4 % 
% currency movement                                    6.5 %           (1.8) % 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
% Portfolio growth (Sterling)                         17.0 %            27.6 % 
Impact of (net cash)/net debt                          0.2 %           (0.1) % 
Expenses and other income                            (1.8) %           (1.5) % 
Co-investment Incentive Scheme Accrual               (1.2) %           (1.8) % 
Impact of share buybacks and dividend 
 reinvestment                                          0.3 %             0.2 % 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
NAV per Share Total Return                            14.5 %            24.4 % 
------------------------------------------  ----------------  ---------------- 
   1. Refer to the Glossary 
   2. 93% of the Portfolio is valued using 31 December 2022 (or later) 
      valuations (2022: 98%) 

Performance of Portfolio companies

Our largest 30 underlying companies ("Top 30 companies") represented 38.3% of the Portfolio by value at 31 January 2023 (31 January 2022: 39.0%). There were four new entrants to our Top 30 companies within the period: Newton (#15); ECA Group (#23), KronosNet (#24) and Vistage (#30).

The Top 30 companies delivered impressive operational performance during the year, generating LTM revenue growth of 21.9%. The weighted-average valuation of the Top 30 companies, as measured by EV/EBITDA multiple, reduced from 14.6x to 14.3x. Over the same period, Net Debt / EBITDA increased from 4.3x to 4.8x, which is largely due to differences in the composition of the Top 30 companies between the two dates and re-financings undertaken during the period.

Top 30 companies performance overview   31 January 2023  31 January 2022 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
LTM revenue growth(1)                            21.9 %           27.1 % 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
LTM EBITDA growth(1)                             21.5 %           29.6 % 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
LTM EBITDA margin(2)                             25.8 %           26.6 % 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Net Debt / EBITDA(3)                               4.7x             4.3x 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Enterprise Value / EBITDA(3)                      14.3x            14.6x 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total % of Portfolio                             38.3 %           39.0 % 
--------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
1 Growth rates exclude PetSmart; Ambassador Theatre 
 Group; MoMo Online Mobile Services (#1; #14; #28 /30 
 respectively), for which prior year comparators are 
 not meaningful 
 2 Excludes MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), for 
 which EBITDA is not a relevant metric 
 3 Excludes PetSmart and MoMo Online Mobile Services 
 (#1 and #28 /30 respectively) for which EBITDA multiple 
 is not an appropriate valuation metric 

Quoted company exposure

We do not actively invest in publicly quoted companies but gain listed investment exposure when IPOs are used as a route to exit an investment. In these cases, exit timing typically lies with the manager with whom we have invested.

At 31 January 2023, ICG Enterprise Trust's exposure to quoted companies was valued at GBP109.4m, equivalent to 7.8% of the Portfolio value (FY22: 10.3%). The share price of our largest listed exposure, Chewy, increased 4.5% in local currency (USD) during the year. ICG Enterprise Trust's investment in PetSmart (which includes Chewy) has delivered a strong return on investment for our shareholders and remains our largest underlying exposure. Across the Portfolio, local currency losses from declines in public market valuations were largely offset in Sterling terms by positive FX gains.

At 31 January 2023 there was one quoted investment that individually accounted for 0.5% or more of the Portfolio value:

                                                             31 January 2023 % of 
Company                                    Ticker                 Portfolio value 
-----------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Chewy (part of PetSmart)(1)                CHWY-US                          3.6 % 
Other companies                                                             4.2 % 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
Total                                                                       7.8 % 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
1 Value includes entire holding of PetSmart and Chewy. 
 Majority of value is within Chewy 

Realisation activity

Realisation Proceeds during the year amounted to GBP252.0m, equivalent to 21.5% of our opening Portfolio value (five year average: 23.9%).

There were 54 Full Exits of Portfolio holdings during the period, generating proceeds of GBP133.2m. These were completed at a weighted average Uplift to Carrying Value of 23.9% and weighted average Multiple to Cost of 2.7x. We believe that the ability to continue to sell assets at an uplift to NAV reflects the sustained demand for high-quality assets and underpins our confidence in the valuation of our Portfolio.

The 10 largest underlying realisations in the period, which represent 33.9% of Total Realisation Proceeds, are set out in the table below:

Investment   Description                                                  Manager    Country       GBPm 
-----------  -----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------ 
 Generici    Manufacturer of generic pharmaceutical products              ICG        Italy             24.3 
             Provider of mission-critical data and predictive analytics    Mountain  United 
IRI           to consumer goods manufacturers                              Capital    States           22.8 
                                                                          Graphite   United 
Random42     Provider of medical animation and digital media services      Capital    Kingdom           5.6 
proALPHA     Provider of application software services                    ICG        Germany            5.1 
YSC          Provider of leadership consultancy and assessment            Graphite   United 
 Consulting   services                                                     Capital    Kingdom           4.9 
 Holidays                                                                            United 
 UK          Operator of UK campsites and holiday parks                   ICG         Kingdom           4.9 
Konecta      Provider of business process outsourcing                     ICG        Spain              4.8 
The Groucho                                                               Graphite   United 
 Club        Operator of members' club                                     Capital    Kingdom           4.4 
Romans       Provider of residential sales & letting services             Bowmark     Kingdom           4.3 
Pirum                                                                                United 
 Systems     Provider of financial services technology                    Bowmark     Kingdom           4.2 
-----------  -----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------ 
Total of 10 largest underlying realisations                                                            85.4 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------ 

New investment activity

Total new investment of GBP287.2m for the financial year, with new investment by category detailed in the table below. Within our Primary investments during the period, GBP131.5m was to Third Party managers and the remainder (GBP7.1m) was to ICG-managed funds.

                      31 January 2023     31 January 2023 
Investment Category      Cost GBPm      % of new investments 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Primary                         138.6                 48.3 % 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Direct                           70.1                 24.4 % 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Secondary                        78.5                 27.3 % 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 
Total                           287.2                100.0 % 
--------------------  ---------------  --------------------- 

During the year we made nine new Direct Investments for a combined value of GBP68.3m: The balance of Direct Investments is comprised of GBP1.8m of incremental drawdowns across existing Direct Investments.

In total, 47.8% (GBP137.3m) of our new investments were alongside ICG.

The 10 largest underlying new investments in the period were as follows:

Investment   Description                                                 Manager     Country       GBPm(1) 
-----------  ----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------- 
                                                                         Clearlake   United 
Precisely    Provider of enterprise software                              Capital     States          15.5 
             Provider of autonomous systems for the aerospace and 
ECA Group     maritime sectors                                           ICG         France           13.0 
             Provider of tech-enabled customer engagement and business 
KronosNet     solutions                                                  ICG         Spain            12.5 
Newton       Provider of management consulting services                  ICG          Kingdom         12.4 
             Provider of CEO leadership and coaching for small                       United 
Vistage       and midsize businesses in the US                           ICG          States           8.6 
             Provider of business management software to mid-market                  United 
Access        companies                                                  HgCapital    Kingdom          6.4 
Zips Car                                                                             United 
 Wash        Provider of car washing services                            ICG          States           4.2 
 Services    Provider of pet aftercare and cremation services            ICG         Canada            3.9 
Partou       Operator of kindergartens in the Netherlands                ICG         Netherlands       3.2 
Pro Alpha 
 II          Provider of application software services                   ICG         Germany           2.9 
-----------  ----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------- 
Top 10 largest underlying new investments                                                             82.4 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------- 

1 Represents ICG Enterprise Trust's indirect investment (share of fund cost) plus any direct investments in the period.


During the year, we made new fund Commitments of GBP203.2m, including GBP65.9m to funds managed by ICG.

We maintained our diligence in identifying leading managers who complement our long-term strategic objectives, are committed to values aligned to our Responsible Investing framework, and have an investment approach that suits our defensive growth focus. A number of commitments were made to managers with whom we have longstanding relationships and who have a strong track record of offering us attractive co-investment opportunities, such as PAI and Gridiron. At the same time, we continued to originate new manager relationships, making commitments to three new managers during the financial year, Leonard Green & Partners, Thoma Bravo and Integrum.

The breakdown of new Commitments to funds was as follows:

Fund             Manager          Focus               Commitment during the 
---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------------------- 
                                                    Local currency        GBPm 
ICG LP           ICG              LP-led                    $60.0m    GBP45.5m 
Secondaries                       secondary 
Fund I                            transactions 
ICG Ludgate      ICG              Secondary                 $25.0m    GBP20.4m 
Hill III                          portfolio 
PAI Europe VIII  PAI              Mid-market and          EUR25.0m    GBP20.9m 
                                  large buyouts 
Green Equity     Leonard Green &  Large buyouts             $20.0m    GBP17.2m 
Investors Side   Partners 
Advent X         Advent           Large buyouts           EUR20.0m    GBP16.8m 
Gridiron V       Gridiron         Mid-market                $20.0m    GBP15.0m 
CDR XII          Clayton,         Mid-market and            $15.0m    GBP13.4m 
                 Dubilier &       large buyouts 
Permira VIII     Permira          Large buyouts           EUR15.0m    GBP12.6m 
Bain Capital     Bain Capital     Mid-market and          EUR15.0m    GBP12.6m 
Europe VI                         large buyouts 
Integrum I       Integrum         Mid-market                $10.0m     GBP8.5m 
Thoma Bravo XV   Thoma Bravo      Mid-market and            $10.0m     GBP8.0m 
                                  large buyouts 
Hg Genesis X     Hg Capital       Mid-market               EUR5.0m     GBP4.2m 
Bain Tech        Bain Capital     Mid-market                 $5.0m     GBP4.1m 
Opportunities                     buyouts 
Hg Saturn III    Hg Capital       Mid-market and             $5.0m     GBP4.0m 
                                  large buyouts 

At 31 January 2023 we had Total Undrawn Commitments of GBP496.7m, of which GBP367.0m were to funds within their investment period:

                                              31 January 2023  31 January 2022 
GBPm                                                GBPm             GBPm 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Undrawn Commitments -- funds in Investment 
 Period                                                 367.0            323.0 
Undrawn Commitments -- funds outside 
 Investment Period                                      129.7             96.0 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total Undrawn Commitments                               496.7            419.0 
Total available liquidity (including 
 facility)                                            (167.0)          (208.0) 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Overcommitment net of total available 
 liquidity                                              329.7            211.0 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Overcommitment % of net asset value                    25.3 %           18.0 % 
--------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------- 

The increase in Total Undrawn Commitments during the year was due to the large number of funds seeking investors during the year, which ICG Enterprise Trust had anticipated and which allowed us to make a number of attractive Primary commitments. These commitments help lay the foundations of our investment program for the coming years.

Our commitments are made in the funds' underlying currencies, and the currency split of the outstanding commitments at 31 January 2023 was as follows:

Outstanding   31 January 2023  31 January 2023  31 January 2022  31 January 2022 
Commitments         GBPm              %               GBPm              % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
-- Sterling              16.9            3.4 %             28.7            6.8 % 
-- Euro                 226.1           45.5 %            200.4           47.9 % 
-- US Dollar            253.7           51.1 %            189.5           45.3 % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total                   496.7          100.0 %            418.6          100.0 % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 


At 31 January 2023 we had a cash balance of GBP20.7m (31 January 2022: GBP41.3m) and total available liquidity of GBP167.0m. At 31 January 2023, the drawn debt was GBP65.4m (31 January 2022: nil). As a result we had a net debt position of GBP44.7m.

--------------------------------------------------  ------- 
Cash at 31 January 2022                                41.3 
   Realisation Proceeds                               252.0 
   New investments                                  (287.2) 
   Debt drawn down                                     65.4 
Shareholder returns                                  (21.9) 
Management fees                                      (21.2) 
FX and other expenses                                 (7.7) 
--------------------------------------------------  ------- 
Cash at 31 January 2023                                20.7 
--------------------------------------------------  ------- 
   Available undrawn debt facilities                  146.3 
--------------------------------------------------  ------- 
Cash and undrawn debt facilities (total available 
 liquidity)                                           167.0 
--------------------------------------------------  ------- 

At 31 January 2023 the Portfolio represented 108.1% of net assets (31 January 2022: 101.2%).

                                          GBPm    % of net assets 
---------------------------------------  -------  --------------- 
Portfolio                                1,406.4          108.1 % 
Cash                                        20.7            1.6 % 
Drawn debt                                (65.4)          (5.0) % 
Co-investment Incentive Scheme Accrual    (58.1)          (4.5) % 
Other net current liabilities              (3.0)          (0.2) % 
---------------------------------------  -------  --------------- 
Net assets                               1,300.6          100.0 % 
---------------------------------------  -------  --------------- 

Our objective is to be fully invested through the cycle, while ensuring that we have sufficient financial resources to be able to take advantage of attractive investment opportunities as they arise. Drawdowns of commitments are funded from Total Proceeds and, where appropriate, the debt facility.

Dividend and share buyback

In line with ICG Enterprise Trust's progressive dividend policy, the Board has declared a final dividend of 9p per share, taking total dividends for the period to 30p (FY22: 27p), which represents an increase of 11.1% on the previous financial year.

As part of its ongoing focus on optimising the returns the Company delivers for its shareholders, in October the Board announced the introduction of a long-term program of share buybacks, which may be executed at any discount to NAV. Details of share repurchases made under this programme up to 31 January 2023 are provided below:

-----------------------------------------------  -------------- 
Number of shares purchased                              191,480 
-----------------------------------------------  -------------- 
Aggregate consideration                                 GBP2.1m 
-----------------------------------------------  -------------- 
Weighted average discount to last reported NAV           40.0 % 
-----------------------------------------------  -------------- 

The Board believes the buyback programme demonstrates the Manager's discipline around capital allocation; underlines the Board's confidence in the long-term prospects of the Company, its cashflows and NAV; will enhance the NAV per share; and, over time, may positively influence the volatility of the Company's discount and its trading liquidity.

The Board reviews the size, mandate and efficacy of the buyback programme on a quarterly basis, to ensure it is working in the long-term interests of shareholders and in line with the objectives outlined above.

The Board retains absolute discretion as to the execution, pricing and timing of any share buybacks, subject to the conditions set out in the authority to execute share buybacks approved at the Company's 2022 Annual General Meeting. Any shares repurchased by the Company will be held in treasury.

Both the progressive dividend policy and the buyback programme are being maintained.

Changes to management fees and costs

As announced at our Q3 FY23 trading update, the ICG Enterprise Trust Board and the Manager have agreed a revised management fee rate, effective from 1 February 2023. While the management fee arrangement will remain unchanged, a tiered cap as a proportion of NAV has been introduced at the following thresholds:

ICG Enterprise Trust NAV   Management Fee Cap 
-------------------------  ------------------ 
< GBP1.5bn                             1.25 % 
-------------------------  ------------------ 
>= GBP1.5bn <= GBP2.0bn                1.10 % 
-------------------------  ------------------ 
> GBP2.0bn                             1.00 % 
-------------------------  ------------------ 

The Board believes that this arrangement fairly compensates the Manager, while ensuring that ICG Enterprise Trust shareholders benefit from the economies of scale generated from growth in the Company's NAV.

In FY23, management fees were equivalent to 1.34% of NAV. As an illustration, had the revised agreement been in place during this period, management fees would have been capped at 1.25%. This would have reduced the management fee by approximately 6.5% (approximately GBP1.1m).

The Manager has also agreed to absorb a number of ongoing costs previously paid for by ICG Enterprise Trust, in particular a material share of Sales and Marketing costs. The Board estimates that these are equivalent to approximately 25-30% of the General Expenses (which exclude management fees and finance costs) that would have been paid by ICG Enterprise Trust prior to this agreement being reached.

Foreign exchange rates

The details of relevant FX rates applied in this report are provided in the table below:

          Average rate for  Average rate for  31 January 2023  31 January 2022 
                FY23              FY22           year end         year end 
--------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  --------------- 
GBP:EUR             1.1680            1.1696           1.1341           1.1971 
GBP:USD             1.2257            1.3749           1.2320           1.3447 
EUR:USD             1.0491            1.1758           1.0863           1.1229 

Activity since the period end

Notable activity between 1 February 2023 and 31 March 2023 has included:

   -- Realisation Proceeds of GBP49.4m, including initial proceeds from the 
      sale of Endeavor Schools, announced on 2 February 2023 
   -- New investments of GBP19.8m, which included one follow-on Direct 
      Investment of GBP0.5m 
   -- 3 new Fund Commitments for a combined value of GBP55.6m 
   -- GBP3.1m shares bought back at a weighted average discount to NAV of 


We remain alert to continued macroeconomic headwinds such as increased input costs, rising rates, and capital constraints in the wider financial markets. These factors continue to have the potential to impact the performance of our Portfolio companies, the valuation of our Portfolio and the rate of deployments and realisations our Portfolio experiences. We are continuing to monitor the environment closely and are in regular dialogue with our Managers.

As outlined in our updated objectives, we are targeting a long-term Portfolio composition of approximately 50% Primary, 25% Direct and 25% Secondary investments, and evenly split between North America and Europe.

We are encouraged by the continued momentum of transaction activity within our portfolio throughout FY23. Our financial and operational ability to capitalise on the very attractive market for primary commitments has sown the seeds for our future primary and direct investment programme in the coming years, in what could be an attractive vintage for private equity investments.

As we reflect on a year characterised by uncertainty, we remain confident in our defensive growth strategy and are encouraged by the robust operating performance of our Portfolio.

ICG Private Equity Fund Investments Team

10 May 2023


This section presents supplementary information regarding the Portfolio (see Manager's Review and the Glossary for further details and definitions).

Portfolio composition

We have a flexible mandate that enables us to deploy capital in primary, secondary and Direct Investments. Investments managed by ICG account for 29.2% of the Portfolio.

by calendar 
year of      % of value of underlying investments  % of value of underlying investments 
investment              31 January 2023                       31 January 2022 
-----------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
2022                                       19.6 %                                 0.1 % 
2021                                       25.1 %                                25.1 % 
2020                                       10.3 %                                12.3 % 
2019                                       12.0 %                                15.4 % 
2018                                       12.0 %                                17.9 % 
2017                                        6.7 %                                 9.6 % 
2016                                        4.1 %                                 5.9 % 
2015                                        4.1 %                                 6.6 % 
2014 and 
 older                                      6.1 %                                 7.1 % 
-----------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Total                                     100.0 %                               100.0 % 
-----------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Portfolio by  % of value of underlying investments  % of value of underlying investments 
sector                   31 January 2023                       31 January 2022 
------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
TMT                                         22.5 %                                24.1 % 
 goods and 
 services                                   20.9 %                                20.8 % 
Healthcare                                  13.3 %                                16.6 % 
 services                                   12.6 %                                11.0 % 
Industrials                                  8.4 %                                 8.3 % 
Education                                    7.0 %                                 5.1 % 
Financials                                   5.0 %                                 5.5 % 
Leisure                                      3.9 %                                 3.9 % 
Other                                        6.4 %                                 4.7 % 
------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Total                                      100.0 %                               100.0 % 
------------  ------------------------------------  ------------------------------------ 
Portfolio by 
fund          31 January 2023  31 January 2023  31 January 2022  31 January 2022 
currency(1)         GBPm              %               GBPm              % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
US Dollar               690.1           49.1 %            508.7           43.4 % 
Euro                    602.9           42.9 %            558.5           47.6 % 
Sterling                113.0            8.0 %            104.7            9.0 % 
Other                     0.4             -- %              0.3             -- % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Total                 1,406.4          100.0 %          1,172.2          100.0 % 
------------  ---------------  ---------------  ---------------  --------------- 
(1) Currency exposure by reference to the reporting 
 currency of each fund . 

Top 30 companies Portfolio Dashboard

The Top 30 companies represented 41.8% of the Portfolio value at 31 January 2023. The tables below provide enhanced disclosure on the dispersion of financial and operational performance among the Top 30 on a value-weighted basis.

                              % of value of Top 30 
Sector exposure                  31 January 2023 
----------------------------  -------------------- 
TMT                                         26.8 % 
Consumer goods and services                 19.2 % 
Business services                           14.6 % 
Healthcare                                   8.0 % 
Education                                   10.8 % 
Industrials                                 14.1 % 
Leisure                                      6.5 % 
----------------------------  -------------------- 
Total                                      100.0 % 
----------------------------  -------------------- 
                                % of value of Top 30 
Geographic exposure(1)             31 January 2023 
----------------------------  ------------------------ 
North America                                   45.7 % 
Europe                                          45.9 % 
Other                                            8.4 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------ 
Total                                          100.0 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------ 
1 Geographic exposure is calculated by reference to 
 the location of the headquarters of the underlying 
 Portfolio companies 
                                     % of value of Top 30 
LTM revenue growth                        31 January 2023 
---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
<0%                                                12.8 % 
0-10%                                              12.1 % 
10-20%                                             26.1 % 
20-30%                                             14.8 % 
>30%                                               20.3 % 
n.a.(1)                                            13.9 % 
---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
Total                                             100.0 % 
---------------------------  ---------------------------- 
1 Reflects Petsmart (#1/30), Ambassador Theatre Group 
 (#14/30) and MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), 
 for which EBITDA multiple or YoY comp is not relevant. 
 For consistency, any excluded investments are excluded 
 for all dispersion analysis 

Top 30 average LTM revenue growth: 21.9% (weighted average, based on contribution to Portfolio value at 31 January 2023; any exclusions from average calculation are detailed in the footnotes to the table).

                                       % of value of Top 30 
LTM EBITDA growth                           31 January 2023 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
<0%                                                  17.1 % 
0-10%                                                28.1 % 
10-20%                                               21.2 % 
20-30%                                                5.4 % 
>30%                                                 14.3 % 
n.a(1)                                               13.9 % 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total                                               100.0 % 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
1 n.a reflects Petsmart (#1/30), Ambassador Theatre 
 Group (#14/30) and MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), 
 for which EBITDA multiple or YoY comp is not relevant. 
 For consistency, any excluded investments are excluded 
 for all dispersion analysis 

Top 30 average LTM EBITDA growth: 21.6% (weighted average, based on contribution to Portfolio value at 31 January 2023; any exclusions from average calculation are detailed in the footnotes to the table).

                                       % of value of Top 30 
LTM EBITDA margin                           31 January 2023 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
<10%                                                   -- % 
10-20%                                               27.8 % 
20-30%                                               21.4 % 
30-40%                                               22.8 % 
>40%                                                 14.1 % 
n.a.(1)                                              13.9 % 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total                                               100.0 % 
---------------------------  ------------------------------ 
1 n.a reflects Petsmart (#1/30), Ambassador Theatre 
 Group (#14/30) and MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), 
 for which EBITDA multiple or YoY comp is not relevant. 
 For consistency, any excluded investments are excluded 
 for all dispersion analysis 

Top 30 average LTM EBITDA margin: 27.7% (weighted average, based on contribution to Portfolio value at 31 January 2023; any exclusions from average calculation are detailed in the footnotes to the table).

                                   % of value of Top 30 
EV/EBITDA multiple                    31 January 2023 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
0-10x                                                  8.0 % 
10-12x                                                10.3 % 
12-13x                                                22.6 % 
13-15x                                                19.2 % 
15-17x                                                12.0 % 
17-20x                                                 6.4 % 
>20x                                                   7.5 % 
n.a.(1)                                               13.9 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total                                                100.0 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
1 n.a reflects Petsmart (#1/30), Ambassador Theatre 
 Group (#14/30) and MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), 
 for which EBITDA multiple or YoY comp is not relevant. 
 For consistency, any excluded investments are excluded 
 for all dispersion analysis 

Top 30 average EV/EBITDA multiple: 14.3x (weighted average, based on contribution to Portfolio value at 31 January 2023; any exclusions from average calculation are detailed in the footnotes to the table).

                                   % of value of Top 30 
Net Debt / EBITDA                     31 January 2023 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
<2x                                                    9.8 % 
2-4x                                                  12.7 % 
4-5x                                                  19.2 % 
5-6x                                                  18.2 % 
6-7x                                                  14.3 % 
>7x                                                   11.9 % 
n.a.(1)                                               13.9 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
Total                                                100.0 % 
----------------------------  ------------------------------ 
1 n.a reflects Petsmart (#1/30), Ambassador Theatre 
 Group (#14/30) and MoMo Online Mobile Services (#28/30), 
 for which EBITDA multiple or YoY comp is not relevant. 
 For consistency, any excluded investments are excluded 
 for all dispersion analysis 

Top 30 average Net Debt/EBITDA multiple: 4.7x (weighted average, based on contribution to Portfolio value at 31 January 2023; any exclusions from average calculation are detailed in the footnotes to the table).

Top 30 companies

The table below presents the 30 companies in which ICG Enterprise Trust had the largest investments by value at 31 January 2023. The valuations are gross of underlying managers fees and carried interest.

                                                                                Year of                     Value as a % 
     Company                                                      Manager       investment   Country        of Portfolio 
     -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  -------------- 
1    PetSmart / Chewy 
 Retailer of pet products and services                        BC Partners   2015         United States              3.6 % 
2    Minimax 
 Supplier of fire protection systems and services             ICG           2018         Germany                    2.8 % 
3    Endeavor Schools 
 Provider of paid private schooling                           Leeds Equity  2018         United States              2.2 % 
4    Froneri 
 Manufacturer and distributor of ice cream products           PAI           2013 / 2019  United Kingdom             2.0 % 
5    Leaf Home Solutions 
 Provider of home maintenance services                        Gridiron      2016         United States              1.8 % 
6    Yudo 
 Designer and manufacturer of hot runner systems              ICG           2017 / 2018  South Korea                1.6 % 
7    Precisely 
 Provider of enterprise software                              Clearlake     2021 / 2022  United States              1.4 % 
8    AML RightSource 
 Provider of compliance and regulatory services and 
  solutions                                                   Gridiron      2020         United States              1.3 % 
9    European Camping Group 
 Operator of premium campsites and holiday parks              PAI           2021         France                     1.3 % 
10   Curium Pharma 
 Supplier of nuclear medicine diagnostic pharmaceuticals      ICG           2020         United Kingdom             1.2 % 
11   DomusVi 
 Operator of retirement homes                                 ICG           2017 / 2021  France                     1.2 % 
12   DigiCert 
 Provider of enterprise security solutions                    ICG           2021         United States              1.2 % 
13   David Lloyd Leisure 
 Operator of premium health clubs                             TDR           2013 / 2020  United Kingdom             1.2 % 
14   Ambassador Theatre Group 
                                                              ICG / 
 Operator of theatres and ticketing platforms                  Providence   2021         United Kingdom             1.2 % 
15   Newton 
 Provider of management consulting services                   ICG           2021 / 2022  United Kingdom             1.1 % 
16   IRI/NPD 
 Provider of mission-critical data and predictive analytics 
  to consumer goods manufacturers                             New Mountain  2022         United States              1.1 % 
17   Visma 
 Provider of business management software and outsourcing     HgCapital / 
  services                                                     ICG          2017 / 2020  Norway                     1.1 % 
18   Planet Payment 
 Provider of integrated payments services focused on          Advent / 
  hospitality and luxury retail                                Eurazeo      2021         Ireland                    1.1 % 
19   Ivanti 
 Provider of IT management solutions                           / ICG        2021         United States              1.1 % 
20   PSB Academy 
 Provider of private tertiary education                       ICG           2018         Singapore                  1.0 % 
21   Crucial Learning 
 Provider of corporate training courses focused on 
  communication skills and leadership development             Leeds Equity  2019         United States              0.9 % 
22   Brooks Automation 
 Provider of semiconductor manufacturing solutions            THL           2021 / 2022  United States              0.9 % 
23   ECA Group 
 Provider of autonomous systems for the aerospace and 
  maritime sectors                                            ICG           2022         France                     0.9 % 
24   KronosNet 
 Provider of tech-enabled customer engagement and business 
  solutions                                                   ICG           2022         Spain                      0.9 % 
25   Davies Group 
 Provider of speciality business process outsourcing 
  services                                                    BC Partners   2021         United Kingdom             0.9 % 
26   Class Valuation 
 Provider of residential mortgage appraisal management 
  services                                                    Gridiron      2021         United States              0.8 % 
27   AMEOS Group 
 Operator of private hospitals                                ICG           2021         Switzerland                0.7 % 
28   MoMo Online Mobile Services 
 Operator of remittance and payment services via mobile 
  e-wallet                                                    ICG           2019         Vietnam                    0.6 % 
29   RegEd 
 Provider of SaaS-based governance, risk and compliance 
  enterprise solutions                                        Gryphon       2018 / 2019  United States              0.6 % 
30   Vistage 
 Provider of CEO leadership and coaching for small 
  and mid-size businesses in the US                           Gridiron      2022         United States              0.6 % 
 -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------  -----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Total of the 30 largest underlying investments                                                                    38.3 % 
 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      -------------- 

The 30 largest fund investments

The table below presents the 30 largest funds by value at 31 January 2023. The valuations are net of underlying managers' fees and Carried interest.

                                                 Value          Outstanding 
     Fund                Year of commitment       GBPm        commitment GBPm 
     ------------------  ------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
     ICG Strategic 
1    Equity Fund III 
 GP-led secondary 
  transactions                         2018            35.6               11.3 
2    ICG Ludgate Hill I 
  portfolio                            2021            34.4               14.4 
3    ICG Europe VII 
 Mezzanine and 
  equity in 
  buyouts                              2018            33.4                6.8 
     CVC European 
     Equity Partners 
4    VII 
 Large buyouts                         2017            32.2                1.8 
     Gridiron Capital 
5    Fund III 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2016            31.2                4.4 
     ICG LP Secondaries 
6    Fund I 
 LP-led secondary 
  transactions                         2022            30.8               27.4 
     PAI Strategic 
7    Partnerships 
 Mid-market and 
  large buyouts                        2019            27.0                0.5 
     Graphite Capital 
8    Partners VIII 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2013            26.0                2.2 
     Gridiron Capital 
9    Fund IV 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2019            24.3                1.4 
     CVC European 
     Equity Partners 
10   VI 
 Large buyouts                         2013            23.8                1.9 
     ICG Ludgate Hill 
11   III 
  portfolio                            2022            23.4                1.8 
12   PAI Europe VII 
 Mid-market and 
  large buyouts                        2017            23.0                4.5 
     ICG Strategic 
13   Equity Fund IV 
 GP-led secondary 
  transactions                         2021            22.1               15.9 
14   Sixth Cinven Fund 
 Large buyouts                         2016            21.4                1.4 
     New Mountain 
15   Partners V 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2017            20.6                1.1 
     BC European 
16   Capital IX 
 Large buyouts                         2011            19.3                0.7 
17   Oak Hill V 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2019            18.7                1.0 
18   Resolute IV 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2018            18.3                1.5 
     Advent Global 
     Private Equity 
19   VIII 
 Large buyouts                         2016            17.3                0.0 
     Advent Global 
20   Private Equity IX 
 Large buyouts                         2019            17.2                1.7 
     BC European 
21   Capital X 
 Large buyouts                         2016            16.6                1.4 
     Thomas H Lee 
22   Equity Fund VIII 
 Mid-market and 
  large buyouts                        2017            15.6                2.4 
     ICG Augusta 
23   Co-Investor 
 Secondary fund 
  restructurings                       2018            15.4               18.9 
24   Resolute V 
  buy-outs                             2021            15.0                2.3 
25   Gryphon V 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2019            14.2                2.6 
26   AEA VII 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2019            13.9                3.0 
     Graphite Capital 
27   Partners IX 
 Mid-market buyouts                    2018            13.9                5.8 
28   TDR Capital III 
 Mid-market and 
  large buyouts                        2013            13.8                1.5 
     Seventh Cinven 
29   Fund 
 Large buyouts                         2019            13.8                6.4 
30   PAI Europe VI 
 Mid-market and 
  large buyouts                        2013            12.9                1.1 
 ------------------  ----------------------  --------------  ----------------- 
 Total of the largest 30 fund 
  investments                                         645.1              147.0 
 Percentage of total investment 
  Portfolio                                          45.9 % 
 --------------------------------------      --------------  ----------------- 


Risk management

The execution of the Company's investment strategy is subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, and the Board and Manager have identified several principal risks to the Company's business. As part of this process, the Board has put in place an ongoing process to identify, assess and monitor the principal and emerging risks facing the Company, including those that would threaten its business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity.

Risk management framework

The Board is responsible for risk management and determining the Company's overall risk appetite. The Audit Committee assesses and monitors the risk management framework and specifically reviews the controls and assurance programmes in place.

Principal risks

The Company's principal risks are individual risks, or a combination of risks, that could threaten the Company's business model, future performance, solvency or liquidity.

Details of the Company's principal risks, potential impact, controls and mitigating factors are set out on pages 24 to 28.

Other risks

Other risks, including reputational risk, are potential outcomes of the principal risks materialising. These risks are actively managed and mitigated as part of the wider risk management framework of the Company and the Manager.

Emerging Risks

Emerging risks are considered by the Board as they come into view and are regularly assessed to identify any potential impact on the Company and to determine whether any actions are required.

Emerging risks often include those related to regulatory/legislative change and macro-economic and political change.

The Company depends upon the experience, skill and reputation of the employees of the Manager. The Manager's ability to retain the service of these individuals, who are not obligated to remain employed by the Manager, and recruit successfully, is a significant factor in the success of the Company.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The Company considers its principal risks (as well as several underlying risks comprising each principal risk) in four categories:

Investment risks: the risk to performance resulting from ineffective or inappropriate investment selection, execution or monitoring.

External risks: the risk of failing to deliver the Company's investment objective and strategic goals due to external factors beyond the Company's control.

Operational risks: the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems and external event, including regulatory risk.

Financial risks: the risks of adverse impact on the Company due to having insufficient resources to meet its obligations or counterparty failure and the impact any material movement in foreign exchange rates may have on underlying valuations.

A comprehensive risk assessment process is undertaken regularly to re-evaluate the impact and probability of each risk materialising and the strategic, financial and operational impact of the risk. Where the residual risk is determined to be outside of appetite, appropriate action is taken. Further information on risk factors is set out within the financial statements.

Risk appetite and tolerance

The Board acknowledges and recognises that in the normal course of business, the Company is exposed to risk and that it is willing to accept a certain level of risk in managing the business to achieve its targeted returns. The Board's risk appetite framework provides a basis for the ongoing monitoring of risks and enables dialogue with respect to the Company's current and evolving risk profile, allowing strategic and financial decisions to be made on an informed basis.

The Board considers several factors to determine its acceptance for each principal risk and categorises acceptance for each risk as low, moderate and high. Where a risk is approaching or is outside the tolerance set, the Board will consider the appropriateness of actions being taken to manage the risk. In particular, the Board has a lower tolerance for financing

risk with the aim to ensure that even under a stress scenario, the Company is likely to meet its funding requirements and financial obligations. Similarly, the Board has a low risk tolerance concerning operational risks including legal, tax and regulatory compliance and business process and continuity risk.

How we manage and mitigate our key risks

RISK                                                         IMPACT                                                         MITIGATION                                                         CHANGE IN THE YEAR 
Investment Risks 
Investment performance                                       Poor origination, investment selection and monitoring          The Manager has a strong track record of investing in private      Stable 
 The Manager selects the fund investments and Direct          by the Manager and/or third-party managers which may          equity through multiple economic cycles. The Manager has a          The Board is responsible for ensuring that the investment 
 Investments for the Company's Portfolio. The underlying      have a negative impact on Portfolio performance.              highly selective investment approach and disciplined process,       policy is met. The day-to-day management of the Company's 
 managers of those funds in turn select individual                                                                          which is overseen by ICG Enterprise Trust's Investment              assets is delegated to the Manager under investment 
 investee companies. The origination, investment selection                                                                  Committee within the Manager, which comprises a balance of          guidelines determined by the Board. The Board regularly 
 and management capabilities of both the Manager and                                                                        skills and perspectives. Further, the Company's Portfolio is        reviews these guidelines to ensure they remain appropriate 
 the third-party managers are key to the performance                                                                        diversified, reducing the likelihood of a single investment         and monitors compliance with the guidelines through 
 of the Company.                                                                                                            decision impacting Portfolio performance.                           regular reports from the Manager, including performance 
                                                                                                                                                                                                reporting. The Board also reviews the investment strategy 
                                                                                                                                                                                                at least annually. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                Following this assessment and other considerations, 
                                                                                                                                                                                                the Board concluded that performance risk has remained 
                                                                                                                                                                                                stable during the year. 
Valuation                                                    Incorrect valuations being provided would lead to              The Manager carries out a formal                                   Stable 
 In valuing its investments in private equity funds           an incorrect overall NAV.                                      valuation process involving a quarterly review of                  The Board regularly reviews and discusses the valuation 
 and unquoted companies and publishing its NAV, the                                                                          third-party valuations.                                            process in detail with the Manager, including the 
 Company relies to a significant extent on the accuracy                                                                      This includes a comparison of unaudited valuations                 sources of valuation information and methodologies 
 of financial and other information provided by the                                                                          to latest audited reports, as well as a review of                  used. 
 underlying managers to the Manager. There is the potential                                                                  any potential adjustments that are required to ensure              Following this assessment and other considerations, 
 for inconsistency in the valuation methods adopted                                                                          the valuation of the underlying investments are in                 the Board concluded that there was no material change 
 by the managers of these funds and companies and for                                                                        accordance with the fair market value principles required          in valuation risk during the year. 
 valuations to be misstated.                                                                                                 under International Financial Reporting Standards 
External risks 
Political and macro-economic uncertainty                     Changes in the political or macro-economic environment         The Manager uses a range of complementary approaches               Increasing 
 Political and macro-economic uncertainty and other           could significantly affect the performance of existing         to inform strategic planning and risk mitigation,                  The Board monitors and reviews the potential impact 
 global events, such as pandemics, that are outside           investments (and valuations) and prospects for realisations.   including active investment management, profitability              on the Company from political and economic developments 
 of the Company's control could adversely impact the          In addition, they could impact the number of credible          and balance sheet scenario planning and stress testing             on an ongoing basis, including input and discussions 
 environment in which the Company and its investment          investment opportunities the Company can originate.            to ensure resilience across a range of outcomes.                   with the Manager. Incorporating these views and other 
 portfolio companies operate.                                                                                                The process is supported by a dedicated in-house economist         considerations, the Board concluded that there was 
                                                                                                                             and professional advisers where appropriate.                       an increase in political and macroeconomic uncertainty 
                                                                                                                                                                                                risk as a result of the economic uncertainty. 
Climate change                                               Climate-related transition risks, driven in particular         The Manager has a well-defined,                                    Stable 
 The underlying managers of the fund investments and          by abrupt shifts in the political and technological            firm-wide Responsible Investing Policy and ESG framework           The Board monitors and reviews the potential impact 
 Direct Investments in the Company's Portfolio fail           landscape, impact the value of the Company's Portfolio.        in place.                                                          to the Company from failures by underlying managers 
 to ensure that their portfolio companies respond to                                                                         A tailored ESG framework applies across all stages                 to mitigate the impact of climate change on portfolio 
 the emerging threats from climate change.                                                                                   of the Company's investment process. This includes                 company valuation. 
                                                                                                                             ongoing monitoring of the underlying manager's ESG                 During the year the Board received reports on the 
                                                                                                                             reporting.                                                         implementation of the Manager's Responsible Investing 
Listed private equity sector                                 A change in sentiment to the sector has the potential          Private equity continues to outperform public markets              Stable 
 The listed private equity sector could fall out of           to damage the Company's reputation and impact the              over the long term and has proved to be an attractive              The Board receives regular updates from the Company's 
 favour with investors leading to a reduction in demand       performance of the Company's share price and widen             asset class through various cycles. The Manager is                 broker and is kept informed of all material discussions 
 for the Company's shares.                                    the discount the shares trade at relative to NAV per           active in marketing the Company's shares to a wide                 with investors and analysts. 
                                                              Share, causing shareholder dissatisfaction.                    variety of investors to ensure the market is informed 
                                                                                                                             about the Company's performance and investment proposition. 
                                                                                                                             The Board monitors the discount to NAV and considers 
                                                                                                                             appropriate solutions to address any ongoing or substantial 
                                                                                                                             discount to NAV, including share buybacks. 
Foreign exchange                                             At present, the Company does not hedge its foreign             The Board regularly reviews the                                    Stable 
 The Company has continued to expand its geographic           exchange exposure. Therefore, movements in exchange            Company's exposure to currency risk and reconsiders                The Board reviewed the Company's exposure to currency 
 diversity by making investments in different countries.      rates between these currencies may have a material             possible hedging strategies on at least an annual                  risk and possible hedging strategies and concluded 
 Accordingly, several investments are denominated in          effect on the underlying valuations of the investments         basis. Furthermore, the Company's multicurrency bank               that there was no material change in foreign exchange 
 US dollars, euros and currencies other than sterling.        and performance of the Company.                                facility permits the borrowings to be drawn in euros               risk during the year and that it remains appropriate 
                                                                                                                             and US dollars, if required.                                       for the Company not to hedge its foreign exchange 
Operational Risks 
Regulatory, legislative and taxation compliance              The failure of the Manager and the Company to comply           The Board is responsible for ensuring the Company's                Stable 
 Failure by the Manager to comply with relevant regulation    with the rules of professional conduct and relevant            compliance with all applicable regulatory, legal and               The Company remains responsive to a wide range of 
 and legislation could have an adverse impact on the          laws and regulations could expose the Company to regulatory    tax requirements. Monitoring of this compliance has                developing regulatory areas; and will continue to 
 Company. Additionally, adherence to changes in the           sanction and penalties as well as significant damage           been delegated to the Manager, of which the in-house               enhance its processes and controls in order to remain 
 legal, regulatory and tax framework applicable to            to its reputation.                                             Legal, Compliance and Risk functions provide regular               compliant with current and expected legislation. 
 the Manager could become onerous, lessening competitive                                                                     updates to the Board covering relevant changes to 
 or market opportunities.                                                                                                    regulation and legislation. 
                                                                                                                             The Board and the Manager continually monitor regulatory, 
                                                                                                                             legislative and tax developments to ensure early engagement 
                                                                                                                             in any areas of potential change. 
Key professionals                                            If the Manager's team is not able to deliver its objectives,   The Manager regularly updates the Board on team developments       Stable 
 Loss of key professionals at the Manager could impair        investment opportunities could be missed or misevaluated,      and succession planning. The Manager places significant            The Board reviewed the Company's exposure to people 
 the Company's ability to deliver its investment strategy     while existing investment performance may suffer.              focus on:                                                          risk and concluded that the Manager continues to operate 
 and meet its external obligations if replacements                                                                           -- Developing key individuals to ensure that there                 sustainable succession, competitive remuneration and 
 are not found in a timely manner.                                                                                           is a pipeline of potential succession candidates internally.       retention plans. 
                                                                                                                             External appointments are considered if that best                  The Board believes that the risk in respect of people 
                                                                                                                             satisfies the business needs.                                      remains stable. 
                                                                                                                             -- A team-based approach to investment decision making 
                                                                                                                             i.e. no one investment professional has sole responsibility 
                                                                                                                             for an investment or fund manager relationship. 
                                                                                                                             -- Sharing insights and knowledge widely across the 
                                                                                                                             investment team, including discussing all potential 
                                                                                                                             new investments and the overall performance of the 
                                                                                                                             -- Designing and implementing a compensation policy 
                                                                                                                             that helps to minimise turnover of key people. 
Information security                                         The failure of the Manager and Administrator to deliver        Application of the Manager's and Administrator's information       Increasing 
 The Company is dependent on effective information            an appropriate information security platform for critical     security policies is supported by a governance structure and a      In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding 
 technology systems at both the Manager and Administrator.    technology systems could result in unauthorised access        risk framework that allow for the identification, control and       of the Manager's internal controls and risk management 
 These systems support key business functions and are         by malicious third parties, breaching the confidentiality,    mitigation of technology risks. The effectiveness of the            systems the Board carries out a formal annual assessment 
 an important means of securing data and sensitive            integrity and availability of Company data, negatively        framework is periodically assessed. Additionally, the Manager's     (supported by the Manager's internal audit function). 
 information.                                                 impacting the Company's reputation.                           and Administrator's technology environments are continually         Following this review and other considerations, the 
                                                                                                                            maintained and subject to regular testing, such as penetration      Board concluded that there was an increase in information 
                                                                                                                            testing, vulnerability scans and patch management.                  security risk during the year. 
The Manager and third-party providers (including business    Failure by a third-party provider to deliver services          The performance of the Manager, the Administrator, the             Stable 
 processes and continuity)                                    in accordance with its contractual obligations could          Depositary and other third-party providers is subject to            In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding 
 The Company is dependent on third parties for the            disrupt or compromise the functioning of the Company.         regular review and reported to the Board. The Manager, the          of the Manager's internal controls and risk management 
 provision of services and systems, especially those          A material loss of service could result in, among             Administrator and the Depositary produce internal control           systems the Board carries out a formal annual assessment 
 of the Manager, the Administrator and the Depositary.        other things, an inability to perform business critical       reports to provide assurance regarding the effective operation      (supported by the Manager's internal audit function). 
                                                              functions, financial loss, legal liability, regulatory        of internal controls. These reports are provided to the Audit       The Board also received regular reporting from the 
                                                              censure and reputational damage.                              Committee for review. The Committee would seek further              Manager and other third parties. 
                                                                                                                            representations from service providers if not satisfied with        Following this review and other considerations, the 
                                                                                                                            the effectiveness of their control environment. The Audit           Board concluded that there was no material change 
                                                                                                                            Committee formally assesses the internal controls of the            in the Manager and other third-party advisers' risk 
                                                                                                                            Manager, the Administrator and Depositary on an annual basis to     during the year. 
                                                                                                                            ensure adequate controls are in place. The assessment in 
                                                                                                                            respect of the current year is discussed in the Report of the 
                                                                                                                            Audit Committee within the Annual Report. The Management 
                                                                                                                            Agreement and agreements with other third-party service 
                                                                                                                            providers are subject to notice periods that are designed to 
                                                                                                                            provide the Board with adequate time to put in place 
                                                                                                                            alternative arrangements. 
Financial Risks 
Financing                                                    If the Company encountered difficulties in meeting             The Manager monitors the Company's liquidity, overcommitment       Increasing 
 The Company has outstanding commitments that may be          its outstanding commitments, there would be significant        ratio and covenants on a frequent basis, and undertakes            A reduction in the number of potential lenders to 
 drawn down at any time in excess of total liquidity          reputational damage as well as risk of damages being           cash flow monitoring, and provides regular updates                 the Company has increased the risk that the existing 
 to private equity funds. The ability to fund this            claimed from managers and other counterparties.                on these activities to the Board.                                  financing facility cannot be extended or replaced 
 difference is dependent on receiving cash proceeds                                                                                                                                             at its maturity date of February 2026 on the same 
 from investments (the timing of which are unpredictable)                                                                                                                                       terms. This is an area of focus for the Board and 
 and the availability of financing facilities.                                                                                                                                                  the Manager. 

Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2023

Income statement

                         Year to 31 January 2023          Year to 31 January 2022 
                       Revenue   Capital             Revenue   Capital 
                        return    return    Total     return    return    Total 
                Notes   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Income, gains 
 and losses on 
 investments    2, 10     2,224   185,201   187,425     5,501   240,030   245,531 
 interest           2         1        --         1         2        --         2 
Other income        2        46        --        46        --        --        -- 
 gains and 
 losses                      --       337       337        --     (980)     (980) 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                          2,271   185,538   187,809     5,503   239,050   244,553 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 charges            3   (1,701)  (15,312)  (17,013)   (1,342)  (12,075)  (13,417) 
Other expenses 
 costs              4   (2,387)   (3,884)   (6,271)   (2,383)   (2,263)   (4,646) 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
                        (4,088)  (19,196)  (23,284)   (3,725)  (14,338)  (18,063) 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 before tax             (1,817)   166,342   164,525     1,778   224,712   226,490 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Taxation            6       345     (345)        --        --        --        -- 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 for the 
 period                 (1,472)   165,997   164,525     1,778   224,712   226,490 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 shareholders           (1,472)   165,997   164,525     1,778   224,712   226,490 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Basic and       7                           240.19p                       329.97p 
 earnings per 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

The columns headed 'Total' represent the income statement for the relevant financial years and the columns headed 'Revenue return' and 'Capital return' are supplementary information in line with guidance published by the AIC. There is no Other Comprehensive Income.

All profits are from continuing operations.

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form an integral part of the financial statements.

Balance sheet

                                                        31 January  31 January 
                                                           2023        2022 
                                               Notes      GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Non-current assets 
Investments held at fair value               9, 10, 17   1,349,075   1,123,747 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                           11      20,694      41,328 
Receivables                                         12       2,416       2,205 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                            23,110      43,533 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                (65,293)          -- 
Payables                                            13     (6,274)     (9,303) 
Net current assets/(liabilities)                          (48,457)      34,230 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Total assets less current liabilities                    1,300,619   1,157,977 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                       14       7,292       7,292 
Capital redemption reserve                                   2,112       2,112 
Share premium                                               12,936      12,936 
Capital reserve                                          1,279,751   1,135,637 
Revenue reserve                                            (1,472)          -- 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Total equity                                             1,300,619   1,157,977 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 
Net Asset Value per Share (basic and         15           1,903.3p    1,690.1p 
-------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------- 

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form an integral part of the financial statements.

The financial statements on pages 30 to 50 were approved by the Board of Directors on 10 May 2023 and signed on its behalf by:

   Jane Tufnell                Alastair Bruce 
   Director                        Director 

Cash flow statement

                                                   Year to        Year to 
                                                  31 January     31 January 
                                                     2023      2022 (restated) 
                                          Notes    GBP'000         GBP'000 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Operating activities 
Sale of portfolio investments                         32,143           100,982 
Purchase of portfolio investments                   (62,245)          (75,125) 
Cash flow to subsidiaries' 
 investments(1)                                    (238,692)         (247,035) 
Cash flow from subsidiaries' 
 investments(1)                                      228,530           244,511 
Interest income received from portfolio 
 investments                                           1,829             3,647 
Dividend income received from portfolio 
 investments                                             394             1,854 
Other income received                                     46                 2 
Investment management charges paid(2)               (21,218)           (6,207) 
Other expenses paid                                  (1,567)           (1,570) 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating 
 activities                                         (60,780)            21,059 
Financing activities 
Bank facility fee                                    (1,728)           (3,318) 
Interest paid                                        (1,963)              (50) 
Credit facility utilised                              86,659                -- 
Credit facility repaid                              (21,367)                -- 
Purchase of shares into treasury                     (2,016)           (2,679) 
Equity dividends paid                         8     (19,866)          (17,849) 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing 
 activities                                           39,719          (23,896) 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                        (21,061)           (2,837) 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of year                                     11       41,328            45,143 
Net (decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                        (21,058)           (2,837) 
Effect of changes in foreign exchange 
 rates                                                   424             (978) 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year     11       20,694            41,328 
----------------------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------------- 

(1) In the prior year financial statements, 'Cash outflows to subsidiaries' and 'Cash inflows from subsidiaries' were netted within 'Net cash flows to subsidiary investments'. The netted items have been presented gross to display the individual inflows and outflows to provide better clarity for readers of the financial statements in line with IAS 7 with a nil impact on the overall Cash Flow Statement.

(2) Includes settlement of unbilled management fees relating to the prior year (see note 13).

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form an integral part of the financial statements.

Statement of changes in equity

                                                                    Realised                                    Total 
                                     Capital                         capital       Unrealised     Revenue    shareholders' 
                Share capital   redemption reserve  Share premium   reserve(1)   capital reserve   reserve      equity 
                   GBP'000           GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 
Year to 31 
January 2023 
 balance at 1 
 2022                   7,292                2,112         12,936      482,867           652,770        --       1,157,977 
Profit for the 
 year and 
 income                    --                   --             --     (10,431)           176,428   (1,473)         164,524 
 subsidiary(1)             --                   --             --       17,500          (17,500)        --              -- 
Dividends paid 
 or approved               --                   --             --     (19,866)                --        --        (19,866) 
Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                  --                   --             --      (2,016)                --        --         (2,016) 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 
 balance at 31 
 January 2023           7,292                2,112         12,936      468,053           811,698   (1,473)       1,300,618 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 
                                                                      Realised                                       Total 
                                           Capital                     capital        Unrealised   Revenue   shareholders' 
                Share capital   redemption reserve  Share premium   reserve(1)   capital reserve   reserve          equity 
                      GBP'000              GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000           GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 
Year to 31 
January 2022 
 balance at 1 
 2021                   7,292                2,112         12,936      442,063           487,613        --         952,016 
Profit for the 
 year and 
 income                    --                   --             --       59,554           165,158     1,778         226,490 
Dividends paid 
 or approved               --                   --             --     (16,071)                --   (1,778)        (17,849) 
Purchase of 
 shares into 
 treasury                  --                   --             --      (2,679)                --        --         (2,679) 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 
 balance at 31 
 January 2022           7,292                2,112         12,936      482,867           652,770        --       1,157,977 
--------------  -------------  -------------------  -------------  -----------  ----------------  --------  -------------- 

(1) Distributable reserves.

(2) During the reporting period ICG Enterprise Trust Limited Partnership made a distribution of realised profits totalling GBP17.5m to the Company.

The notes on pages 34 to 50 form an integral part of the financial statements.

Notes to the financial statements


General information

These financial statements relate to ICG Enterprise Trust Plc ('the Company'). ICG Enterprise Trust Plc is registered in England and Wales and is incorporated in the United Kingdom. The Company is domiciled in the United Kingdom and its registered office is Procession House, 55 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JW. The Company's objective is to provide long-term growth by investing in private companies managed by leading private equity managers.

(a) Basis of preparation

The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2023 has been prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards ('UK-IAS') and the Statement of Recommended Practice ('SORP') for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies in July 2022.

UK-IAS comprises standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and the IFRS Interpretations Committee.

These financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis and on the historical cost basis of accounting, modified for the revaluation of certain assets at fair value. The directors have concluded that the preparation of the financial statements on a going concern basis continues to be appropriate.

Going concern

In assessing the appropriateness of continuing to adopt the going concern basis of accounting, the Board has assessed the financial position and prospects of the Company. The Company's business activities, together with factors likely to affect its future development, performance, position and cash flows, are set out in the Chair's statement on pages 4 to 6, and the Manager's review on pages 7 to 16.

As part of this review, the Board assessed the potential impact of principal risks and the COVID-19 pandemic on the Company's business activities, the Company's cash position, the availability of the Company's credit facility and compliance with its covenants, and the Company's cash flow projections.

Based on this assessment, the Board expects that the Company will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due until, at least, 31 May 2024, a period of more than 12 months from the signing of the financial statements. Therefore it is appropriate to continue to adopt the going concern basis of preparation of the Company's financial statements.

Climate change

In preparing the financial statements, the directors have considered the impact of climate change, particularly in the context of the climate change risks identified in the Principal risks and uncertainties section of the Strategic Report, and the impact of climate change risk on the valuation of investments.

These considerations did not have a material impact on the financial reporting judgements and estimates in the current year, nor were they expected to have a significant impact on the Group's going concern or viability.

Accounting policies

The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below. These policies have been applied consistently throughout the current and prior year. In order to reflect the activities of an investment trust company, supplementary information which analyses the income statement between items of revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the income statement. In analysing total income between capital and revenue returns, the directors have followed the guidance contained in the SORP as follows:

   -- Capital gains and losses on investments sold and on investments held 
      arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments classified as held 
      at fair value through profit or loss should be shown in the capital 
      column of the income statement. 
   -- Returns on any share or debt security for a fixed amount (whether in 
      respect of dividends, interest or otherwise) should be shown in the 
      revenue column of the income statement. 
   -- The Board should determine whether the indirect costs of generating 
      capital gains should also be shown in the capital column of the income 
      statement. If the Board decides that this should be so, the management 
      fee should be allocated between revenue and capital in accordance with 
      the Board's expected long-term split of returns, and other expenses 
      should be charged to capital only to the extent that a clear connection 
      with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of investments can be 

The accounting policy regarding the allocation of expenses is set out in note 1(i).

In accordance with IFRS 10 (amended), the Company is deemed to be an investment entity on the basis that:

(a) it obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing investors with investment management services;

(b) it commits to its investors that its business purpose is to invest funds for both returns from capital appreciation and investment income; and

(c) it measures and evaluates the performance of substantially all of its investments on a fair value basis.

As a result, the Company's controlled structured entities ('subsidiaries') are deemed to be investment entities and are included in subsidiary investments classified as held at fair value through profit and loss.

(b) Financial assets

The Company classifies its financial assets in the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss; and at amortised cost. The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. The classification of financial assets is determined at initial recognition.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

The Company classifies its quoted and unquoted investments as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. These assets are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value and further details of the accounting policy are disclosed in note 1(c).

Financial assets at amortised cost

Financial assets at amortised cost are non-derivative financial assets which pass the contractual cash flow test and are held to receive contractual cash flows. These are classified as current assets and measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. The Company's financial assets at amortised cost comprise cash and cash equivalents and trade and other receivables in the balance sheet.

(c) Investments

Investments comprise fund investments and portfolio company investments held by the Company directly, together with the fair value of the Company's interest in controlled structured entities (see note 9) which themselves invest in fund investments and portfolio company investments. All investments are classified upon initial recognition as held at fair value through profit or loss (described in these financial statements as investments held at fair value) and are measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value. All investments are fair valued in line with IFRS 13 'Fair Value Measurement', using industry standard valuation guidelines such as the International Private Equity and Venture Capital ('IPEV') valuation guidelines. Changes in the value of all investments held at fair value, which include returns on those investments such as dividends and interest, are recognised in the income statement and are allocated to the revenue column or the capital column in accordance with the SORP (see note 1(a)). More detail on certain categories of investment is set out below. Given that the subsidiaries and associates are held at fair value and are exposed to materially similar risks as the Company, we do not expect the risks to materially differ from those disclosed in note 17.

Unquoted investments

Fund investments and Co-investments (collectively 'unquoted investments') are fair valued using the net asset value of those unquoted investments as determined by the third-party investment manager of those funds. The third-party investment manager performs periodic valuations of the underlying investments in their funds, typically using earnings multiple or discounted cash flow methodologies to determine enterprise value in line with IPEV Guidelines. In the absence of contrary information, these net asset valuations received from the third-party investment managers are deemed to be appropriate by the Manager, for the purposes of the Manager's determination of the fair values of the unquoted investments. A robust assessment is performed by the Manager's experienced Investment Committee to determine the capability and track record of the investment manager. All investment managers are scrutinised by the Investment Committee and an approval process is recorded before any new investment manager is approved and an investment made. This level of scrutiny provides reasonable comfort that the investment manager's valuation will be consistent with the requirement to use fair value.

Adjustments may be made to the net asset values provided or an alternative valuation method may be adopted if deemed to be more appropriate. The most common reason for adjustments to the value provided by an underlying manager is to take account of events occurring between the date of the manager's valuation and the reporting date, for example, subsequent cash flows or notification of an agreed sale.

Quoted investments

Quoted investments are held at the last traded bid price on the balance sheet date. When a purchase or sale is made under contract, the terms of which require delivery within the timeframe of the relevant market, the contract is reflected on the trade date.

Subsidiary undertakings

The investments in the controlled structured entities ('subsidiaries') are recognised at fair value through profit and loss.

The valuation of the subsidiaries takes into account an accrual for the estimated value of interests in the Co-investment Incentive Scheme. Under these arrangements, ICG (the 'Manager') and certain of its executives and, in respect of certain historic investments, the executives and connected parties of Graphite Capital Management LLP (the 'Former Manager') (together 'the Co-investors'), are required to co-invest alongside the Company, for which they are entitled to a share of investment profits if certain performance hurdles are met. At 31 January 2023, the accrual was estimated as the theoretical value of the interests if the Portfolio had been sold at the carrying value at that date.


The Company holds an interest (including indirectly through its subsidiaries) of more than 20% in a small number of investments that may normally be classified as subsidiaries or associates. These investments are not considered subsidiaries or associates as the Company does not exert control or significant influence over the activities of these companies/structured entities as they are managed by other third parties.

(d) Receivables

Receivables include unamortised fees which were incurred directly in relation to the agreement of a financing facility. These fees will be amortised over the life of the facility on a straight-line basis.

(e) Payables

Other payables are non-interest bearing and are stated at their amortised cost, which is not materially different from fair value.

(f) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months or less.

(g) Dividend distributions

Dividend distributions to shareholders are recognised in the period in which they are paid.

(h) Income

When it is probable that economic benefits will flow to the Company and the amount can be measured reliably, interest is recognised on a time apportionment basis.

Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the ex-dividend date. Dividends receivable on equity shares where no ex-dividend date is applicable are brought into account when the Company's right to receive payment is established.

UK dividend income is recorded at the amount receivable. Overseas dividend income is shown net of withholding tax. Income distributions from funds are recognised when the right to distributions is established.

(i) Expenses

All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are allocated to the revenue column in the income statement, consistent with the SORP, with the following exceptions:

   -- Expenses which are incidental to the acquisition or disposal of 
      investments (transaction costs) are allocated to the capital column. 
   -- The Board expects the majority of long-term returns from the Portfolio to 
      be generated from capital gains. Expenses are allocated 90% to the 
      capital column and 10% to the revenue column, reflecting the Company's 
      current and future return profile. Other expenses are allocated to the 
      capital column where a clear connection with the maintenance or 
      enhancement of the value of investments can be demonstrated. 
   -- All expenses allocated to the capital column are treated as realised 
      capital losses (see note 1(l)). 

(j) Taxation

Investment trusts which have approval as such under Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 are not liable for taxation on capital gains.

Tax recognised in the income statement represents the sum of current tax and deferred tax charged or credited in the year. The tax effect of different items of expenditure is allocated between capital and revenue on the same basis as the particular item to which it relates.

Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on the difference between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax assets are not recognised in respect of tax losses carried forward to future periods.

Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the assets are realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.

(k) Foreign currency translation

The functional and presentation currency of the Company is sterling, reflecting the primary economic environment in which the Company operates.

Transactions in currencies other than sterling are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each balance sheet date, financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date.

Gains and losses arising on the translation of investments held at fair value are included within gains and losses on investments held at fair value in the income statement. Gains and losses arising on the translation of other financial assets and liabilities are included within foreign exchange gains and losses in the income statement.

(l) Revenue and capital reserves

The revenue return component of total income is taken to the revenue reserve within the statement of changes in equity. The capital return component of total income is taken to the capital reserve within the statement of changes in equity.

Gains and losses on the realisation of investments including realised exchange gains and losses and expenses of a capital nature are taken to the realised capital reserve (see note 1(i)). Changes in the valuations of investments which are held at the year end and unrealised exchange differences are accounted for in the unrealised capital reserve.

Net gains on the realisation of investments in the controlled structured entities (see note 9) are transferred to the Company by way of profit distributions.

The revenue reserve is distributable by way of dividends to shareholders. The realised capital reserve is distributable by way of dividends and share buybacks. The capital redemption reserve is not distributable and represents the nominal value of shares bought back for cancellation.

(m) Treasury shares

Shares that have been repurchased into treasury remain included in the share capital balance, unless they are cancelled.

(n) Critical estimates and assumptions

Estimates and judgements used in preparing the financial information are continually evaluated and are based on historic experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable. The resulting estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results.

In preparing the financial statements, the directors have considered the impact of climate change on the key estimates within the financial statements.

The only estimates and assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying values of assets and liabilities in the next financial year relate to the valuation of unquoted investments. Unquoted investments are primarily the Company's investments in unlisted funds, managed by third-party investment fund managers and ICG. As such there is significant estimation in the valuation of the unlisted fund at a point in time. Note 1(c) sets out the accounting policy for unquoted investments. The carrying amount of unquoted investments at the year end is disclosed within note 10.

(o) Segmental reporting

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of the segments has been identified as the Board. It is considered that the Company's operations comprise a single operating segment.

(p) Company Restatement

The Company has restated its cash flow statement in the prior year to include the following presentational changes:

   -- The adjusting item in respect of 'Net cashflows to subsidiary 
      investments' has been replaced with two separate line items representing 
      gross cashflows to and from subsidiaries 
   -- In order to maintain consistency, the Company has also amended the 
      description used in Note 10 to describe investment transactions with 
      subsidiary undertakings 


                                      Year ended   Year ended 
                                       31 January   31 January 
                                          2023         2022 
                                        GBP'000      GBP'000 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Income from investments 
UK investment income                      --           -- 
Overseas interest and dividends             2,224        5,501 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                            2,224        5,501 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Deposit interest on cash                        1            2 
Other                                          46           -- 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                               47            2 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total income                                2,271        5,503 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Analysis of income from investments 
Quoted overseas                                --           -- 
Unquoted                                    2,224        5,501 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                            2,224        5,501 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 


Management fees paid to ICG for managing the Enterprise Trust amounted to 1.34% (2022: 1.25%) of the average net assets in the year. This movement is due to an increase in the relative value of fee-bearing assets and commitments compared to non-fee bearing assets and commitments. The management fee charged for managing the Company remains at 1.4% (2022: 1.4%) of the fair value of invested assets and 0.5% (2022: 0.5%) of outstanding commitments, in both cases excluding funds managed by Graphite Capital (the Former Manager) and ICG. From 1 February 2023 the management fee is subject to a cap of 1.25% of net asset value. No fee is charged on cash or liquid asset balances.

The amounts charged during the year are set out below.

                  Year ended 31 January 2023        Year ended 31 January 2022 
                 Revenue    Capital    Total     Revenue    Capital    Total 
                 GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
--------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 charge             1,701     15,312    17,013      1,342     12,075    13,417 
--------------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ---------  -------- 

The Company and its subsidiaries also incur management fees in respect of its investment in funds managed by members of ICG on an arms-length basis.

                                     Year ended   Year ended 
                                      31 January   31 January 
                                         2023         2022 
                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
ICG Strategic Equity IV                      999          389 
ICG Strategic Secondaries II                  80           -- 
ICG Strategic Equity III                     284          320 
ICG Europe VII                               126          318 
ICG Europe Mid-Market                        111           84 
ICG Europe VIII                              568          266 
ICG Europe VI                                 43           71 
ICG Recover Fund 2008B                        32           31 
ICG North American Private Debt II            26           -- 
ICG Asia Pacific III                          25           38 
ICG Europe V                                   8           20 
ICG Recovery Fund 2006B                       --           -- 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total                                      2,302        1,537 
-----------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 


The Company did not employ any staff in the year to 31 January 2023 (2022: none).

                                                             Year ended 31       Year ended 31 
                                                              January 2023        January 2022 
                                                            GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Directors' fees (see note 5)                                             288               262 
Fees payable to the Company's auditors for the audit 
 of the Company's annual accounts                               156               156 
Fees payable to the Company's auditors and its associates 
 for other services: 
-- Audit of the accounts of the subsidiaries                    135               122 
-- Audit-related assurance services                              55                39 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Total auditors' remuneration(1)                                          346               317 
Administrative expenses                                                1,322             1,503 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
                                                                       1,956             2,082 
Bank facility costs allocated to revenue                                 235               252 
Interest expense allocated to revenue                                    196                50 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Expenses allocated to revenue                                          2,387             2,383 
Bank facility costs allocated to capital                               3,884             2,263 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
Total other expenses                                                   6,271             4,646 
----------------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 

(1) The auditors of the Company have additionally provided GBP14k (2022: GBP13k) of non-audit related services permitted under the Financial Reporting Council's ('FRC') Revised Ethical Standards. The service related to agreed upon procedures over the Company's carried interest scheme. These expenses have been charged to the Manager of the Company.

Included within Total other expenses above are GBP4.3m (2022: GBP2.6m) of costs related to financing and GBP0.1m (2022: GBP0.3m) of other expenses which are non-recurring and are excluded from the Ongoing Charges as detailed in the Glossary on page 54.

Professional fees of GBP0.2m (2022: GBP0.1m) incidental to the acquisition or disposal of investments are included within gains/(losses) on investments held at fair value.


The fees paid by the Company to the directors and the directors' interests in the share capital of the Company are shown in the Directors' Remuneration Report in the Annual Report. No income was received or receivable by the directors from any other subsidiary of the Company.


In both the current and prior years the tax charge was lower than the standard rate of corporation tax of 19%, principally due to the Company's status as an investment trust, which means that capital gains are not subject to corporation tax. The effect of this and other items affecting the tax charge are shown in note 6(b) below.

The UK Government has announced an increase to the standard rate of corporation tax from 19% to 25% with effect from 1 April 2023. This is not expected to have a material impact on the Company.

                                                        Year ended   Year ended 
                                                         31 January   31 January 
                                                            2023         2022 
                                                          GBP'000      GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
a) Analysis of charge in the year 
Tax charge on items allocated to revenue                   (345)         -- 
Tax credit on items allocated to capital                    345          -- 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Corporation tax                                             --           -- 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
b) Factors affecting tax charge for the year 
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                    164,524      226,490 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by standard 
 rate of corporation tax in the UK of 19% (2022: 19%)        31,260       43,033 
Effect of: 
-- Net investment returns not subject to corporation 
 tax                                                       (35,252)     (45,419) 
-- Dividends not subject to corporation tax                    (75)        (295) 
-- Current year management expenses not 
 utilised/(utilised)                                           4067          655 
-- Other movements in respect of subsidiary 
 investments                                                     --        2,026 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total tax charge                                                 --           -- 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The Company has GBP29.5m excess management expenses carried forward (2022: GBP28.7m). No deferred tax assets or liabilities (2022: nil) have been recognised in respect of the carried forward management expenses due to the uncertainty that future taxable profit will be generated that these losses can be offset against. For all investments the tax base is equal to the carrying amount. There was no deferred tax expense relating to the origination and reversal of timing differences in the year (2022: nil).


                                                  Year ended   Year ended 
                                                  31 January   31 January 
                                                        2023         2022 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Revenue return per ordinary share                     (2.15)        2.59p 
Capital return per ordinary share                    242.34p      327.38p 
Earnings per ordinary share (basic and diluted)      240.19p      329.97p 
-----------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

Revenue return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the revenue return attributable to equity shareholders of GBP(1.5)m (2022: GBP1.8m) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

Capital return per ordinary share is calculated by dividing the capital return attributable to equity shareholders of GBP166.0m (2022: GBP224.7m) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share are calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to equity shareholders of GBP164.5m (2022: GBP226.5m) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (excluding those held in treasury) during the year was 68,496,802 (2022: 66,638,288). There were no potentially dilutive shares, such as options or warrants, in either year.


                                                     Year ended   Year ended 
                                                      31 January   31 January 
                                                         2023         2022 
                                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Third quarterly dividend in respect of year ended 
 31 January 2022: 6p per share (2021: 5.0p)                4,111        3,438 
Final dividend in respect of year ended 31 January 
 2022: 9p per share (2021: 9.0p)                           6,167        6,189 
First quarterly dividend in respect of year ended 
 31 January 2023: 7p per share (2022: 6.0p)                4,796        4,111 
Second quarterly dividend in respect of year ended 
 31 January 2023: 7p per share (2022: 6.0p)                4,792        4,111 
---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total                                                     19,866       17,849 
---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

The Company paid a third quarterly dividend of 7.0p per share in March 2022. The Board has proposed a final dividend of 9p per share in respect of the year ended 31 January 2023 which, if approved by shareholders, will be paid on 21 July 2023 to shareholders on the Register of Members at the close of business on 6 July 2023.


Subsidiary undertakings (controlled structured entities)

Subsidiaries of the Company as at 31 January 2023 comprise the following controlled structured entities, which are registered in England and Wales. Subsidiaries of the Company's direct subsidiaries are reported as indirect subsidiaries.

Direct subsidiaries         Ownership interest 2023  Ownership interest 2022 
-------------------------   -----------------------  ----------------------- 
ICG Enterprise Trust 
 Limited Partnership                          97.5%                    97.5% 
ICG Enterprise Trust (2) 
 Limited Partnership                          97.5%                    97.5% 
ICG Enterprise Trust 
 Co-investment Limited 
 Partnership                                  99.0%                    99.0% 
--------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
Indirect subsidiaries       Ownership interest 2023  Ownership interest 2022 
-------------------------   -----------------------  ----------------------- 
ET Holdings LP                                99.5%                    99.5% 
ICG Morse Partnership LP                      99.5%                    99.5% 
ICG Lewis Partnership LP                      99.5%                    99.5% 
--------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 

In accordance with IFRS 10 (amended), the subsidiaries are not consolidated and are instead included in unquoted investments at fair value.

The value of the subsidiaries is shown net of an accrual for the interests of the Co-investors (ICG and certain of its executives, and, in respect of certain historical investments, the executives and connected parties of Graphite Capital, the Former Manager) in the Co-investment Incentive Scheme. As at 31 January 2023, a total of GBP58.1m (2022: GBP49.2m) was accrued in respect of these interests. During the year the Co-investors invested GBP1.8 (2022: GBP0.2m) into ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment Limited Partnership. Payments received by the Co-investors amounted to GBP8.2m or 3.3% of GBP252.0m Total Proceeds received in the year (2022: GBP9.2m or 0.3% of GBP342.9m proceeds received).

Unconsolidated structured entities

The Company's principal activity is investing in private equity funds and directly into private companies. Such investments may be made and held via a subsidiary. The majority of these investments are unconsolidated structured entities as defined in IFRS 12.

The Company holds interests in closed-ended limited partnerships which invest in underlying companies for the purposes of capital appreciation. The Company and the other limited partners make commitments to finance the investment programme of the relevant manager, who will typically draw down the amount committed by the limited partners over a period of four to six years (see note 16).

The table below disaggregates the Company's interests in unconsolidated structured entities. The table presents for each category the related balances and the maximum exposure to loss.

Total          investments  Co-investment Incentive Scheme Accrual  Maximum loss exposure 
investments      GBP'000                    GBP'000                        GBP'000 
------------  ------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------- 
As at 31 
 2023            1,404,293                                (58,098)              1,346,195 
As at 31 
 2022            1,171,302                                (49,157)              1,122,145 
------------  ------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------- 

The Company also holds investments of GBP2.9m (2022: GBP1.6m) that are not unconsolidated structured entities. Further details of the Company's investment Portfolio are included in the Supplementary information section on page 17.


The tables below analyse the movement in the carrying value of the Company's investment assets in the year. In accordance with accounting standards, subsidiary undertakings of the Company are reported at fair value rather than on a 'look-through' basis.

An investee fund is considered to generate realised gains or losses if it is more than 85% drawn and has returned at least the amount invested by the Company. All gains and losses arising from the underlying investments of such funds are presented as realised. All gains and losses in respect of fund investments that have not satisfied the above criteria are presented as unrealised.

Direct Investments are considered to generate realised gains or losses when they are sold.

Investments are held by both the Company and through its subsidiaries. An analysis of gains and losses on an underlying investment look-through basis is presented on page xx within the Other information section.

                                                          Quoted   Unquoted         undertakings          Total 
                                                          GBP'000   GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Cost at 1 February 2022                                        --    164,996                   368,264    533,260 
Net unrealised appreciation at 1 February 2022                 --     37,013                   553,474    590,487 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Valuation at 1 February 2022                                   --    202,009                   921,738  1,123,747 
Movements in the year: 
-- Purchases                                                   --     62,245                               62,245 
-- Net movement of investments with subsidiary 
 undertakings(2)                                                                                10,162     10,162 
-- Sales 
-- Capital proceeds                                            --   (32,137)                             (32,137) 
-- Realised gains/(losses) based on carrying value 
 at previous balance sheet date                                --      9,311                                9,311 
-- Movement in unrealised appreciation                                27,750                   147,997    175,747 
Valuation at 31 January 2023                                   --    269,178                 1,079,897  1,349,075 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Cost at 31 January 2023                                        --    195,104                   378,426    573,531 
Net unrealised appreciation for the year to 31 January 
 2023                                                          --     74,074                   701,471    775,544 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Valuation at 31 January 2023                                   --    269,178                 1,079,897  1,349,075 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
                                                           Quoted   Unquoted   undertakings (restated)      Total 
                                                          GBP'000    GBP'000                   GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Cost at 1 February 2021                                     1,410    394,393                   136,393    532,196 
Net unrealised appreciation at 1 February 2021             34,292    200,116                   140,958    375,366 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Valuation at 1 February 2021                               35,702    594,509                   277,351    907,562 
Movements in the year: 
-- Transfer to subsidiary undertakings -- Cost(1)              --  (232,126)                   232,126         -- 
-- Transfer to subsidiary undertakings -- Unrealised 
 appreciation(1)                                               --  (210,875)                   210,875         -- 
-- Purchases                                                   --     75,125                               75,125 
-- Net movement of investments with subsidiary 
 undertakings(2)                                                                                 2,524      2,524 
-- Sales 
-- Capital proceeds                                      (35,702)   (65,280)                        --  (100,982) 
-- Realised gains/(losses) based on carrying value 
 at previous balance sheet date                                --      1,968                        --      1,968 
-- Movement in unrealised appreciation                         --     38,687                   198,862    237,550 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Valuation at 31 January 2022                                   --    202,009                   921,738  1,123,747 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Cost at 31 January 2022                                        --    164,996                   368,264    533,260 
Net unrealised appreciation for the year to 31 January 
 2022                                                          --     37,013                   553,474    590,487 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 
Valuation at 31 January 2022                                   --    202,009                   921,738  1,123,747 
-------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  ------------------------  --------- 

(1) On 26 February 2021, the Company finalised a new bank facility of EUR200m (GBP177m, translated at the rate prevailing on the day the facility became available for use) with Credit Suisse. The facility was agreed to strengthen the Company's financial position and replace the previous facility that was in place at the year end. The new facility requires at least GBP500m of investments be held in a single entity in order to provide security for the facility. To meet this criteria, a new subsidiary of the Company, ET Holdings LP, was incorporated on 15 December 2020. During February and March 2021 the Company completed a number of transfers of its investments, as well as transfers of investments from the Company's subsidiary ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment LP, to ET Holdings LP. In addition, during the year to 31 January 2023, ET Holdings LP entered into a number of new investments in its own right. The fair value of investments held in ET Holdings LP as at 31 January 2023 is GBP837.8m.

(2) In the prior year financial statements, net investment movements with subsidiary undertakings were presented as 'Purchases'. The presentation has been updated in the prior year to 'Net movement of investments with subsidiary undertakings'

                                                      31 January  31 January 
                                                         2023        2022 
                                                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Realised gains based on cost                               9,311      79,908 
Amounts recognised as unrealised in previous years            --    (77,940) 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Realised gains based on carrying values at previous 
 balance sheet date                                        9,311       1,968 
Increase in unrealised appreciation                      175,747     237,550 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Gains on investments                                     185,058     239,518 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

'Realised gains based on cost' represents the total increase in value, compared to cost, of those funds which meet the criteria set out in page X. These gains are adjusted for amounts previously reported as unrealised (and included within the fair value at the previous balance sheet date) to determine the 'Realised gains based on carrying values at previous balance sheet date'.

Gains on investments includes the 'Realised gains based on carrying values at previous balance sheet date' together with the net fair value movement on the balance of the investee funds.

Related undertakings

At 31 January 2023, the Company held direct and indirect interests in six limited partnership subsidiaries. These interests, net of the incentive accrual as described in note 9, were:

Investment                                   31 January 2023  31 January 20022 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 
ICG Enterprise Trust Limited Partnership               99.9%             99.9% 
ICG Enterprise Trust (2) Limited 
 Partnership                                           66.5%             66.5% 
ICG Enterprise Trust Co-investment Limited 
 Partnership                                           66.0%             66.0% 
ICG Enterprise Holdings LP                             99.5%             99.5% 
ICG Morse Partnership LP                               99.5%             99.5% 
ICG Lewis Partnership LP                               99.5%             99.5% 
-------------------------------------------  ---------------  ---------------- 

The registered address and principal place of business of the subsidiary partnerships is Procession House, 55 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JW.

In addition the Company held an interest (including indirectly through its subsidiaries) of more than 20% in the following entities. These investments are not considered subsidiaries or associates as the Company does not exert control or have significant influence over the activities of these companies/partnerships.

As at 31 January 2023 
Investment                       Instrument                      % interest(1) 
-------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------- 
Graphite Capital Partners VII 
 Top Up Plus(3)                  Limited partnership interests           20.0% 
Graphite Capital Partners VIII 
 Top Up(3)                       Limited partnership interests           41.1% 
ICG LP Secondaries Fund(4)       Limited partnership interests           33.0% 
-------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------- 
As at 31 January 2022 
Investment                       Instrument                      % interest(1) 
-------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------- 
Cognito IQ Limited(2)            Preference shares                       44.0% 
Cognito IQ Limited(2)            Ordinary shares                         34.5% 
Graphite Capital Partners VII 
 Top Up Plus(3)                  Limited partnership interests           20.0% 
Graphite Capital Partners VIII 
 Top Up(3)                       Limited partnership interests           41.1% 
-------------------------------  ------------------------------  ------------- 
   1. The percentage shown for limited partnership interests represents the 
      proportion of total commitments to the relevant fund. The percentage 
      shown for shares represents the proportion of total shares in issue. 
   2. Address of principal place of business is Rivergate House, Newbury 
      Business Park, London Road, Newbury RG14 2PZ. 
   3. Address of principal place of business is 7 Air Street, Soho, London W1B 
   4. Address of principal place of business is Procession House, 55 Ludgate 
      Hill, London, EC4M 7JW 


                           31 January  31 January 
                              2023        2022 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Cash at bank and in hand       20,694      41,328 
-------------------------  ----------  ---------- 


                                 31 January  31 January 
                                    2023        2022 
                                   GBP'000     GBP'000 
-------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Prepayments and accrued income        2,416       2,205 
-------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

As at 31 January 2023, prepayments and accrued income included GBP2.3m (2022: GBP2.2m) of unamortised costs in relation to the bank facility. Of this amount GBP0.5m (2022: GBP0.7m) is expected to be amortised in less than one year.


                      31 January  31 January 
                         2023        2022 
                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
--------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Accruals                   6,274       9,303 
Bank facility drawn       65,293          -- 
--------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Payables -- current       71,567       9,303 
--------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Accruals in the prior year included unbilled management fees in respect of that year which were settled in the current year.


                                     Authorised        Issued and fully paid 
                                             Nominal                  Nominal 
Equity share capital              Number      GBP'000     Number      GBP'000 
------------------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  --------- 
Balance at 31 January 2023 and 
 31 January 2022                120,000,000    12,000    72,913,000      7,292 
------------------------------  -----------  --------  ------------  --------- 

All ordinary shares have a nominal value of 10.0p. At 31 January 2023 and 31 January 2022, 72,913,000 shares had been allocated, called up and fully paid. During the year 191,480 shares were bought back in the market and held in treasury (2022: 250,000 shares). At 31 January 2023, the Company held 4,577,425 shares in treasury (2022: 4,395,945) and had 68,335,575 (2022: 68,517,055) shares outstanding, all of which have equal voting rights.


The net asset value per share is calculated on equity attributable to equity holders of GBP1,300.6m (2022: GBP1,158.0m) and on 68,335,575 (2022: 68,517,055) ordinary shares in issue at the year end. There were no potentially dilutive shares, such as options or warrants, at either year end. Calculated on both the basic and diluted basis the net asset value per share was 1,903.3p (2022: 1,690.1p).


The Company and its subsidiaries had uncalled commitments in relation to the following Portfolio investments:

                                                      31 January  31 January 
                                                         2023        2022 
                                                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
ICG Asia Pacific Fund III(2)                               3,159       2,895 
ICG Europe VI(1)                                           4,459       4,214 
ICG Europe VII(1)                                          6,765      10,348 
ICG Europe VIII(1)                                        28,551      30,590 
ICG Europe Mid-Market Fund(1)                              8,536       9,909 
ICG North American Private Debt Fund II(2)                 3,232       4,234 
ICG Strategic Secondaries Fund II(2)                      17,041      15,613 
ICG Strategic Equity Fund III(2)                          11,269      10,325 
ICG Strategic Equity IV(2)                                15,943      17,369 
ICG LP Secondaries Fund I LP                              27,443          -- 
ICG Ludgate Hill (Feeder B) SCSp(1)                       14,393      13,724 
ICG Ludgate Hill (Feeder) II Boston SCSp(2)                8,077       5,161 
ICG Ludgate Hill (Feeder) IIIA Porsche SCSp(2)             1,467          -- 
ICG Augusta Partners Co-Investor(2)                       18,895      17,636 
ICG Dallas Co-Investment(2)                                1,400       1,282 
ICG Colombe Co-investment(1)                               1,750       2,355 
Commitments of less than GBP1,000,000 at 31 January 
 2023                                                      7,178       4,809 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Total ICG funds                                          179,558     150,464 
Graphite Capital Partners IX                               5,805       8,882 
Graphite Capital Partners VIII(2)                          2,194       4,408 
Graphite Capital Partners VII(1,2)                           907       1,554 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Total Graphite funds                                       8,906      14,844 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
   1. Includes interest acquired through a secondary fund purchase. 
   2. Includes the associated Top Up funds. 
                                                      31 January  31 January 
                                                         2023        2022 
                                                        GBP'000     GBP'000 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
PAI Europe VIII                                         22,045        -- 
Advent International X                                  16,313        -- 
Green Equity Investors Side IX                          16,234        -- 
Gridiron V                                              13,881        -- 
Bain VI                                                 13,227        -- 
Permira VIII                                            13,227        -- 
CDR XII                                                 12,175        -- 
Thomas H Lee Equity Fund IX                               11,266      14,318 
Integrum I                                                 8,117          -- 
BC XI                                                      8,050       8,626 
Seventh Cinven Fund                                        6,421       7,566 
PAI Mid-Market Fund                                        5,811       6,788 
Bain XIII                                                  5,743          -- 
CVC European Equity Partners VIII                          5,589      10,078 
Investindustrial VII                                       5,021       8,283 
Leeds VII                                                  4,770       7,033 
Charlesbank X                                              4,711       5,733 
New Mountain VI                                            4,517       7,272 
PAI VII                                                    4,501      10,182 
European Camping Group II                                  4,409          -- 
Gridiron Capital Fund III                                  4,401       4,066 
Hg Genesis X                                               4,371          -- 
Carlyle Europe Partners V                                  4,351       4,394 
Bowmark Capital Partners VI                                4,279       7,230 
FSN VI                                                     4,236       6,126 
GI Partners VI                                             4,119       5,246 
Thoma Bravo XV                                             4,109          -- 
Hg Saturn III                                              4,028          -- 
GHO Capital III                                            3,722       6,672 
Bain Tech Opportunities II                                 3,409          -- 
Bregal Unternehmerkapital III                              3,360       7,200 
CDR XI                                                     3,151          -- 
AEA VII                                                    3,010       5,867 
Ivanti                                                     2,997       2,746 
Gryphon V                                                  2,564          -- 
Tailwind III                                               2,471          -- 
Thomas H Lee Equity Fund VIII                              2,398       3,719 
Apax X                                                     2,351       4,390 
Resolute V                                                 2,307       7,787 
Hellman Friedman X                                         2,275       3,382 
Ambassador Theatre Group                                   2,196       2,087 
Commitments of less than GBP2,000,000 at 31 January 
 2023                                                     52,130      43,026 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Total third party                                        308,262     253,303 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
Total commitments                                        496,726     418,611 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

The Company and its subsidiaries had no other unfunded commitments to investment funds. Commitments made by the Company and its subsidiaries are irrevocable.

As at 31 January 2023, the Company (excluding its subsidiaries) had uncalled commitments in relation to the above Portfolio of GBP55.0m (2022: GBP76.0m). The Company did not have any contingent liabilities at 31 January 2023 (2022: None).

The Company's subsidiaries, which are not consolidated, had the balance of uncalled commitments in relation to the above Portfolio of GBP441.7m (2022: GBP342.6m). The Company is responsible for financing its pro-rata share of those uncalled commitments (see note 9).


The Company is an investment company as defined by Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006 and conducts its affairs so as to qualify as an investment trust under the provisions of Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 ('Section 1158'). The Company's objective is to provide long-term growth by investing in private companies managed by leading private equity managers.

Investments in funds have anticipated lives of approximately 10 years. Direct Investments are made with an anticipated holding period of between three and five years.

Financial risk management

The Company's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (comprising currency risk, interest rate risk and price risk), investment risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company's overall risk management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Company's financial performance. The Board has overall responsibility for managing the risks and the framework for monitoring and coordinating these risks. The Audit Committee regularly reviews, identifies and evaluates the risks taken by the Company to allow them to be appropriately managed. All of the Company's management functions are delegated to the Manager which has its own internal control and risk monitoring arrangements. The Committee makes a regular assessment of these arrangements, with reference to the Company's risk matrix. The Company's financial risk management objectives and processes used to manage these risks have not changed from the previous period and the policies are set out below:

Market risk

(i) Currency risk

The Company's investments are principally in continental Europe, the US and the UK, and are primarily denominated in euro, US dollars and sterling. There are also smaller amounts in other European currencies. The Company's investments in controlled structured entities are reported in Sterling. The Company is exposed to currency risk in that movements in the value of sterling against these foreign currencies will affect the net asset value and the cash required to fund undrawn commitments. The Board regularly reviews the level of foreign currency denominated assets and outstanding commitments in the context of current market conditions and may decide to buy or sell currency or put in place currency hedging arrangements. No hedging arrangements were in place during the financial year.

The composition of the net assets of the Company by reporting currency at the year end is set out below:

                           Sterling     Euro    US dollar   Other      Total 
31 January 2023             GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
Investments                1,112,572    89,120    147,165       218  1,349,075 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 and other net current 
 assets                     (65,250)    14,817      1,721       255   (48,457) 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                           1,047,323   103,937    148,886       473  1,300,618 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                            Sterling      Euro  US dollar     Other      Total 
31 January 2022              GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
Investments                  950,837    62,743    109,985       182  1,123,747 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 and other net current 
 assets                       14,413    12,648      6,906       263     34,230 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                             965,250    75,391    116,891       445  1,157,977 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 

The effect of a 25% increase or decrease in the sterling value of the euro would be a fall of GBP28.6m and a rise of GBP106.0m in the value of shareholders' equity and on profit after tax at 31 January 2023 respectively (2022: a fall of GBP66.1m and a rise of GBP46.7m based on 25% increase or decrease).

The effect of a 25% increase or decrease in the sterling value of the US dollar would be a fall of GBP113.7m and a rise of GBP191.0m in the value of shareholders' equity and on profit after tax at 31 January 2023 respectively (2022: a fall of GBP112.8m and a rise of GBP92.6m based on 25% movement).

These sensitivity figures are based on the currency of the location of the underlying portfolio companies' headquarters. The percentages applied are based on market volatility in exchange rates observed in prior periods.

(ii) Interest rate risk

The Company's assets primarily comprise non-interest bearing investments in funds and non-interest bearing investments in portfolio companies. The fair values of these investments are not significantly directly affected by changes in interest rates. The Company's net debt balance is exposed to interest rate risk; the financial impact of this risk is currently immaterial.

The Company is indirectly exposed to interest rate risk through the impact of interest rates on the performance of investments in funds and portfolio companies as a result of interest rate changes impacting the underlying manager valuation. This performance impact as a result of interest rate risk is recognised through the valuation of those investments, which will be affected by the impact of any change in interest rates on the financial performance of the underlying portfolio companies and also on any valuation of those investments for sale. The Company is not able to quantify how a change in interest rates would impact valuations.

(iii) Price risk

The risk that the value of a financial instrument will change as a result of changes to market prices is one that is fundamental to the Company's objective, which is to provide long-term capital growth through investment in unquoted companies. The investment Portfolio is continually monitored to ensure an appropriate balance of risk and reward in order to achieve the Company's objective.

The Company is exposed to the risk of change in value of its private equity investments. For all investments the market variable is deemed to be the price itself. The table below shows the impact of a 30% increase or decrease in the valuation of the investment Portfolio. The percentages applied are reasonable based on the Manager's view of the potential for volatility in the Portfolio valuations under stressed conditions.

                             31 January 2023                   31 January 2022 
                          Increase      Decrease      Increase      Decrease 
30% movement in the      in variable   in variable   in variable   in variable 
price of investments       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
----------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 
Impact on profit after 
 tax                         388,422     (349,350)       319,449     (330,909) 
Impact as a percentage 
 of profit after tax          236.1%      (239.7)%        141.0%      (146.1)% 
Impact as a percentage 
 of shareholders' 
 equity                        29.9%       (30.3)%         27.6%       (28.6)% 
----------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------ 

A reasonably possible percentage change in relation to the earnings estimates or Enterprise Value/EBITDA multiples used by the underlying managers to value the private equity fund investments and co-investments may result in a significant change in fair value of unquoted investments.

Investment and credit risk

(i) Investment risk

Investment risk is the risk that the financial performance of the companies in which the Company invests either improves or deteriorates, thereby affecting the value of that investment. Investments in unquoted companies whether indirectly or directly are, by their nature, subject to potential investment losses. The investment Portfolio is highly diversified in order to mitigate this risk.

(ii) Credit risk

The Company's exposure to credit risk arises principally from its investment in cash deposits. The Company aims to invest the majority of its liquid portfolio in assets which have low credit risk. The Company's policy is to limit exposure to any one investment to 15% of gross assets. This is regularly monitored by the Manager as a part of its cash management process.

Cash is held on deposit with Royal Bank of Scotland ('RBS') and totalled GBP20.7m (2022: GBP41.3m).RBS currently has a credit rating of A1 from Moody's. This represented the maximum exposure to credit risk at the balance sheet date. No collateral is held by the Company in respect of these amounts. None of the Company's cash deposits or money market fund balances were past due or impaired at 31 January 2023 (2022: nil) and as a result of this, no ECL provision has been recorded.

Liquidity risk

The Company makes commitments to private equity funds in advance of that capital being invested, typically in illiquid, unquoted companies. These commitments are in excess of the Company's total liquidity, therefore resulting in an overcommitment. When determining the appropriate level of overcommitment, the Board considers the rate at which commitments might be drawn down, typically over four to six years, versus the rate at which existing investments are sold and cash realised. The Company has an established liquidity management policy, which involves active monitoring and assessment of the Company's liquidity position and its overcommitment risk. This is regularly reviewed by the Board and incorporated into the Board's assessment of the viability of the Company. This process incorporates balance sheet and cash flow projections, including scenarios with varying levels of Portfolio gains and losses, fund drawdowns and realisations, availability of the credit facility, exchange rates, and possible remedial action that the Company could

undertake if required in the event of significant Portfolio declines.

At the year end, the Company had cash and cash equivalents totalling GBP20.7m and had access to committed bank facilities of GBP167.0m maturing in February 2026, which is a multi-currency revolving credit facility provided by Credit Suisse. The key terms of the facility are:

   -- Upfront cost: 100bps. 
   -- Non-utilisation fees: 114bps per annum. 
   -- Margin on drawn amounts: 300bps per annum. 

As at 31 January 2023 the Company's total financial liabilities amounted to GBP71.6m (2022: GBP9.3m) of payables which were due in less than one year, which includes accrued balances payable in respect of the credit facility above.

Capital risk management

The Company's capital is represented by its net assets, which are managed to achieve the Company's investment objective. As at the year end, the Company had net debt of GBP44.6m (2022: GBPnil).

The Board can manage the capital structure directly since it has taken the powers, which it is seeking to renew, to issue and buy back shares and it also determines dividend payments. The Company is subject to externally imposed capital requirements with respect to the obligation and ability to pay dividends by Section 1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and by the Companies Act 2006, respectively. Total equity at 31 January 2023, the composition of which is shown on the balance sheet, was GBP1,300.6m (2022: GBP1,158.0m).

Fair values estimation

IFRS 13 requires disclosure of fair value measurements of financial instruments categorised according to the following fair value measurement hierarchy:

   -- Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or 
      liabilities (level 1). 
   -- Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are 
      observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as 
      prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2). 
   -- Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market 
      data (that is, unobservable inputs) (level 3). 

The valuation techniques applied to level 3 assets are described in note 1(c) of the financial statements. No investments were categorised as level 2.

The Company's policy is to recognise transfers into and transfers out of fair value hierarchy levels at the end of the reporting year when they are deemed to occur.

The sensitivity of the Company's investments to a change in value is discussed on pages 46.

The following table presents the assets that are measured at fair value at 31 January 2023 and 31 January 2022:

                                      Level 1    Level 2   Level 3     Total 
As at 31 January 2023                 GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Investments held at fair value 
Unquoted investments -- indirect           --         --    158,896    158,896 
Unquoted investments -- direct             --         --    110,282    110,282 
Quoted investments -- direct               --         --         --         -- 
Subsidiary undertakings                    --         --  1,079,897  1,079,897 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total investments held at fair 
 value                                     --         --  1,349,075  1,349,075 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                                      Level 1    Level 2   Level 3     Total 
As at 31 January 2022                 GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Investments held at fair value 
Unquoted investments -- indirect           --         --    140,060    140,060 
Unquoted investments -- direct             --         --     61,949     61,949 
Quoted investments -- direct               --         --         --         -- 
Subsidiary undertakings                    --         --    921,738    921,738 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total investments held at fair 
 value                                     --         --  1,123,747  1,123,747 
----------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

All unquoted and quoted investments are valued at fair value in accordance with IFRS 13. The Company has no quoted investments as at 31 January 2023; quoted investments held by subsidiary undertakings are reported within Level 3.

Investments in level 3 securities are in respect of private equity fund investments and co-investments. These are held at fair value and are calculated using valuations provided by the underlying manager of the investment, with adjustments made to the statements to take account of cash flow events occurring after the date of the manager's valuation, such as realisations or liquidity adjustments.

The following tables present the changes in level 3 instruments for the year to 31 January 2023 and 31 January 2022.

                                                        Unquoted investments (indirect) at fair value through  Unquoted investments (direct) at fair value through 
                                                                            profit or loss                                        profit or loss                    Subsidiary undertakings    Total 
31 January 2023                                                                GBP'000                                               GBP'000                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Opening balances                                                                                      123,319                                               78,689                  921,738  1,123,747 
Additions                                                                                              20,894                                               34,151                   10,162     72,407 
Disposals                                                                                            (27,475)                                              (4,661)                       --   (32,136) 
Gains and losses recognised in profit or loss                                                          34,958                                                2,103                  147,997    185,057 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Closing balance                                                                                       158,896                                              110,282                1,079,897  1,349,075 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Total gains for the year included in income statement 
 for assets held at the end of the reporting period                                                     9,816                                               17,934                  147,997    175,747 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
                                                        Unquoted investments (indirect) at fair value through  Unquoted investments (direct) at fair value through 
                                                                            profit or loss                                        profit or loss                    Subsidiary undertakings    Total 
31 January 2022                                                                GBP'000                                               GBP'000                                GBP'000           GBP'000 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Opening balances                                                                                      442,696                                              151,813                  277,351    871,860 
Additions                                                                                              33,479                                               41,647                    2,524     77,649 
Transfer to Subsidiary undertakings                                                                 (349,295)                                             (93,706)                  443,001         -- 
Disposals                                                                                            (34,115)                                             (31,165)                       --   (65,280) 
Gains and losses recognised in profit or loss                                                          30,555                                               10,100                  198,862    239,517 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Closing balance                                                                                       123,319                                               78,689                  921,738  1,123,747 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 
Total gains for the year included in income statement 
 for assets held at the end of the reporting period                                                    28,587                                               10,100                  198,862    237,549 
------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------- 


Significant transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries are shown below:

                                                      Year ended   Year ended 
                                                       31 January   31 January 
                                                          2023         2022 
Subsidiary                 Nature of transaction        GBP'000      GBP'000 
-------------------------  -------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
ICG Enterprise Trust       Increase in amounts owed 
 Limited Partnership        to subsidiaries                    --        5,884 
                           (Decrease) in amounts 
                           owed by subsidiaries          (17,470)           -- 
                           Income allocated                    10           -- 
-------------------------  -------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
ICG Enterprise Trust (2)   Increase in amounts owed 
 Limited Partnership        to subsidiaries                 5,776       11,318 
                           (Decrease) in amounts 
                           owed by subsidiaries                --           -- 
 Income allocated                                             403          740 
 ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
ICG Enterprise Trust       Increase in amounts owed 
 Co-investment LP           by subsidiaries                43,949       52,773 
 Income allocated                                           2,605        6,687 
 ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
ICG Enterprise Holdings    Increase in amounts owed 
 LP                         to subsidiaries                22,904       22,820 
                           Decrease in amounts owed 
                           by subsidiaries                     --           -- 
 Income allocated                                           6,603        9,824 
 ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                           Increase in amounts owed 
ICG Morse Partnership LP    by subsidiaries                 5,107        3,282 
                           Decrease in amounts owed 
                           to subsidiaries                                  -- 
                           Income allocated                    --           -- 
-------------------------  -------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
                           Increase in amounts owed 
ICG Lewis Partnership LP    by subsidiaries                 2,344           71 
 Decrease in amounts owed by subsidiaries                      --           -- 
 Income allocated                                              --           -- 
 ---------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

For the purpose of IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures, key management personnel comprised the Board of Directors. Details of remuneration are disclosed below and in further detail in the Directors' Remuneration Report.

Remuneration in 
the year 
(audited)                  Fees              Expenses                    Total 
                      2023      2022      2023      2022      2023      2022 
Name                 GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Jane Tufnell              67        65        --        --        67        65 
Alastair Bruce            54        52        --        --        54        52 
Gerhard Fusenig           44        42         4         2        48        44 
Adiba Ighodaro            26        --        --        --        26        -- 
Janine Nicholls           26        --        --        --        26        -- 
Sandra Pajarola           19        42         2         2        23        44 
Lucinda Riches            --        17        --        --        --        17 
David Warnock             44        42        --        --        44        42 
------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
Total                    280       260         6         4       288       264 
------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 

Amounts owed by/to subsidiaries represent the Company's loan account balances with those entities, to which the Company's share of drawdowns and distributions in respect of those entities are credited and debited respectively.

                 Amounts owed by subsidiaries     Amounts owed to subsidiaries 
                  31 January      31 January      31 January      31 January 
Subsidiary       2023 GBP'000    2022 GBP'000    2023 GBP'000    2022 GBP'000 
--------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 
ICG Enterprise 
 Trust Limited 
 Partnership                --              --           8,299          25,769 
ICG Enterprise 
 Trust (2) 
 Partnership                --              --          22,908          17,132 
ICG Enterprise 
 LP                    250,742         206,792              --              -- 
ICG Enterprise 
 Holdings LP                --              --          45,725          22,820 
ICG Morse 
 LP                     14,513           9,405              --              -- 
ICG Lewis 
 LP                      6,062           3,718              --              -- 
--------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  -------------- 

The Company and its subsidiaries' total shares in funds and co-investments managed by the Company's Manager are:

                                   Year ended 31 January 2023                 Year ended 31 January 2022 
                                           Remaining                                                Remaining 
                          Original         commitment  Fair value investment       Original         commitment  Fair value investment 
Fund/Co-investment    commitment GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000          commitment GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000 
-------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------------------  -------------------  -----------  --------------------- 
ICG Asia Pacific 
 Fund III(2)                      12,175        3,159                  8,454               11,155        2,895                  8,814 
ICG Europe V(1)                   13,359          730                    603               12,845          767                  1,569 
ICG Europe VI(1)                  22,044        4,459                  6,030               20,884        4,214                 14,262 
ICG Europe VII(1)                 35,270        6,765                 33,425               33,414       10,348                 36,073 
ICG Europe VIII(1)                35,270       28,551                  7,227               66,828       30,590                  2,712 
ICG Europe 
 Fund(1)                          17,635        8,536                 11,888               16,707        9,909                  7,899 
ICG North American 
 Private Debt Fund 
 II(2)                             8,117        3,232                  5,053                7,437        4,234                  3,389 
ICG Strategic 
 Secondaries Fund 
 II(2)                            28,409       17,041                 10,913               26,028       15,613                  8,829 
ICG Strategic 
 Equity Fund 
 III(2)                           32,468       11,269                 35,610               29,746       10,325                 35,022 
ICG Strategic 
 Equity IV(2)                     32,468       15,943                 22,133               59,493       17,369                 15,177 
ICG European Fund 
 2006 B(1)                         7,515          506                     49                7,119          479                     57 
ICG Recovery Fund 
 2008 B(1)                         5,108          892                  4,500               10,024          845                  4,752 
ICG LP Secondaries 
 Fund I LP                        48,701       27,443                 30,817                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Ludgate Hill 
 (Feeder B) 
 SCSp(1)                          39,679       14,393                 34,428               37,591       13,724                     -- 
ICG Ludgate Hill 
 (Feeder) II Boston 
 SCSp(2)                          16,234        8,077                 11,227                7,437        5,161                 12,003 
ICG Ludgate Hill 
 (Feeder) IIIA 
 Porsche SCSp(2)                  20,292        1,467                 23,376                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Augusta 
 Co-Investor(2)                   20,292       18,895                 15,419               18,592       17,636                 12,886 
ICG Cross Border(2)                4,058          223                  3,941                3,718          290                  3,477 
ICG Velocity 
 Co-Investor(2)                   12,175          654                     99               11,155          599                    159 
ICG Sunrise 
 Co-Investment(1)                  4,409           90                  5,425                2,088           91                  4,209 
ICG Cheetah 
 Co-Investment(1)                  6,172          714                  9,990                5,847          680                  8,086 
ICG Dallas 
 Co-Investment(2)                  8,929         1400                   8583                4,090        1,282                  7,102 
ICG Diocle 
 Co-Investment(1)                  9,623          153                    109                9,117          145                 14,798 
ICG Colombe 
 Co-investment(1)                 13,226         1750                 12,922               20,756        2,355                 12,051 
 Co-Investment(1)                 12,345          225                 27,547               11,695          213                 22,086 
ICG Progress 
 Co-Investment(2)                  8,123          594                 11,721                7,437          544                  9,916 
ICG Trio 
 Co-Investment(1)                 16,980           38                  7,016                7,521           36                  6,873 
ICG Match 
 Co-Investment(2)                 10,557          132                 18,608                7,437          121                 20,137 
ICG Vanadium 
 Co-Investment                    13,226          259                 12,968                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Crown 
 Co-Investment                     4,058          176                  3,882                   --           --                     -- 
 Co-Investment                     8,818          176                  8,642                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Newton 
 Co-Investment                    12,812          393                 14,175                   --           --                     -- 
ICG EOS Loan Fund I 
 Ltd                               1,771           --                      6                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Topvita 
 Co-Investment                    16,165          724                      3                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Holiday 
 Co-Investor I                     2,336          296                  2,040                   --           --                     -- 
ICG Holiday 
 Co-Investor II                    1,723          205                  1,517                   --           --                     -- 
Total                            562,542      179,560                410,346              456,161      150,465                272,338 
-------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------------------  -------------------  -----------  --------------------- 
   1. Euro denominated positions translated to sterling at spot rate on 31 
      January 2023 and 31 January 2022. 
   2. US dollar denominated positions translated to sterling at spot rate on 31 
      January 2023 and 31 January 2022. 

At the balance sheet date the Company has fully funded its share of capital calls due to ICG-managed funds in which it is invested.


There have been no material events since the balance sheet date.


Term                               Short form      Definition 
---------------------------------  -------------- 
                                                   Alternative Performance Measures are a term defined 
                                                    by the European Securities and Markets Authority as 
                                                    "financial measures of historical or future performance, 
                                                    financial position, or cash flows, other than a financial 
                                                    measure defined or specified in the applicable financial 
                                                    reporting framework". 
                                                    APMs are used in this report if considered by the 
                                                    Board and the Manager to be the most relevant basis 
                                                    for shareholders in assessing the overall performance 
                                                    of the Company and for comparing the performance of 
                                                    the Company to its peers, taking into account industry 
                                                    Definitions and reconciliations to IFRS measures are 
                                                    provided in the main body of the report or in this 
Alternative Performance Measures   APMs             Glossary, where appropriate. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Carried interest is equivalent to a performance fee. 
                                                    This represents a share of the profits that will accrue 
                                                    to the underlying private equity managers, after achievement 
Carried interest                                    of an agreed Preferred Return. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Cash drag is the negative impact on performance arising 
                                                    as a result of the allocation of a portion of the 
Cash drag                                           entity's assets to cash. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Co-investment is a Direct Investments in a company 
Co-investment                                       alongside a private equity fund. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Co-investment Incentive Scheme Accrual represents 
                                                    the estimated value of interests in the Co-investment 
Co-investment Incentive Scheme                      Incentive Scheme operated by the subsidiary partnerships 
Accrual                                             of the Company. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Commitment represents the amount of capital that each 
                                                    investor agrees to contribute to a fund or a specific 
Commitment                                          investment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Deployment                                         Please see 'Total new investment'. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   An investment in a portfolio company held directly, 
                                                    not through a private equity fund. Direct Investments 
                                                    are typically co-investments with a private equity 
Direct Investments                                  fund. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Discount arises when the Company's shares trade at 
                                                    a price below the Company's NAV per Share. In this 
                                                    circumstance, the price that an investor pays or receives 
                                                    for a share would be less than the value attributable 
                                                    to it by reference to the underlying assets. The Discount 
                                                    is the difference between the share price and the 
                                                    NAV, expressed as a percentage of the NAV. For example, 
                                                    if the NAV was 100p and the share price was 90p, the 
Discount                                            Discount would be 10%. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Drawdowns are amounts invested by the Company when 
                                                    called by underlying managers in respect of an existing 
Drawdowns                                           Commitment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Stands for earnings before interest, tax, depreciation 
                                                    and amortisation, which is a widely used performance 
EBITDA                                              measure in the private equity industry. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Enterprise Value is the aggregate value of a company's 
Enterprise Value                   EV               entire issued share capital and Net Debt. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   The Exclusion List defines the business activities 
Exclusion List                                      which are excluded from investment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   The change in the level of the FTSE All-Share Index, 
                                                    assuming that dividends are re- invested on the day 
FTSE All-Share Index Total Return                   that they are paid. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Full Exits are exit events (e.g., trade sale, sale 
                                                    by public offering, or sale to a financial buyer) 
                                                    following which the residual exposure to an underlying 
                                                    company is zero or immaterial; this does not include 
Full Exits                                          Fund Disposals. See 'Fund Disposals'. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Fund Disposals are where the Company receives sales 
                                                    proceeds from the full or partial sale of a fund position 
Fund Disposals                                      within the secondary market. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   The General Partner is the entity managing a private 
General Partner                    GP               equity fund. This is commonly referred to as the manager. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Hedging is an investment technique designed to offset 
                                                    a potential loss on one investment by purchasing a 
                                                    second investment that is expected to perform in the 
Hedging                                             opposite way. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   An Initial Public Offering is an offering by a company 
                                                    of its share capital to the public with a view to 
                                                    seeking an admission of its shares to a recognised 
Initial Public Offering            IPO              stock exchange. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Internal Rate of Return is a measure of the rate of 
                                                    return received by an investor in a fund. It is calculated 
                                                    from cash drawn from and returned to the investor, 
Internal Rate of Return            IRR              together with the residual value of the investment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Investment Period is the period in which funds are 
                                                    able to make new investments under the terms of their 
                                                    fund agreements, typically up to five years after 
Investment Period                                   the initial Commitment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Last Twelve Months refers to the timeframe of the 
                                                    immediately preceding 12 months in reference to financial 
Last Twelve Months                 LTM              metrics used to evaluate the Company's performance. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   The Limited Partner is an institution or individual 
                                                    who commits capital to a private equity fund established 
                                                    as a Limited Partnership. These funds are generally 
                                                    protected from legal actions and any losses beyond 
Limited Partner                    LP               the original investment. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   A Limited Partnership includes one or more General 
                                                    Partners, who have responsibility for managing the 
                                                    business of the partnership and have unlimited liability, 
                                                    and one or more Limited Partners, who do not participate 
                                                    in the operation of the partnership and whose liability 
                                                    is ordinarily capped at their capital and loan contribution 
                                                    to the partnership. In typical fund structures, the 
                                                    General Partner receives a priority share ahead of 
Limited Partnership                                 distributions to Limited Partners. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Net Asset Value per Share is the value of the Company's 
                                                    net assets attributable to one Ordinary share. It 
                                                    is calculated by dividing 'shareholders' funds' by 
                                                    the total number of ordinary shares in issue. Shareholders' 
                                                    funds are calculated by deducting current and long-term 
                                                    liabilities, and any provision for liabilities and 
Net Asset Value per Share          NAV per Share    charges, from the Company's total assets. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Net Asset Value per Share Total Return is the change 
                                                    in the Company's Net Asset Value per Share, assuming 
Net Asset Value per Share Total                     that dividends are re- invested at the end of the 
 Return                                             quarter in which the dividend was paid. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Net cash/debt is calculated as net debt / (cash) divided 
                                                    by the NAV. It is a measure of financial leverage. 
                                                    A negative percentage indicates the Company has a 
Net cash/debt                                       net cash position. 
                                                   Net Debt is calculated as the total short-term and 
Net Debt                                            long-term debt in a business, less cash and cash equivalents. 
---------------------------------  --------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                   Ongoing Charges are calculated in line with guidance 
                                                    issued by the Association of Investment Companies 
                                                    ('AIC') and capture management fees and expenses, 
                                                    excluding finance costs, incurred at the Company level 
                                                    only. The calculation does not include the expenses 
Ongoing charges                                     and management fees incurred by any underlying funds. 
                                                   31 January   Total per income statement  Amount excluded from AIC Ongoing Charges  Included Ongoing Charges 
                                                   2023                   GBP'000                            GBP'000                           GBP000 
  Management fees                                                                   17,030                                        --                    17,030 
  General expenses                                                                   1,955                                        98                     1,857 
  Finance costs                                                                      4,316                                     4,316                        -- 
  Total                                                                             23,300                                     4,414                    18,887 
  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Total Ongoing Charges                                                                                                                                 18,887 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Average NAV                                                                                                                                        1,272,342 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Ongoing Charges as % of NAV                                                                                                                           1.48 % 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
                                                   31 January   Total per income statement  Amount excluded from AIC Ongoing Charges  Included Ongoing Charges 
                                                   2022                            GBP'000                                   GBP'000                    GBP000 
  Management fees                                                                   13,417                                        --                    13,417 
  General expenses                                                                   2,082                                       491                     1,591 
  Finance costs                                                                      2,565                                     2,565                        -- 
  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Total                                                                             18,064                                     3,056                    15,008 
  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------  ----------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Total Ongoing Charges                                                                                                                                 15,008 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Average NAV                                                                                                                                        1,070,494 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
  Ongoing Charges as % of NAV                                                                                                                           1.40 % 
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------ 
Other Net Liabilities                               Other Net Liabilities at the aggregated Company level 
                                                     represent net other liabilities per the Company's 
                                                     balance sheet. Net other liabilities per the balance 
                                                     sheet of the subsidiaries include amounts payable 
                                                     under the Co-investment Incentive Scheme Accrual. 
-------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Overcommitment                                      Overcommitment refers to where private equity fund 
                                                     investors make Commitments exceeding the amount of 
                                                     cash immediately available for investment. When determining 
                                                     the appropriate level of Overcommitment, careful consideration 
                                                     needs to be given to the rate at which Commitments 
                                                     might be drawn down, and the rate at which realisations 
                                                     will generate cash from the existing Portfolio to 
                                                     fund new investment. 
-------------------------------------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
             Portfolio represents the aggregate of the investment 
              Portfolios of the Company and of its subsidiary Limited 
              Partnerships. This APM is consistent with the commentary 
              in previous annual and interim reports. The Board 
              and the Manager consider that disclosing our Portfolio 
              assists shareholders in understanding the value and 
              performance of the underlying investments selected 
              by the Manager. It is shown before the Co-investment 
              Incentive Scheme Accrual to avoid being distorted 
              by certain funds and Investments on which ICG Enterprise 
              Trust Plc does not incur these costs (for example, 
              on funds managed by ICG plc). Portfolio is related 
              to the NAV, which is the value attributed to our shareholders, 
              and which also incorporates the Co-investment Incentive 
              Scheme Accrual as well as the value of cash and debt 
              retained on our balance sheet. 
              The value of the Portfolio at 31 January 2023 is GBP1,406.4m 
Portfolio     (31 January 2022: GBP1,172.2m). 
                                           IFRS Balance sheet fair                                                                  Incentive 
             31 January 2023 GBPm                   value                   Net assets of subsidiary limited partnerships        Scheme Accrual   Total Company and subsidiary Limited Partnership 
             --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Investments(1)                                              1,349.1                                                     (0.8)             58.1                                           1,406.4 
  Cash                                                           20.7                                                                                                                         20.7 
  Other Net Liabilities                                        (69.2)                                                       0.8           (58.1)                                           (126.5) 
  -------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Net assets                                                  1,300.6                                                                                                                      1,300.6 
  -------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
                                              IFRS Balance sheet fair                                                                  Incentive 
             31 January 2022 GBPm                               value  Balances receivable from subsidiary Limited Partnerships   Scheme Accrual  Total Company and subsidiary Limited Partnership 
             --------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Investments(1)                                              1,123.7                                                     (0.6)             49.1                                           1,172.2 
  Cash                                                           41.3                                                                                                                         41.3 
  Other Net Liabilities                                         (7.1)                                                       0.6           (49.1)                                            (55.6) 
  -------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Net assets                                                  1,157.9                                                                                                                      1,157.9 
  -------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
             (1) Investments as reported on the IFRS balance sheet 
              at fair value comprise the total of assets held by 
              the Company and the net asset value of the Company's 
              investments in the subsidiary Limited Partnerships. 
----------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Portfolio    Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis represents 
Return on     the change in the valuation of the Company's Portfolio 
a Local       before the impact of currency movements and Co-investment 
Currency      Incentive Scheme Accrual. The Portfolio return of 
Basis         10.5% is calculated as follows: 
                                                                                                                                     January 31, 
                                                                                                                           GBPm             2023                                  January 31, 2022 
             --------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Income, gains and losses on Investments                                                                                                  190.0                                             245.5 
  Foreign exchange gains and losses included in gains 
   and losses on investments                                                                                                              (76.4)                                              17.2 
  Incentive accrual valuation movement                                                                                                       9.0                                              16.7 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Total gains on Portfolio investments excluding impact 
   of foreign exchange                                                                                                                     122.6                                             279.4 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Opening Portfolio valuation                                                                                                            1,172.2                                             949.2 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
  Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis                                                                                              10.5 %                                            29.4 % 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
Term                                         form    Definition 
-------------------------------------------  ------ 
                                                     A reconciliation between the Portfolio Return on Local 
Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis            Currency Basis and NAV per Share Total Return is disclosed 
 (continued)                                          under 'Total Return'. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Portfolio Company refers to an individual company 
Portfolio Company                                     in an investment portfolio. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Preferred Return is the preferential rate of return 
                                                      on an individual investment or a portfolio of investments, 
Preferred Return                                      which is typically 8% per annum. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Premium occurs when the share price is higher than 
                                                      the NAV and investors would therefore be paying more 
                                                      than the value attributable to the shares by reference 
Premium                                               to the underlying assets. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     A Quoted Company is any company whose shares are listed 
Quoted Company                                        or traded on a recognised stock exchange. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Realisation Proceeds are amounts received in respect 
                                                      of underlying realisation activity from the Portfolio 
                                                      and exclude any inflows from the sale of fund positions 
Realisation Proceeds                                  via the secondary market. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Realisations - Multiple to Cost is the average return 
                                                      from Full Exits from the Portfolio in the period on 
Realisations - Multiple to Cost                       a primary investment basis, weighted by cost. 
                                                                                                                    January  31 January 
                                                     GBPm                                                            2023       2022 
                                                     ------------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ---------- 
  Realisation Proceeds from Full Exits in the year-to-date                                                            133.2       211.5 
  Cost                                                                                                                 50.1       108.1 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------- 
                                                     Average return Multiple to Cost                                   2.7x        2.6x 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ======================================================  =====  =======  ========== 
                                                     Realisations -- Uplift To Carrying Value is the aggregate 
                                                      uplift on Full exits from the Portfolio in the period 
                                                      excluding publicly listed companies that were exited 
Realisations -- Uplift To Carrying Value              via sell downs of their shares. 
                                                                                                                    January  31 January 
                                                     GBPm                                                              2023        2022 
                                                     ------------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ---------- 
  Realisation Proceeds from Full Exits in the year-to-date                                                            133.2       210.5 
  Prior Carrying Value (at previous quarterly valuation 
   prior to exit)                                                                                                     107.5       154.4 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------- 
  Realisations -- Uplift To Carrying Value                                                                            23.9%       36.3% 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------- 
                                                     Secondary Investments occur when existing private 
                                                      equity fund interests and Commitments are purchased 
Secondary Investments                                 from an investor seeking liquidity. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Share Price Total Return is the change in the Company's 
                                                      share price, assuming that dividends are re-invested 
Share Price Total Return                              on the day that they are paid. 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Total New Investment is the total of direct Co-investment 
                                                      and fund investment Drawdowns in respect of the Portfolio. 
                                                      In accordance with IFRS 10, the Company's subsidiaries 
                                                      are deemed to be investment entities and are included 
                                                      in subsidiary investments within the financial statements. 
                                                      Movements in the cash flow statement within the financial 
                                                      statements reconcile to the movement in the Portfolio 
Total New Investment                                  as follows: 
                                                                                                                    January  31 January 
                                                                                                             GBPm      2023        2022 
                                                     ------------------------------------------------------  -----  -------  ---------- 
  Purchase of Portfolio investments per cash flow statement                                                            62.2        75.1 
  Purchase of Portfolio investments within subsidiary 
   investments                                                                                                        225.0       228.8 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------- 
  Total New Investment                                                                                                287.2       303.7 
  -------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------  -------  ---------- 
Term          form    Definition 
------------  ------ 
                      Total Proceeds are amounts received by the Company 
                       in respect of the Portfolio, which may be in the form 
                       of capital proceeds or income such as interest or 
                       dividends. In accordance with IFRS 10, the Company's 
                       subsidiaries are deemed to be investment entities 
Total                  and are included in subsidiary investments within 
Proceeds               the financial statements. 
                      GBPm                                                                                     31 January 2023  31 January 2022 
                      ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Sale of Portfolio investments per cash flow statement                                                                   32.1            101.0 
  Sale of Portfolio investments, interest received, 
   and dividends received within subsidiary investments                                                                  217.7            236.4 
  Interest income per cash flow statement                                                                                  1.8              2.0 
  Dividend income per cash flow statement                                                                                  0.4              1.6 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Total Proceeds                                                                                                         252.0            342.9 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Fund Disposals                                                                                                            --              9.4 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Realisation Proceeds                                                                                                   252.0            333.5 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      Total Return is a performance measure that assumes 
                       the notional re-investment of dividends. This is a 
                       measure commonly used by the listed private equity 
Total Return           sector and listed companies in general. 
                      The table below sets out the share price and the Net 
                       Asset Value per Share growth figures for periods of 
                       one, three, five and ten years to the balance sheet 
                       date on an annualised Total Return basis: 
                      Total Return performance in years to 31 July 2022 
                       (annualised)                                                    1 year         3 years          5 years         10 years 
                      ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Net Asset Value per Share                                                            14.4 %          20.3 %           16.8 %           13.8 % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Share price                                                                         (2.3) %           8.5 %            9.7 %           11.6 % 
  FTSE All-Share Index                                                                  5.2 %           5.0 %            4.2 %            6.3 % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
                      The table below shows the breakdown of the one-year 
                       Net Asset Value per Share Total Return for the period: 
                      Change in NAV (% of opening NAV)                                                         31 January 2023  31 January 2022 
                      ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Portfolio Return on a Local Currency Basis                                                                            10.5 %           29.4 % 
  Currency movements on the Portfolio                                                                                    6.5 %          (1.8) % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Portfolio return in sterling                                                                                          17.0 %           27.6 % 
  Impact of (net cash)/net debt                                                                                          0.2 %          (0.1) % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Impact of net portfolio movement on net asset value                                                                   17.2 %           27.5 % 
  Expenses and other income                                                                                            (1.8) %          (1.5) % 
  Incentive accrual valuation movement                                                                                 (1.2) %          (1.8) % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Increase in Net Asset Value per Share before buy backs                                                                14.2 %           24.2 % 
  Impact of share buy backs & dividend reinvestment                                                                      0.3 %            0.2 % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
  Net Asset Value per Share Total Return                                                                                14.5 %           24.4 % 
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ---------------  --------------- 
Undrawn Commitments    Undrawn Commitments are Commitments that have not 
                        yet been drawn down (please see 'Drawdowns'). 
--------------------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Unquoted Company       An Unquoted Company is any company whose shares are 
                        not listed or traded on a recognised stock exchange. 
--------------------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Valuation Date         The date of the valuation report issued by the underlying 
--------------------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Valuation Multiples    Valuation Multiples are earnings (EBITDA), or revenue 
                        multiples applied in determining the value of a business 
--------------------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

(1) From 1 February 2023 up to and including 2 May 2023


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 11, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

Copyright (c) 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
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