RNS No 6027k
12th November 1998

Not for release or distribution in or into Canada, Australia or Japan
                   Day Runner UK plc ("Day Runner")
       Recommended Cash Offer for Filofax Group plc ("Filofax")

By  3.00pm (London time) on 12 November 1998 valid acceptances of  the
Offer  had  been received in respect of a total of 20,296,606  Filofax
Shares, representing approximately 84.07 per cent. of the issued share
capital of Filofax.  This includes acceptances in respect of 5,383,084
Filofax  Shares  representing approximately 22.30  per  cent.  of  the
Filofax  issued share capital, held by directors and a former director
of  Filofax and certain of their families and associated interests who
entered  into  irrevocable  undertakings  to  accept  the  Offer.   In
addition,  during the offer period, Day Runner has acquired  3,590,000
Filofax  Shares,  representing approximately 14.87 per  cent.  of  the
issued  share capital of Filofax.  Therefore, in total Day Runner  now
owns  or  has  received valid acceptances of the Offer in  respect  of
23,886,606 Filofax Shares, representing approximately 98.94 per  cent.
of the issued share capital of Filofax.

The  directors  and former director of Filofax and  members  of  their
families   and  associated  interests  who  entered  into  irrevocable
undertakings  to  accept the Offer also held in  aggregate  a  further
295,388  Filofax  Shares, representing 1.22 per cent.  of  the  issued
share  capital  of  Filofax, prior to the commencement  of  the  Offer

Save as disclosed above, neither Day Runner nor any persons acting, or
deemed  to  be  acting, in concert with Day Runner  held  any  Filofax
Shares   (or   rights  over  such  shares)  immediately   before   the
commencement of the Offer Period, or has acquired or agreed to acquire
Filofax Shares (or rights over Filofax Shares) during the Offer Period
and  no  acceptances of the Offer have been received from any  persons
acting, or deemed to be acting, in concert with Day Runner.

Day  Runner  now owns or has received valid acceptances in respect  of
approximately 98.88 per cent. of the Filofax shares to which the Offer
relates.    Accordingly,  Day  Runner  will  shortly  post  compulsory
acquisition notices pursuant to Section 429 of the Companies Act  1985
to all those Filofax shareholders who have not yet accepted the Offer.
The  transfer of the compulsorily acquired Filofax Shares is  expected
to take place prior to 31 December 1998.

The Offer remains open for acceptance until further notice.

Press Enquiries:

Wasserstein Perella      Howard Covington         0171 446 8000
                    Karen Dodd               0171 446 8000

Cazenove            Julian Cazalet           0171 825 9350
                    Edmund Byers             0171 825 9113

Brunswick           James Bradley            0171 404 5959
                    Victoria Sabin           0171 404 5959

Wasserstein  Perella, which is regulated in the UK by  The  Securities
and  Futures  Authority  Limited, is acting for  Day  Runner  and  Day
Runner, Inc. and no one else in connection with the Offer and will not
be  responsible to anyone other than Day Runner and Day  Runner,  Inc.
for  providing  the protections afforded to customers  of  Wasserstein
Perella nor for giving advice in relation to the Offer.

The  Offer  is  not  being made, directly or indirectly,  in  or  into
Canada,  Australia  or  Japan.  Accordingly, neither  copies  of  this
announcement  nor any related offering documents are to be  mailed  or
otherwise distributed or sent in or into Canada, Australia or Japan.

This  announcement  does  not constitute an  offer  or  invitation  to
purchase any securities.

The  definitions set out in the Offer Document dated 30 September 1998
have  the  same  meanings  in  this announcement  unless  the  context
otherwise requires.



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