RNS Number:4650A
Fenner PLC
9 November 1999

Contact:  Colin Cooke

          Mark Abrahams
          Chief Executive
          Telephone:     0171 282 8000 until 12.00pm
             Thereafter: 01482 626501

                            Fenner PLC
       Preliminary results for the year ended 31 August 1999
                       Chairman's Statement
                                         1999         1998
Highlights                               #000         #000

Turnover*                             196,112       215,893
Operating profit
  before exceptional
  items*                               16,053        22,622
Earnings per
share - before exceptional
  on sale
  of operations                         9.18p       14.02p
-    after exceptional
-      items/loss on sale
-      of operations                    6.40p        7.23p
Dividends per
   share                                5.675p       5.60p
Gearing                                 23.0%        13.8%
*Continuing operations

We have experienced challenging conditions in all our markets. A
satisfactory underlying performance by the majority of the Group's
businesses has been held back by significantly reduced volumes in
our UK automotive business.

We continue to have a strong balance sheet which will enable us to
make strategic investments.

Turnover, Profits and Dividends
The year to 31 August 1999 has seen challenging trading conditions
in all our markets, characterised by adverse price pressures.
Despite market conditions, the Group's underlying performance has
been satisfactory, notwithstanding substantial trading losses in
our UK automotive plant which continues to suffer from reduced

In the low inflation and highly competitive environments in which
the Group operates we continue to retain market share. Group
turnover for the year from continuing operations amounted to #196m
(1998: #216m), generating an operating profit before exceptional
items of #16.1m (1998: #22.6m). A strong operational cashflow
performance in the second half of the year has left net borrowings
at a low level.

Cost reduction and reorganisation programmes, in particular in our
automotive business, have absorbed #3.3m of exceptional costs
during the year, leaving a profit before tax of #11.1m (1998:
#15.2m) and underlying earnings per share of 9.18p (1998:14.02p).

The continued strength of the majority of our businesses has led
the Board to recommend an increased final dividend of 3.75p
(1998:3.70p) which, when taken together with the interim dividend
of 1.925p (1998:1.90p), gives a total for the year of 5.675p

Investment and Shareholder Value
Following the heavy capitalexpenditure programmes of the 
last three years 1999 has seen a lower level of expenditure (#6.7m against
depreciation of #8.8m).We continue to provide the necessary development
resources to those areas of the Group's activities which offer the best
opportunity for growth and value enhancement.

The Group's recent share price performance, in common with many
smaller market capitalised groups, continues to be disappointing
and fails to recognise the very real value and future potential of
the businesses. We remain committed to developing investment
programmes and pursuing opportunities to create further prospects
for value-enhancing growth in all our operations.

Divisional Trading
                                     Turnover    Return on
Year ended 31 August 1999                  #m      sales %

Advanced Engineered
  Products                               51.6         6.0
Conveyor Belting                        103.0        11.0
Fluid Power                              42.3        10.3

Whilst turnover and margins in our Advanced Engineered Products
Division were, as outlined above, significantly depressed by lack
of volume at our UK automotive plant, both Conveyor Belting and
Fluid Power achieved satisfactory margins, albeit on slightly
reduced turnovers.

Many challenges have faced our business teams during the
year and the overall financial results fail to reflect the
successes which have been achieved. Thanks to the commitment and
dedication shown by our employees, we remain confident that each
of our businesses retains good prospects and I thank them on
behalf of the shareholders for their individual and collective
contributions to progress.

Following recent awards an increase in both enquiry levels
and order schedules provides a more encouraging outlook for the
automotive business. The mining markets worldwide remain variable
although in some territories there are signs of improvement.

In the absence of buoyancy in the majority of our markets, current
results are benefiting from the efficiency improvements carried
out last year. The Group continues to derive a large proportion of
turnover and profit from North America and this, combined with the
improving Asian economies, represents the best prospect for

Colin Cooke, Chairman

Group Profit and Loss Accountfor the financial year ended 31
August 1999
                                         1999                       1998
                          BeforeExceptional     Before    Exceptional
                     exceptional      items     exceptional  items           
                          items    (note 3)Total   items  (note 3) Total   
                    Note   #000    #000    #000     #000   #000    #000

Continuing operations  2 196,112    -    196,112  215,893      -   215,893
  operations           2       -    -       -      69,172      -    69,172     
                             ----   ----    ----     ----    ----    ----
                         196,112    -    196,112  285,065      -   285,065
Cost of sales           (146,563)(2,910)(149,473)(200,085)     -  (200,085)   
                             ----   ----    ----    ----     ----    ----
Gross profit              49,549 (2,910)  46,639   84,980      -    84,980
Distribution costs       (16,610)  (180) (16,790) (34,130)     -   (34,130)
Administrative expenses  (16,886)  (257) (17,143) (26,190)     -   (26,190)   
                           ----    ----     ----     ----    ----    ----
Operating profit
Continuing operations2    16,053 (3,347)  12,706   22,622      -    22,622
  operations         2        -    -        -       2,038      -     2,038
                          16,053 (3,347)  12,706   24,660      -    24,660
                            ----   ----    ----     ----    ----      ----
Share of
  operating profit
  in associated
  undertaking                               799                        832
Loss on sale
  and termination
  of operations                               -                     (6,942)
                                             ----                   ----
Profit on
  ordinary activities
  before interest                         13,505                    18,550
Net interest
  payable                                 (2,271)                   (3,108)
Share of
  net interest
  payable in
  associated undertaking                    (139)                     (248)   
                                            ----                       ---
Profit on                                                         
  ordinary activities
  before taxation                          11,095                   15,194
Taxation on
  profit on
  ordinary activities  4                   (4,374)                  (7,449)
                                             ----                     ----
Profit on
  ordinary activities
  after taxation                            6,721                    7,745
Minority equity
  interests                                  (186)                    (349)
                                             ----                      ----
Profit for
  the year                                   6,535                   7,396
Dividends                5                  (5,799)                 (5,732)
                                              ----                     ----
Retained profit
  for the
  year                                         736                   1,664
Retained byFenner PLC
  and subsidiary
  undertakings                                 405                   1,388
Associated undertaking                         331                     276
                                              ----                    ----
                                               736                   1,664
Earnings per shareBasic - before
  exceptional items
  /loss on
  sale of operations   6                      9.18p                  14.02p
Basic -after
  exceptional items
  /loss on
sale of operations     6                      6.40p                   7.23p
Diluted - after
  exceptional items/
  loss  on sale
  of operations        6                      6.39p                   7.22p

Group Balance Sheetat 31 August 1999
                                                1999   1998
                            Note                #000    #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                 52      60
Tangible assets                               65,998  68,416
Investments -
  Associated undertaking                       2,716   2,359
- Other                                        1,021   1,523
                                               ----    ----                   
                                              69,787  72,358                  
                                               ----    ----
Current assets
Stocks                                        29,431  30,800
- Amounts
  falling due
  within one year                             38,097  42,710 
- Amounts falling
  due after
  more than
  one year                                     2,262   3,508
Cash at bank
  and in hand                                 71,845  75,386
                                                ----   ----                   
                                             141,635 152,404
Creditors - Amounts
  falling due
  within one year                            (49,334)(56,453)
                                               ----    ----
Net current
  assets                                      92,301  95,951
                                                ----   ----
Total assets
  less current
  liabilities                                162,088 168,309
Creditors - Amounts
  falling due
  after more
  than one year                              (81,954)(84,791)
Provisions for
  liabilities and
  charges                                     (7,764)(11,978)
                                                ----   ----
Net assets                                     72,370 71,540
Capital and reserves
Called up
  share capital                                25,589 25,589
Share premium account                             432    432
reserve                                         4,392 5,077O
ther reserve                                    6,392  6,392
Associated undertaking                          2,582  2,225
Profit and
  loss account                                 29,632 28,685
                                                 ----  ----

Shareholders' funds
  - Equity interest                    7      69,019  68,400
Minority equity
  interests                                    3,351   3,140
                                                ----    ----
Total funds employed                          72,370  71,540

Group Cash Flow Statementfor the financial year ended 31 August

                                              1999           1998
                                         #000     #000  #000      #000
Net cash
  inflow from
  operating activities                          14,570          17,929
Dividends received
  from associated
  undertaking                                      151              93
Returns on
  investments and
  servicing of finance
Interest received                       3,357           2,856
Interest paid                          (5,850)         (5,866)
Interest element
  of finance
  lease rental
  payments                                (41)            (16)
Dividends paid
  to minority
  shareholders                           (281)           (292)  
                                          ----           ----
Net cash
  outflow from
  returns on
  investments and
  servicing of finance                          (2,815)       (3,318)
Taxation                                        (5,293)       (7,387)
Capital expenditure
  and financial
  investmentPurchase of
  tangible fixed
  assets                               (6,690)         (15,375)
Purchase of investments                      -            (500)
Sale of
  tangible fixed
  assets                                 1,300             803
                                          ----            ----
Net cash
  outflow on
  capital expenditure
  and financial
  investment                                   (5,390)       (15,072)
Acquisitions and
Purchase of
  subsidiary undertakings                (821)           (5,159)
Sale of
  subsidiary undertakings                (571)           48,581
                                         ----             ----
Net cash
  outflow on
  acquisitions and
  disposals                                     (1,392)       43,422
Equity dividends
  paid                                          (3,781)       (5,523)
Issue of
  ordinary share
  capital                                   -              217
Capital element
  of finance
  lease repayments                       (325)             (91)
Repayment of
  bank borrowings                        (231)          (9,381)
New bank
  borrowings                                 -           2,961  
                                         -----            ----
Net cash
  outflow from
  financing                                      (556)        (6,294)         
                                                 -----        ----
Decrease in cash                                (4,506)       23,850

The purchase of subsidiary undertakings represents the payment of
deferred consideration in respect of prior year acquisitions.

The sale of subsidiary undertakings principally represents
expenses paid during the year in respect of prior year disposals.

Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Inflow from
Operating Activitiesfor the financial year ended 31 August 1999

                                              1999      1998
                                              #000      #000

Operating profit
  after exceptional
  items                                     12,706    24,660
Non cash items
Depreciation and
  related items                              9,289     7,988
Others including
  the effect
  of foreign
  exchange rate changes                       (362)   (1,075)
Working capital movements
Stocks                                       2,344    (3,912)
Debtors                                      5,415    (5,503)
Creditors                                  (14,822)   (4,229)                 
                                             ---        ----
Net cash
  inflow from
  operating activities                      14,570    17,929

Reconciliation of Net Debt for the financial year ended 31 August
                                              1999      1998
                                              #000      #000

Decrease in cash                            (4,506)   23,850
Cash outflow
  from decrease
  in loans and
  finance leases                               556    6,511      
                                              ----     ----
Increase in
  net debt
  resulting from
  cash flows                                (3,950)   30,361
Loans and
  finance leases
  disposed of
  with subsidiaries                              -       303
Inception of
  finance leases                                 -      (256)
Effect of foreign exchange
  rate changes                              (2,480)      512   
                                               ----      ----
Increase In
  net debt                                  (6,430)    30,920
Opening net
  debt                                      (9,420)   (40,340)      
                                              ----      ----
Closing net
  debt                                    (15,850)     (9,420)     
                                               ----       ----
Gearing (closing
  net debt/
  shareholders' funds)                        23.0%     13.8%

1  Basis of preparation
The preliminary announcement, which was approved by the Board on 9
November 1999, has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies as set out in the 1998 Annual Report except for the
implementation of new accounting standards becoming effective
during the year ended 31 August 1999.

Following the implementation of Financial Reporting Standard (FRS)
10 Goodwill and intangible assets, the Group's accounting policy
has been amended to capitalise goodwill arising on acquisitions
made after 31 August 1998 and to amortise it over its estimated useful
economic life. Previously, all goodwill was written off to
reserves on acquisition.

Following the implementation of FRS 14 Earnings per share, shares
in the Company held by the Employee Share Ownership Plan Trust are
now deducted from the total weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue used to calculate earnings per share and dividends
received by the plan are excluded from earnings. The impact of FRS
14 on prior periods is not material and accordingly comparative
figures have not been restated.

The profit and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow statement
are abridged from the Group's full accounts on which the auditors,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, have given an unqualified opinion which
did not include a statement under section 237(2) or 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts will be filed with the
Registrar of Companies in due course.

The profit and loss account for the year ended 31 August 1998 and
the balance sheet as at that date are an abridged version of the
statutory accounts for that period which, together with an
unqualified audit report, have been filed with the Registrar of

2  Segmental information                                
                                                    Operating profit before   
                                         Turnover        exceptional items
                                     1999     1998      1999     1998
                                     #000     #000      #000     #000
Continuing operations
Advanced Engineered
  Products                         51,584   62,273     3,070    6,953
Conveyor Belting                  102,995  110,445    11,284   13,631
Fluid Power                        42,347   45,166     4,342    4,662
Common costs                           -        -     (2,643)  (2,624)
  sales                             (814)  (1,991)        -       -
                                    ----     ----      ----     ----  
                                 196,112  215,893    16,053   22,622   
                                    ----     ----      ----     ----

Discontinued operations
Power Transmission                    -    69,231        -     2,038
Inter-segment sales                   -       (59)       -       -
                                    ----     ----      ----     ----        
                                      -    69,172        -     2,038

3  Exceptional items                                1999         1998
                                                    #000         #000
Redundancy and rationalisation costs               3,347           -

The exceptional charge principally relates to labour reduction and
business rationalisation programmes incurred by the Group's UK
automotive operation. The tax credit in respect of exceptional
items amounts to #500,000.

4  Taxation on profit on ordinary activities

The charge, based on the profit for the year comprises
United Kingdom                                     (412)        651
Overseas                                           4,786      6,798
                                                    ----       ----          
                                                   4,374      7,449

5  Dividends

Ordinary shares
Dividend payable
-    interim 1.925p(1998:1.90p)                    1,970      1,945
Dividend proposed
-     - final 3.75p(1998:3.70p)                    3,838      3,787
                                                    ----       ----           
                                                   5,808      5,732
Amount due
  to the Employee
  Share Ownership
  Plan Trust                                          (9)        -
                                                     ----      ----           
                                                    5,799     5,732

If approved, the final dividend of 3.75p per share (1998:3.70p)
will be paid on 17 January 2000 to shareholders on the register on
3 December 1999. UK income tax at the lower rate of 10% is deemed
to have been paid in respect of these dividends but will not in
most cases be recoverable by shareholders.

Following the implementation of FRS 14 Earnings Per Share,
dividends paid to the Employee Share Ownership Plan Trust are now
excluded from earnings and deducted from the aggregate of
dividends paid and proposed. The impact on the prior period is not
material and accordingly comparative figures have not been

6  Earnings per share

In view of the significance of the exceptional costs and loss on
sale of operations in the current and prior years, the directors
consider it appropriate to disclose earnings per share calculated
both before and after these items.

Profit on
  ordinary activities
  attributable to
  Fenner PLC                                       6,535     7,396
Exceptional items/
  loss on
  sale of operations                               3,347     6,942
Taxation attributable
  to exceptional
  on sale
  of operations                                    (500)       -
                                                    ----      ---
Earnings for
  the year before
  exceptional items/
  loss on sale
  of operations                                    9,382     14,338

                                                  Number      Number
Weighted average number of ordinary shares
  in issue during the year

Weighted average
  number of
  shares in issue                            102,357,208  102,282,662
Weighted average
  number of shares
  held by the
  Employee Share
  Ownership Plan Trust                         (173,333)       -
                                                   ----      ----
Weighted average
  number of shares in
  issue - basic                              102,183,875 102,282,662
Weighted average
  effect of
  share options                                  147,396     138,504
                                                   ----      ----
Weighted average
  number of
  shares in
  issue - diluted                            102,331,271   102,421,166

6  Earnings per share - continued                   1999   1998

Basic                                             Basic   Pence
PenceEarnings per share
Before exceptional
  on sale
  of operations                                     9.18  14.02
Exceptional items
 /loss on sale
  of operations                                   (3.27)  (6.79)
Taxation attributed
  to exceptional
  items/loss on
  sale of operations                               0.49       -  
                                                    ---     ---
After exceptional
  on sale of
  operations                                        6.40    7.23

Diluted earnings per share after exceptional items/loss on sale of
operations amount to 6.39p (1998: 7.22p).

In accordance with FRS 14 Earnings Per Share, the shares held by
the Employee Share Ownership Plan Trust have been deducted from
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue. The
impact on the prior period's earnings per share calculation is not
material and accordingly comparative figures have not been

7  Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                                   1999     1998
                                                   #000     #000
1 September 1998                                 68,400   67,157
Profit for
  the year                                        6,535    7,396
Dividends                                        (5,799)  (5,732)
New share
  capital subscribed                                  -      217
Goodwill written
  off on acquisitions                                 -   (1,695)
Goodwill written
   back on disposals                                  -    6,590
Unrealised deficit
  on revaluation
  of investments
  and properties                                  (661)       52
Currency translation
  differences on
  foreign currency
  net investments                                   544   (5,585)
                                                   ----     ----
Net increase
  in shareholders' funds                            619     1,243
                                                   ----      ----
31 August 1999                                   69,019    68,400



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