RNS Number:0290O
Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc
15 December 2006

Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc

Unaudited Preliminary Results for the Period Ended 30 September 2006

Financial Highlights


Net assets at 30 September 2006                                     #34.8m

Net asset value per ordinary share at 30 September 2006             99.23p

Dividend per ordinary share
Revenue                                                                  -

Cumulative return to shareholders since launch
Dividends per share                                                      -

Net asset value plus dividends per share                              99.23p

A copy of the Chairman's Statement, Investment Manager's Report and Unaudited
Preliminary Announcement is attached.

This unaudited preliminary announcement for the period ended 30 September 2006
does not constitute the statutory financial statements of the Company for the
period ended 30 September 2006 within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985.  Those financial statements have not yet been delivered to
the Registrar, nor have they been reported upon yet by the auditors.

The Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders in January 2007 and will
thereafter be available from the Company's registered office at Paternoster
House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard, London EC4M 8AB.  The Annual General Meeting
will be held on 14 February 2007 at 1.00pm at The Mermaid Conference and Events
Centre, Puddle Dock, Blackfriars, London EC4V 3DB.

For further information:

Nick Ross                          Electra Kingsway VCT 3 Plc
                                   020 7214 4200

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to be able to welcome all shareholders to the Company and to be
able to present my first Chairman's Statement. The 2005/2006 tax year was a
significant year for the VCT industry with over #750m funds raised and I am
particularly pleased to report that your Fund closed its offer on 5 April 2006,
having raised #35m, which is a good result and provides an ideal sized fund to
take advantage of the investment opportunities in the market.


Although it is extremely early days, it is pleasing to note that the Fund has
got off to a very good start with the net asset value per share rising from the
94.5p starting point to 99.23p. This is a promising start and bodes well for the

The investment policy of the Fund is to invest the majority of the funds in
unquoted and AIM qualifying investments, which offer the opportunity for capital
appreciation. As these investments mature and are sold, the majority of the
capital profits will be returned to shareholders in the form of tax free
dividends. Therefore, the flow of dividends will tend to be lower in the first
few years of operation as the Fund becomes invested.

VCT Qualifying Status

VCTs have to comply with a number of industry tests, in particular at the end of
the third year of operation, and thereafter the Fund has to ensure that 70% of
its assets are invested in qualifying companies.  It is anticipated that at the
end of year three, the investment portfolio will comprise over 25 unquoted and
AIM qualifying investments, which will represent approximately 80% of the total
assets with the remaining 20% of the assets invested in two investment funds:
Electra Private Equity and Electra Active Management.  This should ensure that
the portfolio is well balanced and diversified.

Your Board monitors the Company's VCT qualification status and I am pleased to
report that all of the required tests in the period were met.

Qualifying Investments: Valuation Methodology

This period's accounts have been prepared using a valuation policy drawn
substantially from the latest International Private Equity and Venture Capital
Valuation Guidelines in respect of unquoted investments.

Share Buybacks and Dividend Reinvestment

The Company operates a share buyback scheme that offers shareholders the
opportunity to sell their shares back to the Company at a 10% discount to the
last published Net Asset Value. Shareholders wishing to take advantage of the
share buyback programme should contact the investor helpline, maintained by
Downing Corporate Finance, on 020 7411 4700.

Owing to changes in the VCT legislation contained in the 2006/2007 Budget, the
Board has withdrawn the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Scheme.

Both the Board and the Investment Manager are keen to maintain high standards in
shareholder communication through the use of regular newsletters and deal
updates. Further information is available on the Investment Manager's website -

Shareholder Communication

Should shareholders have any general queries, a helpline is operated by the
Fund's Corporate Adviser, Downing Corporate Finance. Any queries in respect of
lost certificates or changes of address of a shareholder should in the first
case be directed in writing to the Company's Registrar.


The outlook for the Fund is encouraging, as the economic investment environment
remains buoyant and the Fund is able to take advantage of the strong deal flow
that the Investment Manager has established. It is important to appreciate that
the investment strategy of this Fund entails co-investing, when appropriate,
with the two other Electra Kingsway VCTs that the Investment Manager manages in
order to ensure access to larger unquoted transactions which in turn provide
better risk adjusted returns.

As the majority of the funding was received halfway through the accounting
period, the Board is not recommending the payment of a final dividend in respect
of this first financial reporting period.

I would like to thank you for your investment in the Company and I look forward
to reporting good progress to you in due course.

S Stradling, Chairman

Investment Manager's Review

The Fund closed its initial offer on 5 April 2006, having raised #35m in a
particularly buoyant funding market, which resulted from the proposed VCT tax
changes for 2006/7 announced by the Government, which entailed a reduction in
the income tax relief from 40% to 30%.  Overall, we are particularly pleased
with the funding outcome and consider the size of the Fund to be an ideal
platform from which to build a well diversified investment portfolio.

Our investment strategy is primarily to invest in unquoted qualifying companies,
which we currently favour over AIM companies. The main reasons for this are the
generally lower entry multiples, downside protection, better information flow
and the ability to carry out considerably more due diligence.  The majority of
the investments will be in profitable companies where we can add further value
either through strategic partnerships or the provision of expansion capital to
enable synergistic acquisitions.

Investment Overview

As at 30 September 2006, the net asset value per share was 99.23p, which
represents an increase of 5.0% from the starting net asset value per share of
the Fund. Four qualifying investments have been made, representing a total
investment of #3.3m. In addition, since the year end we invested #750,000 in
Zamano, a mobile telephone services company, #1m in Gyro International, an
advertising agency and #1.9m in Factory Media, a specialist extreme sports
publisher.  The four investments made in the reporting period have all performed
well and further details on each are set out below.

New Investments in the Period

Jelf Group (www.jelfgroup.com) is an independent full service financial
consultancy, working primarily with businesses. It provides insurance healthcare
financial services and commercial financial solutions. In 2004 it floated on AIM
in order to achieve additional scale through acquisitions. In 2006, after
reporting good progress, the company sought to raise further funding to finance
the acquisition of a larger company. The Fund invested #250,160 alongside
Electra Kingsway VCT 2 for a combined stake of 3.8%. At the period end the share
price was up 70% since investment.

Find Portal owns and operates one of the UK's leading internet financial
services directory websites, www.find.co.uk, which has the most  complete A to Z
listing of any UK directory website. The company was founded in 1996 and has
demonstrated a successful record of profits growth, the key to which has been
the rapid growth of online advertising and the attractiveness of the internet
for the marketing of financial products. In September 2006 the company completed
the bolt-on acquisition of Defaqto (www.defaqto.com), a company which provides
an online service to the IFA market.  In total the Fund has invested #1.15m
alongside Electra Kingsway VCT 2. The carrying value of the investment was
increased by 91% to reflect the improvement in profitability and the high prices
being paid for other comparison websites.

Munro Global (www.munroglobal.net) specialises in providing market research
services in the UK, with offices in London and Newcastle. The transaction was a
management buy-in and the vendor was the retiring founder. The investment
provides both the opportunity for promoting new initiatives for organic growth
and also through further acquisitions as the market research industry is
generally very fragmented. For the year ended February 2006, Munro Global
Group's sales were in excess of #6 million. The Fund invested #875,000 alongside
Electra Kingsway VCT 2, which invested #875,000. Each fund holds a stake of
24.95% respectively.

Worthington Nicholls (www.worthington-nicholls.co.uk) installs and maintains air
conditioning units in the UK hotel and retail markets. The Company successfully
floated on AIM in June 2006, raising #7.5 million of new money to fund
acquisitions and #12.5 million of replacement capital to reduce the founding
family's holding. The shares were placed at 50p per share. Soon after its
flotation, the company announced the acquisition of Project Air, a specialist
installer of air conditioning systems to the retail sector. The estimated
turnover of the group is #25 million for the year ended September 2006. Given
the timing of its recent acquisition, its full impact will be seen in the year
ending September 2007. Due to the shortage of qualified air conditioning
providers, the company had already contracted an estimated 100% and 50%
respectively of its 2006 and 2007 turnover at flotation. The future of the
company is linked to European Union legislation enforcing air conditioning
standards and the age of the UK's hotel and retail estate. On flotation, the
Fund invested #1,000,000 with Electra Kingsway VCT 2 investing a further
#1,000,000. The two funds each hold 3% respectively of Worthington Nicholls. At
the period end the share price had risen by 39%.

Non-qualifying Investments

The Fund has also committed investments to two non-qualifying collective
investment funds. Of these, Electra Private Equity represents 15% of the net
asset value of the Fund and the holding increased in value by 3.5% in the
period. Electra Private Equity is a private equity fund specialising in unquoted
investments and is managed by Electra Partners LLP.


The Fund has started well and is on track to meet its investment objectives.
Deal flow is currently particularly strong and we would anticipate completing a
number of further transactions over the next few months. The majority of the
transactions in the pipeline are unquoted investments, where we tend to be able
to invest at a significant discount to the quoted market.

Portfolio Summary

Qualifying Investments                            Cost at 30  Performance in      Valuation at 30    % of Portfolio by
                                              September 2006 period ended 30       September 2006                Value
                                                              September 2006
                                                           #               #                    #                    %
Find Portal                                        1,150,000       1,041,900            2,191,900                20.52
Worthington Nicholls                               1,000,000         390,000            1,390,000                13.01
Munro Global                                         875,000               -              875,000                 8.19
Jelf Group                                           250,160         174,640              424,800                 3.98
                                                   3,275,160       1,606,540            4,881,700                45.70

Non Qualifying Investments
Electra Private Equity Plc                         5,150,708        181,792             5,332,500                49.91

Electra Active Management Plc                        500,000       (30,891)               469,109                 4.39
                                                   5,650,708        150,901             5,801,609                54.30

                                                   8,925,868      1,757,441            10,683,309               100.00

Other Assets                                                                           24,275,000

Liquidity funds                                                                           143,768

Cash                                                                                   24,418,768

Total                                                                                  35,102,077

Qualifying Investments*

Jelf Group                                                   Year ended September                          2005
Cost                          #250,160

Valuation                     #424,800                       Sales                                         11.5

Basis of Valuation            Bid market price (AIM)         Profit before tax                              1.0

Equity held                   0.6%                           Retained profit                                0.7

Business                      Regional IFA network           Net assets                                     4.4

Worthington Nicholls                                         Year ended September                          2005

Cost                          #1,000,000

Valuation                     #1,390,000                     Sales                                         10.1

Basis of Valuation            Bid market price (AIM)         Profit before tax                             -0.8

Equity held                   3.08%                          Retained profit                               -0.7

Business                      Air conditioning contractor    Net assets                                     0.8

Munro Global (FDS)                                           Year ended February                           2006

Cost                          #875,000

Valuation                     #875,000                       Sales                                          6.1

Basis of Valuation            Price of recent investment     Profit before tax                              0.2

Equity held                   24.95%                         Retained profit                                0.1

Business                      Market research company        Net assets                                     0.7

Find Portal                                                   Period ended May                             2006

Cost                           #1,150,000

Valuation                      #2,191,900                     Sales                                         3.0

Basis of Valuation             Fair value                     Profit before tax                            -0.9

Equity held                    8.54%                          Retained profit                              -1.4

Business                       An internet financial          Net assets                                   -0.7

* Information on the above investments is extracted from their latest audited

Unaudited Income Statement

For the period ended 30 September 2006

                                                                       Revenue           Capital                  Total
                                                                             #                 #                      #

Unrealised gains on investments                                              -         1,757,441              1,757,441
Income                                                                 667,942                 -                667,942
                                                                       667,942         1,757,441              2,425,383

Investment management fees                                           (114,459)         (343,376)              (457,835)
Other expenses                                                       (307,143)                 -              (307,143)
                                                                     (421,602)         (343,376)              (764,978)
Return on Ordinary Activities before
                                                                       246,340         1,414,065              1,660,405
Tax on ordinary activities                                                   -                 -                      -
Return on Ordinary Activities after
                                                                       246,340         1,414,065              1,660,405

Basic and diluted return to
Shareholders per Ordinary Share
                                                                         1.38p             7.94p                  9.32p

The amounts dealt with in the Income Statement are all derived from continuing

No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period.

There are no recognised gains and losses other than those included in the Income

Unaudited Reconciliation of Total Shareholders' Funds
For the period ended 30 September 2006                                                                             2006


Total Return on ordinary activities after taxation                                                            1,660,405
Share issue expenses charged to Share Premium account                                                       (1,929,875)
Ordinary shares issued                                                                                       35,088,835
Preference shares issued                                                                                         50,000
Repurchase of preference shares                                                                                (50,000)
Movements in Total Shareholders' Funds                                                                       34,819,365
Total Shareholders' Funds at incorporation                                                                            -
Total Shareholders' Funds                                                                                    34,819,365

Unaudited Balance Sheet
As at 30 September 2006

                                                                                    #                                 #
Fixed Assets
Investments held at fair value                                                                               10,683,309
Current Assets
Debtors                                                                       101,583
Other investments                                                          24,275,000

Cash at bank                                                                  143,768
Current Liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                                328,570
Net Current Assets                                                                                           24,191,781
Total assets less current liabilities                                                                        34,875,090
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than
one year                                                                                                         55,725
Net Assets                                                                                                   34,819,365
Capital and Reserves
Called-up share capital                                                                                         350,888
Share premium                                                                                                32,808,072
Realised capital reserve                                                                                      (343,376)
Unrealised capital reserve                                                                                    1,757,441
Revenue reserve                                                                                                 246,340
Total Equity Shareholders' Funds                                                                             34,819,365

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                               99.23p

Number of Ordinary Shares in issue at end of
period                                                                                                       35,088,835

Unaudited Cash Flow Statement
For the period ended 30 September 2006
                                                                                             #                       #
Operating Activities
Investment income received                                                             512,677
Bank deposit interest received                                                          53,680
Investment management fees paid                                                      (254,338)
Other cash payments                                                                  (182,068)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities                                                                      129,951
Investing Activities
Purchases of investments                                                           (8,925,868)
Net Cash Outflow from Investing Activities                                                                 (8,925,868)
Cash Outflow before use of Liquid Resource
and Financing                                                                                              (8,795,917)
Management of Liquid Resources
Purchase of current asset investments                                             (24,275,000)
Net Cash Outflow from Management of Liquid
Resources                                                                                                 (24,275,000)
Issue of ordinary shares                                                            35,088,835
Expenses of the issue of ordinary shares
Issue of loan notes                                                                     55,725
Net Cash Inflow from Financing                                                                              33,214,685
Increase in Cash for the Period                                                                                143,768


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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