RNS Number:2308S
Electric Word PLC
1 March 2002

                Electric Word Plc ("Electric Word" or "the Company")


  • Turnover up 122% to £1.4m

  • Over £750,000 of revenue deferred to future years

  • Cash positive in second half of year

  • Q4 new business up 308% year-on-year

  • One newsletter and three new conferences launched

  • Immediately profitable books acquisition

  • Only 2% of revenue derived from advertising

The year to November 2001, the first full year as a public company, has been a
successful one for Electric Word plc. Strong increases in subscription sales,
particularly in the fourth quarter, ensured that the group achieved cash
stability in the second half of the year and has laid a firm foundation for
continued growth in the future.

Group Overview

Electric Word plc is a provider of professional development information,
particularly for public sector managers. It operates in three key sectors:
education management, National Lottery funding and sports health, publishing 13
specialist newsletters, as well as conferences and books.

Business model

The business model is based around the three key principles of building
renewable revenues, creating valuable content for niche markets that can be
employed across different publishing formats, and maximising database value
through cross-selling and intelligent direct marketing. This approach typically
involves building a body of subscribers around a newsletter, which creates
long-term stable revenue, and then offering those customers additional related
products and services to increase the average spend. As a result of the focus on
subscription customers, only 2% of revenues were derived from advertising and
sponsorship, as opposed to 74% from subscriptions, 14% from conference delegate
fees and 10% from consulting and publishing services.

Priorities in 2001

Whereas the previous year to November 2000 saw a dramatic expansion of products
and market sectors, through two acquisitions and five newsletter launches, the
focus of this last year has been in building revenues and concentrating the
marketing investment in the areas of greatest return. Nevertheless, three new
conferences were developed, one newsletter launched and one acquisition

Financial highlights

The result of this activity has been a 122% increase in turnover to £1,416,609
(this follows last year's 67% increase to £639,057). Strong performances in both
the third and fourth quarters ensured that the pre-tax loss for the year of
£892,361 (£762,536 before amortisation and goodwill) was ahead of market
expectations and that the group was cash-positive during the second half of the

Strong growth brings cash stability

Without any question, the most important achievement of 2001 has been the
concentration of resources on high-return sectors to produce that second-half
performance which delivered positive cashflows while maintaining and
accelerating the investment in growing subscription customers. The cash receipts
from new business in the fourth quarter represented a 308% increase over the
same period last year. As a result, we are pleased to report that Electric Word
has reached the critical mass of subscribers necessary for cash stability many
months earlier than planned.

Strong cashflow: cash ahead of earnings by £570,000

There is a substantial and telling difference between the operating loss of
£762,536 (before amortisation of goodwill) and the operating cash deficit for
the year of just £189,173. This demonstrates the extent to which cash leads
profits in subscription publishing - a function mainly of the conservative
subscription revenue recognition policy, typical for the sector, which has
deferred over £700,000 of subscription revenue to future years.

The position is accentuated by the fact that the business is growing quickly.
During the year the company invested £730,000 in acquiring 10,000 new
subscription customers: that marketing investment is fully expensed in the year
that the cash for those orders (all paid in advance) is received, whereas the
earnings are spread over the full period of the subscription.

In future years, these new customers will still pay for their subscriptions in
advance, but without the same initial marketing cost. The board estimates that
the existing subscriptions alone will generate cash receipts of £2.4m over the
next three years.

Cash management

Of the £1.2m raised in the flotation in March 2000, £500,000 has been invested
in acquisitions, and £340,000 used as working capital, leaving £360,000 at the
end of November 2001. It is estimated that the cash low-point for the existing
business has already been reached, some nine months ahead of forecast, in August
2001. This means that the remaining cash can be invested, at the company's
discretion, in creating new business for the future.

Operating Review

Public sector change driving demand for information

The engine of this growth has been the strength of demand for the company's
public sector management information products. Education management in
particular, and also local authority funding, have been good sectors to be in
over the past year and will continue to grow in the future. Improvement in the
provision of public sector services has become one of the Government's top
investment priorities, and raising management and professional standards is a
key component of that change. Electric Word's newsletters, conferences and books
provide practical support to public sector managers and other professionals who
need to develop their understanding of a fast-changing regulatory environment
while improving the efficiency of their own performance.

Recession-resistant sectors and revenue mix

Electric Word's markets have been good defensive sectors in the recent period of
economic uncertainty, but the company has also been insulated against the
knock-on effect of weakness in other markets by the strength of the
subscriptions-based business model.

Retention rates reaching 80%

Subscriptions generate high-quality, stable earnings. Average retention rates
exceed 70% across the whole business, reaching 80% in nine of the education
management titles. As a result, the marketing investment necessary to acquire
new customers brings returns over many years at a high marginal profit. One
title now boasts an average subscription life of 5 1/2 years.

Subscription revenue base for 2002 of £1.1m

As subscription revenue is spread over the full term of the subscription, on
average only half of the cash for an annual subscription is recognised in the
year in which it is received. So Electric Word entered 2002 with over £700,000
of subscription revenue already assured for future years. Along with expected
renewal revenue, this creates a subscription revenue base for 2002 of £1.1m
before any growth from new subscriptions - compared to total subscription
revenue in 2001 of £1m.

Cross-selling at high margins

This strong revenue base will be enhanced by Electric Word's ability to generate
additional revenues at high margins by cross-selling further products to the
database of newsletter subscribers.

Three new conferences established and books business acquired

2001 saw the established conference business acquired with Lottery Monitor built
up from two to five events and, in the first quarter of 2002, conferences have
also been successfully launched for the Optimus education titles.

Late in 2001 the company acquired the schools management publishing business of
The Stationery Office. This comprised a valuable list of current books,
including stock, three newsletters and special reports. The acquisition was at
zero net cost, with a small royalty payable to The Stationery Office on future
sales. In addition to accelerating the company's future book publishing plans,
the acquisition has generated some immediate book sales revenue and further
demonstrated the value of cross-selling against the growing subscriber database.

Revenue per subscription up by 70%

Additional sales from conferences and books, combined with price increases,
increased the revenue per subscription by 70% to £101 in 2001 against 2000.

Divisions and current trading

Peak Performance

Peak Performance publishes professional education newsletters for sports
doctors, therapists, coaches and athletes themselves. The long-established Peak
Performance newsletter was followed in the second half of 2000 by Sports Injury
Bulletin (SIB), which has been built to a circulation of over 2,400.

The key to success in the Peak Performance division has been the fact that 85%
of subscribers pay by a continuous payment method. This improves the reliability
of renewal revenue and has meant that, following many years of strong growth,
the mature Peak Performance newsletter has this year been used to generate cash
to fund the marketing investment in newer products (such as SIB) that generate a
higher return on that investment.

The new financial year has started well for both products, with a strong
increase in new subscription orders from the internet which has lowered the cost
of acquiring new customers and broadened their geographical base.


The most important engine of the company's growth this year has been the
strength of demand for the company's Optimus brand of education management
newsletters. Optimus was acquired with four titles in May 2000 on an all-share
performance-based deal completed in March 2001. The two Optimus principals
joined the Electric Word team and have built the division by launching five
further education management newsletters (four in 2000) and acquiring one (also
in 2000). Since then three further titles have been acquired as part of The
Stationery Office books acquisition and merged into similar existing Optimus

The priority over the last year has been to build subscription numbers, and this
has been achieved both in the new titles (all except one of which have now
reached break-even) and, equally, in the original, more mature titles, for which
new markets have been found and prices increased. The result has been an
outstanding year, with new subscriber acquisitions increasing tenfold between
the second and fourth quarters. The first quarter of 2002 has seen this
aggressive marketing investment successfully continue at the high levels
achieved in the last quarter of 2001.

The next stage of development for this division is to increase average customer
values further by cross-selling other products. The year has already seen two
significant steps in this direction: firstly, the books acquired from The
Stationery Office at the end of 2001 have generated an immediate cash return at
a high margin from Optimus' newsletter customers and, secondly, the Electric
Word conference division was launched into the Optimus education management
sector. The result was that the PSHE & Citizenship Update newsletter provided
the foundation of a sell-out audience of 400 delegates for January's conference
on managing the implementation of the new Citizenship curriculum although the
majority of the delegates were non-subscribers and an excellent source of
further subscription sales.

Lottery Monitor and conferences

Lottery Monitor, the leading authority on the distribution of Lottery funding,
is aimed primarily at Local Authority external funding officers. Along with its
sister title for schools funding and two established conferences, Lottery
Monitor was acquired in July 2000.

The division's key objectives in 2001 were to build the subscription base and
expand the conferences. Both have been achieved: paid subscriber numbers for
this niche title have increased by 46% in 18 months, and the conferences have
expanded in both scope and type. The 5th annual UK Lottery conference was marked
by a record attendance and the fact that it provided one of the first platforms
for the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport following the
general election earlier that month. In addition, four other conferences were
successfully produced: a Scottish national event and three new regional events.

In the current year the conference division is planned to expand from five to 12
events, driven partly by the move in January 2002 into Optimus-branded education
management conferences.

Future prospects

Organic growth

The achievement of critical mass in the last quarter of 2001 means that the
existing businesses can themselves generate the cash required to fuel further
growth in their current markets. Electric Word's remaining cash can therefore be
invested in developing new products, both within existing and adjacent sectors,
to accelerate growth in future years.


Electric Word's track record in growing acquired businesses has been very
encouraging. Optimus Publishing (acquired in May 2000) has been pushed from
revenues of £65,000 in 1999 to £315,000 in 2001. Turnover in Lottery Monitor
(acquired in August 2000) has grown by 23% in its first year. The marketing,
infrastructure and publishing management expertise that the company is able to
bring to acquired businesses make niche, targeted acquisitions that fit easily
within the existing product portfolio very attractive - if they can be financed
at a reasonable cost and without excessively diluting shareholders. At the same
time, the high returns on marketing money invested in the existing business in
the last year make organic growth the first priority for Electric Word's
existing resources. Acquisitions will become particularly important in future
years when they can be financed from the significant cashflows that are expected
to result from the current products reaching maturity.

The last year has been very good to Electric Word, particularly because of the
strength of our market sectors. But just as important has been the hard work of
our excellent staff, editors and writers. In particular we would like to record
our thanks to Ed Tranham, who joined Electric Word in May 2000 and leaves at the
end of June to pursue full-time his other business interests. He will retire
from the board by rotation at the Annual General Meeting. At the same time I
have great pleasure in announcing the appointment of Dominic Jacquesson aged 32
to the Board as Chief Operating Officer. This strong team, combined with a
proven, subscription-based business model provides a solid foundation for growth
and we look forward to the future with confidence.

Nigel Wray     Julian Turner

Chairman     Chief Executive

28 February 2002

Electric Word Plc

For the year ended 30 November 2001
                                                                                                 2001              2000

                                                                             Notes                  £                 £

TURNOVER                                                                         1          1,416,609           639,057


Marketing costs                                                                              (785,635)         (237,472)

Other cost of sales                                                                          (623,491)         (226,208)

GROSS PROFIT                                                                                    7,483           175,377

Operating expenses (net)                                                         2           (770,019)         (473,994)

                                                                                             (762,536)         (298,617)

Amortisation of goodwill                                                                     (139,625)          (57,762)

OPERATING LOSS                                                                               (902,161)         (356,379)

Interest receivable                                                              3              9,800            30,298

LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                                      4           (892,361)         (326,081)

Taxation                                                                         6               (251)                -

LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION                                      17           (892,612)         (326,081)


Basic                                                                            7             (1.24)p          (0.62)p

Diluted                                                                          7             (1.24)p          (0.62)p

The operating loss for the year arises from the group's continuing operations.

No separate statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been presented as
all such gains and losses have been dealt with in the profit and loss account.

Electric Word Plc

30 November 2001
                                                                             Notes             Group             Group
                                                                                                2001              2000
                                                                                                   £                 £

Intangible assets                                                                8         1,183,859         1,315,484

Tangible assets                                                                  9            17,671            25,925

                                                                                           1,201,530         1,341,409


Stocks                                                                          11             3,750             7,368

Debtors                                                                         12           157,624            73,701

Cash at bank and in hand                                                                     368,649           574,679

                                                                                             530,023           655,748

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year
(including convertible debt)

Deferred revenue                                                                            (754,895)         (357,670)

Other creditors                                                                             (368,501)         (106,718)

                                                                                13        (1,123,396)         (464,388)

NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                                                            (593,373)          191,360

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        608,157         1,532,769

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year                         14                 -          (400,000)
      (including convertible debt)

NET ASSETS                                                                                   608,157         1,132,769


Called up share capital                                                         16           770,168           627,858

Share premium account                                                           17         1,262,705           986,705

Merger reserve                                                                  17           105,011           (96,227)

Other reserve                                                                   17                 -           251,548

Profit and loss account                                                         17        (1,529,727)         (637,115)

SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                                          608,157         1,132,769

Electric Word Plc


30 November 2001
                                                                             Notes           Company           Company
                                                                                                2001              2000
                                                                                                   £                 £

Intangible assets                                                                8         1,183,859           978,045

Tangible assets                                                                  9            17,671             1,172

Investments                                                                     10           330,956           579,504

                                                                                           1,532,486         1,558,721


Stocks                                                                          11             3,750                 -

Debtors                                                                         12           157,624           450,841

Cash at bank and in hand                                                                     368,649           433,191

                                                                                             520,023           884,032

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year (including convertible

Deferred revenue                                                                            (754,895)          (59,153)

Other creditors                                                                             (371,601)          (75,719)

                                                                                13        (1,126,496)         (134,872)

NET CURRENT (LIABILITIES)/ASSETS                                                            (596,473)          749,160

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                        936,013          2,307,881

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than one year                         14                 -          (534,718)
      (including convertible debt)

NET ASSETS                                                                                   936,013         1,773,163


Called up share capital                                                         16           770,168           627,858

Share premium account                                                           17         1,262,705           986,705

Merger reserve                                                                  17                 -                 -

Other reserve                                                                   17                 -           251,548

Profit and loss account                                                         17        (1,096,860)          (92,948)

SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                                          936,013         1,773,163

Electric Word Plc

For the year ended 30 November 2001
                                                                            Notes                2001              2000
                                                                                                    £                 £

Cash flow from operating activities                                           19a            (189,173)         (278,545)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                               19b               9,800            30,298

Taxation                                                                                      (20,870)                -

Capital expenditure and financial investment                                  19b              (5,787)          (27,023)

Acquisitions and disposals                                                    19b                   -          (494,234)

                                                                                             (206,030)         (769,504)

Financing                                                                     19b                   -         1,293,134

(DECREASE)/INCREASE IN CASH IN THE YEAR                                                      (206,030)          523,630

                                                                                                2001               2000
                                                                                                   £                  £

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the year                                                     (206,030)           523,630

MOVEMENT IN NET (DEBT)/FUNDS IN YEAR                                                        (206,030)           523,630

NET FUNDS AT 1 DECEMBER 2000                                                                 574,679             51,049

NET FUNDS AT 30 NOVEMBER 2001                                                                368,649            574,679


For the period ended 30 November 2001


    The group's turnover and loss on ordinary activities before taxation were
    all derived from its principal activity. Sales were made in the following
    geographical markets:
                                        2001                            2000
                                           £                               £

   United Kingdom                  1,399,136                          611,305

   Other                              17,473                           27,752

                                   1,416,609                          639,057

   Publishing                      1,065,663                          629,942

   Events                            215,182                            4,265

   Other                             135,764                            4,850

                                   1,416,609                          639,057

    Further segmental information has not been given since, in the opinion of
    the directors, this might be seriously prejudicial to the commercial
    interests of the group.

    OPERATING EXPENSES (NET)            2001                              2000
                                          £                                  £

    Other operating income          (27,921)                                 -

    Administration expenses          797,940                           473,994

                                     770,019                           473,994

    INTEREST RECEIVABLE                 2001                              2000
                                           £                                 £

    Bank interest                      9,800                             30,298

    LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES         2001                              2000
    BEFORE TAXATION                        £                                 £

    Loss on ordinary activities before 
    taxation is stated after charging:

    Depreciation and amounts written 
    off tangible fixed assets          14,041                            10,756

    Amortisation of intangible 
    fixed assets                      139,625                            57,762

    Operating lease rentals:

    Land and buildings                 25,083                                 -

    Auditors' remuneration : 
    audit services                     17,000                            19,000

    : non-audit services               16,355                            10,750

   EMPLOYEES                                                       2001                 2000
                                                                    No.                   No.

   The average monthly number of persons (including
   directors) employed by the group during the year was:

   Office and management                                             15                   14

                                                                   2001                  2000                           
                                                                      £                     £

   Staff costs for the above persons:

   Wages and salaries                                           443,215                237,592
   Social security costs                                         41,454                 24,880

                                                                484,669                262,472

      In respect of the directors of Electric Word Plc
                                               2001                                          2000

                              Salary          Bonus          Total          Salary          Bonus          Total
                                   £              £              £               £              £              £

      JJC Turner              63,333          5,850         69,183          40,462              -         40,462

      SR Stein                38,000              -         38,000          35,273              -         35,273

      E Tranham               38,000         10,000         48,000          17,481          8,667         26,148

      NW Wray                      -              -              -               -              -              -

      A Ageh                       -              -              -               -              -              -

      P Rigby                      -              -              -               -              -              -

                             139,333         15,850        155,183          93,216          8,667        101,883

    The comparative figures represent directors' remuneration for the period
    from appointment and do not represent a full year's charge.

             TAXATION                                                  2001                  2000

                                                                          £                     £

             UK corporation tax
             Prior year under provision                                 251                     -

    There is no corporation tax charge for the current year due to the
    availability of accumulated losses. Accumulated losses for the group at 30
    November 2001 were approximately £1,300,000 (2000: £600,000).


        The calculation of loss per ordinary share is based on the following
        losses and numbers of shares.

                                                                                             Basic            Basic

                                                                                              2001             2000

                                                                                                 £                £

         Loss for the financial year                                                      (892,612)        (326,081)

                                                                                              2001             2000

                                                                                            No. of           No. of

                                                                                            shares           shares

         Weighted average number of shares                                              72,150,180       52,575,538

        There is no dilutive effect from the issue of share options, warrants or
        the future redemption of convertible loan stock.

         INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS                                         Goodwill       Magazines           Total

                                                                                £               £               £
         1 December 2000                                                1,338,246          50,000       1,388,246
         Additions                                                          8,000               -           8,000

         30 November 2001                                               1,346,246          50,000       1,396,246

         1 December 2000                                                   52,762          20,000          72,762
         Charged in the year                                              134,625           5,000         139,625

         30 November 2001                                                 187,387          25,000         212,387

         Net book value
         30 November 2001                                               1,158,859          25,000       1,183,859

         30 November 2000                                               1,285,484          30,000       1,315,484

8          INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (continued)                              Goodwill       Magazines          Total

                                                                                  £               £              £


           1 December 2000                                                1,011,770               -      1,011,770
           Transferred from group company                                         -          50,000         50,000
           Additions                                                        334,476               -        334,476

           30 November 2001                                               1,346,246          50,000      1,396,246

           1 December 2000                                                   33,725               -         33,725
           Transferred from group company                                         -          20,000         20,000
           Charged in the year                                              153,662           5,000        158,662

           30 November 2001                                                 187,387          25,000        212,387

           Net book value
           30 November 2001                                               1,158,859          25,000      1,183,859

           30 November 2000                                                 978,045               -        978,045

        The increase in goodwill during the year arises principally from the
        hive up of the trade, assets and liabilities of Optimus Publishing
        Limited that took place on 1 December 2000.

                                                                               Computer    Fixtures,

           GROUP                                                             equipment    fittings &         Total

                                                                                     £     equipment             £

           1 December 2000                                                      38,960         4,411        43,371
           Additions                                                             5,787             -         5,787

           30 November 2001                                                     44,747         4,411        49,158

           1 December 2000                                                      15,216         2,230        17,446
           Charged in the year                                                  13,371           670        14,041

           30 November 2001                                                     28,587         2,900        31,487

           Net book value
           30 November 2001                                                     16,160         1,511        17,671

           30 November 2000                                                     23,744         2,181        25,925

9          TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (continued)                                               Fixtures,

                                                                             Computer     fittings &         Total

           COMPANY                                                          equipment      equipment             £

                                                                                    £              £
           1 December 2000                                                      4,367              -         4,367
           Transferred from group company                                      34,593          4,411        39,004
           Additions                                                            5,787              -         5,787

           30 November 2001                                                    44,747          4,411        49,158

           1 December 2000                                                      3,195              -         3,195
           Transferred from group company                                      12,021          2,230        14,251
           Charged in the year                                                 13,371            670        14,041

           30 November 2001                                                    28,587          2,900        31,487

           Net book value
           30 November 2001                                                    16,160          1,511        17,671

           30 November 2000                                                     1,172              -         1,172

           INVESTMENTS                                                                                   Shares in

           COMPANY                                                                                      subsidiary


           1 December 2000 and 30 November 2001                                                          1,579,404

           Provision for diminution in value
           1 December 2000                                                                                 999,900
           Charged in the year                                                                             248,548

           30 November 2001                                                                              1,248,448

           Net book value
           30 November 2001                                                                                330,956

           30 November 2000                                                                                579,504

10     INVESTMENTS (continued)

        The company holds more than 20% of the share capital of the following
        companies, all of which are incorporated in England and Wales:

          Subsidiary undertakings:                                  Class of         % of shares          Nature of

                                                                shareholding                held           business

          Electric Word Publishing Limited                          Ordinary                100%            Dormant
          Optimus Publishing Limited                                Ordinary                100%            Dormant
          Lottery Monitor Limited                                   Ordinary                100%            Dormant
          Peak Performance Publishing Limited                       Ordinary                100%            Dormant

         STOCKS                                             Group         Group              Company       Company

                                                            2001          2000                  2001          2000

                                                               £             £                     £             £

         Promotional goods                                 3,750         7,368                 3,750             -

          DEBTORS                                                  Group         Group       Company       Company

                                                                    2001          2000          2001          2000

                                                                       £             £             £             £
          Due within one year:
          Trade debtors                                           54,498           634        54,498           494
          Other debtors                                            6,189        26,784         6,189         3,162
          Prepayments                                             96,937        46,283        96,937         4,504

                                                                 157,624        73,701       157,624         8,160
          Due after one year:
          Amounts due from group undertakings                          -             -             -       442,681

                                                                 157,624        73,701       157,624       450,841

         CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one year            Group         Group       Company       Company

                                                                    2001          2000          2001          2000

                                                                       £             £             £             £

         Trade creditors                                         107,493        12,736       107,493             -
         Corporation tax                                               -        20,619             -        20,619
         Other taxation and social security costs                    135             -           135             -
         Accruals                                                220,873        73,363       220,873        55,100
         Deferred revenue                                        754,895       357,670       754,895        59,153
         Unsecured convertible loan stock                         40,000             -        40,000             -
         Amounts due to group undertakings                             -             -         3,100             -

                                                               1,123,396       464,388     1,126,496       134,872

        The convertible unsecured loan stock will automatically be converted
        into fully paid ordinary shares at the average mid-market price per
        share on 30 March 2002 or before at the request of the loan stock

          CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more than        Group        Group        Company        Company
          one year
                                                                 2001         2000           2001           2000

                                                                    £            £              £              £

          Unsecured convertible loan stock                          -      400,000              -        400,000
          Amounts due to group undertakings                         -            -              -        134,718

                                                                    -      400,000              -        534,718


        The group's financial instruments comprise cash and short-term deposits.
        The numerical disclosures in these notes deal with the financial assets
        and liabilities defined in FRS 13 as financial instruments.

        The main risks arising from the group's financial instruments are
        interest rate risk and liquidity risk. The policies for managing these
        risks are regularly reviewed and agreed by the Board.

        It is, and has been throughout the year under review, the group's policy
        that no trading in financial instruments shall be undertaken.

        Short term debtors and creditors

        Short term debtors and creditors have been excluded from the following

        Interest Rate/Liquidity Risk

        Cash balances are placed so as to maximise interest earned while
        maintaining the liquidity requirements of the business. When seeking
        borrowings, the directors consider the commercial terms available and,
        in consultation with their advisers, consider whether such terms should
        be fixed or variable and are appropriate to the business. The directors
        review the placing of cash balances on an ongoing basis. Any surplus
        cash balances during the year were placed on short term deposit accounts
        at standard bank interest rates. The financial assets of the group at 30
        November 2001 were designated in sterling and were earning standard bank
        interest rates. These are disclosed under cash at bank and in hand of
        £368,649 (2000: £574,679).

        Exchange risk

        The group operates in the United Kingdom and as such all the group's
        financial assets and liabilities are denominated in sterling and there
        is no exposure to exchange risks.


        The group does not currently have an overdraft facility.

        Fair value

        The directors consider that the fair value of the group's financial
        instruments do not significantly differ from their book values.

           SHARE CAPITAL                                                                       2001          2000

                                                                                                  £             £
           200,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each                                         2,000,000     2,000,000

           Allotted, issued and fully paid:
           77,016,710 (2000: 62,785,758) ordinary shares of 1p each                         770,168       627,858

        On 29 March 2001, 5,030,952 ordinary shares of 1p each were issued at 5p
        per share to satisfy the deferred consideration for the purchase of
        Optimus Publishing Limited.

        In accordance with the provisons of section 131 of the Companies Act
        1985, the company has transferred to merger reserve the premium arising
        on the issue of shares as consideration for the subsidiary undertaking

        On 7 April 2001, 9,200,000 shares were issued at 4p per share to satisfy
        the purchase of Lottery Monitor Limited.

        Unapproved share option scheme

          Date of Grant                                        Number of ordinary shares             Exercise price

          21 March 2000 (note 1)                                               9,200,000                         5p

        These options are exercisable, subject to certain restrictions, at any
        time between the third and tenth anniversaries of the date of grant.

             Enterprise Management Incentive scheme

          Date of Grant                                        Number of ordinary shares             Exercise price

          29 March 2001 (note 1)                                               9,800,000                         5p
          29 March 2001                                                        2,000,000                         4p
          25 October 2001                                                      5,700,000                         2p

        These options are exercisable, subject to certain restrictions, at any
        time between the third and tenth anniversaries of the date of the grant.

        Note 1

        Options originally in issue at the time of the Placing and Admission to

16. SHARE CAPITAL (continued)


        As at 30 November 2001 the following warrants had been granted:

         Date of Grant                           Notes               Number of ordinary shares      Exercise price

         17 March 2000                               1                              12,857,160                  1p
         23 March 2000                               2                               5,550,000                  5p

     1. Warrants exercisable from the date of grant until the sixth anniversary
        of the date of grant over ordinary shares of 1p each in Electric Word
        Publishing Limited. There is a put and call option in place whereby the
        warrant holders granted the company an option to require them to sell
        and the company granted the warrant holders an option to require the
        company to purchase any shares in Electric Word Publishing Limited
        arising on the exercise of the warrants on a one for one basis in
        exchange for the same number of shares in the company.

     2. Warrants exercisable at any time up to five years from the date of grant.

           RESERVES                                   Share        Merger        Other    Profit and            Total
                                                    premium       reserve      reserve  loss account

                                                          £             £            £             £                £

           1 December 2000                         986,705       (96,227)     251,548      (637,115)         504,911
           Loss for year                                 -             -            -      (892,612)        (892,612)
           Premium on allotment during year        276,000       201,238            -             -          477,238
           Issue of shares                               -             -     (251,548)            -         (251,548)

           30 November 2001                      1,262,705       105,011            -    (1,529,727)        (162,011)

           1 December 2000                         986,705             -      251,548       (92,948)       1,145,305
           Loss for year                                 -             -            -    (1,205,150)      (1,205,150)
           Premium on allotment during year        276,000       201,238            -             -          477,238
           Issue of shares                               -             -     (251,548)            -         (251,548)
           Transfer                                      -      (201,238)           -       201,238                -

           30 November 2001                      1,262,705             -            -    (1,096,860)         165,845

         RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENT IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS         Group          Group          Company        Company

                                                                    2001           2000                            2000

                                                                       £              £                £              £

         Loss for the financial year                            (892,612)      (326,081)      (1,205,150)       (92,948)
         Issue of shares                                         142,310        306,429          142,310        627,858
         Premium on allotment during year                        477,238        986,705          276,000        986,705
         Transfer                                               (251,548)       251,548          (50,310)       251,548

                                                                (524,612)     1,218,601         (837,150)     1,773,163
         Opening shareholders' funds                           1,132,769        (85,832)       1,773,163              -

         Closing shareholders' funds                             608,157      1,132,769          936,013      1,773,163

           CASH FLOWS                                                                           2001             2000

                                                                                                   £                £
a          Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating
           Operating loss                                                                    (902,161)       (356,379)
           Amortisation                                                                       139,625          57,762
           Depreciation                                                                        14,041          10,756
           Decrease in stocks                                                                   3,618           1,832
           Increase in debtors                                                                (83,923)        (34,403)
           Increase in creditors                                                              639,627          41,887

           Net cash outflow from operating activities                                        (189,173)       (278,545)

16. CASHFLOW (continued)

b        Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow statement                 2001           2000

                                                                                                  £              £
         Returns on investments and servicing of finance
         Interest received                                                                    9,800         30,298

         Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance                 9,800         30,298

         Capital expenditure and financial investment
         Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                   (5,787)       (27,023)

         Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment                  (5,787)       (27,023)

         Acquisitions and disposals
         Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                                      -       (638,712)
         Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings                                           -        144,478

         Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals                                         -       (494,234)

         Issue of share capital                                                                   -      1,506,429
         Equity share issue expenses                                                              -       (213,295)

         Net cash outflow from financing                                                          -      1,293,134

c        Analysis of funds                                                       At       Cash flow           At 30

                                                                         1 December               £        November

                                                                               2000                           2001

                                                                                 £                               £

         Cash at bank and in hand                                          574,679         (206,030)       368,649


        In addition to their interests in shares, the directors have the
        following interests in share options and warrants.

        Unapproved share option scheme

                            Number       Number       Number of       Number    Exercise       Date from       Expiry
                        of options   of options                   of options       price           which         Date
                              at 1      granted                        at 30     (pence)     exercisable
                                                        in year
                          December       during                     November

                              2000     the year                         2001

       A Ageh              700,000            -               -      700,000          5p         21/3/03      21/3/10

       P Rigby             500,000            -               -      500,000          5p         21/3/03      21/3/10

       S Stein           2,000,000            -      (2,000,000)           -           -               -            -

       J Turner          7,000,000            -      (3,000,000)   4,000,000          5p         21/3/03      21/3/10

       N Wray            3,000,000            -               -    3,000,000          5p         21/3/03      21/3/10

       E Tranham           900,000            -        (900,000)           -           -               -            -
                           700,000            -        (700,000)           -           -               -            -

        Enterprise Management Incentive scheme

                            Number       Number      Number of       Number     Exercise       Date from       Expiry
                        of options   of options                  of options        price           which         Date
                              at 1      granted                       at 30      (pence)     exercisable
                                                       in year
                          December       during                    November

                              2000     the year                        2001

       S Stein                   -    2,000,000              -    2,000,000           5p         29/3/03      29/3/10

       J Turner                  -    3,000,000              -    3,000,000           5p         29/3/03      29/3/10

       E Tranham                 -      900,000              -      900,000           5p         29/3/03      29/3/10
                                 -      700,000              -      700,000           4p         29/3/03      29/3/10
                                 -      150,000              -      150,000           2p        25/10/04     25/10/11

        The share options granted above will only be exercisable if, at the date
        of exercise, the share price exceeds the trigger price of between 5p and
        15p for 90 consecutive days or the control of the company changes.


         Warrants                               Number of              Exercise          Date from

                                         warrants held at                price               which          Expiry

                                              1/12/00 and               (pence)        exercisable            date


         J Turner                               9,428,584                   1p             17/3/00               -
         N Wray                                 1,928,574                   1p             17/3/00               -
         S Stein                                  857,144                   1p             17/3/00               -

        The warrants noted above are exercisable over the 1p ordinary shares of
        Electric Word Publishing Limited but are subject to a put and call
        option as described in note 16 to the financial statements.


        At 30 November 2001 the group and company had annual commitments under
        non-cancellable operating leases as follows:

                                                                                              2001           2000

                                                                                                 £              £

          Land and buildings
          expiring in the second to fifth year                                              43,000              -

For further information please call

Julian Turner, Chief Executive                                     020 7251 9034

Electric Word plc


John Depasquale                                                    020 7648 8731

Seymour Pierce


                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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