16 December 2010 
Chromex Mining plc / Epic: CHX / Market: AIM / Sector: Mining & Exploration 
Resignation and appointment of directors 
Further  to the announcement on behalf  of Synergy Africa on 9 December 2010, in 
which  Synergy  Africa  declared  the  Offer  unconditional  in all respects and 
announced that the Warrant Offer had become unconditional, Chromex announces the 
following changes to its board of directors. 
Each  of the existing  Chromex Directors (being  Russell Lamming, Graham Stacey, 
Brian Moritz, James Burgess and Robert Sinclair) has tendered his resignation as 
a  director with effect from  yesterday, which has been  accepted by Chromex. As 
previously  set out  in the  Offer Document,  Graham Stacey  will continue to be 
employed by one of Chromex's subsidiaries. 
Thomas  Hoyer,  Alistair  Ruiters  and  Danko  Koncar,  who are the directors of 
Synergy  Africa, were appointed  to Chromex's board  of directors with immediate 
effect yesterday. 
Other than the details disclosed below, there is no further information required 
to  be disclosed under  Rule 17 or Schedule  2 (g) of the  AIM Rules for the new 
Cancellation of trading in Chromex Shares 
In  its announcement on 9 December, Synergy  Africa stated that it had requested 
Chromex to make an application to the London Stock Exchange for the cancellation 
of  trading in Chromex Shares on AIM.  Chromex has now applied for the delisting 
and  it is anticipated that such cancellation will take effect at 7:00am (London 
time) on 11 January 2011. 
Chromex  Shareholders  should  note  that  the  delisting of Chromex Shares will 
significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability of any Chromex Shares which 
are not assented to the Offer. 
Additional information in relation to the new directors 
None of the new directors owns any Chromex Shares or Chromex Warrants. 
Director             Current directorships         Previous directorships 
Thomas Karl Stig     Dezzo Trading 184 (Pty) Ltd   Aldata Solution Oyj 
Hoyer (age 36)       DTG Rakennus Oy               Asapsoft Oy 
                     Helsinki Capital Partners     Ruukki Group Plc 
                     Advisory Oy                   Ruukki Harvest Oy 
                     Helsinki Capital Partners     Ruukki Saw Mill Oy 
                     Group Oy                      Saunalahti Oyj 
                     Helsinki Capital Partners     Tervolan Saha ja Höyläämö Oy 
                     Fund Management Company Oy    VK Timber Oy 
                     Helsinki Capital Partners 
                     Hirviset Group Oy 
                     Junnikkala Oy 
                     Kiinteistökehitys Oy 
                     Lappipaneli Oy 
                     Mogale Alloys (Pty) Ltd 
                     PGR 17 Investments (Pty) Ltd 
                     Oplax Oy 
                     Pohjolan Design-Talo Oy 
                     Rekylator Oy 
                     Ruukki Invest Oy 
                     Ruukki South Africa (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ruukki Trading South Africa 
                     (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ruukki Wood Oy 
                     Ruukki Yhtiöt Oy 
                     Storms GÃ¥rd Oy 
                     Storms Villa Oy 
                     Synergy Africa Limited 
Alistair Paul        Edenred South Africa (Pty)      1. Afarak Platinum Holdings 
Ruiters (age 46)     Ltd                                (Pty) Ltd 
                     Azlo Investments (Pty) Ltd      2. AH-Vest Limited 
                     Changing Tides 341 (Pty) Ltd    3. Batho Barena Investment 
                     Dextra Holdings (Pty) Ltd          Holdings (Pty) Ltd 
                     Dezzo Trading 184 (Pty) Ltd     4. Business Upliftment and 
                     Duikerskrans Resources (Pty)       Development Services 
                     Ltd                             5. Clifton Dunes 
                     Ehlobo Capital (Pty) Ltd           Investments 72 (Pty) 
                     Ehlobo Group (Pty) Ltd             Ltd 
                     Ehlobo Health Care (Pty) Ltd    6. Ehlobo Heavy Minerals 
                     Ehlobo Metals (Pty) Ltd            (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ehlobo Resources (Pty) Ltd      7. Ehlobo ICT (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ehlobo Voucher Services (Pty)   8. Ehlobo Industrial 
                     Ltd                                Developments (Pty) Ltd 
                     Gootspa Investments (Pty) Ltd   9. Ehlobo Property Holdings 
                     Karibo Coal (Pty) Ltd              (Pty) Ltd 
                     Lihlobo Corporate Services     10. Ehlobo Steel (Pty) Ltd 
                     (Pty) Ltd                      11. Josdel Property No 125 
                     Metmar Limited                     (Pty) Ltd 
                     Midnight Storm Investments     12. Khula Enterprise Finance 
                     403 (Pty) Ltd                      Limited 
                     Mogale Alloys (Pty) Ltd        13. Khula Institutional 
                     Nulane Investments 165 (Pty)       Support Services 
                     Ltd                            14. Kijaro Investments (Pty) 
                     Paardekloof Resources (Pty)        Ltd 
                     Ltd                            15. Kupukani Trust (Pty) 
                     PGR 3 Investments (Pty) Ltd        Ltd 
                     PGR 17 Investments (Pty) Ltd   16. Magumo Investments (Pty) 
                     PGR Manganese (Pty) Ltd            Ltd 
                     Polkadots Properties 93 (Pty)  17. Micawber 397 (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ltd                            18. Ntskika Enterprise 
                     Ruukki Mining South Africa         Promotion Agency 
                     (Pty) Ltd                      19. Pebble Bed Modular 
                     Ruukki South Africa (Pty) Ltd      Reactor (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ruukki Trading South Africa    20. PG Group (Pty) Ltd 
                     (Pty) Ltd                      21. Proudly South African 
                     Sediko Capital Africa (Pty)    22. Rafali Investment (Pty) 
                     Ltd                                Ltd 
                     Sediko Holdings (Pty) Ltd      23. Samancor Chrome Holdings 
                     Selemo Strategic (Pty) Ltd         (Pty) Ltd 
                     Synergy Africa Limited         24. Samancor Chrome Limited 
                     Umcebo Holdings (Pty) Ltd      25. Shascaph Investments 
                     Umcebo Mining (Pty) Ltd            (Pty) Ltd 
                     Veremo Holdings (Pty) Ltd      26. 
                     Veremo Industries (Pty) Ltd 
                     Veremo Minerals (Pty) Ltd 
                     Veremo Mining (Pty) Ltd 
                     Wholesome Africa Trading       27. 
                     (Pty) Ltd 
Danko Koncar (age    Chrome Holding Limited        Samancor Chrome Limited 
68)                  Dezzo Trading 184 (Pty) Ltd 
                     Framework Investment Limited 
                     Kermas Limited 
                     Mogale Alloys Ltd 
                     PGR 17 Investments (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ruukki Group Plc 
                     Ruukki Holdings Ltd 
                     Ruukki SA (Pty) Ltd 
                     Ruukki Trading South Africa 
                     (Pty) Ltd 
                     Samchrome Limited 
                     Synergy Africa Limited 
                     Veremo Holdings (Pty) Ltd 
A  number of companies in the Ehlobo Group (including Edenred South Africa (Pty) 
Ltd,  Ehlobo Capital (Pty) Ltd, Ehlobo Group (Pty) Ltd, Ehlobo Health Care (Pty) 
Ltd,  Ehlobo  Metals  (Pty)  Ltd,  Ehlobo  Resources  (Pty)  Ltd, Ehlobo Voucher 
Services  (Pty) Ltd,  Karibo Coal  (Pty) Ltd,  Nulane Investments 165 (Pty) Ltd, 
Polkadots  Properties 93 (Pty) Ltd, Umcebo Holdings  (Pty) Ltd and Umcebo Mining 
(Pty)  Ltd)  are  in  the  process  of  being  wound up in a solvent liquidation 
instigated by the group's shareholders. 
Ruukki Saw Mill Oy and Ruukki Harvest Oy are in the process of being wound up in 
a solvent liquidation instigated by Ruukki. 
The  expressions  used  in  this  announcement,  unless  the  context  otherwise 
requires, bear the same meaning as in the Offer Document dated 18 October 2010. 
Dr Danko Koncar / Alex     Chromex Mining / Synergy    Tel: +44 (0)20 7368 6763 
Buck                       Africa Limited 
Thomas Hoyer, CFO          Chromex Mining / Synergy    Tel: +358 (0)45 6700 491 
                           Africa Limited 
Dominic Morley/ Callum     Panmure Gordon              Tel: +44 (0) 20 7459 3600 
Stewart/ Grishma Patel 
David Currie/ Patrick       Investec Bank plc          Tel: +44(0)20 7597 5970 
Robb/ Daniel Adams/ 
Stephen Cooper 
Guy Wilkes/ Will Slack     Ocean Equities              Tel: +44 (0) 20 7786 4370 
Panmure  Gordon (UK)  Limited, which  is authorised  and regulated in the United 
Kingdom  by the Financial Services Authority, is acting as financial adviser and 
broker  to Chromex  Mining plc  and no  one else  in connection with the matters 
referred to in this announcement and will not be responsible to any person other 
than Chromex Mining plc for providing the protections afforded to the clients of 
Panmure  Gordon or for providing  advice in relation to  the matters referred to 
Ocean  Equities Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom 
by  the Financial Services Authority, is acting  as broker to Chromex Mining plc 
and  no one else in connection with the matters referred to in this announcement 
and  will not  be responsible  to any  person other  than Chromex Mining plc for 
providing  the protections afforded to the  clients of Ocean Equities Limited or 
for providing advice in relation to the matters referred to herein. 
Investec  Bank Plc, which is  authorised and regulated in  the United Kingdom by 
the  Financial Services Authority  is acting exclusively  for Ruukki and Synergy 
Africa  and no one else in connection with  the Offer and Warrant Offer and will 
not  be responsible to anyone other than Ruukki and Synergy Africa for providing 
the protections afforded to clients of Investec Bank plc or for providing advice 
in connection with the Offer and the Warrant Offer. 
The  release, publication or distribution  of this announcement in jurisdictions 
other  than the United Kingdom may be restricted by law and therefore persons in 
such  jurisdictions  into  which  this  announcement  is  released, published or 
distributed   should  inform  themselves  about,  and  observe,  any  applicable 
requirements.  The following Announcement  has been prepared  in accordance with 
English  law and the Code and information disclosed  may not be the same as that 
which  would have  been prepared  in accordance  with the  laws of jurisdictions 
outside England. 
This  Announcement does not constitute an offer  or an invitation to purchase or 
subscribe  for any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any 
jurisdiction  pursuant to the  Offer, the Warrant  Offer or otherwise. The Offer 
and  the  Warrant  Offer  are  made  solely  by  means of the Offer Document, an 
advertisement  published in  the London  Gazette and  the London  edition of the 
Financial  Times, and the  Form of Acceptance  (in respect of  Chromex Shares in 
certificated  form) and the Warrant Offer Form  of Acceptance (in respect of the 
Chromex  Warrants  in  certificated  form),  which  contain  the  full terms and 
conditions  of the  Offer and  the Warrant  Offer, including  details of how the 
Offer and the Warrant Offer may be accepted. Any acceptance or other response to 
the  Offer  or  the  Warrant  Offer  should  be  made  only  on the basis of the 
information  in the Offer  Document and the  Form of Acceptance  (in the case of 
Chromex  Shares in certificated  form) and the  Warrant Offer Form of Acceptance 
(in respect of the Chromex Warrants in certificated form) (as applicable). 
Unless  otherwise determined by  Synergy Africa and  permitted by applicable law 
and  regulation, the Offer and the Warrant Offer are not being, and will not be, 
made,  directly or indirectly, in, into, or by  use of the mail, or by any means 
or   instrumentality   (including,   without   limitation,   telephonically   or 
electronically)  of interstate or foreign  commerce of, or by  any facility of a 
national  securities exchange, of the United States, Canada, Australia, or Japan 
or  any  other  jurisdiction  if  to  do  so would constitute a violation of the 
relevant  laws of such jurisdiction and the Offer and the Warrant Offer will not 
be  capable of acceptance by any such use, means, instrumentality or facilities. 
Accordingly,  copies of  this announcement,  the Offer  Document, the Form(s) of 
Acceptance and any other documents relating to the Offer are not being, and must 
not  be, directly or indirectly, mailed,  or otherwise forwarded, distributed or 
sent,  in  whole  or  in  part,  in,  into  or  from  the United States, Canada, 
Australia,  or Japan or  any other jurisdiction  if to do  so would constitute a 
violation  of the relevant laws of  such jurisdiction and persons receiving such 
documents  (including custodians,  nominees and  trustees) must  not directly or 
indirectly mail, transmit or otherwise forward, distribute or send them in, into 
or  from  any  such  jurisdiction  as  to  do  so  may  invalidate any purported 
acceptance  of the Offer and the Warrant  Offer. Doing so may render invalid any 
purported  acceptance of the  Offer and the  Warrant Offer.  The availability of 
the  Offer and the Warrant  Offer to persons who  are not resident in the United 
Kingdom should inform themselves about and observe any applicable requirements. 
In  accordance with Rule 19.11 of the Code,  A copy of this announcement will be 
available  subject to certain  restrictions relating to  persons resident in the 
United States, Canada, Australia, Japan or any other Restricted Jurisdiction, on 
Chromex's                                                                website 
(http://www.chromexmining.co.uk/News/News/Latest_News/NewsList.aspx?id=27)  from 
the date of this announcement. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Chromex Mining PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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