RNS Number:0063Y
Blue Star Mobile Group plc
08 June 2007

                           BLUE STAR MOBILE GROUP PLC

                                   (AIM: BTR)

                              Preliminary Results

Blue Star Mobile Group PLC ("Blue Star"), the provider of mobile marketing and
content solutions, announces preliminary results for the year ended 31 March


  -   Turnover up 45% to #4.4m (2006: #3.1m)

  -   Gross Profit up 73% to #1.8m (2006: #1.1m)

  -   Gross Margin % increased to 41% (2006 35%) as contribution from
      higher margin brand and promotions increased significantly

  -   EBITDA up to #213,000 (2006: loss #41,000)

  -   Profit before tax up to #101,000 (2006: loss #65,000)

  -   Profit after tax up to #62,000 (2006: #21,000)

Operational Highlights

  -   David Beckham - Negotiated and now manage the global agreement
      between Motorola and David Beckham.

  -   20th Century Fox - Production and delivery of mobile marketing
      campaigns to promote their launch of major film releases.

  -   Bacardi Global Brands- Appointed as the Global Mobile Marketing

  -   FIFA World Cup 2006 - Significant World Cup activity including the
      activation in the UK of T-Mobile's official sponsorship.

  -   International Sales - International sales now 26% of total sales.

  -   US Operation - The incorporation of Blue Star Mobile Inc and the
      opening, in October 2006, of its Chicago HQ.

  -   China - Successful launch of "Mobile WOW" a communications platform
      in China, and commencement of process to set up business subsidiary.

In his statement, David Cromwell, Chairman, said:

"Our company has continued to grow and we have seen increasing
internationalisation in our business.

"As highlighted in our previous announcements the brand and product marketing
area is where we saw the most growth opportunities and this has proved to be the

"We will continue to develop relationships with new and existing partners in the
UK and Overseas. In addition we will focus on media agencies to access brands
where we see they have great opportunity to utilise the mobile channel."

For further Information, please contact

Blue Star Mobile Group PLC                                    Parkgreen Communications Ltd

Steve Clarke, Chief Executive          T: 020 7173 2360       Paul McManus            T: 020 7479 7933

Adam Hayes, Finance Director           T: 020 7173 2360                               M: 07980 541893

                        About Blue Star Mobile Group PLC

The Group consists of three companies:-

Blue Star Mobile Ltd is a leading market provider in developing and delivering
mobile marketing solutions for large blue chip organisations. The company
creates compelling propositions and delivers a complete end-to-end technical
solution. Clients include: Motorola, News Group Newspapers, Sky, Bacardi and

Blue Star Sport Ltd specialises in providing sports marketing services to mobile
brands.  Its role is to negotiate, manage and activate sponsorship contracts in
both the UK and overseas for its clients.  Blue Star Sport's main clients are
T-Mobile UK, acting as their exclusive football sponsorship agency and Motorola
Inc, managing their David Beckham global partnership.

Blue Star Mobile Inc is the North American subsidiary set up to develop mobile
marketing and promotional activity in the US market. Its initial customers are
Motorola and 20th Century Fox.

Blue Star Mobile Group PLC
Chairman's Statement

The Mobile Market

The mobile phone is the device that nobody leaves at home and it is becoming
increasingly important for brands to have a "mobile strategy". Blue Star
believes that the mobile content and mobile solutions industry is however
extremely confusing to both consumers and corporates. The majority of consumers
do not know how to download content or activate WAP settings. Corporates do not
have the capability or resource to handle content rights, handset compatibility,
content formatting and the ability to develop innovative marketing solutions
using mobile. With its knowledge of the industry and its creative talents, Blue
Star addresses these issues and delivers solutions to its customers.

These solutions include building services that deliver access to both internet
and corporate intranets.

Even as consumers and corporates become more knowledgeable about mobile content
and mobile solutions, we believe the industry will become more complex as mobile
handset technology develops and mobile handset capabilities increase. Therefore
the need for cutting-edge products and services will remain for existing and new
clients alike.

Financial Results

The Group has generated a turnover of #4.4m (2006: #3.1m) in the year ending 31
March 2007.

In the same period Gross Profit rose to #1.8m (2006: #1.1m) and the Group made a
profit before tax of #101,000 (2006: loss #65,000).

The Group made a profit after tax of #62,000 (2006 #21,000).

The business held #0.3m of net cash at 31 March 2007 having invested cash in the
working capital of the business.

The Group commissioned and purchased a range of music tracks from leading DJs.
These have then been sold on, on a short term basis, to customers as part of a
promotion. The Group owns these tracks and anticipates ongoing future revenues
from the tracks.

The Directors do not propose the payment of a dividend.

Business Review

Turnover Analysis
                                            2007         H2       H1       2006

Brand & Product Marketing                  1,723        944      779        473
Channel Marketing                          1,345        700      645      1,419
Sports marketing                           1,366        616      750      1,172

Total                                      4,434      2,260    2,174      3,064

Brand & Product Marketing (turnover up 264%)

Our role is to work with Blue Chip organisations to create new and innovative
ways for them to promote their brand or specific product to their desired
audience through the mobile channel, for which we receive a development fee and
an ongoing management fee. This includes developing services that put both the
internet and intranet onto the mobile phone in an effective way. The growth in
H2 is underpinned by our expanding relationship with Motorola, for whom we
delivered a number of promotions, including one linked to their sponsorship of
the Brit awards and our first overseas orders for a sales information service
delivered over a mobile handset to Motorola employees in China. We develop
promotions and services in partnership with a number of advertising agencies and
their brand clients. Corporate Brands we have worked with in this period include
British Airways, Esselte, Virgin Mobile, Football Association and Sky.

This is the area where we see most growth potential for the business,
particularly as the capability of mobile handsets is increasing and brands and
advertising agencies are becoming aware of the need to develop and implement
mobile strategies.

Channel Marketing (turnover down 5%)

We work with media companies to develop and manage their mobile services,
operating a revenue share business model which aligns the interests of all
parties to deliver growth and offer a successful service. Growth was impacted by
a reduced level of competitions run in H2 of this year and price erosion in the
wallpapers and ringtones market. We have received approval to syndicate certain
content with the Network operators and anticipate that this will return this
channel to growth in 2007/8.

Sports Marketing (turnover up 17%)

Our role is to negotiate and manage all aspects of a customer's sports
sponsorship activity for which we receive a pre-defined fee.

As stated in previous announcements there was significant spend in H1 as
T-Mobile was a major sponsor of the World Cup and the subsequent spend in H2 was
reduced in line with expectations.

The year saw T-Mobile further extend the contract to negotiate, manage and "
activate" its English and Scottish football sponsorship until the end of the
2008 football season, although the level of activity is expected to reduce

The year also saw the winning of the contract to manage Motorola's global
agreement with David Beckham.

                                            2007        H2       H1        2006

Sales                                      4,434     2,260    2,174       3,064
Gross Profit                               1,838     1,026      812       1,062
Costs                                     (1746)     (936)    (809)     (1,137)
Profit (Loss) before tax                     101        94        7        (65)
Profit after Tax                              62        57        5          21

The key objectives for the period were to establish a profitable business and to
support the growth and internationalisation of the business. We believe that we
have delivered on both of these objectives.

Gross Profit % rose to 41% reflecting higher margins in the Brand and Product
Marketing area.

Costs were up 55% reflecting the growth in salary costs as we expanded the team
to support the growing business, and an increase in travel costs linked to the
international expansion of the business. Cost control remains a key focus of the

The business moved into profit at both the operating and pre tax levels in the


We believe that the business will continue to grow going forward as we exploit
opportunities within the growing mobile marketing and content solutions markets.
We will continue to encourage and exploit our entrepreneurial management skills
and culture, all of which are needed in this market place and we remain aware of
the need to continue sound financial disciplines as we grow and expand.

We will continue to develop relationships with our existing partners in the UK
and Overseas. In addition we will focus on media agencies to access brands where
we see they have great opportunity to utilise the mobile channel.

Blue Star Sport Ltd will seek to diversify its client base further whilst
targeting opportunities within the sports and mobile sectors.


We are pleased with the performance of Blue Star Mobile Group PLC to date and
whilst we understand the challenges ahead, we are very excited and optimistic
about the potential that our business can realise in a rapidly growing market.

As a start up business, now showing strong growth trends we recognise the valued
part played by our people. It takes courage, commitment and self belief to
invest one's career in a new business and it is precisely these attributes,
along with creativity and skill, that have delivered the performance to date. We
will continue to value and invest in our people and continue to safeguard the
interests of our investors.

David Cromwell
8th June 2007

Year ended 31 March 2007
                                                                                            Year            Audited
                                                                                           ended       Period ended 
                                                                                        31 March           31 March
                                                                                            2007               2006
                                                                        Note                              (Restated)  

                                                                                           #'000               #'000

TURNOVER                                                                   4               4,434               3,064

COST OF SALES                                                                            (2,596)             (2,002)

GROSS PROFIT                                                                               1,838                1062
Administrative expenses                                                                  (1,746)             (1,137)

OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                                                                       92                (75)

Interest receivable and similar income                                                         9                  10

 BEFORE TAXATION                                                                             101                (65)

Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                                        (39)                  86

RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR                                                        62                  21

BASIC PROFIT PER ORDINARY SHARE p/share                                    5                 .21                 .07
FULLY DILUTED PROFIT PER ORDINARY SHARE p/share                            5                 .21                 .07

There are no recognised gains and losses other than those passing through the
profit and loss account.

As at 31 March 2007
                                                                                         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                             As at            As at
                                                                                          31 March         31 March
                                                                                              2007             2006
                                                                          Note               #'000            #'000

Intangible Assets                                                                              476              426
Other tangible fixed assets                                                                     30               25
                                                                                               506              451

Debtors                                                                                      1,398              805
Cash at bank and in hand                                                                       274              400
                                                                                             1,672            1,205

CREDITORS: amounts falling due      
 within one year                                                                            (1211)            (763)

NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                                             461              442

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                          967              893

CREDITORS: amounts falling due                                                           
after more than one year                                                                         -                -

NET ASSETS                                                                                     967              893

Called up share capital                                                      7                 295              295
Share premium account                                                        7               1,225            1,225
Share option reserve                                                         7                  21                9
Reverse acquisition reserve                                                  7               (211)            (211)
Profit and loss account                                                      7               (363)            (425)

EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                                                                     967              893

Year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                                        Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                       Year ended     Period ended
                                                                                         31 March         31 March
                                                                                             2007             2006
                                                                          Note                          (Restated)
                                                                                            #'000            #'000

Net cash (outflow) from operating activities                                 6               (112)            (214)

Returns on investment and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                                9               10
Interest paid

Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance                             9               10

UK corporation tax paid                                                                          -                -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                                     (23)             (15)

Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment                            (23)             (15)

Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary                                                                   -             (98)
Cash acquired in subsidiary                                                                      -               26

Net cash (outflow) from acquisitions and disposals                                               -             (72)

Equity dividends paid                                                                            -                -

Cash (outflow) before financing                                                              (126)            (291)

Issue of share capital                                                                           -            1,051
Expenses incurred in issuing share capital                                                       -            (155)
Repayment of borrowings                                                                          -            (646)

Net cash inflow from financing                                                                   -              250

(Decrease) in cash                                                                           (126)             (41)

Year ended 31 March 2007

1.       The financial information included in the report comprises the
consolidated profit and loss account, the consolidated balance sheet, the
consolidated cash flow statement and notes 1 to 10.  These have been prepared in
accordance with the normal accounting policies of the Group.

Change in accounting policy

The group has adopted FRS 20 Share-based payments. The adoption represents a
change in accounting policy and the comparative figures have been restated

Employees of the group receive part of their remuneration in the form of
share-based payment transactions, whereby the employee provides services in
exchange for shares or rights over shares (equity-settled transactions).

The fair value of employee share options is calculated at the date of grant
using the Black- Scholes model. In accordance with FRS 20 the resulting cost is
charged to the Profit and Loss account over the vesting period. The value of the
charge is adjusted to reflect the expected and actual levels of vesting.

This resulted in an additional charge of #9,000 in period ended 31 March 2006
and a charge of #12,000 in the year ended 31 March 2007.

2.       This financial information does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of s240 (5) of the Companies Act 1985.

3.       Blue Star Mobile Group PLC was incorporated on 25th February 2005. In
the consolidated financial information the group adopted reverse acquisition
accounting for its acquisition of Blue Star Mobile Ltd in March 2005.

4.       Analysis of Turnover

By Segment
                                                                                         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                              Year           Period 
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                          31 March         31 March
                                                                                              2007             2006 
                                                                                             #'000            #'000

Channel Marketing                                                                            1,344            1,419
Brand and Product Marketing                                                                  1,723              473
Sports Marketing                                                                             1,367            1,172

Turnover                                                                                     4,434            3,064

By Destination
                                                                                         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                              Year           Period 
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                          31 March         31 March
                                                                                              2007             2006
                                                                                             #'000            #'000

UK                                                                                           3,262            2,908
Overseas                                                                                     1,172              156

Turnover                                                                                     4,434            3,064

By Origination
                                                                                         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                              Year           Period 
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                          31 March         31 March
                                                                                              2007             2006
                                                                                             #'000            #'000

UK                                                                                           4,378            3,064
USA                                                                                             56                -

Turnover                                                                                     4,434            3,064

5.       Earnings per Share

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit for the
financial year of #62,000 and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue during the year of 29,528,163. The calculation of the diluted earnings per
share is based on the basic earnings per share adjusted to allow for the
dilutive effect of contingently issuable shares.

6.       Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow from operating

                                                                                         Unaudited          Audited
                                                                                              Year           Period 
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                          31 March         31 March
                                                                                              2007             2006
                                                                                             #'000            #'000

Operating profit (loss)                                                                         92             (75)
Depreciation                                                                                    19               12
Amortisation of Intangibles                                                                     80                -
Amortisation of Goodwill                                                                        22               22
Share Option Charge                                                                             12                9
(Increase) in debtors                                                                        (632)            (531)
Increase in creditors                                                                          295              349

Net cash (outflow) from operating activities                                                 (112)            (214)

7.       Statement of movements on share capital and reserves

                                             Called up                    Share      Reverse     Profit  
                                                 share       Share       option  acquisition   and loss
                                               capital     premium      reserve      reserve    account      Total
                                                 #'000       #'000        #'000        #'000      #'000      #'000

At 31 March 2006                                   295       1,225           -         (211)      (416)        893
PYA  - Creation of share option reserve              -           -           9             -        (9)          -
At 31 March 2006 revised                           295       1,225           9         (211)      (425)        893
Retained profit for the period                       -           -           -             -         62         62
Share Option Charge                                  -           -          12             -          -         12
At 31 March 2007                                   295       1,225          21         (211)      (363)        967

8.       Financial Information

This preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 2006 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies and included an audit report which was unqualified
and which did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007,
upon which the auditors have still to report, will be delivered to the Registrar
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

9.       Annual Report & Financial Statements

The Annual report and Financial Statements will be posted to shareholders
shortly and will include notification of the date of the Annual General Meeting.

10.   Copies of this statement and the annual report will be available to the
public for collection at the Company's registered office at 116 Gloucester
Place, London, W1U 6HZ.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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