Issue of Debt
2005年4月26日 - 10:49PM
RNSを含む英国規制内ニュース (英語)
RNS Number:5353L
Japan Bank for Intl Cooperation
26 April 2005
April 26, 2005
JBIC Issues Fiscal Investment and Loan Program (FILP) Agency Bonds
- Issuance of 50 billion yen for 5-year bonds, 50 billion yen for 10-year bonds
and 20 billion for 15-year bonds -
1. Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: Kyosuke Shinozawa)
decided today the terms for launching its FILP Agency Bonds (non-government
guaranteed domestic bonds) in the Japanese capital market: 50 billion yen issue
of 5-year straight bonds, 50 billion yen issue of 10-year straight bonds and 20
billion yen issue of 15-year straight bonds.
2. The main features of the issuances are as follows:
#17 JBIC Bond
Amount JPY 50 billion
Market Japanese capital market
Maturity 5 years (due on June 21, 2010)
Payment date May 13, 2005
Coupon rate 0.54%
Issue price 99.95% (Re-offer yield: 0.550 %)
Collateral General Collateral
Syndicate Nomura, Nikko Citigroup (Lead Managers); Goldman Sachs,
Shinko, Daiwa SMBC, Mizuho, Mitsubishi, Merrill Lynch,
Morgan Stanley, UFJ Tsubasa (Co-Lead Managers)
#18 JBIC Bond
Amount JPY 50 billion
Market Japanese capital market
Maturity 10 years (due on March 20, 2015)
Payment date May 13, 2005
Coupon rate 1.34%
Issue price 99.94% (Re-offer yield: 1.346%)
Collateral General Collateral
Syndicate Nomura, Nikko Citigroup (Lead Managers)
#19 JBIC Bond
Amount JPY 20 billion
Market Japanese capital market
Maturity 15 years (due on March 19, 2020)
Payment date May 13, 2005
Coupon rate 1.67%
Issue price 99.90% (Re-offer yield: 1.678%)
Collateral General Collateral
Syndicate Nomura, Mitsubishi (Lead Managers)
Credit ratings of these bonds are as follows.
A2: Moody's
AA-: S&P
This information is provided by RNS
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