RNS Number:6919E
Axeon Holdings Plc
28 September 2007

28th September 2007

                            Axeon Holdings plc ("AXE")

      Unaudited Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 2007

Axeon Holdings plc ("Axeon" the "Company"), the specialist provider of 
advanced battery and battery management systems primarily for the reduction of 
automotive emissions announces its interim results for the six months to 
30 June 2007.


First Half 2007

*     Revenues increased by 82% to #2,498,000 (2006: #1,371,000).

*     Pre-tax loss increased 57% to #522,000 (2006: #332,000).

*     Investment in R&D increased by 27% to #653,000 (2006: #513,000).

*     Programme wins from the Energy Savings Trust for two electric 
      vehicle (EV) battery variants and for a hybrid electric vehicle 
      (HEV) project from Deutz

*     First generation battery and charger systems for the Modec zero 
      emissions electric urban delivery vehicle programme delivered.

Post Half Year

*     Acquisition of Ristma AG secures entry to volume powertool 
      battery market and a European footprint for the roll out of EV and 
      HEV battery products increasing the scale and reach of the Company.

*     Significant additional orders for Li-ion battery packs from Modec 
      and accelerated production ramp-up starting in October with minimum 
      annual volume target of 1,000 vehicle battery and charger systems. 

*     Prototype EV taxi battery for Veicoli and supply for a European bus 
      manufacturer of battery and charger systems secured.

Commenting on the results Hamish Grant, Chief Executive Officer of Axeon said:

"During the first half of 2007 we have delivered on the strategy laid out to 
shareholders.  Revenue momentum has been matched with new EV and HEV programmes 
across the UK and continental Europe.  We believe the securing of Ristma AG 
and the production ramp-up with Modec underpins significant growth in Axeon's 
revenue and profitability over the next two years.  The increasing flow of 
EV programmes from the UK and continental Europe will accelerate further 


Axeon Holdings plc                      Tel: +44 (0)1382 400040
Hamish Grant, CEO
David Campbell, CFO

Gavin Anderson & Company                Tel: +44 (0)20 7554 1400
Ken Cronin/Robert Speed

Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking       Tel: +44 (0)141 221 7733
Ken Fleming, Corporate Finance
Gregor Paterson, Analyst

Chairman's Statement


The first half of 2007 has seen continued significant progress on delivery of 
the Group's strategy through both significantly increased revenue and delivery 
of technical project milestones.  Our advanced Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery 
pack and proprietary Vindax technology based battery management system (BMS) 
for EV and HEV applications are in high demand. 

The 82% increase in turnover to #2,498,000 (2006: #1,371,000) reflects the 
start of production of first generation sodium nickel chloride batteries 
for Modec.  

I am particularly pleased with the technical and commercial progress Axeon 
has made with the second generation Li-ion battery pack and charger system 
for Modec.  Axeon has been working on this project since the spring of 2006 
and we have been able to report steady progress since then.  The Modec 
electric urban delivery vehicle is being well received by customers.  The 
launch of the second generation Li-ion battery and charger system with start 
of production ramp-up in October will enable Modec to scale up its production.  
We expect this to be followed by the introduction of a third generation longer 
range Li-ion battery and charger system in Q2 2008.

Modec have recently asked us to plan on the basis of a more rapid switch from 
first to second generation battery and charger systems this year. They have 
provided a target of raising second generation production to 60 battery and 
charger systems a month before the end of the year, with production rising to 
90 battery and charger systems a month during Q2 2008.  We are organising our 
supply chain to meet this demand and are evaluating the working capital 
requirements that flow from this accelerated rate of production ramp-up.

We anticipate that the major acquisition of Ritsma AG completed on 9th August 
2007 will contribute significantly to the second half performance of the Group 
and will provide a platform for growth in continental Europe during 2008.

Financial Review

With the first generation sodium nickel chloride battery and charger systems 
for Modec starting production early in 2007, revenue has significantly 
increased by 81% to #2,498,000 (2006: #1,371,000).

The mix of revenue has changed from primarily development to primarily 
production related.  Production revenues carry a higher proportion of cost of 
sale compared to the development projects where engineering development costs 
have been written off through the overhead.  Reflecting this, gross margin has 
fallen from 64% in 2006 to 29% in the first half of 2007 with a consequent drop 
in the gross profit by #147,000 to #723,000 (2006: #870,000).

Overheads are slightly higher with increased staff to service the demand for 
further projects.  The increased staff cost has been partially offset by 
reduced infrastructure costs through consolidating all operations at our Dundee 
site.  Research and development investment has increased by 27% to #653,000 
(2006: #513,000) reflecting our commitment to continue BMS and battery system 
technology development.  In addition development costs of #306,000 (2006: nil) 
(not included in R&D expense above) have been capitalised in line with our 
accounting policy for research and development costs.

Business Progress

Small and Medium Batteries
This segment continues to generate income for the business, but is becoming 
proportionally less significant as the large battery business grows.  The major 
design win during the first half of the year was announced in February 
worth #300,000 for an innovative bath lift product for Care-Knight.

Automotive EV and HEV batteries
The year started well in January with our first HEV battery programme for Deutz.  
This programme took only three months from contract to delivery showing 
the benefits of our modular BMS design.  Deutz were able to show its 
hybrid wheel loader vehicle at the Bauma trade fair in April.  Since then 
the vehicle has been undergoing a period of testing, evaluation and development.

With the Modec programme we delivered various prototype battery and charger 
systems as planned during the first half of the year.  In March we started 
production of 100mile range first generation sodium nickel chloride battery 
and charger systems to match Modec's start of production.  As a result of this 
encouraging performance the Company  increased guidance on the total number of 
Modec battery and charger systems to be delivered during 2007 from 155 to 175. 

In March we also announced a programme valued at #1.15 million over two years 
funded by the Energy Savings Trust to develop next generation battery packs 
for an electric version of the Daimler Chrysler SMART car and the Modec vehicle.  
These programmes will allow us to continue investment in battery pack R&D, 
demonstrate capability for the SMART car EV programme and extended durability 
for the Modec urban delivery vehicle. 

Research and Product Development
We continued development of our BMS products and completed a programme funded 
by ITI Energy to integrate our Vindax technology into the BMS to provide 
advanced fuel gauge and battery state of health indications.  Along with 
this work we also carried out numerous cell supplier visits and qualifications 
to establish reliable supply of large format cells for our EV programmes.  

There are many different types of Li-ion cell chemistry with different levels 
of inherent safety, performance and durability.  Our evaluation work has 
included extended cell testing and both non-destructive and destructive testing 
of cells to establish risk and safety criteria.  These programmes of test and 
validation will be expanded during the second half of 2007 and into 2008 as we 
move from development to production.

Our test and evaluation programme of the prototype second generation Li-ion 
phosphate batteries for Modec has shown significant range per kilowatt hour 
battery capacity benefits over the first generation sodium nickel chloride 
batteries.  We believe that as well as this, the second generation system 
will deliver a more durable, robust and lower cost solution for customers.

Management and Staff
In line with increased revenue and customer product development commitments we 
have added additional staff, in finance and administration, in sales and 
particularly in engineering.  This takes the total headcount of professional 
staff to 35 at the half year.

2nd Half 2007 Update
Since the 30th June we have made five further important announcements.

In July we announced the Company had received an order from Veicoli to build 
a prototype Li-ion battery system for an EV taxi programme in Italy.  This was 
Axeon's first EV contract win in continental Europe and the first tangible 
result of investment this year in sales activity in continental Europe.  
As announced today this prototype has now been completed and is ready for 
testing and evaluation.

This initial success has been followed by the announcement today with another 
continental European bus manufacturer for Axeon to become its exclusive 
supplier of battery and charger systems.  The first phase of this project is to 
deliver proof of concept systems before the end of the year with detailed 
development engineering planned during 2008.

Earlier this month we were able to report significant new orders worth 
#2.5 million for the initial launch quantities of the second generation 
Li-ion battery and charger systems for the Modec electric zero emission urban 
delivery vehicle.  These new orders were in addition to previously announced 
orders from Modec worth #3.1 million for development engineering and first 
generation sodium nickel chloride batteries.  We were also able to confirm 
that initial production ramp-up of Li-ion would start in October.  

We have delivered 66 first generation systems to date and had planned to 
deliver a total of 115 first generation systems and 60 second generation 
systems before the year end, taking total deliveries to 175.  However Modec 
have recently asked us to plan on the basis of a more rapid switch from first 
to second generation battery and charger systems this year.  They have asked 
us to stop production of first generation battery and charger systems and to 
accelerate production ramp-up of second generation battery and charger systems 
to deliver 176 units between now and the end of the year.  This would take 
total deliveries for the year to 242 battery and charger systems.  Modec have 
confirmed a production plan for 60 battery and charger systems a month during 
Q1 2008 rising to 90 battery and charger systems a month during Q2 2008.  
Minimum annual volumes are targeted at 1,000 battery and charger systems a year.  

We are organising our supply chain to meet this demand and are evaluating the 
working capital requirements that flow from this significantly accelerated rate 
of production build up.

In July we announced that we had entered into a share purchase agreement to 
acquire the entire issued share capital of Ristma AG for a cash consideration 
of CHF12.5 million (approximately #5.11 million) payable at completion and a 
deferred consideration of up to CHF5.5 million (approximately #2.25 million) 
to be satisfied by the issue of ordinary shares.  This major acquisition was 
completed in August and changes both the scale and reach of Axeon.

Axeon and Ristma operate in complementary segments of the battery systems 
market.  Axeon operates in the EV and HEV market while Ristma manufactures 
battery packs principally for the handheld cordless power tools market. 

The Directors believe that Ristma has the infrastructure that Axeon needs to 
be able to accelerate sales of its EV and HEV products in continental Europe.  
Ristma's established manufacturing facility in Poland is of particular 
importance to Axeon as the Directors believe that it provides a good location 
and workforce to supply European automotive customers with EV and HEV 
battery packs.  

At the time of the acquisition the Board laid out its belief that the 
benefits of the acquisition were:

*     to accelerate the roll out of the products developed by Axeon across 
      the European market.  The increased size of the Enlarged Group will 
      give it the profile to compete more effectively in the global 
      automotive and cordless power tools battery market  

*     to accelerate the Enlarged Group's profitability and enhance 
      earnings into the foreseeable future 

*     that the revenue from Ristma will continue to grow strongly as the 
      cordless power tools market converts to the more expensive (per unit) 
      but higher performance Li-ion cell technology

*     that margins in Ristma can be improved through increased 
      manufacturing efficiency

*     to generate cashflow which is anticipated to exceed the working 
      capital growth need of the rapidly expanding EV and HEV product 
      lines of Axeon while still leaving cash available to invest in 
      further business development and to pay down debt

*     to diversify risk across more key customers and across more of 
      the Li-ion battery pack market segments

*     to concentrate manufacturing operations for the Enlarged Group in 
      the low cost, high-efficiency Polish site providing an economically 
      and logistically attractive manufacturing location for battery packs 
      for the European EV and HEV market place

*     to capitalise on the material synergies between Ristma's locations, 
      operations and customers and Axeon's products and electronic 
      design skills on the basis that:

            -   Axeon's established skills in the design and manufacture 
                of large Li-ion battery packs should assist to accelerate 
                sales by Ristma

            -   Ristma's infrastructure in Germany, Switzerland and Poland 
                should allow acceleration of Axeon's product roll out 
                across the Europe

In the seven weeks since the acquisition completed the Board has been 
impressed by the positive way the Ristma team have responded to the acquisition 
and believes that the benefits defined above can be achieved. 

When we made the preliminary announcement of 2006 results in March the 
Board outlined the strategy for the business.  We remain committed to this 
strategy and believe that the Company has made significant progress on its 
implementation.  Of particular importance has been the technical and 
commercial progress, with the Modec programme moving to start of production 
ramp-up and the acquisition of Ristma giving us a continental European 
geographical spread.  

During the second half of 2007 and into 2008 the Board believes the Group will 
see continued material revenue growth and that this rate of revenue growth 
may be higher than previously planned increasing our working capital 
requirement.  Based on these programmes the Board believes the Group will 
deliver its first annual profit for financial year 2008.  

In addition we now have a pipeline of customer development programmes that if 
they come to fruition could further accelerate revenue and profitability 
during the second half of 2008.  

Charles Matthews
28th September 2007

Financial Information


The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the 
recognition and measurement requirements of International Financial Reporting 
Standards (IFRSs) in issue that are either endorsed by the European Union 
and effective at 30 June 2007, or are expected to be endorsed and effective 
at 31 December 2007, the group's first annual reporting date at which it is 
required to adopt IFRSs.  There are a number of presentational changes but 
there are no changes to the previously reported results.  

Axeon Holdings plc
for the half year ended 30 June 2007

                                    6 Months         6 Months        
                                       to 30            to 30       Year to 31
                                   June 2007        June 2006    December 2006                    
                           Note    Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                      #'000            #'000             #'000

Revenue                               2,498            1,371             2,551
Cost of sales                         1,775              501               923
                                    -------          -------           -------
Gross profit                            723              870             1,628
Administrative expenses              (1,257)          (1,220)           (2,743)
                                    -------          -------           -------
Operating loss before
financing costs                        (534)            (350)           (1,115)

Financial income                         12               31                74
Financial expenses                        -              (13)              (19)
                                    -------          -------           ------- 
Loss before taxation                   (522)            (332)           (1,060)
Taxation                                  -                -               196
                                    -------          -------           ------- 
Loss for the period
attributable to equity
holders                                (522)            (332)             (864)

                                    =======          =======           =======
Loss per ordinary share
Basic and diluted loss per
share                         3        (2.1)p           (1.5)p            (3.7)p
                                    =======          =======           =======

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the current 
and comparative financial years.

Turnover and loss on ordinary activities before taxation for the current 
and previous year relate wholly to continuing activities.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 June 2007

                   Note    30 June 2007         30 June 2006   31 December 2006
                             Unaudited            Unaudited           Unaudited
                         #'000   #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000      #'000

Non current assets
Intangible assets                1,408               1,209                1,430
Tangible assets                    207                 205                  203
                               -------             -------              -------
Total non current
assets                           1,615               1,414                1,633

Current assets
Stock                      594               143                  399
Trade and other
receivables              3,186             1,098                1,043
Cash and cash
equivalents                140             2,220                1,669

                       --------          -------             --------
Total current assets     3,920             3,461                3,111
Total current
liabilities             (2,155)             (446)                (866)

                       --------          --------            --------
Net current assets               1,765               3,015                2,245
                                -------             ------              -------
Total assets less
current liabilities              3,380               4,429                3,878

Non current
liabilities                       (217)               (258)                (229)

                                -------             ------              -------
Net assets                       3,163               4,171                3,649
                                =======             ======              =======

Called up share
capital                          1,229               1,229                1,229

Share premium account            7,357               7,357                7,357
Merger reserve                   6,380               6,380                6,380
Equity reserve                      90                  53                   54
Profit and loss
account                        (11,893)            (10,848)             (11,371)

                                -------            --------             -------
Total Equity                      3,163               4,171               3,649
                                =======            ========             =======

Consolidated cashflow statement
For the six month period ended 30 June 2007

                                         6 Months     6 Months     
                                            to 30        to 30     Year to 31
                                        June 2007    June 2006  December 2006
                                        Unaudited    Unaudited      Unaudited
                                            #'000        #'000          #'000
Loss for the period                          (534)        (350)        (1,115)
Depreciation and amortisation                  68           75            168
Share based payments                           36           25             35
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Operating loss changes before
changes in working capital                   (430)        (250)          (912)

Decrease / (increase) in
inventories                                  (195)        (338)          (380)

Decrease / (increase) in
trade and other receivables                (2,204)           -           (586)

Increase / (decrease) in
trade and other payables                    1,242            -            362
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Cash used by operations                    (1,578)        (588)        (1,516)
Taxes received                                131            -            187
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
                                           (1,456)        (588)        (1,329)
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Investing activities
Purchase of tangible fixed
assets                                        (50)         (95)          (300)
Purchase of intangible assets                   -          (26)           (26)
Acquisition of subsidiary                       -       (1,629)        (1,204)
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Net cash flow from investing

activities                                    (50)      (1,750)        (1,530)
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Cash flows from financing activities
Interest received                              24           30             74
Interest paid                                 (12)         (13)           (19)
Repayment of borrowings                       (35)         (45)          (112)
Issue of Ordinary shares                        -        4,400          4,400
Share issue expenses                            -         (315)          (315)
                                        ---------    ---------      ---------
Net cash flow from financing
activities                                    (23)       4,057          4,027
                                        ---------     --------     ----------
Net increase/(decrease) in
cash and cash equivalents                  (1,529)       1,719          1,168
Cash and cash equivalents at
the start of period                         1,669          501            501
                                       ----------     --------     ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at
the end of period                             140        2,220          1,669
                                       ----------     --------     ----------

Notes to the accounts:

1 Basis of preparation

This interim statement contains the financial information of Axeon Holdings plc 
("the Company") and its subsidiaries (together "the Group") for the six month 
period ended 30 June 2007. The report was approved by the directors on 27 
September 2007.

The preliminary financial information has been prepared under the historical 
cost convention.

The AIM Rules require that the next annual consolidated financial statements 
of the company, for the year to 31 December 2007, be prepared in accordance 
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the 
European Union ("adopted IFRSs").

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2006 are 
in the format required by adopted IFRSs and are therefore not the same as 
those in the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year.  
Those audited accounts, which were prepared under UK GAAP, have been reported 
on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  
The report of the auditors was:

i.   unqualified;
ii.  did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew 
attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report; and
iii.  did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies 
Act 1985.

This interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the 
recognition and measurement requirements of adopted IFRSs as at 30 June 2007 
that are effective (or available for early adoption) at 31 December 2007, 
the Group's first annual reporting date at which it is required to use 
adopted IFRSs.  Based on these adopted IFRSs, the directors have applied the
accounting policies which they expect to apply when the first annual IFRS 
financial statements are prepared for the year ending 31 December 2007.

However, the adopted IFRSs that will be effective (or available for 
early adoption) in the annual financial statements for the year ending 
31 December 2007 are still subject to change and to additional interpretations 
and therefore cannot be determined with certainty.  Accordingly, the 
accounting policies for that annual period will only be finally determined 
when the annual financial statements are prepared for the year 
ending 31 December 2007.

The accounting policies set out in Note 4 have been applied consistently to 
all periods presented in this interim financial information and in preparing 
an opening IFRS balance sheet at 1 January 2006 for the purposes of the 
transition to IFRS.

As required by IFRS 1, the impact of the transition from UK GAAP to IFRSs 
is explained in note 5.

2  Taxation

No provision for corporation tax is required due to the availability of tax 
losses.  The taxation credit reflected in the income statement represents 
research and development tax credit.  In accordance with the Group's 
accounting policy, this is estimated on an annual basis and adjusted 
for on final receipt.

3  Loss per share

Loss per share is calculated as follows:

                              6 Months            6 Months
                                 to 30               to 30          Year to 31
                             June 2007           June 2006       December 2006
                             Unaudited           Unaudited           Unaudited
                                 #'000               #'000               #'000
Net loss for the
financial period                  (522)               (332)               (863)
                         ---------------     --------------      ---------------

Weighted average number
of Ordinary shares in
issue                       24,587,385          21,569,667          23,070,144
                         ---------------     --------------      ---------------

Basic and diluted loss
per share                       (2.1)p             (1.5)p              (3.7)p
                              ========            ========            ========

The loss attributable to ordinary shares and the number of ordinary shares for 
the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per share are the same.  The 
exercise of share options would have the effect of reducing the loss per share 
and consequently are not taken into account in the calculation of the diluted 
loss per share.

4 Accounting policies

The significant accounting policy which has altered as the Group moves to 
production of new products, and the adoption of IFRSs, relates to the 
treatment of research and development costs.

Research and Development

Expenditure on research activities undertaken with the prospect of 
gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding is recognised 
as an expense in the income statement.

Where a product is technically feasible, production and sale are intended, 
a market exists and sufficient resources are available to complete the project, 
development costs are capitalised and amortised on a straight line basis over 
the estimated useful life of the respective product. Where no internally 
generated intangible asset can be recognised, development expenditure is 
recognised as an expense in the period in which it occurs.

5 Explanation of transition to IFRSs

As stated in Note 1, these are the Group's first consolidated interim financial 
statements for part of the period covered by the first IFRS annual consolidated 
financial statements to be prepared in accordance with adopted IFRSs.

The accounting policy set out above has been applied in preparing the 
consolidated financial statements for the six month period ended 30 June 2007, 
the comparative information for the six month period ended 30 June 2006, 
for the year ended 31 December 2006 and in the preparation of the opening 
IFRS balance sheet at 1 January 2006 (the Group's date of transition).

In preparing its opening IFRS balance sheet, comparative information for the 
six months ended 30 June 2006 and for the year ended 31 December 2006, the 
Group has not been required to adjust amounts previously reported in financial 
statements prepared in accordance with its previous basis of 
accounting under UK GAAP.

Accordingly the transition from UK GAAP to IFRSs has not affected the Group's 
financial position, financial performance or cash flows.

The only differences between the previous UK GAAP information and the IFRSs 
information presented are in the formatting and presentation of the information 
which follows the requirements of IFRSs.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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