Scheme becomes Effective and Change of Board
2008年9月8日 - 5:43PM
RNSを含む英国規制内ニュース (英語)
RNS Number : 9188C
Anzon Energy Limited
08 September 2008
8 September 2008
Scheme becomes Effective & Change of Board
Anzon Energy Limited ("AEL" or "the Company") announces that further to the order of the Federal Court of Australia ("Court") on Friday
5 September 2008 that the scheme of arrangement between AEL and its shareholders ("Scheme"), in relation to the proposed merger with Roc Oil
Company Limited (ASX & AIM: ROC), be approved, the Scheme has today been lodged with the Australian Investments and Securities Commission
and as a result the Scheme is Effective as at 8 September 2008. As provided in the Merger Implementation Agreement, ROC is entitled to
appoint 2 directors of the Company as soon as practicable after the Scheme becomes Effective.".
AEL announces the appointment of ROC directors, Mr William Jephcott and Mr Bruce Clement, as non-executive director of the Company,
effective today.
Mr Jephcott is an investment banker who specialises in merger and acquisition advice. He also has experience in the financing and
structuring of major resource projects, including those in the oil and gas industry. Since July 2006 Mr Jephcott has been Special Advisor to
Gresham Partners Limited. He is also a director of New South Wales Rugby Union Limited. Mr Jephcott is also Deputy Chairman of ROC.
Mr Clement, who joined ROC in 1997, has more than 28 years experience in the oil and gas industry. While at ROC, Mr Clement has held the
positions of Commercial Manager, Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer. Prior to joining ROC, Mr Clement
held engineering, commercial, and management roles with Exxon Corporation, Ampolex and AIDC Limited (Australian resource bank). Mr Clement
is currently the Acting Chief Executive Officer of ROC.
The information required to be disclosed in accordance with the AIM rules, with respect to the appointment of Mr Jephcott and Mr Clement
to the Board, is set out in Appendix 1 below.
For further information please contact:
Anzon Energy Limited: Mr Tony Strasser +61 2 9024 3555
Grant Thornton UK LLP: Fiona Owen +44 20 7383 5100
Appendix 1
Set out below are the current and past Directorships over the past five years of William George Jephcott - aged 58.
Current directorships or partnerships Past directorships or partnerships
Roc Oil Company Limited Engin Limited
New South Wales Rugby Union Ltd Roc Oil (Madagascar) Pty Limited
Amadan Pty Limited Darcy Nominees Pty Ltd
En-dev Finance Consultants Pty Ltd Innocom Systems Pty Ltd
GPF No 4 Pty Ltd Mibroadband Pty Limited
Roto Pty Limited Homan Pty Ltd
NSWRU Finance Limited
Ranrub Pty Limited
Rugby Ground Administration Pty
Mr Jephcott has no interest in the ordinary shares and options of AEL.
Set out below are the current and past Directorships over the past five years of Bruce Frederick William Clement - aged 52.
Current directorships or partnerships Past directorships or partnerships
Roc Oil Company Limited None
Roc Oil International Holdings Pty
Roc Oil Canada
Roc Oil Australia Holdings Pty Limited
Roc Oil (WA) Pty Limited
Roc Oil (Mauritania) Company
Roc Oil (Madagascar) Pty Limited
Roc Oil (Maboque) Company
Roc Oil (Gobi) Pty Limited
Roc Oil (GB) Limited
Roc Oil (GB Holdings) Limited
Roc Oil (Finance) Pty Limited
Roc Oil (Falklands) Limited
Roc Oil (Europe) Limited
Roc Oil (Equatorial Guinea) Company
Roc Oil (China) Pty Limited
Roc Oil (China) Company
Roc Oil (Cayman Islands) Company
Roc Oil (Casamance) Company
Roc Oil (Cabinda) Company
Roc Oil (Bohai) Company
Roc Oil (Angola) Limited
Lacula Oil Company Limited
Elixir Corporation Pty Limited
Croft Oil & Gas plc
Croft Offshore Oil Limited
Croft Exploration Limited
Croft (UK) Limited
China Oil Shale Development Company
Mr Clement has no interest in the ordinary shares and options of AEL.
There are no further details required to be disclosed under paragraph G of Schedule 2 of the AIM Rules.
This information is provided by RNS
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