New Break Discusses Fresh
Collaborative Approach to Exploring the Moray Property
Toronto, Ontario, September 21,
2022 – InvestorsHub NewsWire -- New Break Resources Ltd.
(CSE: NBRK) ("New
Break" or the "Company") is pleased to outline the
Company's 2022 exploration programs at its 100% owned Moray
property ("Moray") located
approximately 49 km south of Timmins, Ontario and 32 km northwest
of the Young-Davidson Gold Mine operated by Alamos Gold Inc.
New Break developed a fresh approach to 2022 exploration
following the interpretation of results from its 2021 exploration
programs, including observations and findings from detailed
compilation work that also identified gaps in historical
exploration work. Gold mineralization at Moray occurs in
second order structures interpreted as splays off the Cadillac
Larder-Lake Fault Zone, part of the famous Abitibi greenstone
For almost 60 years, Moray has attracted over a dozen different
operators, including mining industry giants like Noranda Inc.
("Noranda"), Rio Tinto, Inmet Mining Corporation and Newmont
Corporation. Successive cycles of exploration work were
completed, focused on gold, base metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag) and
ultramafic hosted Ni-Cu mineralization with 13 separate mineral
showings recognized in the Ontario Mineral Index Inventory.
Historical drilling includes an aggregate of 9,794 metres in 61
diamond drillholes, completed from 1964 to 2012 by a dozen
different companies, including the most recent 2012 work, completed
by SGX Resources Inc. ("SGX"). SGX performed prospecting and
trenching programs during the summer of 2012, completed an induced
polarisation ("IP") survey in November 2012 and completed a
776-metre diamond drilling program in five drillholes in December
2012. SGX cut short its exploration of Moray to focus on
another nearby property. After a number of years of
inactivity, New Break is bringing a fresh and collaborative
approach to exploration at Moray.
Numerous instances of short tenure by past operators left a gap in
understanding the geological structures that underlie the Moray
property and its mineral showings. Success from drilling is
increased tremendously by spending the necessary time and
performing the necessary work to gain this understanding. New
Break has focused on analyzing all historical work on the property,
including historical drilling. Through this analysis and
after incorporating new field work and interpretations, it is
apparent that other compelling drill intersections of gold
mineralization have never been followed up.
Michael Farrant, President and CEO of New Break noted, "After
acquiring the Moray property in September 2020, the task of
understanding the geology of Moray and its potential host an
economic mineral deposit was led by Bill Love, New Break's
Vice-President, Exploration and a key member of the Hemlo gold
deposit discovery team. Discoveries like Hemlo don't come
without patience and developing a new and better understanding of
the geology. The 1981 discovery at Hemlo was years in the
making and only came after 75 unsuccessful drillholes by Corona
Resources. The Hemlo gold camp has produced over 22 million
ounces of gold and is one of Canada's most important gold camp
discoveries. Who better to lead the efforts at Moray than one
of the geologists who participated in the Hemlo discovery."
Bill Love built a technical team comprised of Orix Geoscience Inc.
("Orix"), along with a
number of industry specialists to support him in undertaking a
detailed compilation of the historical exploration work performed
at Moray. Initial collaboration included reviewing assessment
reports, observing and sampling historical drill-core, speaking to
past operators to understand their perspectives on the property and
facilitating a variety of technical sessions focused on
interpretation and targeting. The results of 2021 survey work
were interpreted using advances in technology, including
proprietary 3-D modelling. 2022 exploration programs have
been further designed to allow New Break to develop the best ever
drill targets on the Moray property, based on a new and
comprehensive geological understanding, and drill them.
2021 Moray Exploration
In August and October 2021, Shaun Parent, P. Geo., of Superior
Exploration Co. ("Superior
Exploration") completed 22.61 line-kilometres of Very Low
Frequency ("VLF") ground
geophysical surveys over three principal targets areas, the Fiset
showing ("Fiset"), the
Voyager showing ("Voyager")
and over the eastern end of Moray Lake, in order to test the
historical results yielded in the NOR-1 drillhole, drilled by
Noranda in 1965. VLF data are used to map geologic structure,
including the apparent dip of fault zones and shear zones.
The data can be interpreted to identify the dip of these structures
for reliable drilling. The main Voyager trend was evident
from the results of the survey and is evidenced by
pyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization associated with mafic volcanics.
The VLF survey at the East end of Moray Lake did produce a
conductor/structure co-incident with the presumed azimuth of the
NOR-1 drillhole.
From early October 2021, New Break engaged Pioneer Exploration
Consultants Ltd. ("Pioneer") to perform a detailed
airborne drone magnetometer ("Drone-MAG") survey over the entire
1,856-hectare Moray property using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
("UAV"). The UAV
provides a low altitude aeromagnetic survey, producing high
resolution data at regular intervals at a fraction of the cost of
ground magnetics. The Drone-MAG survey resulted in New Break
gathering Total Magnetic Intensity, 1st Vertical
Derivative and 3D Analytic Signal data for the Moray
property. The Drone-MAG survey details are noted in the
following table:
Area Name
Line Spacing
Line Direction (deg)
Tie Line Spacing
Flight Lines (km)
Tie Lines (km)
VLF Lines (km)
Total Line Kilometers
Moray 2021
Magnetic methods are applicable to gold exploration in syenites,
such as the Fiset syenite at Moray, because alteration readily
destroys magnetite such that gold deposits in syenites invariably
occur within "magnetic quiet zones". The data generated
through the Drone-MAG survey at Moray, was further analyzed with
the generation of magnetic inversions. The magnetic
inversions provide a 3-D view of areas where magnetite destruction
has occurred, including gold mineralized sections of the Fiset
syenite, similar to syenite-hosted gold mineralization found at the
Young-Davidson mine. Areas of magnetite enrichment are also
highlighted, associated with serpentinization and potential Ni-Cu
mineralization in the Moray ultramafic rocks.
In March 2022, New Break purchased the raw IP data from SGX from
their 2012 IP survey, which was far more cost effective than
duplicating the work. IP surveys are important as they
measure the chargeability and conversely the resistivity of the
subsurface and are a well-known tool for mapping disseminated style
mineralization and sulphide mineralization associated with
gold. IP can help discriminate between non-mineralized
conductors such as shear zones and faults and map alteration
New Break engaged Alan King of Geoscience North Ltd. ("Geoscience North") with the assistance
of Gordon Morrison, to interpret the results of the 2021 VLF and
Drone-MAG surveys, along with the purchased raw IP data. Mr.
King was Chief Geophysicist at Inco Ltd. and Vale S.A., while Mr.
Morrison was past President of TMAC Resources Inc. as well as
having been an integral part of the discovery of 13 major
polymetallic and precious metal deposits, six of which are
producing mines. Through the use of proprietary technology,
Mr. King created a geological model of the Moray property
incorporating the VLF, Drone-MAG and IP data which has yielded
revolutionary new targets for mechanical stripping and drilling
unlike any historical data interpretation conducted in respect of
the Moray property.
Spring and Summer 2022 Moray
Exploration Programs
VLF Survey of the Fiset
3-D modelling of Drone-MAG survey data by Geoscience North has
interpreted a magnetic low represented in a southerly plunging
inversion shape within the Fiset syenite. As a result, New
Break again engaged Superior Exploration to complete a 14.88
line-km VLF ground geophysical survey of the northeastern corner of
the Moray property in April 2022. The purpose of the survey
was to test for conductors and structures associated with this
plunging magnetic low. Gold mineralization is thought to
exist in the altered syenite. The survey yielded two VLF
trends that have yet to be tested.
Till Sampling Survey
Glacial till sampling is a tried-and-true mineral exploration
technique based on glacial erosion and the down-ice transportation
of primary bedrock mineralization. This relatively new method
has led to several critical gold discoveries in Canada in the past
few decades, including the Rainy River gold deposit in northwestern
Ontario. Till sampling has never been performed on the Moray
property by any of the previous operators. In June 2022, New
Break engaged IOS Services Géoscientifique Inc. ("IOS") out of Chicoutimi, Quebec, to
complete a till sampling survey of the Moray property. In
2021, IOS completed an extensive till sampling program for
Kenorland Minerals Ltd. on their Frotet Project in Quebec.
From June 5-10, 2022, IOS visited the Moray property taking 46,
10-kilogram basal till samples from the C-horizon of glacial
till. The sampling grid consisted of sampling lines (WSW-ENE
and E-W) approximately 1 kilometre apart and perpendicular to the
dominant ice flow with spacing of approximately 250 metres between
samples. Samples will be processed by IOS in Chicoutimi,
Quebec using their ArtPHOT and ArtGOLD methodologies.
Following sample preparation, this involves the use of a
high-resolution optical camera to identify gold grains and their
morphologies (ArtPHOT technique). Any gold grains recognized
through automated photo recognition will be scanned with a
research-grade scanning electron microscope to confirm the
composition. The analysis and findings are expected to be
completed by the end of October 2022.
Mechanical Stripping, Washing,
Channel Sampling and Structural Mapping
During the process of compiling the results of historical
exploration work on the Moray property, it became apparent to New
Break that no previous operator had completed a sufficient level of
structural mapping to understand the geological structure
associated with the main mineral showings on the property. In
addition, while SGX did undertake a 76-sample prospecting program
and completed 2,285 m2 of mechanical
stripping in a 15-trench program that yielded 194 samples, SGX did
not cut channel samples and did not drill their best gold target in
their December 2012, 5-hole, 776 metre drilling program.
In approaching 2022 exploration of Moray, New Break determined that
gaining a better understanding of the structural controls governing
the mineralization at Moray was a critical component to ensuring
the greatest chance of future drilling success. New Break
engaged CXS Canadian Exploration Services Ltd. ("CXS") out of Larder Lake, Ontario, to
complete an initial program of approximately 3,800 m2 of mechanical
stripping, principally focused on the Voyager area, including the
historical SGX trench 12 and the Fiset area, including the
historical SGX trench 1 and NOR-1 vein discovered by Noranda.
Stripping, which also included the dewatering of SGX trenches 1 and
12 to accommodate structural mapping by Orix, was completed from
June 20-30, 2022. CXS washed both the newly stripped areas
and the historical SGX trenches 1 and 2 at Fiset and trench 12 at
Voyager which was followed by a 135-sample channel sampling
program. The channel sample areas were marked by New Break
personnel and cut by CXS, with the program being completed on July
17, 2022.
New Break engaged Orix to oversee the channel sampling program and
complete detailed structural mapping of the Voyager and Fiset
areas, including prospecting, which included taking 77 rock chip
samples from various areas of the Moray property, including
historical SGX trench 12 at Voyager. Orix arrived at Moray on
July 13, 2022 and completed a high-resolution drone imaging survey
of the new and historical stripped areas at Moray. This
high-resolution survey has provided New Break with an unprecedented
visual record of exploration work at Voyager and Fiset. Orix
completed the rock sampling program, including geological and
structural mapping by mid-August 2022. New Break expects the
assay results from the channel sampling and prospecting programs to
be available in the coming days.
Ontario Junior Exploration
The 2022 exploration work programs
at Moray are being funded in part by the Province of Ontario as
part of the Ontario Junior Exploration Program
New Break is extremely pleased to be
part of a small group of companies that were successfully approved
to receive funding under OJEP. The
funding period covers eligible exploration work completed between
April 1, 2022 and February 15, 2023. Eligible expenses are reimbursed at a rate of
50% with the aggregate reimbursement capped at
Only 12 companies were approved
during the first intake in 2021 and only 18 were approved in the
second intake in 2022, including New Break, which accomplished this
while still private. Further information on OJEP can be found
at www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-junior-exploration-program,
including a list of the successful companies.
Permitting and First
The Moray property is fully permitted for conducting prescribed
exploration activities, including mechanical stripping and
drilling, for a period of three years to October 21, 2024. In
addition, New Break has the support of the Matachewan and Mattagami
First Nations ("First
Nations") through a Memorandum of Understanding
("MOU") signed October 22,
2022. New Break has agreed to make payments to the First
Nations equal to 2% of the cost of prescribed exploration
activities and where possible, New Break will look to offer
employment and training opportunities to First Nations members.
Qualified Person
Peter C. Hubacheck, P. Geo., consulting geologist to New Break, and
a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has
reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this news
About New Break Resources
New Break is a Canadian mineral
exploration company with a dual vision for value
In northern Ontario, New Break is
focused on its Moray Project, in a well-established mining camp,
within proximity to existing infrastructure, while at the same
time, through our prospective land holdings in Nunavut, we provide
our shareholders with significant exposure to the vast potential
for exploration success in one of the most up and coming regions in
Canada for gold exploration and production. New
Break is supported by a highly experienced team of mining
professionals committed to placing a premium on Environmental,
Social and Corporate Governance. Information on New Break is available under the
Company's profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com
and on the Company's website
at www.newbreakresources.ca.
New Break began trading on the
Canadian Securities Exchange (www.thecse.com)
on September 7, 2022 under the symbol CSE: NBRK.
For further information on New
Break, please contact:
Michael Farrant, President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 416-278-4149
E-mail: mfarrant@newbreakresources.ca
And follow us on Twitter
and LinkedIn
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