RNS Number:8507R
Radstone Technology PLC
10 November 2003

For Immediate Release                                          10 November 2003

                                Interim Results

Radstone Technology, the world's leading independent supplier of
high-performance, embedded computer products for defence and aerospace
application today announces Interim results for the six months ended 30
September 2003.

Key Points

*  Normalised Earnings per share up 65% to 3.88p (2002 : 2.35p)

*  Profit before tax (including contribution from our ICS acquisition)
   increased 74% to #1.18m (2002: #675,000) on turnover of #18.5 million

*  Gross Profit margin increased strongly to 41.6% (2002 : 35.6%) -
   effects of sales of higher margin rugged products into major programmes.

*  Strong initial contribution from Interactive Circuits and Systems
   (ICS) acquired at the beginning of September.

*  Embedded Computing - seven new products to the market, including those
   to target the growing COTS avionics market.

*  Interim dividend of 0.75p per share (2002 : nil)

Jeff Perrin, Group Managing Director commenting on the results said:

"The Embedded Computing business, the major part of the Group, has been
strengthened further by the acquisition of ICS and a positive start has been
made in the process of integration. As in previous years, trading in this part
of the business is expected to be heavily weighted towards the second half and
we are confident of a resulting strong performance in this period."

For further information:

Radstone Technology                              01327-359444
Jeff Perrin, Group Managing Director             Web: http://www.radstone.co.uk
Kevin Boyd, Group Finance Director

Buchanan Communications                          020 7466 5000
Tim Thompson or Nicola Cronk                     Email : nicolac@buchanan.uk.com

Chairman's Statement

for the six months ended 30 September 2003


I am pleased to announce that the first half year earnings compared favourably
with the same period last year, with a strong initial contribution from
Interactive Circuits and Systems Ltd ("ICS"), our recent acquisition completed
at the beginning of September.

Sales, including one month's contribution from ICS, increased marginally to
#18,489,000, although like for like sales decreased by 6% to #17,225,000.  A
substantial margin improvement in the existing business, resulted in profit
before tax (excluding ICS) of #696,000 compared to #675,000 last year.
Including ICS, profit before tax was #1,175,000.  ICS has a September year-end,
which reflects the seasonal weighting of its sales cycle resulting in a high
level of orders being shipped.  This should not be seen as indicative of future
monthly performances.

Gross profit margins in the period increased strongly from last year's 35.6% to
41.6%, reflecting the effects of sales of higher margin rugged products into
major programmes and the one month contribution of high margin ICS products.
With overheads increasing by 12%, which included a 19% increase in product
development, a higher goodwill charge due to the acquisition, lower interest
costs due to the strong cash generation and a tax charge of 35%, basic earnings
per share were 3.15p (2002: 1.96p).  Normalised earnings per share (see note1)
were 3.88p (2002: 2.35p) an increase of 65%.

During the first half of the year the Group received a 17% increase in new
orders to #30,078,000, (2002:  #25,665,000).  ICS contributed #2,158,000 to this

With a strong book to bill ratio of 1.63, the order book for future delivery
ended the period at #74,326,000, 19% above the level at the start of this year,
despite continuing weakness of the US Dollar reducing the order book in sterling
by #2,384,000.

The amount of the order book scheduled for delivery in the second half of this
year is #18,541,000, compared to an equivalent figure of #19,548,000 twelve
months ago.

Last year the total of orders that were both booked and shipped within the
second half of the year was #10,544,000.

Business Development
Embedded Computing
                                                2003                       2002
                                               #'000                      #'000
Third party sales                             13,299                     12,786
Gross profit                                   7,336                      5,794
Contribution                                   2,954                      1,776

Excluding the strong deliveries by ICS, sales on a like for like basis decreased
by 6%.  More than two-thirds of this decline was due to the weaker US dollar.
Sales of higher margin rugged products and the addition of high value added ICS
products produced an increase in gross profit from 45.3% to 55.2%.

Development expenditure at #2,196,000 represented a 19% increase from last year
and 16.5% of sales.  In the first six months of the year we introduced no fewer
than seven new products to the market.

These included the RT4PowerPact CompactPCI computer system, the IMPCC1 3U
CompactPCI carrier card for PMC modules and the PMCGA3 high performance graphics
board.  These products enable Radstone to target the growing COTS avionics
market where space is at a premium.  During September, our ICS subsidiary
introduced the ICS-572 14-bit software radio product, combining both receive and
transmit functions in one PMC module.

Investing in the development of future products is a key component of our
competitive strategy and we expect the second half of the year to be as
productive as the first in terms of new product introductions.

Order intake at #25,604,000 was 52% above last year.  During the period, one US
and one UK major multi-year production contracts were received with a combined
value of over #17m.

Electronic Manufacturing Services

                                                 2003                     2002
                                                #'000                    #'000
Total sales                                     5,565                    6,029
Sales to Embedded Computing                     (375)                    (413)
External sales                                  5,190                    5,616
Gross profit                                      361                      750
Contribution                                      219                      588

Third party sales were almost 8% below last year, continuing to reflect the
difficult UK trading environment in which Foundation Technology operates.

In early July, the Towcester operation of the EMS business completed its move in
to new premises in Milton Keynes.  The move was completed within four days,
ensuring a minimum amount of disruption to production.

Order intake was at a reduced level of #5,558,000 for the half year.  This was
37% below the equivalent prior year figure, which included a major order for
assembly of vehicle diagnostic equipment at a level #2,100,000 above this year.
A complete review of our EMS business is currently being undertaken, with the
objective of improving its efficiency and contribution to the Group.


Operating cash inflow for the half-year continues to be very strong at
#5,480,000 (2002: #4,871,000), reflecting continued strong management of working

Payments for servicing finance and taxation were respectively #46,000 and
#904,000 (2002: #172,000 and #725,000).  Expenditure on fixed and intangible
assets net of disposals, including those that are leased, was #3,500,000 (2002:
#688,000).  This included #2,818,000 for the freehold site and the first stage
payment on construction of the new building.  #207,000 (2002: #90,000) was
expended on the purchase of the Company's own shares for the employee Share
Incentive Plan and as part of the directors' and senior managers' bonus plan for
the year 2003.

From the resultant free cash flow of #823,000 (2002: #3,196,000) a dividend
payment of #479,000 (2002:#238,000) was made to shareholders on 29 September

Payment for the acquisition of ICS, including costs, of #18,552,000, was
financed by #10,700,000 from the proceeds of a placing and open offer and the
balance by a new medium term loan.

Net debt at 30 September 2003 was #6,625,000.  This included #245,000 of net
cash in ICS on acquisition, a #40,000 exchange rate loss on net foreign cash
balances in the Group and additional funds of #115,000 received from the
exercise of share options.  Gearing was 20% at 30 September 2003 compared to 26%
at 30 September 2002 and net cash of #563,000 at the end of last year.

Investment in product development represented 11.9% of Group sales  (2002: 10.0%
of Group sales).

As a result of our expectations for ICS we have recognised the deferred
consideration of #4,464,000 within goodwill and other creditors due after more
than one year.

New Facility

As previously announced, the Radstone Group's headquarters and the Embedded
Computing business will move to a new purpose built 75,000 sq. ft. facility
within Towcester.  The land was purchased and construction commenced in August
2003, progress is currently on schedule for a completion date in May 2004.

A new loan facility has been arranged for #10,500,000, for the purpose of
financing the purchase of the freehold land and building construction which, at
30 September 2003 remained undrawn.


An interim dividend of 0.75 pence per share (2002: nil) will be paid on 19
January 2004 to shareholders on the register on 19 December 2003.

The Board

Considering the development and size of the Radstone Group, the directors
believe it is appropriate to increase the number of non-executive directors to
three.  We are currently at the beginning of this recruitment process and have
commissioned a third party consultant to assist the board in this task.

As previously announced, Dr Charles Paterson retired as Group Managing Director
on 10 September 2003 and was replaced by Jeff Perrin, who had been the Group's
Finance Director since 1989.  In March of this year we appointed Kevin Boyd as
Finance Director-Designate; on 10 September he was appointed Group Finance


Market conditions remain difficult for the EMS business.  Your management remain
committed to improving results from this business, while maintaining our
leadership position in its market niche.

The Embedded Computing business, which is the major part of the Group and
already a strong player in its market, has had its position strengthened further
by the acquisition of ICS.  We have made a positive start to the process of
integration.  As in previous years, trading in this part of the business is
expected to be heavily weighted towards the second half and your board is
confident of a resulting strong performance in this period.

Rhys Williams

Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
for the six months ended 30 September 2003

                                                       6 months               6 months       12  months
                                                      to 30/9/03            to 30/9/02       to 31/3/03
                                                      (neither                (neither        (audited)
                                                        audited            audited nor
                                                    nor reviewed)            reviewed)
                                                       #'000       #'000         #'000            #'000
Continuing                                            17,225                    18,402           48,494
Acquisition                                            1,264                         -                -
                                                                  18,489        18,402           48,494

Cost of sales                                                   (10,792)      (11,858)         (29,674)
Gross profit                                                       7,697         6,544           18,820

Administration costs
Administration                                                   (1,741)       (1,397)          (3,083)
Development                                                      (2,196)       (1,846)          (3,942)
Goodwill                                                           (178)          (93)            (186)
Total administration costs                                       (4,115)       (3,336)          (7,211)

Distribution costs - sales and marketing                         (2,328)       (2,334)          (5,152)

Operating profit
Continuing                                               774                       874            6,457
Acquisition                                              480                         -                -
                                                                   1,254           874            6,457

Net interest payable                                                (79)         (199)            (332)
Profit on ordinary activities before
 taxation                                                          1,175           675            6,125

Taxation                                                           (409)         (211)          (1,866)

Profit for the period                                                766           464            4,259

Dividend                                                           (211)             -            (477)

Retained profit for the period                                       555           464            3,782

Basic earnings per share                                           3.15p         1.96p           17.98p
Normalised earnings per share                                      3.88p         2.35p           18.77p
Diluted earnings per share                                         3.13p         1.95p           17.86p

Statement of total recognised gains and losses

                                                             #'000        #'000            #'000

Profit for the period                                          766          464            4,259
Exchange rate adjustment                                        61        (231)            (217)
Total gains recognised relating to the period                  827          233            4,042

There is no material difference to the profit reported above and that calculated
on the historical cost basis.

Turnover and operating profit all relate to continuing operations.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 30 September 2003

                                                        at 30/9/03        at 30/9/02          at 31/3/03
                                                          (neither          (neither           (audited)
                                                       audited nor       audited nor
                                                         reviewed)         reviewed)

                                                             #'000             #'000               #'000
Fixed assets
Goodwill                                                    23,889             3,194               3,100
Intangible assets                                               64                85                  57
Total intangible assets                                     23,953             3,279               3,157
Tangible assets                                              9,546             5,743               5,997
Own shares                                                     551               325                 344
                                                            34,050             9,347               9,498
Current assets
Stocks                                                      10,270            11,279               9,450
Debtors                                                     10,528            10,225              13,248
Cash at bank and in hand                                     8,706               162               4,406
                                                            29,504            21,666              27,104
Creditors: amounts falling due
  within one year
Bank and other borrowings                                    2,832             1,735                 939
Other creditors                                              9,713             7,242              10,420
                                                            12,545             8,977              11,359
Net current assets                                          16,959            12,689              15,745
Total assets less current liabilities                       51,009            22,036              25,243

Creditors: amounts falling due after
  more than one year
Bank and other borrowings                                   12,499             3,267               2,904
Other creditors                                              4,791                 -                   -
Provisions for liabilities and charges                         183                 -                 234
                                                            17,473             3,267               3,138
Net assets                                                  33,536            18,769              22,105

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                      3,488             2,980               2,982
Share premium account                                       19,828             9,517               9,519
Revaluation reserve                                            218               218                 218
Profit and loss account                                     10,002             6,054               9,386
Equity shareholders' funds                                  33,536            18,769              22,105

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2003
                                                     6 months           6 months       12 months
                                                   to 30/9/03         to 30/9/02      to 31/3/03
                                                     (neither           (neither       (audited)
                                                  audited nor        audited nor
                                                    reviewed)          reviewed)

                                                        #'000              #'000           #'000
Operating activities
Net cash inflow from operating activities               5,480              4,871          12,676
Servicing of finance
Interest received                                          81                  7              18
Interest paid                                            (82)              (116)           (219)
Interest paid on finance leases                          (45)               (63)           (116)
                                                         (46)              (172)           (317)
UK Corporation tax paid                                 (904)              (725)         (1,703)
Overseas tax paid                                           -                  -               -
                                                        (904)              (725)         (1,703)
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                     (3,506)              (628)         (1,810)
Disposal of tangible fixed assets                           6                  3               4
Purchase of own shares                                  (207)               (90)           (109)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                         -               (63)            (63)
                                                      (3,707)              (778)         (1,978)
Equity dividends paid                                   (479)              (238)           (238)
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                   (18,552)                  -               -
Net cash acquired with subsidiary                       1,706                  -               -
                                                     (16,846)                  -               -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before                     (16,502)              2,958           8,440
Issue of ordinary share capital                        10,815                 11              15
New loans                                              10,013                  -               -
Repayment of loans                                      (298)              (250)           (500)
Repayment of principal under finance                    (207)              (247)           (496)
                                                       20,323              (486)           (981)
Increase in cash                                        3,821              2,472           7,459

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Note
for the six months ended 30 September 2003

                                                            6 months           6 months       12 months
                                                          to 30/9/03         to 30/9/02      to 31/3/03
                                                            (neither           (neither       (audited)
                                                         audited nor        audited nor
                                                           reviewed)          reviewed)

                                                               #'000              #'000           #'000

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
inflow from operating activities
Operating profit                                               1,254                874           6,457
Amortisation of goodwill                                         178                 93             186
Operating profit before goodwill                               1,432                967           6,643
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                           22                 28              56
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                            894                832           1,687
Ebitda                                                         2,348              1,827           8,386
(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible fixed                      (1)                  8              80
Decrease in stocks                                               493                494           2,323
Decrease in debtors                                            4,850              5,340           1,881
(Decrease)/increase in creditors                             (2,210)            (2,798)               6
Net cash inflow from operating activities                      5,480              4,871          12,676

Other Notes to the Interim Statement

1 Earnings per share
                                                            6 months           6 months     12 months
                                                          to 30/9/03         to 30/9/02    to 31/3/03

Basic earnings per share                                       3.15p              1.96p        17.98p
Normalised earnings per share                                  3.88p              2.35p        18.77p
Diluted earnings per share                                     3.13p              1.95p        17.86p

The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following profit for the period after tax:

                                                     6 months             6 months          12 months
                                                   to 30/9/03           to 30/9/02         to 31/3/03
                                                        #'000                #'000              #'000

Profit after tax                                          766                  464              4,259

Other Notes to the Interim Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2003

Normalised earnings per share is calculated after adjusting the profit after tax
for the effect of goodwill amortisation and is more indicative of underlying
performance.  The reconciliation of basic to normalised earnings per share is as

                                                          6 months             6 months        12 months
                                                        to 30/9/03           to 30/9/02       to 31/3/03

Basic earnings per share                                     3.15p                1.96p           17.98p
Goodwill written off                                         0.73p                0.39p            0.79p
Normalised earnings per share                                3.88p                2.35p           18.77p

The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period used in the
calculation of earnings per share is as per the following table:

                                                    6 months            6 months          12 months
                                                  to 30/9/03          to 30/9/02         to 31/3/03
                                                        '000                '000               '000

Weighted average shares for basic and
  normalised earnings per share                       24,324              23,686             23,683
Calculation of shares under option per                   164                 146                160
Weighted average shares for
  diluted earnings per share                          24,488              23,832             23,843

2    The above accounts do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of
S.240 of the Companies Act 1985.  All figures for the year to 31 March 2003 are
abridged.  Full accounts, on which the report of the auditors was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under S.237 (2) or S.237 (3) of the Companies
Act 1985, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The results for
the six months to 30 September are neither audited nor reviewed.

3    The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of
accounting policies consistent with those applied in the financial statements
for the year to 31 March 2003.

4   Copies of the 2003 Interim Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders
in due course.  Further copies will be available from the registered office of
Radstone Technology PLC, Water Lane, Towcester, Northants NN12 6JN.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange