23 September 2010 
                             REGEN THERAPEUTICS PLC 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc <AIM:RGT> ('ReGen' or the 'Company' or the 'Group') has 
published its interim results for the six months to 30 June 2010 
These  are the best figures in terms of sales and Company performance that ReGen 
has ever presented. 
Sales increased to  GBP134,000 compared to  GBP9,000 for the first half of 2009.  This 
half year sales figure is greater than any full-year figure previously achieved. 
 Margins are lower than last year, but the previous figure included an extremely 
high  margin  single  order.   For  the  first  half of this year, sales were an 
amalgam  of revenues of  varying profitability.  The  crucial point, however, is 
that  ReGen now  has a  number of  customers and  margins at 66% are high by the 
standards of all but the most profitable pharmaceutical companies. 
The  Company  continued  to  control  costs  very  tightly.  Administrative cash 
expenditure  was down  GBP55,000, a fall of 18%, whilst development costs increased 
by  only  GBP13,000  to  GBP40,000.   As we  show later  this does  not mean  that the 
Company  has abandoned developing for the future, but the Directors believe that 
now is the time to exploit the research and development that had been undertaken 
over the previous decade. 
The  impact of the rise in sales and  tight control of expenditure was seen in a 
substantial reduction in loss before tax down 29% to  GBP242,000.  The cash loss in 
fact  was  GBP206,000.   The Directors  would comment  that, even  with the tighter 
funding  environment  that  has  come  since  the credit crunch, the Company has 
managed  to fund the  level of deficit  as is indicated  by our ability to raise 
 GBP601,000  from 1 January 2010 to 16 July 2010.  This  has enabled us to pay down 
debt acquired during the more stringent environment of 2009 as well as providing 
working capital. 
The  latest figures show that ReGen is getting nearer to profitability.  We have 
stated  that we believe ReGen will  obtain sustainable profitability in the 4th 
Quarter of 2010.  The Company has a number of initiatives in place, described in 
this  statement, to bring  about this situation.   It is too  early to state yet 
whether  we will achieve our target but  the Company continues to believe in the 
initiatives it has under way. 
There  were two major  developments in the  first half of 2010 - Colostrinin(TM) 
launches in Turkey and India 
Our  Turkish licensee  Eczacibasi Ilac  Pazarlama A.  S. ('Eczacibasi') based in 
Levent-Istanbul,   Turkey  has  now  confirmed  that  it  has  launched  ReGen's 
nutritional  supplement Colostrinin(TM) under the local trade name 'Dyna(TM)' in 
the  Republic  of  Turkey.   Eczacibasi  www.eczacibasi.com is a leading Turkish 
industrials  group with 40 companies, approximately 9,300 employees and revenues 
of $3.2bn in 2007. 
Since  obtaining final product approval on 4 May 2010 and prior to formal launch 
Eczacibasi  have built a new marketing and  sales team to launch the product and 
have introduced the product to key opinion leaders in the market. 
By way of reminder Eczacibasi are supplied with bulk blistered tablets for which 
ReGen  receive  a  fee  for  the  active  ingredient  component.  These are then 
packaged  locally.  Revenues  to ReGen  from Eczacibasi  pursuant to the minimum 
annual  purchase commitments in  the distribution agreement  are estimated to be 
$52,000 in the first year and $104,000 in the second year. 
On  27 April  2010 ReGen  signed  a  supply  agreement  with  an  Indian Company 
(revealed  as USV Limited  ('USV') on 7 July  2010) based in Mumbai, India.  USV 
www.usvindia.com  is a 40-year-old leading healthcare  company, which began as a 
joint  venture  with  USV  &  P  Inc.  USA, a subsidiary of Revlon.  Its product 
offering   today   includes   Active   Pharmaceutical   Ingredients,   Peptides, 
Biosimilars, Injectables, Ophthalmics and Solid Orals. 
The  ReGen Board regards  this as a  crucial step for  two reasons.  Firstly, it 
provides  entry into the second  most heavily populated market  in the world and 
one  where self-medication is an integral  part of healthcare.  Secondly, India, 
along  with China, is one of the two  major growth drivers of the world economy. 
 Thus,  for  these  reasons  a  consumer  launch  in this market has significant 
potential   for   ReGen's   long-term   profitability.   USV  is  now  launching 
Colostrinin(TM) in India as Cognate(TM).  USV's commitment to Colostrinin(TM) is 
shown by the fact that is has developed and is manufacturing its own formulation 
specifically tailored to the market in India. 
Other markets 
The  US still remains our largest market.   Following its takeover by Alticor we 
understand  that our licensee  Metagenics is now  working to further enhance the 
profile  of CogniSure(TM)  with a  view to  re-invigorating the marketing of the 
Australia, Poland, Cyprus and the UK are continuing to market Colostrinin(TM). 
China, with India, is a major potential market for ReGen because of its size and 
tradition of self-medication.  It should be noted that the rapid economic growth 
in  China is bringing  more and more  people into the  consumer market.  We have 
engaged  ICUK  (a  UK  based  British  and  Chinese  Government  Consultancy) to 
introduce us to key players in the Chinese market.  They have already introduced 
us  to a major Chinese Company, which  is currently carrying out market research 
to  evaluate  the  commercial  potential  of  Colostrinin(TM)  in China. If this 
research proves positive we would expect to negotiate and sign an agreement with 
the major Chinese Company. 
Other markets 
We  continue to talk to interested players throughout the world, but would point 
out  that sometimes  it can  take significant  time from  initial contact to the 
launch  of a product.  Even in the case of Metagenics it took 15 months from the 
signing  of our  agreement to  launch and  we had  been talking to them for some 
years  before.  Simply because we do not mention  a market it does not mean that 
everything is dead in that market, but that we have nothing factual to report. 
South African SPECT Scanning Study - Full Publication 
The full paper reporting the results of the SPECT scanning study in South Africa 
(first  announced in a ReGen press  release of 9 November 2009) was published in 
the  journal  Arzneimittel  Forschung/  Drug  Research. An abstract is available 
athttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/pubmed by searching under the authors names: 
Nyakale NE, Clauss RP, Nel HW, Sathekge MM. 
Zolpidem Website 
A website drawing together all of the currently available scientific information 
on  the  use  of  zolpidem  in  brain  trauma  has been put together and will be 
maintained  by  Dr  Ralf Clauss (http://sites.google.com/site/zolpidemtherapy/). 
There is now a link to this from the ReGen website. 
Mode of Action Hypothesis Paper 
A  paper proposing how zolpidem works to  overcome the natural brain response to 
trauma        has        been        published        by        Dr       Clauss. 
Austen/Stewart publications - J Nutr and Aging 
A  publication, by Prof Brian Austen (a former scientific collaborator of ReGen) 
and  a  subsequent  letter  from  Dr  Michael Stewart (a former collaborator and 
consultant  to ReGen) further elaborate on  the mechanism of how Colostrinin(TM) 
can  protect  human  neurones  in-vitro  from  cell death (apoptosis) induced by 
aggregated  beta amyloid and suggest  that this mechanism might  be the basis of 
Colostrinin's(TM) protective effect in Alzheimer's disease. 
Abstracts       of       both       articles       are       available       at: 
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/pubmed  by searching under  the authors names. 
Douraghi-Zadeh D, Matharu B, Razvi A, Austen B. and Stewart M.G respectively. 
Percy Lomax 
Executive Chairman 
Copies  of this  interim statement  are available  from the Company's offices at 
73, Watling    Street,   London   EC4M   9BJ, or   by   visiting   our   website 
For further information contact: 
Percy Lomax 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
Tel: 020 7153 4920 
Roland Cornish/Felicity Geidt 
Beaumont Cornish Limited 
Tel: 020 7628 3396 
David Scott/Nick Bealer 
Alexander David Securities Limited 
Tel: 020 7448 9820 
 ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
 Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 
 June 2010 
 Consolidated income statement 
 For the six months ended 30 June 2010 
                                               Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                              6 months to 6 months to  Year to 
                                               30-Jun-10   30-Jun-09  31-Dec-09 
                                                ( GBP000)      ( GBP000)     ( GBP000) 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                              134           9        56 
 Cost of sales                                       (45)         (1)      (11) 
 Gross profit                                          89           8        45 
|Research and development costs                        40          27        80| 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|                                                                              | 
|Other administrative costs                           288         322       719| 
 Administrative costs                                 328         349       799 
 Operating loss                        `            (239)       (341)     (754) 
 Finance income                                         -           -         - 
 Finance costs                                        (3)           1       (4) 
 Loss before taxation                               (242)       (342)     (758) 
 Taxation                              Note 2           8           -        28 
 Loss after taxation for continuing 
 activities                                         (234)       (342)     (730) 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                       (234)       (342)     (730) 
 Basic and diluted loss per share      Note 3     (0.46p)     (1.69p)   (2.67p) 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
For the six months ended 30 June 2010 
                                                Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                               6 months to 6 months to  Year to 
                                                30-Jun-10   30-Jun-09  31-Dec-09 
                                                 ( GBP000)      ( GBP000)     ( GBP000) 
Loss                                                 (234)       (342)     (730) 
Other comprehensive income                              -           -         - 
Total comprehensive income                           (234)       (342)     (730) 
Attributable to 
Equity holders of the parent                         (234)       (342)     (730) 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
Consolidated statement of financial 
                                                   Unaudited Unaudited  Audited 
                                                     As at     As at     As at 
                                                   30-Jun-10 30-Jun-09 31-Dec-09 
                                                    ( GBP000)    ( GBP000)    ( GBP000) 
Non current assets 
Goodwill                                                 965       965       965 
Other intangible assets                                  572       797       599 
Property, plant and equipment                              -         1         - 
Total non current assets                               1,537     1,763     1,564 
Current assets 
Inventories                                               32        40        38 
Trade and other receivables                              129        65        81 
Tax receivable                                            24        81        16 
Cash and cash equivalents                                124        41        31 
Total current assets                                     309       227       166 
Total assets                                           1,846     1,990     1,730 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                 313       476       368 
Loans and borrowings                                      44        53        49 
Total current liabilities                                357       529       417 
Non current liabilities 
Provisions                                               100       100       100 
Total liabilities                                        457       629       517 
Total net assets                                       1,389     1,361     1,213 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital - Issued and fully paid       Note 4         7         3         4 
                      - Deferred B shares              1,305     1,305     1,305 
                      - Deferred A shares              5,298     5,298     5,298 
Share premium                                         15,155    14,509    14,748 
Other reserves                                           266       266       266 
Retained earnings                                   (20,642)  (20,020)  (20,408) 
Total equity                                           1,389     1,361     1,213 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
Consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                                Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited 
                                               6 months to 6 months to  Year to 
                                                30-Jun-10   30-Jun-09  31-Dec-09 
                                                 ( GBP000)      ( GBP000)     ( GBP000) 
Loss after tax for the period                        (234)       (342)     (730) 
Amortisation of intangible assets                       39          17       238 
Depreciation of property, plant and 
equipment                                                -           1         1 
Interest charged                                         3           1         4 
Interest credited                                        -           -         - 
Taxation credit                                        (8)           -      (28) 
Taxation received                                        -           -        93 
Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital and provisions                    (200)       (323)     (422) 
Decrease/(Increase) in inventories                       6        (12)      (10) 
(Increase)/decrease in receivables                    (49)          22         7 
(Decrease)/increase in payables                       (55)        (14)     (122) 
Net cash outflow from operating 
activities                                           (298)       (327)     (547) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Interest received                                        -           -         - 
Purchase of intangible assets                         (11)        (20)      (43) 
Net cash used in investing activities                 (11)        (20)      (43) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Net proceeds from issue of share 
capital                                                410         363       603 
Interest paid                                          (3)         (1)       (4) 
Net cash from financing activities                     407         362       599 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and 
cash equivalents                                        98          15         9 
Opening cash and cash equivalents                     (18)        (27)      (27) 
Closing cash and cash equivalents       Note 5          80        (12)      (18) 
ReGen Therapeutics Plc 
Consolidated statement of changes In equity 
                                         Share   Share   Other   Retained 
                                        Capital Premium Reserves Earnings Total 
                                        ( GBP000)  ( GBP000)   ( GBP000)   ( GBP000)  ( GBP000) 
At 1 January 2009                         6,605  14,147      266 (19,678)  1,340 
Loss for the period                           -       -        -    (342)  (342) 
Total comprehensive income and expense 
for the period                                -       -        -    (342)  (342) 
Net issue of share capital                    1     362        -        -    363 
Balance at 30 June 2009                   6,606  14,509      266 (20,020)  1,361 
Loss for the period                           -       -        -    (388)  (388) 
Total comprehensive income and expense 
for the period                                -       -        -    (388)  (388) 
Net issue of share capital                    1     239        -        -    240 
Balance at 31 December 2009               6,607  14,748      266 (20,408)  1,213 
Loss for the period                           -       -        -    (234)  (234) 
Total comprehensive income and expense 
for the period                                -       -        -    (234)  (234) 
Net issue of share capital                    3     407        -        -    410 
Balance at 30 June 2010                   6,610  15,155      266 (20,642)  1,389 
Notes to the Interim Results 
Six Months Ended 30 June 2010 
1. Basis of preparation 
This   financial  information  has  been  prepared  using  the  recognition  and 
measurement  principles  of  International  Accounting  Standards, International 
Financial  Reporting  Standards  and  Interpretations  adopted  for  use  in the 
European  Union (collectively Adopted IFRSs).  The principal accounting policies 
used  in preparing the interim  results are those the  group expects to apply in 
its  financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2010 and are unchanged 
from those disclosed in the group's Report and Financial Statements for the year 
ended  31 December 2009, except that the following standards and amendments have 
now become effective - IAS 7 (revised 2009), IAS 27 (arising from the amendments 
to  IFRS 3) and IAS 36, none of which has had a material impact on the financial 
information of the Group. 
The  Interim  Statement  has  not  been  audited  nor  reviewed by the Company's 
auditors.  The comparatives for the full year ended 31 December 2009 are not the 
Company's  full  statutory  accounts  for  that  year.  A  copy of the statutory 
accounts  for that year, which were prepared  under IFRS, have been delivered to 
the  Registrar  of  Companies.  The  auditors'  report  on  those  accounts  was 
unqualified  and included  references to  going concern  which the auditors drew 
attention  to by  way of  emphasis without  qualifying their  report and did not 
contain a statement under Section 498(2)-(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
2. Taxation 
The interim tax credit reflects an estimate of the likely effective tax rate for 
the period. 
3. Loss per share 
                                           6 months to 6 months to  Year to 
                                            30-Jun-10   30-Jun-09  31-Dec-09 
Loss for the period ( GBP)                        234,000     342,000    730,000 
Weighted average number of shares of 0.01p  50,379,605  20,186,360 27,331,695 
The  Company has  instruments that  could potentially  dilute basic earnings per 
share in 
the future, but that have not been included in the calculation of diluted 
earnings per share because they are antidilutive for the presented. 
There are 20,463 share options in issue that are currently anti-dilutive. 
4. Share Capital 
On 14 January 2010, the Company issued 8,333,333 ordinary shares of 0.01p each 
at a premium of 1.49p per share for a consideration of  GBP125,000. 
On 30 March 2010, the Company issued 5,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.01p each at 
a premium of 1.49p per share for a consideration of  GBP75,000. 
On 10 May 2010, the Company issued 11,550,000 ordinary shares of 0.01p each at a 
premium of 1.99p per share for a consideration of  GBP231,000. 
On 30 June 2010, the Company issued 5,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.01p each at a 
premium of 1.99p per share for a consideration of  GBP100,000. 
5. Note supporting cash flow statement 
 Cash and cash equivalents comprises: 
                                        Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited 
                                          As at       As at       As at 
                                        30-Jun-10   30-Jun-09   31-Dec-09 
                                         ( GBP000)      ( GBP000)      ( GBP000) 
 Cash available on demand                     123          40          30 
 Short-term deposits                            1           1           1 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    124          41          31 
 Overdraft                                   (44)        (53)        (49) 
                                               80        (12)        (18) 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
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     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: ReGen Therapeutics Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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