RNS Number : 8265X
  Griffin Group PLC
  30 June 2008

    Griffin Group plc
    ("Griffin" or the "Company")

    Interim Statement
    for the Six Months ended 31st March 2008
    (the "Period")


    *     Revenue �916,233 before �850,106 unrealised loss on investments (2007: �1,119,094 before �1,164,250 unrealised loss on

    *     Loss after tax from continuing operations �846,137 (2007: �745,768)

    *     Loss per share from continuing operations of 0.77p (2007: 1.71p)

    Chairman's Statement

    I am pleased to make this interim results announcement on behalf of our Company.

    The results for this Period have been substantially affected by the lack of liquidity in Plus Markets stocks and the reporting changes
required to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") which we are required to report under for the first time. The
comparative financial results have been similarly restated and reconciliations provided to explain the movements. The key changes are:

    *     Sales of trading investments are now reported on a net profit basis rather than disposal proceeds and cost of sales being
separately shown.
    *     Trading investments are now stated at fair value and the revaluation reported through the income statement. Previously these were
stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
    *     Where more than 50% of the share capital of an investment company is held, but that investment is held exclusively for resale, it
is now treated as a subsidiary held exclusively for resale in accordance with IFRS5 and shown as a disposal group at the lower of initial
carrying value and fair value less any anticipated costs to sell. Previously, where such shares were held for resale they were carried at
cost less impairment.

    However, it is the lack of liquidity in Plus Markets stocks experienced over the last six to nine months that has had a major impact on
these results, and your Board have recognised a substantial fall in the value of these investments and the related loan notes, to reflect
the difficulties in converting these investments back into cash.

    During the Period we are delighted to have introduced Interactive Publishing plc to PLUS Markets and this company quickly completed the
reverse acquisition of Trojan Publishing Limited in February 2008.

    Trojan publishes a number of periodical magazines and after its first year of trading at a loss, it has achieved critical mass and is
now trading profitably. Since the Period we have provided further finance to Interactive Publishing to enable it to purchase Attitude
magazine and we are very pleased with the progress of this business. In common with our Plus Markets stocks in general, sales of our initial
investment in this company have been slower than we would have hoped for and the lack of liquidity has reduced the amount of cash available
to us to fund further deals which in turn create the profits.

    Despite the difficult markets we are currently experiencing, we have a number of deals at various stages for the newly-listed companies
together with reverse deals for existing companies in our portfolio.

    The Company's fee income and realised profit from the sale of investments for the six months ended 31st March 2008 reduced from
�1,119,094 to �916,233 compared to the same period to 31st March 2007.  The unrealised loss on investments reduced from �1,164,250 to
�850,106. As a result of the unrealised losses on investments, the post-tax loss from continuing operations for the period ended 31st March
2008 was �846,137 compared to �745,768 in the comparative period.  The loss per share on continuing operations was 0.77p to 31st March 2008
and 1.71p to 31st March 2007.

    As at 31st March 2008, the Company had cash balances of �14,888 (2007: �521,536). We currently have no gearing or debt on our balance

    Our principal balance sheet assets are our investments and loans in at present listed companies totalling �2,179,738 (2007: �1,946,708).
 Our primary objective is to be able to liquidate our investment positions and return cash back into the Griffin balance sheet. The year end
results will depend on our success in this regard and the fluctuations in the share prices of the investments held at that date.  However,
following the fall in the fair value of these investments recognised in this Period we expect the second half to show more favorable

    Your Board is actively seeking acquisitions for Griffin with the objective of delivering a wider offering of financial services and we
anticipate making a further announcement in this regard before the year end date.  

    Finally, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Board to thank our staff and the Company's advisors for their loyalty
and continued support.

    Stephen Dean

    Group Income Statement

                                                                             12 months to 30 September 2007
                                 6 months to 31 March  6 months to 31 March                       (Audited)
                                                 2008                  2007
                                          (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                                                                   Restated                        Restated
                                          �                     �                          �

 REVENUE - continuing
   Fee income                                 414,190               644,500                       1,480,816
   Realised profit on                         502,043               474,594                       1,013,734
   Unrealised loss on                       (850,106)           (1,164,250)                       (671,915)
                                            _________             _________                       _________

                                               66,127              (45,156)                       1,822,635

 Cost of sales                               (60,000)              (47,500)                       (442,500)
                                            _________             _________                       _________

 GROSS PROFIT/(LOSS)                            6,127              (92,656)                       1,380,135

 Administrative expenses                    (946,172)             (967,295)                     (1,797,952)
 Fair value adjustments to loan             (193,919)                     -                        (54,000)
                                            _________             _________                       _________

 (LOSS)/PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS            (1,133,964)           (1,059,951)                       (471,817)

 Finance revenue                               46,500                10,674                         110,753
 Finance costs                                (1,360)                 (264)                           (701)
                                            _________             _________                       _________

 (LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION            (1,088,824)           (1,049,541)                       (361,765)

 Taxation                                     242,687               303,773                          72,993
                                            _________             _________                       _________

                                            (846,137)             (745,768)                       (288,772)

 (Loss)/profit for the period             (1,116,678)                 2,756                          28,356
 from disposal groups
                                            _________             _________                       _________
 OPERATIONS                               (1,962,815)             (743,012)                       (260,416)
                                            _________             _________                       _________

 Basic and diluted earnings per
 - continuing operations                      (0.77)p               (1.71)p                         (0.65)p
 -all operations                              (1.80)p               (1.70)p                         (0.58)p

    Group Balance Sheet

                                                                     At 30 September 2007
                                 At 31 March 2008  At 31 March 2007
                                      (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                                           Restated              Restated
                                        �                 �                   �

 Property, plant & machinery                    -             2,930                     -
                                        _________         _________             _________

                                                -             2,930                     -

 Held for trading investments             461,105           608,301             1,217,850
 Assets of disposal groups                720,747         1,486,821             1,709,079
 Trade and other receivables              374,588         1,243,054             1,392,436
 Convertible loan notes                   834,670                 -               486,000
 Loans & receivables                      569,084                 -                     -
 Cash and cash equivalents                 14,888           521,536             1,378,545
                                        _________         _________             _________

                                        2,975,082         3,859,712             6,183,910

 Trade and other payables             (1,044,908)       (1,587,582)           (2,419,267)
 Liabilities of disposal groups         (405,868)         (148,414)             (277,522)
                                        _________         _________             _________

 NET CURRENT ASSETS                     1,524,306         2,123,716             3,487,121
                                        _________         _________             _________

 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT              1,524,306         2,126,646             3,487,121
                                        _________         _________             _________

 NET ASSETS                             1,524,306         2,126,646             3,487,121
                                        _________         _________             _________

 Issued share capital                   2,249,346         2,183,831             2,249,346
 Share premium account                  1,339,713           527,349             1,339,713
 Profit & loss account                (2,064,753)         (584,534)             (101,938)
                                        _________         _________             _________

 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                    1,524,306         2,126,646             3,487,121
                                        _________         _________             _________


                                                                             12 months to 30 September 2007
                                 6 months to 31 March  6 months to 31 March
                                                 2008                  2007
                                          (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)                       (Audited)
                                                                   Restated                        Restated
                                          �                     �                          �

 Cash flow from operating
 (Loss)/profit before taxation            (1,088,824)           (1,049,541)                       (361,765)

 Adjusted for:
 Investment income                           (46,500)              (10,674)                       (110,753)
 Investment expenses                            1,360                   264                             701
 Depreciation                                       -                 1,170                           4,348
 (Increase)/decrease in                             -               499,099                       1,344,500
 Decrease/(increase) in trade               1,774,593                15,081                       (134,301)
 and other receivables
 (Increase)/decrease in                     (345,776)               913,500                     (1,095,000)
 convertible loan notes
 (Decrease)/increase in trade             (1,181,672)             (688,257)                          37,910
 and other payables
 Increase in loans and                      (510,305)                                                     -
 Tax paid                                           -                     -                       (125,262)
                                            _________             _________                       _________
 Net cash from operating                  (1,397,124)             (319,358)                       (439,622)

 Cash flows from investing
 Purchase of tangible fixed                         -               (4,100)                         (4,348)
 Interest received                             34,827                10,674                         110,753
 Interest payable                             (1,360)                 (264)                           (701)
                                            _________             _________                       _________
 Net cash from investing                       33,467                 6,310                         105,704

 Cash flows from financing
 Issue of shares                                    -                     -                         982,724
 Expenses of issue                                  -                     -                       (104,845)
 Repayment of loan notes                            -             (450,000)                       (450,000)
                                            _________             _________                       _________
 Net cash used in financing                         -             (450,000)                         427,879
                                            _________             _________                       _________
 Net change in cash and cash              (1,363,657)             (763,048)                          93,961

 Opening cash & cash                        1,378,545             1,284,584                       1,284,584
                                            _________             _________                       _________
                                               14,888               521,536                       1,378,545
 Closing cash & cash                        _________             _________                       _________


                         Issued Share Capital         Share Premium       Profit and Loss
                                                            Account               Account  Total Reserves
                               Restated              Restated              Restated           Restated
                                  �                     �                     �                  �

 At 1st October 2006                2,183,831               527,349               158,478       2,869,658
 Loss for the period                        -                     -             (743,012)       (743,012)
                                    _________             _________             _________       _________
 At 31st March 2007                 2,183,831               527,349             (584,534)       2,126,646

 Open Offer & Placing                  65,515               917,209                     -         982,724
 Expenses of issue                          -             (104,845)                     -       (104,845)
 Loss for the period                        -                     -               482,596         482,596
                                    _________             _________             _________       _________
 At 30th September 2007             2,249,346             1,339,713             (101,938)       3,487,121

 Loss for the period                        -                     -           (1,962,815)     (1,962,815)
                                    _________             _________             _________       _________
 At 31st March 2008                 2,249,346             1,339,713           (2,064,753)       1,524,306
                                    _________             _________             _________       _________

    Note - On 23rd April 2008, by Court Order, the share premium account was reduced to �530,938 and the reduction applied to reduce the
deficit on the Company's profit and loss account.

    Accounting policies

    The following is a summary of the principal changes to accounting policies arising from the application of International Financial
Reporting Standards ("IFRS") in these financial statements. The comparative figures have been restated in accordance with IFRS and the
effect of these changes is shown in note 8:

    1. Basis of Consolidation
    Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group.  Control exists when the Company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the
financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefit from its activities.  The financial statements of subsidiaries are
included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases.

    In certain instances the group has acquired in excess of 50% of the issued share capital of an entity but holds those shares exclusively
with a view to subsequent resale. Such investments are accounted for as disposal groups in accordance with IFRS 5 'Non-current assets held
for sale and discontinued operations' and are initially recognised at the lower of cost and fair value less costs to sell. At each
subsequent reporting date the carrying value of the investment is remeasured to the lower of its initial carrying amount, and fair value
less costs to sell at the reporting date. The post-tax profit or loss of the subsidiary and the post-tax gain or loss on remeasurement is
charged to the income statement.

    2. Investment Portfolio

    (i) Recognition and measurement
    Investments are recognised and de-recognised on a date where the purchase or sale of an investment is under a contract whose terms
require the delivery or settlement of the investment.  The Group manages its investments with a view to profiting from the sale of the
equity investments.

    Quoted investments are designated at fair value through profit and loss and subsequently carried in the balance sheet at fair value. 
Fair value is generally based on the closing bid price at the reporting date, where the investment is quoted on an active stock market. Many
of the investments are in illiquid stocks where the directors do not consider that an active market exists. Fair value of these investments
is based on either the closing bid price at the reporting date with a downward adjustment for marketability or using an alternative
valuation model where the directors consider that this is more appropriate.

    Unquoted equity investments are designated at fair value through profit and loss and are subsequently carried in the balance sheet at
fair value.  Other investments including non convertible loan investments are included as loans and receivables. Where the fair value of
loans and receivables is anticipated to be substantially different to the holding value the carrying value of the loans and receivables is
reduced accordingly.

    (ii) Revenue
    Fee income represents amounts invoiced for services provided, net of VAT.

    The realised and unrealised profits/losses on investments are equivalent to "revenue" for the purposes of IAS 1.  They represent the
overall increase in net assets from the investment portfolio net of deal-related costs. 

    Investment income is analysed into the following components:

    (a) Realised profits over value on the disposal of investments are the difference between the fair value of the consideration received
less any directly attributable costs, on the sale of equity and its carrying value at the start of the accounting period.

    (b) Unrealised profits on the revaluation of investments are the movement in the carrying value of investments between the start and end
of the accounting period.


    Notes to the Interim Statement

1.                         The interim financial information has been prepared using a basis consistent with International Financial
Reporting Standards (*IFRS*) as adopted by the EU except that IAS 34 *Interim Financial Statements* which is not mandatory for AIM companies
has not been adopted in the preparation of this statement. Previous results have been reported under UK GAAP using accounting policies as
set out in the Group*s statutory accounts to 30th September 2007. The comparative results for 31st March 2007 and 30th September 2007 have
been restated using IFRS and a reconciliation of the income statement and balance sheets under the two methods has been presented (note 8).
The statutory accounts to 30th September 2008 will be presented under IFRS.
2.                The interim figures have not been audited. The interim financial statements do not constitute statutory accounts within
the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (the *Act*). Comparative financial information for the 12 months ended 30th September
2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for the period which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and upon which
the auditors gave an unqualified report, with no statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Act, and, for the purposes of this
announcement, restated into IFRS presentation for comparison purposes.
3.                Taxation charges have been estimated for the six months, based on a 30% Corporation tax rate in the UK.
4.                The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and 109,191,573 (31st
March 2007: 43,676,629; 30th September 2007: 44,576,560) ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the
half year. 
                   The calculation of fully diluted earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation and
109,191,573 (31st March 2007: 43,676,629; 30th September 2007: 44,576,560) ordinary shares being the weighted average number of shares in
issue during the half year, after allowing for dilution by share options, warrants and convertible loan notes. 
5.                The Directors have not declared an interim dividend.
6.               Since the period end, the Company has sought and obtained Court approval for a reduction of its Share Premium Account from
�1,339,713 to �530,938, the reduction being applied to the Profit and Loss Account and allowing the Company, for example, to pay a dividend
out of future distributable profits earned.

7.                The interim statement was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 June 2008. Copies of this statement will be available
free of charge from the Company*s Registered Office at Hilden Park House, 79 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Kent TN11 9BH.
    8. Restatement of Prior Periods to IFRS

    The effect of the changes in accounting policies and other restatements described in note 1 on the previously reported results, assets
and liabilities for the periods are, in summary, as follows:

                                                                                                   Reclassification of
                                                        Reporting of sales                          invest-ments to a
                                                       of invest-ments on a                           disposal group
                                                            net basis

                                 As previously stated                           Revaluation of
                                                                             assets to fair value

 Year to 31st March 2007                                                                                                 As restated
                                                    �                     �                     �                     �            �

 Revenue                                    2,472,603           (1,353,509)           (1,164,250)                     -     (45,156)
 Cost of sales                            (1,401,009)             1,353,509                     -                     -     (47,500)
 Fair value adjustments to loan
 notes                                              -                     -                     -                     -      609,000
 Taxation                                    (34,411)                     -               338,184                     -      303,773
 Loss from disposal groups                          -                     -               609,000             (606,244)        2,756

 Profit/(Loss) from all
 operations                                    80,298                     -             (217,066)             (606,244)    (743,012)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

 Property, plant & machinery
                                                2,930                     -                     -                     -        2,930
 Investments held for resale
                                            2,348,311                     -               204,642           (1,944,652)      608,301
 Assets of disposal groups                          -                     -                     -             1,486,821    1,486,821
 Trade and other receivables
                                            1,243,054                     -                     -                     -    1,243,054
 Convertible loan notes                             -                     -                     -                     -            -
 Cash & cash equivalents                      521,536                     -                     -                     -      521,536
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total assets                               4,115,831                     -               204,642             (457,831)    3,862,642

 Trade & other payables                   (1,515,099)                     -              (72,483)                     -  (1,587,582)
 Liabilities of disposal groups
                                                    -                     -                     -             (148,414)    (148,414)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total liabilities                        (1,515,099)                     -              (72,483)             (148,414)  (1,735,996)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Net assets                                 2,600,732                     -               132,159             (606,245)    2,126,646
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

 Equity - profit and loss
 account                                    2,600,732                     -               132,159             (606,245)    2,126,646
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

                                                                                                   Reclassification of
                                                                                                    invest-ments to a
                                                        Reporting of sales                            disposal group
                                                            of invest-
                                                       ments on a net basis

                                 As previously stated                           Revaluation of
                                                                             assets to fair value
 Year to 30th September 2007

                                                                                                                         As restated
                                                    �                     �                     �                     �            �

 Revenue                                    6,744,934           (4,250,384)             (671,915)                     -    1,822,635
 Cost of sales                            (4,692,884)             4,250,384                     -                     -    (442,500)
 Fair value adjustments to loan
 notes                                              -                     -              (54,000)                     -     (54,000)
 Taxation                                   (117,490)                     -               190,483                     -       72,993
 Loss from disposal groups                          -                     -               609,000             (580,644)       28,356

 Profit/(Loss) from all
 operations                                   246,660                     -                73,568             (580,644)    (260,416)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

 Investments held for resale
                                            2,533,075                     -               696,977           (2,012,202)    1,217,850
 Assets of disposal groups                          -                     -                     -             1,709,079    1,709,079
 Trade and other receivables
                                            1,932,436                     -             (540,000)                     -    1,392,436
 Convertible loan notes                             -                                     486,000                     -      486,000
 Cash & cash equivalents                    1,378,545                     -                     -                     -    1,378,545
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total assets                               5,844,056                     -               642,977             (303,123)    6,183,910

 Trade & other payables                   (2,199,083)                     -             (220,184)                     -  (2,419,267)
 Liabilities of disposal groups
                                                    -                     -                     -             (277,522)    (277,522)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total liabilities                        (2,199,083)                     -             (220,184)             (277,522)  (2,696,789)
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________
 Net assets                                 3,644,973                     -               422,793             (580,645)    3,487,121
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

 Equity - profit and loss
 account                                    3,644,973                     -               422,793             (580,645)    3,487,121
                                            _________             _________             _________             _________    _________

    The effect of the changes in accounting policies and other restatements described in note 1 on the balance sheet of the group at the
date of transition to IFRS, 1st October 2006, is as follows:

                                                        Reporting of sales
                                                       of invest-ments on a
                                                            net basis
                                 As previously stated                           Revaluation of
                                                                             assets to fair value

 At 1st October 2006                                                                               As restated
                                                    �                     �                     �            �

 Investments held for resale                1,074,159                     -             1,368,892    2,443,051
 Trade and other receivables                2,780,635           (1,522,500)                     -    1,258,135
 Convertible loan notes                             -             1,522,500             (609,000)      913,500
 Cash & cash equivalents                    1,284,584                     -                     -    1,284,584
                                            _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total assets                               5,139,378                     -               759,892    5,899,270

 Trade & other payables                   (2,168,944)                     -             (410,668)  (2,579,612)
 Borrowings                                 (450,000)                     -                     -    (450,000)
 Liabilities of disposal groups                     -                     -                     -            -
                                            _________             _________             _________    _________
 Total liabilities                        (2,618,944)                     -             (410,668)  (3,029,612)
                                            _________             _________             _________    _________
 Net assets                                 2,520,434                     -               349,224    2,869,658
                                            _________             _________             _________    _________

 Equity - profit and loss                   2,520,434                     -               349,224    2,869,658
                                            _________             _________             _________    _________


    Registered office: Hilden Park House, 79 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Kent  TN11 9BH. 

    Registered No. 03861966


 Vince Nicholls                     01732 836180

 Nominated Adviser
 James Caithie
 Dowgate Capital Advisers Limited  020 7492 4777

 Investor Relations
 Melissa Gilmour                    07970 767869

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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