RNS Number:9035Q
Portman Building Society
4 February 2002

The following replaces the announcement released today at 07:00 under 
RNS No. 8922Q.

In the paragraph below "Benefits for new and established customers included:"
the name Robert Sharps should have read Robert Sharpe.

All other details remain unchanged.

The full corrected version appears below.

                      £2 BILLION AND ASSETS SOAR BY 32% 

Competitive products and acquisition of Sun Bank plc boost assets to £9 billion 

Portman, the UK's fourth largest building society, reports exceptional results
for 2001, demonstrating its continued success as an independent mutual

• £30 million returned to members, showing the benefits of remaining a mutual 
• Total assets up by 32% to £9 billion 
• New residential lending of £2 billion - a record performance and one-third 
  ahead of natural market share 
• Net residential lending of £900 million - 50% above natural market share 
• Net retail receipts of £676 million - 50% above natural market share 
• Net interest margin reduced from 1.28% to 1.22%, reflecting the Society's 
  competitive product pricing 
• £135 million new capital raised 
• Costs efficiently contained - management expenses ratio down from 0.85% to 
• A 9% increase in pre-tax profits to £59 million. 

Commenting on the Society's performance, Robert Sharpe, Chief Executive says,
"These results provide indisputable evidence of our continued success in the
retail savings and residential mortgage markets. Despite the challenges
presented by this year's economic environment, we remained competitive for both
savers and borrowers." 

"The acquisition of Sun Bank plc during 2001 is a significant achievement and
will enable us to enter new segments of the mortgage market using their
expertise and competitive products. Portman members will benefit from the
additional profits the bank will generate." 

Some examples of how Portman has moved forward in 2001: 

• Improvements to the way in which customers can communicate with us: 

        • Continued commitment to our branch network 
        • Introduction of a mobile branch service in Devon 
        • Expansion of our head office Contact Centre team, dealing with 
          telephone, e-mail and postal enquiries 
        • Redevelopment of our internet site, to improve on-line facilities and 
        • Invitation to all of our members to give us their views through the 
          2001 AGM mailing - resulting in more than 66,000 responses 
        • Introduction of regular meetings with members to encourage face to 
          face dialogue with our senior management. 

• Benefits for new and established customers included: 

        • The introduction of a Rollover Bond, for existing members only, with 
          40,000 people taking advantage of this product and depositing a total 
          of £230 million in only 6 weeks 
        • The launch of a new telephone sharedealing service 
        • The achievement of Investors in People accreditation, which is further 
          evidence of the Society's commitment to training, developing and 
          retaining its people to ensure a high standard of customer service. 

Robert Sharpe continued: "We believe strongly in transparency and member
participation. The views of our members continue to help us decide on new
business initiatives. We remain committed to retaining our mutual status, as we
believe this to be in the best interests of members, both savers and borrowers."

"At the end of December, Tim Tanner, who had advertised and co-ordinated support
from 400 members through a website, submitted a valid Director Nomination Form
and will stand as a candidate for director of the Society. It has long been the
Society's policy that candidates for election should have relevant experience
and skills. Our members will have the opportunity to decide whether Mr Tanner is
appropriately qualified in this regard", he concluded. 

Notes to Editors: 

During 2001, the Society was named Dorset's Business of the Year and was awarded
the Mortgage Finance Gazette Arts Award for its support of the Bournemouth
Symphony Orchestra. Portman also achieved mortgage-related awards from
independent magazines. 

Based in Bournemouth, Portman serves over one million members through a network
of over 100 branches, based predominantly in the south of England. Portman's
website can be located at www.portman.co.uk and provides a wide range of
information about the Society's products and services. 

The Group Income and Expenditure Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement
follow this press release. 

For further information please contact: 

Robert Sharpe                    or             Glyn Smith 
Chief Executive                                 Group Finance Director 
01202 563603                                    01202 563607 

for the year ended 31 December 

                                               2001        2000         
                                                £m          £m         % Change

Net interest receivable                        92.0        84.0           10% 

Other income and charges                       29.6        26.7           11% 

Total income                                  121.6       110.7           10% 

Administrative expenses                       (61.9)      (55.7)          11% 

Operating profit before provisions             59.7        55.0            9% 

Provisions for bad and doubtful debts          (0.7)       (0.7)           -

Profit before tax                              59.0        54.3            9% 

Taxation                                      (18.2)      (16.9)           8% 

Profit after tax                               40.8        37.4            9% 

Financial ratios: 
Profit after tax as % of mean total assets     0.54%       0.57% 

Management expenses as % of mean total assets  0.82%       0.85% 

as at 31 December 

                                               2001        2000         
                                                £m          £m         % Change

Liquid assets                                 1,898       1,507           26%

Mortgages                                     6,952       5,240           33% 

Other loans                                      65           -            -

Fixed and other assets                          131          95           39% 

Total assets                                  9,046       6,842           32% 


Shares                                        6,799       5,884           16%

Borrowings                                    1,585         502          216% 

Other liabilities                                72          42           71%

Subordinated debt                               130          55          136% 

Subscribed capital                               60           -            -

Reserves                                        400         359           11% 

Total liabilities and reserves                9,046       6,842           32% 

Net investors inflow                            676         709           -5% 

Gross residential lending                     1,993       1,248           60% 

Financial ratios: 
Liquid assets                                  22.6%       23.6% 

Gross capital                                   7.0%        6.5% 

Solvency                                       13.6%       12.8% 

Tier 1 capital                                 10.2%       10.7% 

for the year ended 31 December 

                                                        2001           2000 
                                                         £m             £m

Net cash inflow from operating activities              343.6          205.2 

Returns on investments and servicing of finance         (4.3)          (3.8) 

Taxation                                               (16.7)         (19.0)

Net financial investment                              (387.2)        (207.6) 

Net capital expenditure                                (23.9)         (16.9) 


     Purchase of subsidiary undertaking                (93.8)             -
     Net cash acquired with subsidiary                  46.8              -

Financing                                              135.0              -

Decrease in cash                                        (0.5)         (42.1) 

for the year ended 31 December 2001 

1. The financial information set out above, which was approved by the Board on 1
   February 2002, does not constitute accounts within the meaning of the 
   Building Societies Act 1986. 

2. The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
   policies adopted by the Society and set out in the Annual Accounts to 31
   December 2001. 

3. The financial information for the years ended 31 December 2001 and 31
   December 2000 has been extracted from the Annual Accounts for those years.
   Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been filed with the
   Building Societies Commission and those for the year ended 31 December 2001 
   will be filed with the Financial Services Authority following publication. 
   The Auditors' Reports on the Annual Accounts for the years ended 31 December 
   2001 and 31 December 2000 were unqualified. 

4. On 30 November 2001, the Society acquired Sun Bank plc for a purchase price
   of £91.7 million. The costs of acquisition were £2.1m.  

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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