RNS Number : 2353E
  Aberdeen Growth VCT1 PLC
  24 September 2008

    Aberdeen Growth VCT I PLC

    Interim Announcement for the six months ended 31 July 2008 (unaudited)         

    The Directors announce the unaudited Interim Management Report for the six months ended 31 July 2008.

    This statement covers a period when equity markets generally have seen a downward trend in the face of tighter conditions for credit and
with many commentators predicting little growth in the UK economy in the immediate future. Prices are likely to remain volatile given these
economic conditions. Your Company has a significant exposure to AIM and the results for the period reflect the conditions in that market to
a large extent.

    *     NAV total return of 75.02p per share (pps) at period end, down 5.9% over the six-month period; the AIM All-share Index fell by
15.1% for the same period.
    *     NAV at period end of 63.1pps.
    *     Realised gains on the disposal of unlisted holdings of �586,000 equivalent to 2.6pps.


    The NAV total return at 31 July 2008 was 75.02pps, a decrease of 5.9% over the equivalent figure at January 2008.

    The Net Asset Value (NAV) per Ordinary Share at 31 July 2008, after payment of the final dividend of 1.5pps in respect of the year ended
January 2008, was 63.1pps compared with 69.8pps at 31 January 2008. 


    The Company paid dividends totalling 4.0p to Shareholders in respect of the year ended 31 January 2008; this represents a yield of 5.0%
based on their net cost after initial tax relief. The yield is tax free and is, therefore, equivalent to a yield of 6.7% from a listed
equity for a higher rate taxpayer. 

    The Board is not intending to pay an interim dividend in respect of the current year.

    VCT qualifying status

    The VCT qualifying status of your Company is monitored on a continuous basis to ensure that all of the criteria required to maintain VCT
status are being achieved.

    Investment activity

    During the period ended 31 July 2008, five new unlisted and AIM investments were completed and a total of �942,000 was invested, of
which �773,000 was in unlisted companies and �169,000 was in AIM quoted companies. At the period end, the portfolio stood at 73 unlisted and
AIM/PLUS investments at a total cost of �15.6 million. 

    The following investments have been completed during the period:

 Investment                  Date        Activity              Cost �'000  Website
 Broomco (4136)              July 2008   Provider of CCTV and          52  no website available
                                         air conditioning
 Essential Viewing Systems   July 2008   Provider of video             57  ww.essential-
                                         streaming software.               viewing.com
 MoneyPlus Group             July 2008   Provider of debt              64  www.moneyplusgroup.
                                         management services               co.uk
                                         to individuals.
 Nessco Group Holdings       June 2008   Provider of                  174  www.nessco.co.uk
 PSCA International          May 2008    Producer of                   78  www.publicservice.
                                         publications aimed                co.uk
                                         at public sector
 TC Communications Holdings  May 2008    Provider of                  149  www.
                                         marketing and                     tccommunications.co.
                                         communications                    uk
 Training For Travel Group   April 2008  Provider of                  199  www.
                                         assessment, tuition               trainingfortravel.
                                         and training in                   co.uk
                                         travel services.
 Total unlisted investment                                          773  

 Brookwell                   June 2008   Close-ended                  22   www.
                                         investment company                brookwelllimited.com
                                         established to
                                         acquire AIM quoted
                                         and listed
                                         securities from
 OPG Power Ventures          May 2008    Developer, owner and          49  www.opgpower.org
                                         manager of power
                                         generation plants in
 Optare                      July 2008   Bus manufacturer and          49  www.elcb.co.uk
                                         low emission
                                         technology group.
 Praesepe                    July 2008   Pursuer of                    49  www.aldgatecapital.
                                         acquisition and                   com
                                         opportunities in the
                                         high-volume gaming
                                         sector in the United
                                         Kingdom and Europe.
 Total AIM investment                                                169 
 Total investment                                                    942   

    Aberdeen Growth VCT I has co-invested with Aberdeen Income and Growth VCT, Aberdeen Growth Opportunities VCT, Aberdeen Growth
Opportunities VCT 2, Talisman First Venture Capital Trust, Gateway VCT and Guinness Flight Venture Capital Trust in some or all of the above
transactions and is expected to continue to do so with these as well as other clients of the Manager. The advantage is that, together, the
funds are able to underwrite a wider range and size of transaction than would be the case on a stand alone basis.

    Portfolio developments

    There were two significant realisations from the unlisted investment portfolio during the period. The investment in ID Support Services
Holdings was sold generating a gain of �283,000 which is a return, including the interest received during the life of the investment, of
around 1.8 times the cost of �433,000 over the fifteen-month holding period.

    The holdings in PSCA International were also sold for proceeds of �563,000 resulting in a gain of �303,000. Over the life of the
investment, including the income received and earlier repayments of loan stock, a total return of 2.2 times the original cost of �376,000
was achieved.

    The first partial realisation was from Lime Investments which had been set up as an investment vehicle with an entrepreneur well known
to Aberdeen Asset Managers to seek acquisitions in the food sector; however, none has been completed within the timescales allowed by the
VCT legislation and the company repaid the amount invested in loan stock together with a commercial yield and will be wound up. This will
return the equity investment to the Company in due course. In addition, during the reporting period, the second partial realisation was from
Homelux Nenplas, which repaid part of its loan stock at par ahead of its repayment schedule while a modest recovery was received from the
administration of Transrent Holdings.

    Conditions on AIM continued to be volatile during the reporting period and there were few opportunities to actively trade the portfolio.
However, net realised gains of �122,000 were generated from actively traded stocks during the period. A number of non-core holdings were
sold to an active investor who will aggregate the holdings from a number of managers and seek to realise them at higher values than could be
achieved individually.

    The FTSE AIM All-share index decreased over the period by 15.1% and has now fallen by over 30% since July 2007; in comparison the
performance of the Company's portfolio showed a decline of 24.1% for the six-month period. The underlying performance of the businesses in
the AIM portfolio remains sound and is expected to remain so. It is anticipated that this will be reflected in positive share price
movements when market conditions improve, although the timing of any recovery remains uncertain.


    The table below gives details of realisations during the reporting period:

                           Date first invested  Complete/ partial           Cost of shares  Sales proceeds  Realised gain/
                                                exit                           disposed of           �'000          (loss)
                                                                                     �'000                           �'000
 Homelux Nenplas Holdings  2006                 Partial                                 81              81              - 
 ID Support Services       2007                 Complete                               433             716             283
 Lime Investments          2007                 Partial                                359             359              - 
 PSCA International        2002                 Partial                                260             563             303
 Transrent Holdings        2000                 Partial                                 13              13              - 
 Total unlisted                                                                      1,146           1,732             586

 Citel Technologies        2001                 Complete                               950               4           (946)
 Cohort                    2006                 Complete                                77             113              36
 Fountains                 2004                 Complete                                82              94              12
 Imprint                   2005                 Complete                               204              78           (126)
 Optare                    2007                 Partial                                 40             109              69
 Synarbor                  2004                 Complete                               192              22           (170)
 Others                                                                                 46              49               3
 Total AIM                                                                           1,591             469         (1,122)

 Total                                                                               2,737           2,201           (536)

    Principal risks and uncertainties 

    The Board has reviewed the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company in the second half of its financial year; these are
unchanged from those it faced at the start of the year, being the risks involved in investment in small and unquoted companies. In order to
reduce the exposure to investment risk, the Company has invested in a broadly-based portfolio of investments in unlisted and AIM quoted
companies in the United Kingdom. The Company remains compliant with the regulations governing venture capital trusts and the Manager closely
monitors the position of the Company to ensure that it complies with the various tests at all times. 

    Constitution of the Board

    On 16 July 2008, the Company announced the resignation from the Board of Martin Gilbert, as part of a re-organisation of his business
commitments. His place on the Board was taken by Bill Nixon, Head of the Growth Capital team at the Private Equity Division of Aberdeen
Asset Managers Limited and who had served as an Alternate Director to Mr Gilbert since 1 November 2005. The Board wishes to record its
gratitude to Mr Gilbert for the contribution and support that he has provided during the time he served as a Director.


    The performance of the quoted markets generally has been volatile and it appears that these conditions will prevail for some time given
the general economic conditions and uncertainty which currently exist and which are expected to continue. Opportunities to invest in
companies seeking to achieve an IPO on AIM have, therefore, been limited and little change is expected in the short term.

    The majority of the assets in the invested portfolio are in well managed private companies whose values are not directly affected by
short term fluctuations in the quoted markets. This portfolio is still relatively young, but is maturing and a number of successful
realisations may be possible which will result in a continuing need to re-invest the proceeds in due course in accordance with the VCT

 Summary of Investment Changes 
 For the six months ended 31 July 2008 

                                Valuation        Net investment/         Appreciation/          Valuation 
                           31 January 2008      (disinvestment)         (depreciation)        31 July 2008
                           �'000        %                 �'000                 �'000     �'000     �'000 
 Unlisted investments 
 Equities                  3,211     20.5                  (622)                  241     2,830      19.9 
 Preference shares           105      0.7                   (25)                   (1)       79       0.6 
 Loan stock                6,673     42.5                  (312)                 (398)    5,963      42.0 
                           9,989     63.7                  (959)                 (158)    8,872      62.5 

 AIM/PLUS investments 
 Equities                  4,667     29.7                  (300)                 (901)    3,466      24.4 

 Listed investments 
 Fixed income                500      3.2                   495                    (3)      992       7.0 
 Total investments        15,156     96.6                  (764)               (1,062)   13,330      93.9 

 Other net assets            539      3.4                   326                     -       865       6.1 
 Net assets               15,695    100.0                  (438)               (1,062)   14,195     100.0 

 Investment Portfolio Summary 
 As at 31 July 2008
                                                                     % of equity
                                                      % of     % of      held by
                                  Valuation    Cost   total  equity        other
 Investment                           �'000   �'000  assets    held     clients*
 Cash Bases                           1,000     500     7.1    16.5         11.9
 Funeral Services Partnership           773     647     5.5     4.6         25.3
 MoneyPlus Group                        615     615     4.3    11.1         63.9
 Homelux Nenplas                        518     242     3.7     5.5         39.5
 Transys Holdings                       514     448     3.6     5.2         66.6
 Llanllyr Water Company                 500     500     3.5    42.4          7.5
 Martel Instruments Holdings            482     482     3.4     6.8         26.5
 Camwatch                               468     468     3.3     7.2         35.4
 Oliver Kay Holdings                    458     458     3.2     2.9         17.1
 Essential Viewing Systems              439     488     3.1    15.7         25.1
 Energy Services Investment             348     348     2.5    13.3         66.7
 MS Industrial Services                 338     338     2.4     5.8         39.3
 Cyclotech                              304     249     2.1     3.4         16.6
 Adler & Allan Holdings                 299     299     2.1     1.3         39.7
 IRW Systems                            202      90     1.4    21.2         36.3
 Training For Travel Group              199     199     1.4     2.3         27.7
 Nessco Group Holdings                  174     174     1.2     2.3         35.5
 Palgrave Brown (Holdings)              167      96     1.2     1.9         49.6
 Countcar                               160      12     1.1     4.1         22.5
 TC Communications Holdings             149     149     1.1     3.1         32.2
 Enpure Holdings                        137     100     1.0     0.4         79.2
 Driver Hire Investments Group          124     127     0.9     0.7           44
 PLM Dollar Group                       119     119     0.8     1.4         29.5
 Buildstore                             105     105     0.7     0.6          6.8
 PSCA International                      78      78     0.5       -            -
 Broomco (4136)                          52      52     0.4     0.4          1.8
 Lime Investments                        49      49     0.3    15.6         64.4
 Other unlisted investments             101   3,255     0.7
                                      8,872  10,687    62.5

 Axeon                                  357     396     2.5     1.7          2.0
 Litcomp                                312     250     2.2       -          4.9
 Software Radio Technology              298     408     2.1     1.3          1.3
 Concateno                              289     183     2.0     0.4          2.1
 Strategic Retail                       285     350     2.0     1.0          3.1
 AMZ Holdings                           190     251     1.3     0.8          1.4
 Avanti Communications Group            188     181     1.3     0.4          1.0
 Optare                                 154     109     1.1     1.1          8.9
 Neuropharm Group                       131     100     0.9     0.2          0.5
 Work Group                             131     251     0.9     1.2          2.1
 Brulines Group                         112      93     0.8     0.3          0.9
 System C Healthcare                    105     189     0.8     0.4          1.0
 Craneware                               84      53     0.6     0.3          1.9
 Melorio                                 82      98     0.6     0.3          2.5
 Hasgrove                                78      97     0.6     0.4          1.6
 Formation Group                         76      83     0.5     0.2          1.0
 Individual Restaurant Company           62     100     0.4     0.2          0.8
 Plastics Capital                        55      74     0.4     0.3          3.4
 Praesepe                                55      49     0.4     1.2         10.6
 Hexagon Human Capital                   47      73     0.3     0.2          0.5
 Managed Support Services                39     180     0.3     0.4          1.2
 OPG Power Ventures                      37      41     0.3     0.1          0.5
 Cello Group                             36      53     0.3     0.1          0.9
 Mount Engineering                       32      35     0.2     0.2          2.3
 Tangent Communications                  32      98     0.2     0.5          0.9
 Essentially Group                       31      49     0.2     0.2          2.8
 St Helen's Capital                      30      38     0.2     0.9          3.9
 Sport Media Group                       29     138     0.2     0.5          0.6
 Others                                 109     854     0.8                     
                                      3,466   4,874    24.4

 Listed fixed income
 Treasury 4% 7/3/09                     248     250     1.8
 Treasury 4.75% 7/6/10                  501     499     3.5
 Treasury 5.75% 31/12/09                243     246     1.7
                                        992     995     7.0                     

 Total investments                   13,330  16,556    93.9                     

 *Other clients of the Aberdeen Asset Management Group.

 Income Statement

                                     Six months ended 31 July 2008 (unaudited)
                                        Revenue        Capital           Total
                                          �'000          �'000           �'000

 (Losses)/gains on investments                -        (1,062)         (1,062)

 Income from investments                   335              -             335 
 Other income                                8              -               8 
 Investment management fees                (23)          (204)           (227)
 Other expenses                           (105)             -            (105)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                 215         (1,266)         (1,051)
 activities before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities                (38)            38               - 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                 177         (1,228)         (1,051)
 activities after taxation                                                    

 Earnings per share (pence)                 0.8          (5.5)          (4. 7)

 Income Statement

                                     Six months ended 31 July 2007 (unaudited)

                                          Revenue       Capital          Total
                                            �'000         �'000          �'000

 (Losses)/gains on investments                 -            719           719 

 Income from investments                     346             -            346 
 Other income                                 28             -             28 
 Investment management fees                  (25)         (222)          (247)
 Other expenses                             (113)            -           (113)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                   236           497            733 
 activities before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities                  (41)           41              - 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                   195           538            733 
 activities after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)                   0.9           2.4            3.3

 Income Statement

                                                     Year ended 31 January 2008 (audited)
                                              Revenue               Capital         Total
                                                �'000                 �'000         �'000

 (Losses)/gains on investments                     -                 (406)         (406) 

 Income from investments                          761                    -           761 
 Other income                                     37                     -            37 
 Investment management fees                      (50)                 (449)         (499)
 Other expenses                                 (237)                    -          (237)
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                       511                 (855)         (344) 
 activities before taxation

 Tax on ordinary activities                    (115)                   115             - 
 Profit/(loss) on ordinary                        396                 (740)         (344)
 activities after taxation

 Earnings per share (pence)                       1.8                 (3.3)         (1.5)

 A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared, as all gains and
 losses are recognised in the Income Statement.

 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has
 only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares,
 securities and bank deposits.

 The total column of this statement is the Profit and Loss Account of the Company.

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                   Six months ended     Six months ended
                                       31 July 2008         31 July 2007  Year ended
                                                                          31 January
                                        (unaudited)          (unaudited)   (audited)
                                              �'000                �'000       �'000

 Opening Shareholders' funds                 15,695               16,601     16,601 
 Total (loss)/profit for the                (1,051)                  733      (344) 
 Repurchase and cancellation of                  -                    -            -
 Dividends paid - revenue                     (337)                (113)       (112)
 Dividends paid - capital                     (112)                   -        (450)
 Closing Shareholders' funds                 14,195               17,221      15,695

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Balance Sheet 

                                             31 July            31 July   31 January  
                                                2008               2007           2008
                                         (unaudited)        (unaudited)      (audited)
                                               �'000              �'000         �'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments at fair value                   13,330             15,990         15,156 
 through profit or loss

 Current assets 
 Debtors                                        445                688            440 
 Cash and overnight deposits                    450                577            136 
                                                 895             1,265            576 

 Amounts falling due within one                 (30)               (34)           (37)
 Net current assets                              865             1,231            539 
 Net assets                                   14,195            17,221         15,695 

 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                      2,248              2,248          2,248 
 Share premium                               10,535             10,535         10,535 
 Capital reserves - realised                 (3,692)            (1,862)        (2,992)
 Capital reserves - unrealised               (3,212)            (2,536)        (2,684)
 Special distributable reserve                7,830              8,392          7,942 
 Capital redemption reserve                     212                212            212 
 Revenue reserve                                274                232            434 
 Equity Shareholders' funds                  14,195             17,221         15,695 

 Net Asset Value per Ordinary                  63.1               76.6           69.8 
 Share (pence)                                      

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

 Cash Flow Statement

                                   Six months ended     Six months ended
                                                                               Year ended
                                       31 July 2008         31 July 2007  31 January 2008
                                        (unaudited)          (unaudited)        (audited)
                                              �'000                �'000            �'000
 Operating activities 
 Investment income received                    341                  293              601 
 Deposit interest received                       7                   28               56 
 Investment management fees                   (227)                (247)            (499)
 Secretarial fees paid                         (43)                 (35)             (71)
 Directors' expenses paid                      (29)                 (30)             (77)
 Other cash payments                           (49)                 (58)             (97)
 Net cash outflow from                            -                 (49)             (87)
 operating activities

 Financial investment 
 Purchase of investments                    (1,961)              (5,530)          (7,628)
 Sale of investments                         2,724                2,269            4,413 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                 763              (3,261)            3,215
 financial investment

 Equity dividends paid                        (449)                (113)            (562)
 Net cash inflow/(outflow)                      314              (3,423)          (3,864)
 before financing

 Repurchase of Ordinary Shares                    -                    -                -
 Net cash outflow from                            -                    -                -
 Increase/(decrease) in cash                    314              (3,423)          (3,864)

 The accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements.

    Aberdeen Growth VCT I PLC
    Notes to the Financial Statements

    1. Accounting policies

    The financial information for the six months ended 31 July 2008 and the six months ended 31 July 2007 comprises non-statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the
basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 2008.

    The results for the year ended 31 January 2008 are extracted from the full accounts for that year, which received an unqualified report
from the Auditors and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

    2. Movement in reserves

                                      Share  Capital reserves -  Capital reserves -          Special    Capital redemption  Revenue reserve
                                   premium             realised          unrealised   distribut-able               reserve
                                      �'000               �'000               �'000            �'000                  �000            �'000
 At 31 January 2008                  10,535             (2,992)             (2,684)            7,942                   212              434
 Losses on sales of investments          -                (534)                  -                -                     -                - 
 Net decrease in value of                -                   -                (528)               -                     -                - 
 Investment management fees              -                (204)                  -                -                     -                - 
 Dividends paid                          -                   -                   -             (112)                    -             (337)
 Tax effect of capital items             -                  38                   -                -                     -                - 
 Profit on ordinary activities           -                   -                   -                -                     -              177 
 after taxation
 As at 31 July 2008                 10,535              (3,692)             (3,212)           7,830                   212              274 

    3. Returns per Ordinary Share

    The returns per Ordinary Share are based on the following figures:

                                                      Six months ended
                                                          31 July 2008

 Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue        22,483,497
 Revenue return                                              �177,000 
 Capital return                                           (�1,228,000)

    Other information

    The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share has been calculated using the number of Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 July 2008 of 22,483,497.

    A summary of investment changes for the six months under review and an investment portfolio summary as at 31 July 2008 are included

    A full copy of the Interim Report and Financial Statements will be printed and issued to Shareholders.

    Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at the office of Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, 149 St Vincent Street,
Glasgow and at the registered office of the Company, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London.

    Directors' responsibility statement 

    The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:

    *     the Financial Statements for the six months ended 31 July 2008 have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' (the SORP) issued in December

    *     the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the indication of
important events during the first six months, and of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company during the second six months,
of the year ending 31 January 2009; and

    *     the Interim Management Report includes adequate disclosure of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party
transactions and any changes therein.

    On behalf of the Board


    24 September 2008

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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