RNS Number:5070Q
Bolton Group (International) Ld
26 August 2005

Bolton Group (International) Limited
26 August 2005

Preliminary Results

The Board of Bolton Group (International) Limited ('Group') real estate holding
and development group, announces its preliminary unaudited results for the year
ended 30 April 2005.

Chairman's Statement

The Directors, who were appointed on 29 November 2004 following the return of
the Group's two subsidiaries (Urania Securities Limited and Bolton Group Plc) to
the Group have been involved in resolving various disputes and liabilities
relating to the Group and its subsidiaries. This has been time consuming due to
the lack of documentation.

The Group has agreed equity for debt with a number of creditors which has
substantially reduced the Group's liabilities.

Richards Butler, (Solicitors in Hong Kong), have obtained a judgement in Hong
Kong for a disputed debt together with an order for costs.  This relates to
transactions purportedly undertaken on behalf of China Strategic/Bolton Group
some eight years ago. Group did not defend the action for this purported debt at
trial in Hong Kong due to the costs involved.  In addition, Group's defence to
the claim required the co-operation of the previous Directors of Bolton Group
(International) Limited, who were at the time the alleged debt was incurred
Directors of China Strategic and their co-operation was not forthcoming.

Richards Butler Hong Kong have been offered equity in lieu of debt and we are
awaiting their response.

Following the return of the Group's subsidiaries in November 2004 the financial
situation of Urania Securities Limited  was considered and after taking advice,
there was no alternative other than to put Urania into administration.

The Board is continuing to pursue its endeavours to move the Company forward
into areas in which shareholders value will be maximised.

Michael Goletka

Consolidated profit and loss account
Year Ended 30 April 2005
                                       NOTES    12 months to     RESTATED
                                                Year ended       Year ended
                                                30 April 2005    30 April 2004
                                                (Unaudited)      (Audited)
                                                #000             #000

Turnover                                        570              124
Administrative expenses                         (1,288)          (1,141)
Other operating income                          -                25

Operating profit / (loss)                       (718)            (992)

Proceeds from disposal of shares                                 -

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
 interest and taxation                          (718)            (992)

Interest receivable                             1                -
Interest payable                                (228)            (166)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
 taxation                                       (945)            (1,158)

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary                -                -

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities                             
after taxation                                  (945)           (1,158)

Exceptional item                       5        3,227            (510)

Retained (loss)/profit for the year             2,282            (1,668)

Prior year adjustment                  6        (12,209)         -

Retained (loss) / profit                        (9,927)          (1,668)

(Loss)/earnings per share              3         2.6p            (2.5)p

Diluted (loss)/earnings per share      3         2.6p            (2.5)p

All transactions arose from continuing operations during the current and
previous year.

Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 April 2005
                                                           12 months to       RESTATED
                                                           30 April           As at
                                                           2005               30 April
                                                           (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                           #000               #000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                                            3,598              3,858

Current assets
Debtors                                                    16                 22
Cash at bank and in hand                                   38                 15
                                                           54                 37

Creditors: amounts falling due within one                  (1,238)            (4,175)

Net current liabilities                                    (1,184)            (4,138)

Total assets less current liabilities                      2,414              (280)

Creditors: amounts falling due after more
than one year                             7                (3,102)            -
Net (liabilities) / assets                                 (688)              (280)

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                    861                656
Share premium account                                      1,534              1,547
Revaluation reserve                                        (100)              (150)
Other reserves                                             5,724              5,724
Profit and loss account                                    (8,707)            (8,057)

Shareholders' funds - equity                               (688)              (280)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended  30 April 2005

                                          Note             12 months to       RESTATED
                                                           Year ended         Year ended
                                                           30 April           30 April 2004
                                                           (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                           #000               #000

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from
operating activities                                       (2,796)            328

Exceptional items                                          -                  (510)

Returns on investments and servicing of
Interest received                                          1                  -
Interest paid                                              (228)              (166)
Net cash (outflow) from returns on                         (227)              (166)
investments and servicing of finance

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase / disposal of tangible fixed                      (542)              -
Recovered proceeds from the sale of                        -                  62
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from capital
expenditure and financial investments                      (542)              62

Net cash (outflow) / inflow before                         (3,565)            (286)

Repayment of borrowings                                    (172)              (120)
Receipt from borrowings                                    3,845              397
Net cash inflow / (outflow) from                           3,673              277

(Decrease) / increase in cash                              108                (9)

Preliminary Results

1.       The preliminary results report has been prepared using accounting
policies consistent with those set out in the statutory accounts of the group
for the year ended 30 April 2005.

2.       The financial information for the year to 30 April 2005 is unaudited
and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985. The figures relating to the year ended 30 April 2004 are
an extract from statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985 which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and
on which the auditors gave an unqualified audit report.

3.       The calculation of the (loss)/earnings per share and diluted (loss)/
earnings per share are based on the following (losses)/profits after taxation
and weighted average numbers of shares:

                                               Year ended 30 April 2005 Year ended 30 April 2004
                                               (Unaudited)              (Audited)

                                               #'000                    #'000
(Loss)/earnings per share

(Loss)/profit after tax (#'000)                2,282                    (1,668)

Number of shares                               86,138,238               65,638,238

Diluted (loss)/earnings per share

(Loss)/profit after tax (#'000)                2,282                    (1,668)

Number of shares                               86,138,238               65,638,237

4.       Copies of this interim report will be available to the shareholders and
the public from the group's registered office.

5.       Extraordinary items
                                                        12 monthes to     RESTATED
                                                        Year ended
                                                        30 April          Year ended
                                                        2005              30 April
                                                        (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                                        #000              #000

Group company loan reinstated after being
written off in previous years                           3,227

Group company loan written off

Net charge relating as a result of
mediation agreement in order to return
investments to the company                                                510

6.       The prior year adjustment represents the re-instatement of the
subsidiary companies as a result the mediation settlement.

Bolton Group (International) Limited 
- re-statement of year ended 30 April 2004 :         #000             #000

Write back of gain on disposal of investments                         (72)
Write back group company loans previously 
written off                                                           (262)
Compensation payable :
Proceeds from sale of subsidiary companies 
shares                                               160
Cost of mediation settlement                         (670)
Re-instatement of Bolton Group Plc retained 
losses as at 30/4/04                                                  (7,106)
Re-instatement of Urania Securities Ltd 
retained losses as at 30/4/04                                         (4,259)


7.       Creditors falling due within one year include deferred income of

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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